Minutes 1963-01-24 ~ : A Arro~ro i~rande, ~alifornia January 22, 1963 page r~.~.;~OLLTTION ~JC. ~67 A P~:;,~OLUTI4N OF 1HE CITY COUYdCIL OF THE CITY OF ARN.OYO ~rcANDE, AuTHORIZINci AiVD ~IN.:~;CTITdG THE CANG~,LA'1'ION OF GT?,N:r~2.AL F i7ND ARRA,NT T~O, 735 L~~l ~D JANUAftY 8, 1963. On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Zee, and onthe followin~ roll call vote, to-wit; ~ AYFS: Counci.lmen Lee, Wood, P~1cTdeil, Jacobs and ~~ayor ~urt NOES: 'ivolle ABS~~Ii c None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of `~anuary, 1963. ~'n motion of Councilman ~~IcNeil, seconded by Cou:..cilman Wood, that the improvements of Grand Ave. be accepted and the contractor be pair~ ~n full excepting the10~ retention required for 35 days after approval of the project, ~11 membe_°s present voted "xye." On motion of ~ouncilman ~ee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs the meeting adjourned at I1:07 p.m. All memk?ers pr~.:sent voted '~Aye." OR ~ ATT~ST: C CLERK ~rroyo Grande, ~'alifornia ~anuary 2?~, 19b3 Special t°~eeting 5:30 p.m. The special meeting of the City ~ouncil was called to order with `~•ayor '~uxt presiding. Councilmen Lee, Jacobs, T~c~Jeil and tiJood reported presenty Upon motionof Councilman McNeil~ seconded bz,~ Councilman Lee that the mee#~ing be recessed for the Council to hol~ an executive session. Al1 members pr;;sent voted. "Aye." ihe Council reconvened at 6:52 p.m. 'I'he City clerk was instructed to draw up a warrant pav able t o t~e County Clerk, San Luis Obispo Cou.nty, in sufficient amount for filing transcript costs on appeal of the garbage contract suit. On motion of Counc3lman ~2cNei1, seconded by Councilman Lee, that the Council en;age the services of the law firm of r'eter Kardel to represent the ~ity in the Appeal of the Peterson Ve-rsus the City of Arroyo ~rande (Garbage ~ontrac~) c~,se upon the ~.etermination by i~iayor Burt of the financial obligation. A11 members present voted "Aye.r' Tdo further business the me~ting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. ~ ~ il OR ~ ATTr~T: CI^lY C K