Minutes 1963-02-13 d~;'~~;' Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia Febraury 13, 1963 The ~ity Council met in regular session with 1`'~ayor Burt ~iresid.ing. Present were Councilmen Lee, ~'~ood, Jacobs and McIveil, The minutes of the regular meeting o~ January 22nd, 1963 were approved as prepared. Irlr. John D. Saldivar representing th~ Or~-anacion Giviea Mexicana and Latina America~ requested permissior~ for a yearly license to hold dances in ~the Association Ha1l no more than two dances per month. A~ter discussion it was decided that the dances could. be allawed upon apnroval of the Police ~ept, regardi.ng their regulations and the ~ity A~torney fo~r postin~ a bond, with a new permit applied for each quarter. , Mr. Harx~y J. F~rer, Sr., ~xecuti~e ~ecretary:for t',he Hospitality ~enter of San Luis Obispo, requested permission to open a branch store on ~rand ~ve. to serve the underprivileged families inthis area. After discussion the Council felt this branch location wottld be satisfactory and t~h.e C1erk was instructed to write a letter to t heir Board of Directors to that effect. . vowman, attorney for the proposed So. ~an Luis 6bispo,Co. Sanitation- ~'istrict prese7nted the Resolution to apply for F~deral Grant money for the proposed aewer District. After eliscussion the matter was h~1d over to an adjourned meeting so that th.e Arroyo Grande ~ity Attorne~ wo~xld have a ehance to review the proposal as ~resented, The request frem ~1r, Maurice Greene far a change in the ~ityts kesolution regarding Auctions was discussed and it was the general feeling of the Council that the Resolution ~overnznb suctions not:be changed at this time and the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Greene advising him of their dicision. I~r. And~rson read a letter from Mr. ~orn, Co. Hydraulic ~nginser, ~egarding the possible flood hazard in `i'ract No. 260, Mr. Kraatz, engineer for the T~rwery- Norman Subdi~3.der of the 3'ract, stated he hac~ met ~3.th Mr. ~orn and had gane over the flood. conditions and fe2t t,hat Mr, ~orn was unreasonable in the request for the additional footaoe ~or the flood control easement, Mr~ Norman stated if th~ additional footage was granted so that the Gounty could have the fl.ood- con-trol easement and the road easement that portion of the Traet, as was approved wauld not have enough footage left to develop the lots. He also stated it was not the intention of the subdividers to clear t,he creek banks, the clearin~ that had been done wag an error on the part of the equi~ment operator and no more of the lor~rer creek bar~k will be cleared. Nlayor ~urt directed Nlr. Anderson to a rrange a meeting ~ between P~ir. Born, ~a~rer,y-Norman Developers and himself to see if this matter could be ironed out to the satisfaction of all concerned. The ~1'he first reading of the i;able T.V. Ordi.nance was held over to allow time for the City A~.rorney and Mr. Herbert C, Grund.el, attorn.ey for KSBY Channel 6 T.V, to review the ardinance and make the necessary changes as requested by the Council and present for the r'irst Reading at the next regular Coti.rie~.l mseting. ti1r. ~lton ~ee, ~'hairman of the ~ount~r of ~an ~uis Qbis~;o Board of Supervisors tharilced th.e Council for the l and on the ~ity Water t~dorks farm which. they proposed to deed to the Gounty for a Health Center stating ~that the State ~ealth ~ivision had turned down that site as a possible location due to the nearness of the ~i'~y's sewer leaching beds, and thereby ~s per the agreement the land reverts back to the ~ity. On motion ofFCouncilrnan Jacobs, seconded by Counc::.lrnan ~ee, that the low bid submitted by lexaco Inc. for sup~lyi.ng gasoline to the City form i`larch l, 1963 through ~ebraury 25th, 196~ be accepted and the z'~a.STor be authorized to si~n the contract. A11 members ~~esent voted "Aye". Chief Rechardson reported on the parking in -~he ~'air ~aks Area suggesting parallel parking all along Grand Ave, where the cars park on ~ity property. After discussion the City