Minutes 1962-07-24 ~r Arroyo Grand.e, California July 24th, 1962 The City Council met in regular sessian with Mayor Burt presidi~.g. Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood. and. McNeil. Absent was Cou.ncilman Jacobs. The minutes of the regular meeting of Ju.ly 10~h and the adjQUrned meeting of July 18~h, 1962 were approved. as pregared:. Mr. Anderson ad.vised the Council the Planning Commission would. hold an infarmal meeting on July 31st, 1962 to d.iscuss the zoning of the recently annexed Fair Qaks area with the residents involved, before a formal hearing is held.. The P lanning CommissiQn recammend.ed the CQUncil ad.opt an interim ord.inance for a six month period adoptin~ a like zoning tc~ the County zaning now in the area that would. conform t4 the City zoning. Mr. And.erson was to +~btain a map and. ord.inance of the Coun~y zoning for Mr. Harris, to d.etermine if a City Ord.inance could be d.rawn . The naming Qf the two roads now being called.Huasna Road and. New~om Springs Road. was referred to the Planning Cammission to hav~e names " established.. Mr. Harris ad.vised the Council that the property requested to be named Stage Goach Raad not be named by the City, as it was not a p+~rtian of the City Raad. System. The encroachment Ord.inance was held over until the next rneeting as requested. by Pacific Gas and. Electric Company as they wished. to recommend some amendments. Col. Bowman read. a letter from Mr. Jenks which stated. in part, he was in favor of a Sanitation District being formed. at this time by Arroyo Grande, Grov~er City and Oceano. Mr. Bowman explained if the Cauncil ad.opted a resolu~ion at this time tQ form the d.istrict, six months time would. be sav~ed by nQt waiting until Mr. Jenks rep4rt had. been received.. A letter was read.from the Arroy4 Grande Chamber of Commerce suggesting the Council give early consid.eration to the establish- ment of policies and an organization which would. insure the timely com- s~~, pletion of each required. step . M~~. Garey explained. the general feeling was in favor of the sewer system as it was felt it was greatlq n~ed.ed.. The Council indicated. it was their feeling no district should. be formecl until the survey had been received.from Mr. Jenks and ev~eryones liabilities mad.e clear. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, that whereas this CQUncil has been instrumental in the first part in augment- ing the establishment Qf a sewer system and. now d.o wish to cc~ntinue in its d.ev~elopment, but d.a not wish to commit themselves until pr+~ rata figures are obtained., we ~~bsh to recommend. to the two other.psrtieipants in this planning, Grover City and 0ceano, that no County Sanitation Distriet be formed until the report of Mr. Jenks is received and. finalized.. There was na second, and. no vote an the moti4n.It was agreed to hav~e a special meeting and invite the other areas involved and have Mr. Jenks explain the proced.ure to be fallowed. Mr. Harris and. Mr. Bowman were to arrange the meeting. PetitiQns were received., bearing 28 signatures of residents of ~he Ta11y Ho area for the Council tra ins~itute proceed.ings to install sewers. The Council approved. the firm of OtMelveny and Myers to handle the sewer d.istrict. Mr. Harris was to contact Mr. McLennan and proceed with the district. The protest hearing for the Annexation of Va11ey Road No. 2 was , opened.. No pro~ests were received and. the hearing was declared closed. The Ord.inance for the Annexation of Valley Raad, No. 2 was read. for the first read.ing. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Wood., seconded by Councilman Lee, that the easement for the Huasna Sewer Line be aecepted.fram Grace`~ME. Thomps4n an the terms requested. by her, that the sum of $450.~0 be paid., ~ and. the manhole be placed. 6t' below grQUnd. and. covered, as amended by ~ Mrs. Thompson from the first request of the manhole being placed. 2 feet below grQUnd 1eve1. All members present voted. ttAyeft. ~~ur3 . Arroyo Grande, California July 24th, 1962 - Page 2 Mr. Jim ThQmpsan asked that the City CounciL request the State make a surv~ey of;fihe intersection of Branch Street, ~rown Terrace and Huasna Raad for the possibility of a Stop Sign being placed. at the Sc3utheast Corner of Branch St. and. Huasna Road., or the school ground.s be grad.ed and. shrubs removed.for better visibility. The City Clerk was instructed. to write the request to the Divisian of Highways. Norman Miller requested. the Council reach a d.ecision regard.ing the Oceano Elementary School being allowed. to con~ect to the City sewer system. The Council agreed the schooi north of Pike would bQ allcawed. to connect t~ the sewer system subject tp annexatiqn of the schQOl property and the d.etails of'the line installation being worked. out. RESOLUTION N~. 