Minutes 1963-01-22 a~~~ Arro~ro ~rande~ ~alifornia ~anuary 22, 1963 1he ~`ity Couxicil. met in repular sessian wi_th fJ~a~or ~urt ~residing. ~resent were ~ouncilmen Lee, 'd~ood, Jacobs and ~~1c:~eil. The minutes of the re~ular meetin; of ~am.zarv 8th and a~journed meeting of January 12th, ig63 were ap~~roTTed as prepered. Planning Cor~rri.ssioner Scnultz read the re~~ort re~arding the amendment to the `irailer Grdinance in which the Planning ~%orr~n.ission r:commended that the Trailer Ordinance not be amended at this time. On metion of ~ot<.ncilma,n ~°iood, seconded b~.r ~ouncilman T~'Ici+leil, that the Council supp~rt the recor~rlendation of the Flannin~ Cornma.ssion by not adopting the Atnendment to the 1'railer Ordinance at this time. "Ayes" Co~ncil.men ~rdood, Jacobs, ?~ic~vea~~. and i~Iayor ~urt. t1Noes" Gour~cilman Lee. T~1rs. Shadaker requested that at the time the C:ouncil did allow the amer_dment to the lrailer Ord.inance that they consicler tr•ailers be allowed on a smaller parcel of land th~n three acres, as ' -re~U_iring such large ~rea ~na,~r i~,~pose a ha-r~dship on those wa.shing to ~_ive in t~railer houses, ~~iaz,ror ''urt opened the discussion on the possible f.lood ha~:~ar~l being created by the de,relopers of ~'ract No. 260. i~. Stanley ~rieb stated ~the develox~ers of the tract have cleared all vegetation ~om the u~ner par~ of the tract ~hereby leavinr; no flood control. i4,r. knderson o~..t.l~ ned the flood candition in '~rac~ ~Jo. 260~ Trir. ~orn, the County of 5~n L~.~is O~~ispo I~ydraulic Ln~ineer~ stated his office would przpare a report and sui~mit same to the Council as to the extent of the flood l~azard. i~,r. i~avid stated the requirements regardir~ the f?.aod hazurd were a~~;paren-e1.y omitted from the conditions regarding the ~ract when the final map was submitted for an;~raval, howev~r final approval of t?-~e t.r.act cotild possibly be held up until svcY~. t~me as ~ondition.s regardinU the flood hazard were e stablished. On rnotion of Councilman ti~ood~ seconded by Councilt,~an Lee, that the ~ity A,ttorney be directed to t~ke suc':~ action as he deer~,s advi.sable to establish if the subdivi d,er had comr~lied wi ~h the prova.sions of the ~'tizbdivision Ordinance and to protect the in-terests of the ~it~ and its ~'itizens. All m~mbers present voted rr~~e n ~ an motion of Councilman Jacabs, seconded b~~ Gouncilman adood that I•1r. ~.nderson b~ authorized to proceed with the street l~?ghting ir~porvement plan as out3ined, Al1 member•s present voted "Aye". ~n motion of Councilman Lee, second~d by ~ouncilman Jacobs that ~the agreement netween the ~ity and ~ylvesterts ~ur~lar A3arins be aut~orized subject to the agree- ment ay>proval by the ~:i_t~T Attorney and that the .~°~ayor be authorized to s~ o the agreemen~ for the ~ity. All members prGsent voted "Aye". C'r:ief ~:~_chardson~s re~ort regarding tne parkin~ ad.jacent to the theatire was read by Couricilman Lee. After discus;,ion it was felt t'~~~at the report snould cover the ent:i.re cos~ercial area in the rair Oaks ~`~rea and further study be given to ~_nclu.de required parking by one ~esolu-~_}_on. Ci:iief Richardson's Repert regardino theatre control in other cits:es was read by Councilman LF~<~, stating that in San Luis Obispo;and Santa 1"ia~ia the theatres are checked in.termittently and that complete res~osibility lies with the theatre ma3aagement, If they need assistance -the police are always on call. ~fter d.iscussion the ma.tter was held over to the next meet~n~ i?