Attorney was directed to prepare a Resolution establish~.r~g parking on Grand Ave. west of Haleyon ~d. ~hief Richardson also mentioned that citations were goin~ to be issued for caxs parked headed the wrong direction on all ~ity Street including the residential area. The Planning ~on~nissionis recommend~:tion on the Elm St. p3an lines was accepted by the Gouncil and approval was granted for the engineering of the maps. ~'he Planning ~ommission was granted approval to attend the ~lanning Semi.nar cn March 23, 19b3 at ~ity e~ense, ~Arro,yQ Grande, Ca1zf ornia February 13, 1963 p~tge 2 The Business Licen.se ardinance was discussed and i~t was agreed that a ne~ Oreiinance was necessaxy and the ~ity Attorney .was di.rected ta draw up a new Ordinance and present to the Council, The need for a fence around the ne~r reser~~ir was discussed and it was decided that the Councilmen would look at the site to determine if the entire- area should be fenced or ~ust the area around the R.eservoir. Courcilman Wood req~.ested the ~epartment of Public Works to prepare a pro- posed ~dater ~rdinanee for the ~ouncil's review at the re~u].ar meeting of T`~a,rch 12, 1963. Councilman Wood stated that ~?Ir. ~nderson did not have his reptart read~ at this time regarding the City~s requirements for ty~:~e of pipe to be allowed in the water system. Attorney ~avid stat~d he had not heard from Mr. Crocker who was supposed to submi.t to Mr. Dav3.d statistics re~;arding the pipe Vikeing Supply ~o. distributes. I~ir. ~xiderson reported that three test holes had been drilled but no sufficent sup_pl~ of water had been found as yet, other test holes have been planned in dif= f~rent locations and a~ter these tests reports will be made to the ~our~il. The Department of Public Works was directed to have a fazlly outlined report on the proposed road from rialcyon Rd, to Valle~ Rd. giving alternates for the Councils review. ~ ~.'he latter of resignation f'rom I~'Ir. W. E. T~IeLennan, ~.s Consultin.~ Gi~ty Engineer was read and on motion af Couneilman MeNeil, seconded by Councilman acobs tahat Nir. W, E. Mcl,ennan's resignation as City ~n~ineer be accepted, All members present voted ~rAyer~~ Couneilman Wood made a motion that Mr. Robt. Gearin~ be appointed as City Engineer to ser~re at the pleasure of the Council, After discussion it was decided that a letter stating ~rhat Mr. G~aring proposes be presented to the Council before his appointraent. Councilman Wood taithdrew hzs motion. Mr. Narman stated that he has th~ band required by the City in regard to developing Tract No. 260 and wished to present same and. have authorization given to have his ~'ina2 map signed so ~hat h~ may procee~ with the develop~ent of Traet No. 260. Nlayar Burt stated hE felt the si~ning of the map would be satisfactory upon the consent of the City Attorney. Gounci.lman Wood requested that the tree growino in the roadway on Walnut Street be removed. .A.fter discussion it was felt. that no trF,es in the :'air Daks Area_be removed before obtaining the consent o~ the adjacent property owners. Councilman Lee stated the merchants had asked that the City put up s~gns pointing out the parking 7.ot adjacent to Branch Street. After discuss.ion it was felt that the merchants should r~quest the signs from the ~'arking Lot Commit- tee. 1'he ~~ity w~ill insta]_]. the signs if the ~%orr~rro.ttee will purchase them. Co~,n~ilman ~acobs requested th~t emergency resuscitators be placed in the Police cars, that the maintenanee and purchase should be done by the Fire ~ept. and when a full time Fire ~ept, is established the resuscitators will be given to them. Fire Chief ~`iarsalek is dir~cted to obtain information and prices and report back to ~he Council, i`~ayor ~urt stated ~hat he had been contacted by a repressntative of the Telegram-1'ribune requesting that the ~ity p~t a one-half page adv, in t heir paper kaelcoming the ~~oose mem.bers who are going to have a convention in Pismo Beach. All Councilmen were in favor of this. vick ~lankenburg, of the