Minutes 1963-02-18 c:.~
~rroyo urande, ~ali_forni.a
Fe~ruary 13, 1963 nage 3
On motion of ~otuicilman Jacobs, s<.conded by Councilman ~ee, Journal Vouchers
No. I~l~ through 53 be apFroved and ordered transferred. All members present
voted '~.Aye.'r LL
On motion of Councii.man J~cobs, seccnded by Councilman Lee~ the meeting
recessed to executive session from wr.ich it would adjourn t o 7:00 ~.m. i~ionda~
February 18th~ 19b3. .A11 members present voted ~'Aye."
Arroyo Grande, Califor nia
February 18, 1963
The City Council met in a djourned session with Ma~ror $urt presiding.
Upon ro11 eall Councilman Lee, ~~ood, Jacobs and McNeil re~orted present.
The position of Building Inspector replacement w as discussed and I~Ir,
~nderson was authorized to review any applications and fill the vacancy with
the ap,~licant, who in his opin-ion is theLest qua:';.ified for the position.
The proposed improvement of ~~alnut •~treet was discussed. The improvement
for the street as pr~viously outlined w as f ound to be to costl~r for the temporary
solution to the drainage problem.. Councilman Jacobs was granted permission to
leave the meeting as he had a prior engagement~ ~:~9 p.~-. After further discussion
on the drainage problem on Walnut Street it was decided to hol.d over until°the
next meeting when all Councilmen would be present. I~;r. Jerry Osborn stated the
property oT~~ner he is representing wc~uld be willing to improve the street
adjacent to his property any way the City wished but he would like to go a~ead
with the developm.ent just as soon as possible.
Resolution No. ~68, entitled: '~Resolution of the City Council of the ~ity of
~.rroyo Grande authorizing and directing the filing of an application for Fed.eral
Grant und~r Chapter 660", was read throu~;h the title. Thereupon, upon motion
duly made, seconded and unanimousl,y carried, further reading of the Resolution
was waived. ~
R~;:~OLI~'1'ION N0. 568 ~
A R~SCLU`i'iGi~1 OF TH~ CIiY i;CU~dCIL OF `I'H:i} CIZ'Y ~F AR.ROY~
r OR FE~~.AZ Gx,.~NT UND~ CH~P'i'~"~. bb0 .
On motion of Councilrnan ~Jood., seconded by Councilman Lee, and on the
follow~ng roll call vote, to-wit;
AYES: Councilmen Lee, Wood, T~icNeil and i~ayor ~Urt
Td0 : None
A~aEflTT: Councilman Jacobs
the fore~oing j-~esolution was adopted triis 18th day of ~i'el~ruary 1963.
Gn motiori of Councilman i~icP~'ei1, seconded by ~ouncilman ~wood, that the City
drop the uarbage rranchise ~ppeal subject to ~~~r. Peterson signing an ab eement
approved in form by the City's speeial counsel.and the :vIayor be authorized to
sign said•agreeraent on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande. ~11 members present
voted "Aye.'~
'T'he request by Councilman Lee was authorized for two ~olice officers t o
attend school one night a week #'or 18 weeks to take the course in Criminology
for the cost of ~:;;~23.60 for books and tuition for both ment.
ihe ~ity ~lerk was granted permis,ion to turn over to ti~e County of_ San
Luis Obispo the records t~iey may deem necessary sathat the Collection of the
~~ena •~treet ~ssessment ~istri~~~t could be taken over by them.
Counci3man T~icrdeil rea,uested the ~.dministrator ~rdinance be r-.;ad at th.e
next regulr.r meeting of the Gouncil.
'T~~e ~ity Clerk was instructed to p~.archase a calendar for the ~ouncil room.
s~ -
~ Ar~o~,~o Grande, California ~
Februar~T 1~, 1963 page 2
Gn motion of ~ouncilrian ~.c'~eil, secon~ed b,- Councilman ~ee the meeting
adjourned at 8:~0 p.m. t~ll members present vv~ed "Aye."
Aj"i EST •
~'ebruary 26th, 1963
7:30 p.m.
