Minutes 1962-09-25 ~60 Arroyo Grande, Calif. September 25th, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood and I~icNeil. Absent was Councilman Jacobs. The minutes of the regular m~.eting of September llth, 1962 and the adjourned meeting of September 18th, 1962 w~r.e approved as prepared. Mayor Burt welcomed. Scout Troop No. 29 to the Council meeting. Councilman Wood. requested. the report on the Senior Citizens Recreation Committee be held over to the next meeting as Councilman Jacobs was absent and no recommendation was ready. The purchase of a Public Address System was discussed and as no firm would actually dernonstrate a system it was agreed the Council attend meetings where public address systems are in use before d.etermining what type of system to install, A motion was made by Councilman Wood, second.ed by Councilman Lee, that the plans, specifications, and wage scale, for the installation of a 10 inch water main on East Branch Street be approved and to call for bids to be opened at 2:00 p.m. at the Director of Public Works office on October 9th, 1962. All members present voted "Aye". . Correspond.ence was received from the Division of Highways replying to the Cityts request for a recommendation for the proposed parallel parking on Grand Ave. from Halcyon Road to 18th Street, ind.icating the State required parallel parking where funds allocated from the State Highway F~a.nd to Cities were spent on streets, The Council approved a flat fee of $10.00 be charged for encroachment purposes at this time. Councilman Jacobs joined. the Council. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood, that Warren Hooker, Robert Walker, Galvin Thurman, Osear Kraatz and Naomi'L~wrence be appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Council, as a Building Review Board. All members present voted ffAyEtt ~ ~ Permission was granted for the Police Department to call for bids for the purchase of a new car, the 1960 Chevrolet to be traded in this year. Mr. Harris advised. he had been advised by Mr. David that there had been some discussion, but no conclusion, as to the garbage problem between Mr. Feterson and Mr. Johns. Mr. David has received a copy of findings of fact and conclusions of law, and Mr. Harris has not decided what to d.o. Mr. Harris will advise the Council not to put up a bond if the City decided to appeal the decision, as the responsibilit:~es ~aould be toa great,-. Mr. Harris will soon ` make a determination as to the City's position. The heading of the Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande was read for the second reading. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil to d.ispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. All members present voted "Ayett. ORDINANCE N0. 166 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 157 OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE, SO AS TO RE-ZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, ArrQyo Grande, Calif. September 25th, 1962 - Page 2 On motiQn. of Councilman ~IcNeil, seconded by Councilman Lee, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, WQOd, Jacobs, McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 25th day of September,l962. RES~LUTION N0. 554 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING 'tSET BACKt'_t'pLAN LINEST' (Halcyon Rpad) On mption of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood and by the following ro11 call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood, Jacobs, McNeil. NOES : None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adQpted this 25th day of September,l962. The bids receiv~ed for the Elm Street sewer were discussed but no award of contract was made. ' A ietter of resignation from the City Planning Commission was received from Mr. Winslow W. Evans. The Planning CornmissiQn recommended. the resignation not be accepted at this time and the ordinance be amended. to increase the number of the members of the Planning Cammission. Mr. Harris was to prepare an amendment tQ - the ordinance f~r the next meeting increasing the number of inembers tQ eight with Qne ex-officio member. i The Council was advised Mr. Harold Kithcart no lon~er lived in Arrayc? Grande and. had not submitted his resignation from the Plann- in~ Commission, at their request, as they would not ha:v~e enaugh members for a quorum to canduct a meeting. After discussion it was agreed to agpoint a new member at this time. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Jacabs, that Orville Sehultz be appointed a member of the Planning Commission to serve the remainder of Mr. Kithcarts term. All members present vot~d t'Ayeft. Suggested possible members for the planning commission were as fcallows: W. W. Smith, Chris Christensen, Mr. McMillen, Don Jennings, Henry Wachtman, Wallace Barr. ~ The Council referred to the Planning Commission the interse+~~ion of Brighton Ave. ~d Brisco Road far their recommend:ation. ~ A motic~n was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman `McNeil that the easement for the installation of the sewer in the Huasna Area Assessment District frc~m John W. and Mildred E. Walker be accepted. Ail member~:".present voted 'tAye't. ° Correspondence was received fr4m Keith J. Fraser stating his proposal to be a part time Planning Director for the City. There was no decisir~n made at fihis time. Mr. Ira McMinn advised the Council he had been instructed to vacate the premises of a condemmed building, where his business was lecated, by September l7th, 1962, and requesfied the time be extended until October 19th, 1962. Perrn~aission was ~ranted. , A motion was made by Gouncilman McNeil, seconded by CQUncilman Wood, that the underground installations only, of the Huasna Area sewer be approved and accepted at this time. All members present voted t~Ayetf . It was agreed no lateral installatic~ns would be allowed to ~ x property on the north side of Huasna Road until the contractor had completed the paving, to avQid any conflict. : ~62 Arroya Grande, Calif. September 25th, 1962 - Page 3 Mr. Jay P e~k, Mr. Anderson, and Mrs. Carlsan represent3.ng Mr. \and Mrs. Bowers, requested the city participate in the installatian of laterals from the trunk line to their property lines. It was agreed. to participate with Mr. Peck and Mr~. AndersQn. The reques~ of Mr. Bowers was denied, as there w~s nQ existing building, na building permit issued or a building under construction for the prpperty. A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, that the City would participate in the installatiQn of~bne lateral each frc~m the Huasna Road sewer trunk line to the prape~tq line for the follQwing named owners: Nels+~n, Rose, Brennan, Nazario, Carlson, Cole, Beck, Laughlin, I.D.E.S. Ha11, Peck and Anderson and no further participatiQn would. be cansidered by the City. Cduneilmen Burt, Lee, Wc+ad and Jacobs v~oted t'Pfye't. Councilman McNeil ~bstained fr4m voting. Mr. Anderson pr°esented a map of the proposed zoning Qf the newly annexed Fair Oaks area and explained the Planning CQm~nissivn recommended the zoning be adopted as presented on the map. After discussion, the Council arl.opted the follc~wing Resolution re~ardin~ the zoning. RESOLUTION NQ. 555 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING PROPOSED ZONING CHANGES On moti4n mf Councilman Jacobs, secanded by Councilman Lee, and by the follQwing rall call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood, Jacobs, MeNeil NOES: None ABSENT: Nane the faregoing Resolution was adopted this 25th day of September, 19b2. The extension af a sewer main on north Elm Street was discussed and Mr. And.erson and Mr. Harris were to determine the exact statu~ of the street before any ac~ian was taken. Councilman Jacobs reported the estimated population for the annexed Fair Oaks area wauld be approximately 2679 by using the basis of three tQ one of registered ~~ters. : A motion was made by Councilma~r.°Jacobs, seconded by Cauncilman Lee, that the City accept the caunt of'registered voters in the Fair Oaks area as 893 to be used for an estimated population of • 2679 and dispense with an esfiimated census at this time. Al1 members present vc?ted t'Aye'~. A motion was made by Councilman JacQbs, seconded by Councilman Lee that bills against the General Fund far $7,880.59, the Rena Street Assessment District for $53.70 and the Special Gas Ta.x Street Improvement Fund for $10,349.22 be approved and ordered paid, All members present v~c~ted "Aye't . No further business appearing, upot~ mation the meeting adjQUrned. ~1 ' a , ATTEST • r,~.f ~SL,~d' CITY CLERK MA.YOR