~ lieu of obtain.'ng co~~ies of resolutions and. ordinances re~ard.ing theatre;_co~trol .i_n other cities, ResolL.tion No. 563, entitled: "Hesolution of the Cit~ Council of the ~ity af Arro~ro Grande ad~oting and submitting a budget for e~enditure of funds al~ o- cated.irom the St<:te Highway fund to (~ities", was rea.d throu~h the title. Upon i~:otion dulur made, secc;nded and unanimouslv carried further reading of the resolu.tion w~s wa~v~d. ~.LsaLUlzorr ~To. 563 R}~;,SC;Li; lION OF `.CHE CI'l~Y ~OUAiCI~ CF `.CHE CITY OF ARROYO GNAl~i?E ADOPTING ANi:~ S?~BtiIiTING A i3UDG~~T FOR 'r'~Xi'EI~IDIlt)R.'_~ OF FL3NAS AI~LflCATED FRCT~T THE ~~Al'E HIGHWAY FUND T~ CITI'~S. On motion of Councilman 11cT~teil, se>conded by ~ouncilman ~Tood, and bv the following roll call vote, to-wit: AY~: Councilman Lee, Wood~ i~7cNei1, Jaco~s and risayor ~urt NOES: None A~SENT: None c~+~~: ~,rroyo Grande, ~alifornia January 22, 1963 - page 2 the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of January, 1963. Resolution No. 56~, entitled: "Resolution of the ~ity Council of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande adopting and submitting a budget for e~enditure of funds allo- cated from the State Highway Fund to Cities" was read through the title, there- upon, upon motion duly made~ seconded and unanimously carrie~, further reading of the Resolutzon was waived. R~50LUTICN TSO. 56~. RES~JLL?TION OF THE CITY GOUi~CIL OF 1HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTIiVG Ai~TD SIJBI•:ITTING A BUDGx.~.,'T ~tOR EXP~?vT~IT'JRE OF FUNDS ALLOCAIED FROI~~ iHE 5TATE i-ilG'r?WAY FU1VD TO CI1I~. ~n motion of Councilman :~Zc=~eil, s~conded by ~ouncilman Jacobs and by the following roll ca.ll vote, to-wit: Ayes; Councilmen Lee, Wood, McT~deil, J~cobs and I~Iayor ~urt. Noes: None Absent: None Resolution No. 566, entitled: "Resalutio::,. of the City Counci~. of the City of ~rroyo Grande adopting and subm~tting a budget for expenditure of State allo- cated (:~NGINEER.ING) Funds.',' was read through the title. 3'herupon, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, further reading of the Resolu~ion was waived. ~ESCLTJTION N0. 565 ~ESCLU7'IOi~ OF TH~, CI'i'Y COU~~ICIL OF THE CITY QF AR~?OYO G1t.AIdDE ADOriING ~IVD SUBP~I~1'TIPdG A, BUDGET ~'OP~ P~IVI?ITURE OF ST~TE t1LLOCAT:~D (ENGI?~~''.~R.I~tG) FUNI~. On motion of Couneilman McNeil, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Lee, ~ood, McTdeil, Jacobs and Nlayor ~urt NOFS. None ABSENT: None the foregcing R~solution wa.s adopted this 22nd day of January, 1963. On motion of Councilman MeT~leil, seconded by ~onncilma.n Jacobs, that the city accept a deed from ~ec,_zrity Title Insurance Co. for a 10 ft. strip of land to be deeded to the City to widen Fair Oaks Ave. extension so the installation of Curbs and gu.tters planned for 875, 879 and 885 Fair Oaks ~ve. e~tension will conform to existing curb and gutters and the Director of ~'ublic '~~orks be directed to give grades for the ins-tallation of said curb and gutt xs by Security litle Insurance Co. upon receipt of said deed. xll members pr~~sent voted "A~re." Mr, FJhitlock requested an e xtension of time be ranted him to evacua~~e the condemned building on Branch ~tre~t to allow tt. Reese time to sell out his stock. ~fter discussion ;'~Ir. y°J'hitlock was advised by Attorne;~ ~avid that the time element involved to a11ow ~1r. Reese to have a closing out sale was so lenGthy to conform with the ~ity Ordinances to have such sale and thereupon the request was withdrawn. On motion af Councilman iieNeil, seconded l~r Councilman Wood, to call for bids to supply gasoline ~or th= C;tJ from ~'Iarch 1, 1963 thrnugh Aebraury 25th, 196l~ bids to be opened ~'ebruar~r ~.1th, 1963 at 2:JO p.rn. in