Minutes 1962-12-13 ~ d, Arro~o Grande, ~alifornia Decemb~ar 13, 1962 - 7:00 P.~2, The ad.jouned meeting of ~ecember l3, 1962 was called to order with I~yor i3urt presiding. Present were Councilman Wood, Jacobs, and i°Ici~eil. Absent was Councilman Lee. The following Planning Commission members were pr~sent by request of the Council: ~hairman Talley~ ~orr~ni.ssioners Shaffer, Richardson, *~mi.th and ~-~rother. Absent were ~'ommi.ssioners Brisco, ~ch~.ltz and :~vans. `'`r. ~r_derson reported he could not recommend use of the City property on Elm Street by the Gounty at this time bacause of the followin~: the proposed area is used as a pondin~ bas~n for drainage f'rom the Fair ~aks District, the proposed area is ~ityFS only proven water supply and is an essential part of the Cityts Sewer ~ystem and any thing that might jeopardize the operation of one or more of these utilities could be very eostly to the City of Arroyo Grande, After di~cussion it was felt the proposal as set forth by the County could be worked out at this time. Councilman YJood made a motion that the C~ity of Arroyo Grande, for the sum of v1.00, deed to the County of ~an Zuis Obispo an area of land approximately 3 acres in the Southeast corner of the City property in the rear of existing residence. ~~~otion died for laclc of a second. It w~ s suggested that the pondin~ area on the ~%ity ~'roperty on ~,l.m ~treet be dug out at this time before:the rains s-tart which will then make it a riuch more costly job to dredge. On motion of Ccuncilman i~Tci~Teil, seconded by Councilman Jacobs that for the sum of <,~1.00, the City of Arroyo urande agrees to grant to the County of San Luis Obispo~ by deed a plot of ~ ound containi_ng not more than three acres and located at the northeast corner of the ~ity~s ~0 ac-re water works farm, aaid ~lot of 1.and to be rectano lar in snape, with the long dimension running east and west, on the following agreed upon conditions: • - 1, If the Cityrs lease with the strawberry grower has to be broken as a result of the County building pro~ram, the ~ounty will bear all the costs. 2. "a~en and if the property is no longer devated to ~ounty use, the property will re4ert back to the ~ity. 3. If the State of ~'ederal uovernment turns down the proposal for the Count~r Health ~en~ter on this site, the property sha11 revert back to the City. 1~. ~upervisor ~lton ~ee said, "I promise I will do ever~thing I can do to hel?~ the ~ity with the water drainage problem, not wi.th cash, but with engineering services". 5. 1`he County will a~ree -to the pone~ing of flocd waters on such portion of the land being granted to the County as shall not be needed for buildings and parking areas. 6. The Gounty will exten~, Ash Stre_t westward along the north side of its propert,y and will pave the street full ~idth and install curbs and gutters along the ~outh side only, whenever the City feels that it is necessary or ;ives the County the ~rade lines, the County shall pave half of r~lm ~treet and install curbs and gutters on the west side alon~ the full length of its property. 7. `1'he City sha11 retain water and mineral rights, and shall have the ri~ht ~o enter on ~Lhe ~~ropert~ for the purpose of drilling for water or mineral preducts including petroleum products and to install necessary pipe lines, ~umps, etc., to utilize any water or minerals developed. H. ~hese conditions sha11 be subject to the approval of the City kttorney and the County liistrict Attorney. 9~ The ~ity wzll recluire ~ount~r buildin~s to be buiZt on the site to be connected to the City~s water lines and se~er mains, with all costs to be borne by the ~ounty. Cou~cilman ~3urt, Ja~,obs, and McNeil voted "Aye". Councilrian Wood voted "T~o'~. i;ouncilman Lee was absent. Qn motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman I~Icl~eil the meeting adjounned at 9:10 P.T~i. ~,1.1. members present voted "Aye". AITEST; City G1erk ~ i~~a~,~or