Minutes 1963-01-11 a~~+ Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia January 11, 1~63 5:30 p.m. The f;itg Council met in adjo~ned session with ~iayor B~,~rt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee~ I1cl~eil and Jacobs. Absent was Councilma.n Wood. On motion.of Cotmcilman Jacobs, seconded by ~%ouncilman McNei1 the ~ity Clerk is directed to refuse to issue a business license to Ira T~cl~i.nn to operate a business at the present location. Al1 members present voted "~.ye". Councilman McI~ieil suggested that 15 minute parkin~ be established in f ront of the business's ad.jacent to the Fair Oaks Theatre as t he business's are hindered whenthe theatre has a matinee. After discussion the matter was r eferred to ~hief Richardson to r~ake a survey of the entire newly annexed area as to the parking designations and report to the Council. Counci].m.an Jacobs reported he had received ~:u~nerous complaints regarding the Fair aaks Theatre and suggested perhaps the ~olice Dept. could insure order, After disr,ussion Chief Richardson was instructed by T~Iayor Burt to check with other cities and obtain copies of . their Ordinances designation how they control theatres in t heir cities and report back to the Counnil. Councilman Mci~eil opened the discussion regarding a ~~ty A~ministrator stating he had enntaeted the League of California Cities and had obtained several drd.inances regarding an.~,dministrator and from these had picked the one he presented. After discussion it was felt more study be done on this matter and more study re_~.:ort meetings be called so that the Council would be assured of establishing an Ordinance which would be in the best interest of the Cit~%. The Council gra,~ted Fire ~hief :~larsalek permi,ssion to purchase the com~onents of an air horn on a~rial basis. Councilrr~an Jacobs re<guested the Council review the working age of ~ity e~loyees and to es~ablish an Ordinance to tha.t effect. Tiayor Burt appointed Councilmen Jacobs and Zee a~ a comrr~ittee to study the matter and submit their report. Mayor ~urt instructed the City ~lerk to contact the companies who do ordinanc~e codifying and ask for a proposal from each. Mr. A,nderson pr~sented bids to the ~ouncil f`~om ~~Iaury ~rennan Ford, Inc. for ~~~796.I~0 plus tax and Christianson ~hevrolet for ~~,`J~,9~.3.90 including tax for the purchase of a 1963 truclc for the Street Department. On motion of Councilman I~7cNei1, seconded b~ ~otzne~_lman Lee that the ~ity accept the low bid of ~hristianson Chevrolet and directed Ntr. ~nderson to ~ruchase same: ~L1 members present voted "Aye". On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilrian A~cldeil that 'i's. Edwar~. iienderson be reimbursed ~5~..00 for the ~ivil ~efense course he attended by request o~ I:ir. '~~m. ~ngel, oux former ~ivil Defense ~irector. All members preseat voted ".~ye". No further business appearing the r~etin; adjourned at 6:~.0 p.m. GZ~/ . „ ~ T~3AYOR A.tTFST: I lY CL~Ei.K