the office of the Lir~~ctor of ~ublic t~Jorks, 217~ ~ranch ~t. A~l members present voted "Aye." Mr. i°iaurice Greene requested the Council to r eview the ~ity nesolution regarding rates charged for auctions as he wished to establish a regular business in the Czty of ~.rroyo Grande but tiaan-ted to be able to have auctions irregularly and felt the rate that is presently charged is ta great. i`!Ia~;or Burt advised i+~r. Greene the Council would take the matter under advisement and notify him at a later date. On motion of ~ouncilman :'-~cNei1, saconded by Councilman Lee, that the Council set the hearing date of Febraury 26th, 1963 at 8;~0 ~.m. for the proposed rezonin~ of ?Jalley Rd. P,io. 2~nne.~tion. ~11 memb~,rs present voted "Aye'~. Qn motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman I~Ic=`Jeil that the improvements in Tract No. 139 be a ecepted by the ~ity and the bond be released. All members present voted "Aye." « ~ a.p ~e.:~ .Axroyo Grande, ~alifornia January 22, 1963 - pag~ 3 I~Ir. Nick Lancaster was advised by xttorney liavid that the costs he incurred on the enlargement of the water line on ~ast Cherry ~ve. could not legally be refunded to h;rti, as such costs being ai~sorbed by the ~%ity was just Council polic~r but not by established Ordinance or R:~solution. Councilma.n NIcl~teil wished to go on record as s tating he felt t1r. ~aneaster was unfairly cliscr ~_minated against. The previous Council had unneeessarily deviated from their basic policy regarding water mains. Resolution ?do. ~66 entit-:ed: "Resolution declaring that proceedings have been initiated by the Council of the ~~t~r of Arroyo Grande to annex to said City certain uninhabited territory described here~sn and designatea "lhe Tabb ~anch" and giving notice of the proposed annexation;t w~s read through the title. Thereupon upon motion duly r~ de, seconded and unanimously carried, .further reading of the resolution was waived. ~.~so~u~r~o~ r~o, 566 ~.'a~Sr:LUTION LEGLARING `iH~`1 PRpC;;~DT:'~TGS HIjUr Br;~,N I?~I2'Ix~i~ED BY THE CC~U~CIL 0~' 1HE C?1'Y OF ARRC~Y~ ~~t~E l0 ANNraX 10 SI~.ID CITY C~?.~1~IN ~Jidli~~il~I1ED 2'E~rt~~ITORY D~C~~.IB~D F-I~?.~,IN i~~d~ D~ST~rd~.TED '~THE .~ABB ~.AT~dC:Ir' kIVTD GI~T?"T~1^.~ T10iTG~ OF TH1!; i"?Or'0~'~L? ki1N::~;~A1 ~ON. On r~otion of ~ounc-± lman IJIcNeil, seconded b,y ~ouncilman Jacobs, and b~ the follow`_n.~ roll call vote, to-wi.t: AY~s Councilmen Lee, P~4c~vei_l, Jacobs and T°ia~ror ~Urt ?1~ ~;S : idone ~3St,1dl: ~Tone A~~'1AIP1 F~~~~M ~TOTI:JG: Councilrnan ti~ood the foregoin~ r~esolution was adopted this 22nd day of January, 19b2. A letter from Y~~erle ~+~illiams requesting Qurb g~°ades at the eorner of ~'arr~ll ~coad anci Elm Street, adjacent to his property, sothat they could install curb, gutter and side~,~alks for tre prop~sed development they have planned for the adjacent property. Gn motion of ~ounc~_lman ~1ci~eil, seeonded by Co,~ncilman Wood that the D~rector of Public ~=lorks be aut'_n_orized_ to proceed with ithe establishing of curb ~rades and curb 7.ines on the s treet adjacent to i'terle Y~lilliams property. All members present voted "A~re.?' `1'he discussior_ of pondin; lots was o~ened bv Councilman 1sdood suggestin~ tha-~ per~:~aps a source for revenue toward the o~rerall drai_na~e could be obtained throu;h a charge in con~unction wzth the building permits. l~i;-corney i~avid was instructed to check the le~alit~r of such charge. ~ouncil~.n ~~oe~~ also stated he felt the ~ity should remain fler,ible in re~ard to °:~ondin~ lots, e~> ch case shoizld be handled as an individual situation. i~2r. John Br~Zant of 1120 Linc3a ~r. was