Minutes 1962-08-02 Arroyo Grand.e, Calif .
~ugust 2, 1962
7:30 p.m.
The City Council met in special session with Mayor Burt pre-
sid.ing. Present were Councilmen Lee, Woad., Jacobs and McNeil.
Mr. Harris explained the purpose af the meeting was to deter-
mine if a County Sanitation Distriet shauld. be formed at this time,
between Arroyo Grand.e, Grover City and. the Oceano Sanitary District,
and. called.for Col. Bowman to open the d.iscussion.
Col. Bowman ad.vised. it was his feelings, the sanitation d.is-
trict should be formed. at this time, then everything would. be in
read.iness when Mr. Jenks submitted. the survey. Mr. Adamson repre-
senting Mr. Jenks, was present to d.iscuss technical questions and.
stated. ~he engin2ering portion of the report would. be available by
the first of the year and. no estimates cauld. be given at this time.
Mr. Robert Born explained. the water supply in the area and. the
d.rainage program that was being planned.. Mr. James Gates ad.vised.
it would.probably be necessary for wells to ~e plaee in the Hussna
Area in the future and. that a sanitation d.istrict shou.ld. be formed.
at this time. Mr. Raymond. Walsh d.iscussed. the pollution of water
in the area and. indicated. Arroyo Grande would. be asked, to state
plans for future sewage d.isposal when the present system reaches
capacity. Mr. Walsh felt the formatican af a sanitation d.istrict
at this time was premature. Mr. Carl Smith, presid.ent of the Oceano
Sanitary Board stated. the State would.possibly allow only one out-
fall line to cross state property and the three entities should.
combine into one organization to have access to the ocean. Mr.
Bar°t3.2'_ ~'rom Stone and. Youngberg explained. the various method.s of
obtaining financing and that government grants would. not exceed.
$250,000 for each entity and. could not be spent on ind.ividual
collee~ion systems fc~r the sewer. Mr. Bartle ind.icated. another
form of agreement other than forming a sanitation d.istrict might
provid.e better financing after facts had. been obtained..
Carl Smith ad.vised the Oceano Sanitary District had. just 'held.
a caucus and had. a majority present and. were in session, and. that
as Pre,sid.ent of the Board. he was ~o notify all present that it is
the will of the District that they go along with Arroyo Grand.e
and. not force the issue of jaining the sanitation district at this
time, that they w~re d.oing this, as much as they want and very
• much desire for Arroyo Grande to join them at this time, because
they have the capacity of seeing the point of view taken by the
Council, and. hope Arroyo Grand.e will join them at the proper time
and. that the District be held. up until the survey has been eompleted..
Mayor Burt-asked. if Grover City would. like to state their pasition
and.Mayor Bagwell said. the Grover City Cauncil was not~ist saseion.
Mr. Smith wanted the decision of the Oceano Sanitary Ba~ard tQ be
amended. to read - until it is mad.e clear in what method. that we
should proceed., which may be before the survey is received..
Mr. Harris thanked the invited. guests for €~ttend,ing the meeting
and. felt numerous questions regard.ing the sewer had. been clarified..
Mr. Michaels was ad.vised. the Oceano School north of P ike wauld.
have to be annexed. to Arroyo Grand.e before permission could be
granted. to connect te? the sewer system.
On ttt6~tion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilman Lee, the
meetin~ ad. jcaurned. at 10 : 32 p.m . All ~embers present v4ted. 'tAyeT' .
G~ G~~
City Clerk Mayor