Herald-Recorder s~ated. their paper was also putting out a specia3."Welco~ ~Zoose" edition and re- quested an aciv, for the local pa~er. i~~yor ~vxt stated he was not a~are of this bu~ had been contacted by the Telegram~Tribune representative, but he along with the other Council~n felt a ane-half pa~;e adv. in the t~erald-R~corder wcu.ld also be appropriate. On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, sec~nded bv Gotzncilman Lee, bi11s a~ainst the General Fund for ~~11,2~9,86, water r'und for ~6,931.0~., ~'ark ~'und for ~6.76 and Water Deposit ~''und for ~227.90 be authorized and ordered paid. ~Il member:s present voted E'Aye". c:.~ ~rroyo urande, ~ali_forni.a Fe~ruary 13, 1963 nage 3 On motion of ~otuicilman Jacobs, s<.conded by Councilman ~ee, Journal Vouchers No. I~l~ through 53 be apFroved and ordered transferred. All members present voted '~.Aye.'r LL On motion of Councii.man J~cobs, seccnded by Councilman Lee~ the meeting recessed to executive session from wr.ich it would adjourn t o 7:00 ~.m. i~ionda~ February 18th~ 19b3. .A11 members present voted ~'Aye." l ~ NiAYOR A`i'1EST: CL Arroyo Grande, Califor nia February 18, 1963 The City Council met in a djourned session with Ma~ror $urt presiding. Upon ro11 eall Councilman Lee, ~~ood, Jacobs and McNeil re~orted present. The position of Building Inspector replacement w as discussed and I~Ir, ~nderson was authorized to review any applications and fill the vacancy with the ap,~licant, who in his opin-ion is theLest qua:';.ified for the position. The proposed improvement of ~~alnut •~treet was discussed. The improvement for the street as pr~viously outlined w as f ound to be to costl~r for the temporary solution to the drainage problem.. Councilman Jacobs was granted permission to leave the meeting as he had a prior engagement~ ~:~9 p.~-. After further discussion on the drainage problem on Walnut Street it was decided to hol.d over until°the next meeting when all Councilmen would be present. I~;r. Jerry Osborn stated the property oT~~ner he is representing wc~uld be willing to improve the street adjacent to his property any way the City wished but he would like to go a~ead with the developm.ent just as soon as possible. Resolution No. ~68, entitled: '~Resolution of the City Council of the ~ity of ~.rroyo Grande authorizing and directing the filing of an application for Fed.eral Grant und~r Chapter 660", was read throu~;h the title. Thereupon, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimousl,y carried, further reading of the Resolution was waived. ~ R~;:~OLI~'1'ION N0. 568 ~ A R~SCLU`i'iGi~1 OF TH~ CIiY i;CU~dCIL OF `I'H:i} CIZ'Y ~F AR.ROY~ uRANDE A~JI'HORI~:~i~u Ai~iD PII:~ ;CTINu 1'HE FII~TNG OF AN A:aPLTCAlION ' r OR FE~~.AZ Gx,.~NT UND~ CH~P'i'~"~. bb0 . On motion of Councilrnan ~Jood., seconded by Councilman Lee, and on the follow~ng roll call vote, to-wit; AYES: Councilmen Lee, Wood, T~icNeil and i~ayor ~Urt Td0 : None A~aEflTT: Councilman Jacobs the fore~oing j-~esolution was adopted triis 18th day of ~i'el~ruary 1963. Gn motiori of Councilman i~icP~'ei1, seconded by ~ouncilman ~wood, that the City drop the uarbage rranchise ~ppeal subject to ~~~r. Peterson signing an ab eement approved in form by the City's speeial counsel.and the :vIayor be authorized to sign said•agreeraent on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande. ~11 members present voted "Aye.'~ 'T'he request by Councilman Lee was authorized for two ~olice officers t o attend school one night a week #'or 18 weeks to take the course in Criminology for the cost of ~:;;~23.60 for books and tuition for both ment. ihe ~ity ~lerk was granted permis,ion to turn over to ti~e County of_ San Luis Obispo the records t~iey may deem necessary sathat the Collection of the ~~ena •~treet ~ssessment ~istri~~~t could be taken over by them. Counci3man T~icrdeil rea,uested the ~.dministrator ~rdinance be r-.;ad at th.e next regulr.r meeting of the Gouncil. 'T~~e ~ity Clerk was instructed to p~.archase a calendar for the ~ouncil room.