advised that the subdivider had sioned anao,reement ~tta the ~ity oi Krroyo Grande regarding the iiability and maintenance of the po~;din; lots on yinda Drive. T~ir. xnderson discussed LJalnut Street, which is at the present time a private road, but the propert~~ owners on the adjacent propertv wish to improve their street and deed same to the City. P~`ir. ~nderson was instructed to obtain easements from the propertJT owners. Cou.:cilmar_ °~ood requested any 3etters from the Planning ~'ommission to ~he Cou~~cil should be submitted to the Gouncil ~rith. their a,enda the Frida~T before the Council meeting to ;i~r~ the Counc~lmen time to r eview the Plannin; ~ommissions reports. Councilr,ian 'a~oo~ also requested that the follow~.n~ items be pu-t back on the Council a6enda; Enjineering Service, ~~tater Rate ~rdinance, ~itv requirements regarding pipe to be used in tl~e Cit_y ~~later System, Impro~rement of the C,_ty Water Sutstem and the propased road from i'alcyon Road to Valleti• Road. ~,fter discussion on the proposed ~rdinance re~arding Cable T.V. it was x~equested the ~rdinance be ~r=;pared and to have the first reading at the nex-~ Council ~rieeting. Resolution No, 567, entitled: t'A I~esolution of the C~ty ~ouncil of the Gity of Arro~ro Grande, authoriz?_n~ and. d.irecting the cancellation of General Fund ti~~arrant ivo. 73~~ dat~d "anuary 8, 1963" was read through the title. i'hereupon, upon motion duly made~ seconded and unanimousl.y carried, ~urther reading of the r~esolution was waived. ,~t ~ a~~'`~ Arro~=o urande, ~alifornia January 22, 1963 page ~~:~oy~lzo~ z1c. 567 A R`.;vOLUTI~~T OF 1H~ GITY COUTdCIL OF' THE CITY OF AR~.OYO ~r~AIIDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIR'~;CTING THE CANC~+JI.' ,LA,Z'ICN OF G~iV:~?.AL FiJND ~uAKR~,,NT IdO, 735 iiA~i~D JANUARY 8, 1963. On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilma.n Lee, and onthe followin~ roll call vote~ to-wit: AYES: Counci.lmen Lee, ~ood, P1cPdeil, Jacobs and T°Zayor ~urt NOES : i3one A~SENi: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of `~anua.ry, 1963. ~n motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Cour:cilman Wood, that the improvements of Grand Ave, be accepted and the contractor be pairl ~.n full excepting the10~ retention required for 35 days a~ter approval of the project. ~11 membe~s present voted 'ri~ye~n On motion of ~ouncilman ~ee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs the meeting adjourned at 11:~7 p.m. All memi?ers pr~:?sent vo-ted ~~Aye." OR ~ ATTk»ST: G CL K Asroyo urande, ~'alifornia ~anuary 2la., 1963 Special T~ieeting 5s30 p.m. The special meeting of the City Council was called to order with 1`'ayor ~urt presiding. Councilmen Lee, ~acobs, j~cNeil and tilood reported present,. Upon motionof Councilman McNeil~ seconded bTr Councilman Lee that the meef~ing be recessed for the Council to hold an executive session. All membe~s pr"sent voted. "~ye." ihe Council reconvened at b:52 p.m. The City ~lerk was instructed to draw up a warrant payable t o-ihe County ~lerk, San Luis ~bispo County, in sufficient amount for filing transcript costs on appeal of the garbage contrc:ct suit. On motion o£ Counc~.lrnan I1~cNei1, seconded by Couneilman Lee, that the Council en;a~e the services of the ~.aw firm of reter Kardel to represent the ~%ity in the ~lppeal of the Peterson `Jel~sus the City of Arroyo Grande (Garbage ~ontrac~) c;~se upon the determination by i~iayor Burt of the financial obligation. A31 members present voted "Aye.~' No further business the me~ting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. ~ ~ i~' 0 ~ ATTr.~T: CTTy C K