Minutes 1962-11-13 ~~oArroyo Grande, California November 13, 1962 The City Council meet in regular session at 7:50 P.M. with Mayor Burt presiding, upon roll call Councilman Wood, Jacobs and McNeil reported present, Absent was Councilman Lee. The meeting was started late as the City Council partie~:pated in the opening ceremonies with the Board of Trusties of the Arroyo Grande Union Elementary School District at the Orchard Street Campus in observance of November 12th through 16th being American Education Week. Minutes of the adjourned meetings of October 30th, November 2nd_and 5th, 1962 were approved as prepared. Fire Chief Marsalek discussed the need of an improve~i ~f:re alarm system as many of the volunteer fireman are unable to hear the present fire alarm, He then introduced H. J. Furlong of the Gamewell Co. who submitted a proposal for a fire alarm air horn system. He stated the advantages of having this type of alarm system is the unit is self contained and it would easily be heard for 12 to a 6 mile radious when situated about 15ft above the roof of the ~res~nt loc ation or on the fire house. Mayor Burt asked the Fire Department to check with other cities in our area. Councilman Lee joined the Council. Assn't Chief Cottle said they would test the system in all locations of the City and report their findings at the next meeting. _ Mr. Harris reported he had talked to the attorneys for the two parties con- cerned with the garbage contract and a motion for a new trial is set proba8ly for next Monday. He recommended the City not sign a garbage contract at this time until motion for a new trial is eliminated. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Peterson were advised by Mr. Harris that the City and Mr. Johns both filed for a new trial as validity of the garbage contract is to be decided by the Appellate Court which could possibly be not longer then one more year. On motion of Council~nan Wood,seconded by Councilman Jacobs to approve the Final Map of Traet No.260subject to subdivider allocating ownership of Lot "A" to one or more of the adjacent lLots on an individual basis rather than part interest, and on futher condition that Subdivider fully improve the Southerly 40' of Fair Oaks Ave. adjacent to Tract No.260 and be relieved of any other prior conditions on Improvement of Fair Oaks Ave. Mr. Anderson advised that Tract No..T36 not fully completed for approval. Mr. Anderson advised the Council the necessity of adopting a Resolution Establishing Major City Streets for expenditure of 3/8% of gas tax money. The Plan he presented is acceptable with the State Division of Highways. AEter discussion the plan as submitted was referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. The study on the Huasna Sewer laterals has not been completed at~fihis time. The additional Sewer Easements approval was held over till th~ nex.t ~eetin~. The second reading of the Ordinance adopting the Fair Oaks-Arroyo Grande Zoning Map was held over till the next meeting as the first reading ha~ to be corre~ted ta read "A section of the Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No.1~ of the City of Arroyo Grande", Mr. Albert Johnson of the California Physicians' Service outlined the Health Insurance Plan for City Employees. After discussion the Council accepted the glan by Resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 557 On motion of Gpuncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Lee and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilman Lee, Wood, Burt, Jacobs and McNeil C NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of $pvember, 1962 ~ - 3'~1 Arroyo Grande, California November 13, 1962 - page 2 RESOLUTION N0. 558 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES. On motion flf Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman MeNeil and by the following ro~l call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilman Lee, Wood, McNeil, Jaeobs and Mayor Burt NOES : Nai~e ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of Nove.mber, 1962, A petition signed by 14 residence and property owners on Tally Ho Rd, protesting the noise caused by dogs housed in the Arroyo Kennels was read ~i.d referred to Mr. Harris to check. Correspondence from Askeland, Autry and Keats Building Contractors was discussed regarding the drainage in front of the Jade Apartments on Halcyon Rd. Mr. Anderson stated the City has been aware of this situation and are warking on Drainage plans for this area but are unable to do anything at the present time. Councilman Wood mentianed the possibility of an apen trench type drainage to the ocean being prest~d.furt~ier to relieve the drainage problem in the greater Fair Oaks ~i~~a. Mr. Anderso~ ~uised nothing more could be done along these lines until the map of the area could be obtained at which time the matter will be discussed further. On motion of Gouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman MeNei1 that the time limit for the Regional Sewage Desposal Study and 12eport be extended from December 13, 1962 to March 31st, 1963 be approved and granted. A11 Councilmen present voted «AYE". Mayor Burt discussed the attorney replace.~eent when Mr. Harris leaves. There were two separate attorney firms applying for the position but +~tte to a shortage of Personael in the firm of Harris and Kardel their offer had been withdrawn for the present ti.me. Mr. Harris advised he would contact Attorney David in regard to his position regarding being attorney for the City and also handling the Garbage Contract case for Hal Peterson, and report back at the next meeting. Couzi~¢il~an McNeil stated he had written to Mr. Benninghoven, of the League of CaYifornia Cities for information regarding City Administrator or l~ia~r. Mayor Burt stated the Councilmen who had attended the League Conference had discussed with other City resresentatives the advantages of our City going to administrator tyge government. Planning Commissionor Orville Schultz reported the Planning Commission had not as yet decided on -+11~~~~r member for the Planning Cou~ai.~ but ~t't~p~d to have a recommendation for the Council at the next meeting. C~n motion of Couneilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood bills against the General Fund for $10,8~4.61, Water Fund for $4,840.44, Huasna Sewer Ass.essment District Fund for $4,376.40, Park F~~xd for $334,20 and Wates Deposit Fund for $236.00- be approved and ordered paid, All Councilman pres~nt voted "AYE", On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded ~y Councilman MeNeil the meeting a3journed at 9:45 P.M. All members present voted "AYE". . ~ J ~ r ~ ~i. \ ~ ~ ~ ATTEST • , ' ~IT~'-;: GT~ERI~ YOR