The ~ity Council met in regular session with ~°iayor ~urt presiding.
t resent were Councilmen Lee, Jacobs, ~dood and i~IcNei1.
The minutes of the regular meeting of Febr~,ary 13th, 19~3 and t~e
adjourned meeting of Febr~ary 18th, 1963 were approved as prepared.
P'Ir. Roy Streetmen, read and presente~. to the ~ouncil, a petition
signed by 35 propert~T ohmers on a~zr.set ~rive requesting the Citf relieve "
flood conditions existing ontheir street, as other properties were being
c3rained onto their property. i~Ir. Garin~, City ~~ngineer presented a map,
indicating the flow of drainage wa~er, and after discussion it was ~reed a solution
could not be worked out for individual areas at this time. i~~r. Garing was
authorized to prepare a preliminary ~lan for an overall clrainage system and
present it at the meeting of 1~Iarch l~th, 19~3. ,
NIr. Anderson advised the ~our.cil that 1'ir. Gar~_ng was preparing the
plans for the "Elm 5treet I'lan Lines."
i°iayor ~urt declared the hearing opened for the re-zoning of that
land contained inthe Va11ey Road iJo. 2 Annexation~ from RA-B3 to R-1 and that all
persons for or against the hearing wo~_~ld'be heard. ~vo protests were received.
i~iayor ~~rt declared the hearing clos~d. ~lhe Crdinance to allow the re-zoning was
to be prepared for the next regular meeting by the Cyt~ Attorney.
"~he r~~:quest of J. D. rloore to purchase property owned b.,r the ~ity
adjacent to his property on ~l'raffic ~'~ay was ~aken under discussion. On advice
of the City Attorney, it was agreed that ~~Tr. P~~oore be advised to have a Y;itle
Company prepare a le_;al description, at his el~pense, and submit the report to the
Gouncil at a later meeting.
r--~ iflr. Fiarry i7ci~illen advised the Council, the r,iajority of the residents on
the proposed v~Talnut 5treet ;~xtension and on ~'alm St. were wil~ling to fnlly i~prove
both streeis at the property owners expense, if. permission for the i-:,provement
could be obtained. After discussion, it was a.greed the streets could not be fully
improved at this time because of the drainage condition. mot-ion was made b3r
Councilman McNeil; seconded by ~ouncilman tiv'ood, that permission be granted to
improve a 2~ foot width portion of I'alm St, and the proposed G~alnut Street
extF~-nsion, at thi~ time, after the following conditions have been met: 1) Mr.
6inderson prepare a cost pro-ration for each property owner for the partial street
impro-.rement, 2} pa~rment to the ~ity the complete cost of the z~artial street
improvement w:~th 100~ participation of the propert~T owners, 3) an a~reement with
the City be signed by 100~ o£ the property owners that the cost of fully
improving the streets will be paid by them, and that such char-nes will be a
lien against the pro~erty, a 60 foot right-of-way on Walnut Street and a 50
foot right-of-way on k?alm Street must be deeded to the ~i_ty at this t~me, 5)
all conditions be subject to apl~roval of the City Lngine~r and ~ity ~ttorney.
~1.1 membe-rs present voted "Aye."
Approval was given for the ir~provement nf lract ?'~30. 260, with the
conditions as set forth in the letter of Febraury 2~th, 1963 from the ~~ounty
Hydraulic 'is'ngineer, with the r~_-commendation to the Planning ~orvni.ssion that a
variance be granted to allow a 1~ foot se~-back ins~,e~.d of a 20 foot set-back
on the ~outh side of Woodland Dri~e,
Fire Chief i~iarsalek introduced i~7r. Harry i~ugent, representing i°iotorola
Division, who explained to tYie Co~zncil the requirements of the Federal Communication
System regarding the ~it~r~s two-way radio sys~em, and what chan~es would be necessary
for the ~it~- to com~>ly to the new laws, to e ef.fective October 31st, 19b3. .~fter
discussion, i-ir. iVugent ad~~ised his company tiaould. prepare a proposal, cost ~s ~imate
and ap,;lication form for a local go~~rernment frequency band for the City.