Minutes 1962-09-11 s~s ArrQyo Grand.e, Calif . ~ ~ September 11, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood., Jacobs and McNeil. The minutes of the regular meeting 4f August 28th,.1962 were approved as prepared.. The hearing was op~ened for 'the rezoning of Lots~ ,7. ~n,d,~?,, Block 1, and. Lots l, 2, and. 3, Block 3, Tract 161, from R-1 to R-3 and~, the property ~.t the corn~r ~pf Dodsr~n Way -and. Halcy4n ~toad 'approxi- mately 220.59' by 453.10' be zoned~from RAB-3 to R-3 and. ~-2. There . were no protests recei,ved.. A motion was made by Councilman.;Wood~, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, that the 'hearing~ be closed., the rezoning of the abov~ na~ed. prpperty.be a;pproved. and.Mr. Harris be autharized to prepare an card,inancc?; , to tha~; effect . A~l ~riembers present voted 'tAyett. : The 4rd.inance for the rezon~ng of ,portions of Tract 161 and property at Dod.san Way and Halcyon Road. was read. fQr, the first read.ing. The infor~al hearing rega~din.g par,allel parking Qn Grand Ave: was opened.. Mr. Wilson requested. diagonal parking remain at this time as he felt there~~was, no. t~affiG,,~.azard. ati,d,,,the need for parallel parking was not great enough at the present. Mr. Wiyson felt the change in parking would af~~ect , h~s, ~;}~usin.es.~ ,,~the .,Fair. O~k~, Milk C4. , and. the Qther business places~~in the area, as there is na off-street parking available and the trad.e in the area was mainly d.one by auto- mobile. Mr. Norman Brittain felt the parallel parking at this time would. seriously hurt the business along Grand. Ave. Mr. Filer indicated. he felt parallel_parking at this time would. cause more d.ifficulties than d.iagonal parking, as most of the street d.id. not have curb and. gutters, and marking parking places would. be impossible. Councilman McNeil said two business men on Grand.Ave. had indicated to him tha.t they were in favor of the parallel parking. The City Clerk was instructed. tQ request the State Division of Highways to submit a recommend.ati4n far the parking on Grand Ave, from Halcyon Road to 18th Street. Chief Richardson was to report on whether Council action would be required. to keep d.iagonal parking on City s~reets. Discussion c~f the 10" Water line on Branch Street plans and. specifications was held. over as they had not been reviewed. by Mr. And.erson. Couneilman McNeil recommend.ed Mr. McLennan submit any plans, specifications, etc. to Mr. And.erson several d.ays in advance of the council meetings. Approval was granted.for emergency ~aater service to the Mike Sacco praperty on LO1 Frontage Road. subject to a written request for annexation and. payment of the following: Water line frontage @$3.00 per foot, $50.00 annexation fee, and $35.00 for temporary water meter service from Chilton to be moved. to lOl Frontage Rpad. when the ma~i is installed. Approv~al was granted.for emergeney water service to the McLean property an Huasna Road. subject to a written request for annexation and payment of fihe following: $50.00 Annexation Fee, $1.50 @ fvot for frQntage line and. $3.00 @ foot for any necessary main extension, in accard.ance with the City Ordinance. The hearing for the sale of real property adjacent to the Christianson praperty and. Traffic Way was opened.. No protests were received. A motion was made bp Councilman Wood, sec4nded. by Council- man Jacobs , that the hearing be d.eclared. clc~sed., the property be offered.for sale with bid.s being received. on or before September 16, 1962, and. the City Atto~ney be autharized. to d.raw up the necessary papers far the sale of the property. All members. present, voted. ttAyet' . A bid.for $200.00 was received. in behalf of Don Christianson for the purchase Qf the abo~e d.esignated. property. Arroyo Grande, Calif. September 11, 1962 - Page 2 Mr. Harris read correspQnd.ence from Riehard.D. Woad., attorney for Tri-City Garbage Disposal, and. from And.rew David., attorney for South County Sanitary Service. The two letters were ord.ered. filed and. the matter referred to Mr. Harris . ~ Mr. Raymond Carlson discussed. the Huasna Road.Sewer Assessment District, and presented. a preliminary cost estimate for the sewer installation with laterals being shown to the pr~perty line as part of the assessment, and. said. the property owners had. been shown that cost estimate when the petitians were signed. and. were nat informed. when the cast breakd.own had. been changed. and. the laterals deleted., and. they felt the assessment was unfair. The Council approved: the City break the pav~ement, d.ig the ditches, and backfill after the lateral installations, fr4m the trunk line to the praperty line for the home owners c~n the nQrth sid.e af Huasna Road affected in the arigional assessment, at City expense, provid.ed a meeting be held. between the owners, Mr. And.ersc~n, arLd. the contractor, and. the terms regard.ing the lateral installatian, such as the cost to each ind.ividual be stated. in writing and be satisfactory tp all concerned. Mr. Anderson was instructed. to set a meeting and. notify the owners of the d.ate and time. Fees for encroachment permits were d.iscussed and.Mr. Harris advised he felt the fees should be set by the build.ing d.epartment. Mr. Anderson was ta 4btain rates charged by others and report at the next meeting. RESOLUTION N0. 