Minutes 1962-10-09 e~~~
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
October 9th, 1962
The City Council met in regular session with Mayar Burt presiding.
Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood, Jac+~bs, and McN~iil.
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 25th, 1962 were
apprQVed as prepared.
Councilman Jacobs reported it was felt the City Hall lot would
not be a d.esirable location for the Senior Citizens Recreation area
and requested the ma.tter be held over to another meeting.
The following bids were received for the installatiQn of a 10
inch water line on East Branch Street: M. J. Hermreck, Inc.-$16,055.00;
J. A. Raberts-$19,366.50; Frank Dons~van-$L4,646.20 and W.M. Lyles-
$14,756.40. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Council-
man Lee, that the bid of Frank Danovan f4r $14,646.20 be accepted
and the contract awarded to them and the Mayor be authorized to sign
for the City. A11 members present voted T'Aye".
The status of the streets and improvements in Tract 161 was
~ discussed and Councilman Lee mad.e a motic~n the City accept the
streets and the ponding lots be d.eveloped and maintained by the City.
" After further discussion, Councilman Lee withdrew his motion. The
following Resolution was adopted to accept all improv~ements in Tract
1'61 as they now are.
On motion ~f Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil,
and by the following roll call vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, WQOd, Jacobs, I~eNeil
NOES• None
the fQregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of October, 1962.
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Gouncilman
Waod that the bid of Smee's Plumbing and Heating for $25,848.30 be
accepted and that they be awarded. the contract subject to the approv~al
of the plans by the Arrayo Grande Union Elementary Schocal, with the
Mayor being authorized to sign for the ~ity. All members present
voted ~,AYe~f .
The ordinance to amend the Planning Commission Ordinance No. 82
to d~signate 8 voting members and 1 ex-officio member, was read for
the first reading.
Councilman Lee made a motion that the Planning Commission
Ordinance be arnended to designate 7 v~Qting '~membe~rs and 2 ex-officio
members, and then withdrew the motion. ,
A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jaeabs, seeonded by Councilt~ikt~
Lee, that a member of the Police Department attend an eighteen week
cQUrse, at a cost to the City of $8.OQ. Al1 tnembers present voted
ttAye~t ~
A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman
Lee, that the letter of resignation from the Planning Cotrnnission
submitted by Harold. Kithcart be acce~ated and a letter of appreciation
for his service to the City be sent him. Al1 members present voted
ffAyett .
A petition was received, with 27 ~ignatures, from Bill Barker,
requesting sewers on Grand Ave, between Halcyon Road and Grover Gity
City Limits. Mr. Anderson was to make a preliminary study of such
an installation.
A motion was made by Couneilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman
Wood, that Vouchers No. 13 thru 20 be apprQVed and ordere+~ transferred.
All members present voted f'Aye". '
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
~ctober 9th, 1962 - Page 2
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman
Wood, that the Civil Defense have the use of the City Hall to show
movies during the Harvest Festival, the rest roQms be made accessible
to the public, and that a Donkey Ride be permitted on Shc~rt St.
below the intersection wi~h the Alley, as requested by Nancy Conrow.
A11 members present voted 'TAye't.
Carrespondence was received from W. W. Hickenbottom advisin~ the
Council Engineering and Inspection Service f4r Cities would na~ be
available from him.
~ Cc~rrespondence was received from Dale G. ~nd Ruth E. Bowers
`~equesting the City participate in ~he installation of a lateral
from ~he sewer main to the prop~rty line for their property an
Huasna Road. Aft~r dis~ussion, it was agrec.d the Council would
make no amendments to the moti4n regarding lateral ins~allations
on Huasna Road approved on September 25th, 1962.
Correspondence was received from Judge Dana requesting the
City repair the roof and rest rooms in the partion of the City
Hall rented by the Caurt.
The fallowing bids were receiv~ed to supply the,Cit~ with a
new police car: Christianson Chevrolet -$1,877.73 with the 1960
Chevrolet as a trade in, the price including State and Local t~xe~;
Maury Brennan Ford - net difference including trade in allowanee and
sales tax $1,901.27.
A motion was made by Councilman Lee, secanded by Councilman
McNeil, that the low bid of Christiansan Chevrolet be accepted, and
the purchase appro~red. All members present voted t'Aye".
Chief RichardsQn advised the Council, the employees had ~elected
a health insurance plan and Councilman Jacobs suggested each CQUncil-
man receive a copy of the plan t.o study, and a discussion be held at
the next meeting.
Mr. Wh~.~l4ck requested the business operating in his building
that had received condemnation notice be allowed to Qperate until
the first r~f the year, as the building was only occupied during the
day, and the move at this time would create a hardship on his tenants.
The legality of the Council allowing such an extension was discussed
and it was agreed. to hold any decision until the next meeting until
legal ad~rice could bE obtaine~:. _
Chief Richa.rdson advised the C~~il, the curb had been painted
red by the entrance to the public parking lot on Branch St.
k A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman
Lee, that warrants against the General F~,i.nd for $20,936.29, the Wa~ter
Fund for $1,667.72, the Huasna Area Sewer Assessment District far
$29.27 and the Water Depasit Fund far $72.62 be approved and ordered
paid. All members present voted f'Aye".
A motion was made by Councilman Jacc?bs, seconded by Cc~uncilman
McNeil, that the regul~r cauncil meeting of O~tober 23rd, 1962 be
cancelled for la.ck of a quorum, as the Council would attend the
League of Galifornia Cities Canventi4n in Los Angeles. All members
present voted "Ayet' .
A motian was made by Councilman WQad, seconded by CQUncilman
Jacabs, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:14 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 16, 1.962. All members present voted 'TAye't.
ATTEST : C-fi ~L2~