541 A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY C~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTTNG THE CANCELLA.TION OF WATER DEPOSIT FUND WARRANT N4. 6 DATED AUGUST 2nd, 1955 AND WATER DEPOSIT FUND WARRANT N0. 18 DATED JANUARY 3rd, 1956 AND GENERAL FUND WARRANT N0. 895 DATED MA.Y 10,1960. On motion of Councilman Lee, second.ed. by Councilman McNeil, and Qn the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood. and.McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: Cou.ncilman Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 24th day of July, 1962. RESOLUTI~N N0.542 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CANCELLA.TION OF GENERAL FUND WARRANT N0. 995 DATED APRIL IO, 1962. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Wood and ~an ~.the following roll call vote: AYES : Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood. and. McNeil NOES : None ABSENT: CQUncilman Jacobs the forego~ng Resolution was ad.opted this 24th d.ay Qf July, 1962. Mr. Hal Peterson inquired if a contract would be permissible now on the garbage franchise. Mr. Harris ad.vised. an opinion af the Judge has been issued. but no d.ecision has been rend.ered. as yet, and. it was Mr. Harris understand.ing an appea~: would be filed.. Carresppnd.ence was received from Shipsey &~eitz representing Mr. Hal Bittick of Grand. Autos n€~tifying the Council, a claim for d.ama~es and. profits lost as a resul.t of the imgroveme~t of Grand Av~e. would be filed. with the City of Arroya Grand.e. A mo~ion was made by Councilman McNeil, second.ed by Councilman Lee that the , City insurance Company be nQtified. of the letter, and. the letter be filed.. All members present voted. 'TAye'f . 346 Arroyo Grand.e, Galifornia July 24th, 1962 - Page 3 Correspandence was received from SenatQr Vernon L. Sturgeon regard.ing the reappartionment of senatorial d.istricts. A resQlut- ion was read, opppsing Proposition No. 23, the State Senate Reapportion- ment Initiativ~e Cons-~itutional Amendment but no vote was taken at this time and.~aas to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting when the Council had had. time to consid.er the proposition. The annexati~an of property along the freeway on the northly city limits was d.iscussed. It was agreed to determine the number of registered. v~oters in the area and an estimated. cost for an inhabited annexatiQn and. a series of uninhabited annexations for the ar.ea: Mr. Garey suggested a group get together from Arroyo Grand.e, Pismo Beaeh and. Grav~er City and. establish the limits for each area to annex. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that Councilman Wood. be granted permission to leave the state from July 27th, 1962 to August 2, 1962. Al1 members present v~oted 'tAyeT'. Councilman McNeil suggested bid openings be held in the office of the Director of Public Warks prev~ious tv a Cc~uncil meeting, in order for the bids to be checked and a recommend.ation be ready for the Council meeting. Mr. Harris was to prepare an ordinance to this effect if it were possible to do so. Cauncilman McNeil requested. the Council cansider the pQSSibility of parallel parking on Grand. Ave. to eleminate some of the traffic hazard.. A motion was mad.e by Councilman McNeil, secQnd.ed by Councilman ~ WQOd. that the 6" curb called for in the specifications of the impr4ve- ment of Grand Av~e. be altered. to an 8" curb to canfQrm tQ the existing curb, the cast to be approximately $300.00 anc~QUncilman McNeil was to d.iscuss curb installations with Mr. McLennan. All members pre~ent voted. ftAye„'. CQUncilman Lee requested. the Council take same action regarding the purchase of a public add.ress systen~ for the Cuuncil room. Mr. And.erson was to arrange for some systems to be demonstrated.. Don Shaffer inv~ited the Council to attend. a meeting on July 31, 1962 in regard. to the zoning Qf the Fair Oaks area. . A motian was mad.e by Councilman Lee, seeonded. by Councilman WcaQd that Councilmar~ McNeil attend. a meeting on Oet. 9th, 1962 at the San Luis Obispo Gity Hall regard.ing the State-wid.e Scenic Highway System. All members ~resent v~afied. T'Aye'f . A motion was mad.e by Cauncilman Wood., second.ed. by Caunci7,.tnan Lee, that payment of $1,000 be made for the topographic mapping b~ing-dane for the overall sewer plan. All members present voted. f'Ayert. The Council invited the Planning Commission~ to attend a joint Dinner Meeting on August 8th, 1962. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that warrants against the General Fund for $15,221.21 and the Treasurer's Departmental Trust Fund for $2,500.00 be apprQVed and ord.ered. paid.. All members present v~oted "Aye'~. No further business appearing, upan motiQn the meeting adjQUrned at 1~:15 p.m. ^ ATTEST: ~ w CITY CLERK MAYOR