550 RESOLUTION ESTABLISITYNG "SET BACK"-"PIAN ZINES''. (Fair Oaks Extension) On motion of Councilman McNeil, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, and by the following roll ca11. v~ote, to-wit : AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood., Jacobs, McNeil NOES: Nane ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this llth day of September, 1962. Adopting plan line maps for Halcyon Raad was discus~ed: and. it was agreed. to hold. over any action until the ad.journed meeting on September 18th, 1962. Hospital insurance for the Police Department was d.iscussed. and. it was agreed. an~ insurance sh4uld be for all city employees. Chief Richardson was designated to t~ke a poll of al1 employees toe"determine how rs~any d.esired insurance, set meetings with the employees to have d.ifferent insurance plans presented., appoint a Gommittee ta choose an insurance plan and present the results tQ the Council: CQUncilman Jacobs reported on the senior citizens recreaticrn area and said se~eral sites had been consid.ered but he felt the Committee should meet~with Rev. Criswell and. other interested parties to d,etermine exactly what was being requested.from the City. A motian was made by Councilman McNeil, second.ed by Councilman Wood., that the island at Bridge St, and Traffic Way be improved. by Mrs. Hart, as per the sketch presented, the pLants purehased by her and. installed. by Mr. Bid.d.le and. the City, subject to approval of . Mr. Anderson and. Chief Richard.son, and. that the South end af the island be imprav~ed ].~y the City. All members present v4ted 'fAye't: ~58 Arroyo Grande, California September llth, 1962 - Page 3 , The Council ag~eed they would. not set as a Build.ing Rev~iew B~ard, but would appoint a board. instead. Suggested members for the Building Review Baard. were Warren HQaker, Rabert Walker, Naomi Lawrence, Oscar Kraatz and Calvin Thurman. Further d.iscussion would be held at the next regular meeting. A motian was made by Councilman JacQbs, second.ed. by Councilman Woad., that the Build.ing Inspector enfQrce the prcavisions af the Zoning Qrd.inance and fihat he report violations thereof to the proper authQrity. All members present v~oted. TtAyet' . A motion was mad.e by CQUncilman McNeil, second.ed by Councilman Lee, that Grand. Ave, from the e~verpass to Rena Street be stripped fc~r four lanes and two parking lanes and from Rena Street to Halcyon Road be stripped.four lanes and. one left turn st4rage lane, with no on-street parking, as presented by M~. Anderson. All members present voted "Aye''. A motiQn was made by Councilman McNeiZ, secc~nded. by Councilman Wood. to ad.opt a Rescalution tc? eleminate the stop signs at the northeast and southwest cQrners Qf the intersection of Grand.Av~e. and HalcyQn Road.. After d.iscussiQn, Councilman McNeil rescinded. his moti.Qn and Councilman Wood rescind.ed his second, and the ma.tter was to be discussed. at the ad.journed. meeting on September 18th, 1962. The school crossing sign on Brisco Road. was discussed. and. it was agreed. the Council attend. the next meeting of the School Board. and. d.etermine if a salution could. be worked. out to everyones satisfactic~n. Cerrespondence was receiv~ed.from the Harves~ Festiv~al Committee requesting permission for use of Branch Street between Short and Bridge Streets for booths and parking, and. the use of the City's power supply, on October 19th and. 20th, 1962. Apprc~val was granted.. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs-, second.ed. by Councilman + Lee, that the easement for the Huasna Road. Sewer installatian from Mary Ann Flynn, be accepted by the City. All members present voted r1~iyet'. Mayor Burt appointed Mr. Douglas Campbell to serv~e on the Civil Defense Ad.visory Committee. Approv~al was granted for a Bud.get Accaunt to be established for Civil Defense until final approv~al of a civil d.efense budget. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, second.ed by Councilman Jacobs, that sev~en bind.ers be purchased.for $10.90 each, to be used by the Council. All members present voted. t'Ayet'. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilman McNeil, that bills against the General ~.i.nd.for $17,495.00, the Water Fund.for $2,151.59, the Huasna Sewer Assessment District for $385.92, the Sewer Ren.tal Fu.nd for $189.65, the Water Deposit fund. for $12.~0, and. the Park Fund. for $312.85, be approved. and ordered. paid., All members present voted. 'tAyef~, A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilm~n Lee, that Transfers No. 6 thru No. 8 be approved and ordered trans- ferred. All members present va~ted 'tAye'T . A mation was mad.e by Councilman Wood., seconded by Councilman Jacobs, that the meeting be ad.journed at 10:~~ p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ~eptember 18th, 1962 . All members resent voted. ~tAyet' . ATTEST • Z~C/ l ,CITY LERK MAYOR