Minutes 1963-02-26 ~~t~.
Arro~,~o Grande, California
Februar~T 1~, 19b3 page 2
On motion of Councilman l~~.c'Weil, secon~?ed b. Councilman Lee the meeting
adjourned at 8:1~0 p.m. till members present vo~ed "Aye."
' OR
,AT`iLST • ~
February 26th, 1963
7:30 N.m.
7'he ~ity Council met in regular session with ~iayor ~urt presiding.
PrESent were Councilmen Lee, Jacabs, Wood and P~IcNeil.
~l'he minutes of the regular meeting of February 13th, 19b3 and the
adjourned mePting of Febr~ary 18th, 1963 were approved as prepared,
NIr.-Ro.~;~ Streetmen, read and presente~ to t he Council, a petition
si~ned by 35 propertjT ohmers on ~~znset ~rive requesting the Cit~r relieve ~
flood conditions existing ontheir street, as other prQperties were bein~
c?rained onto their property. i~Ir. Garing, Cit.y .~n~ine~r presented a map,
indicating the flow of drainage wa~,er~ and after discussion it was~reed a solution
could nat be worked out for individua.l areas at this time. i~ir. Garing was
authorized to prepare a preliminary nlan.for an overall drainage system and
present it at the meeting of t~~arch 12th, 1963. ,
l~s. Anderson advised the ~our.cil that j'ir. Gari_ng was preparing the
plan.s for the "Elm Street Plan Lines."
1•iayor :~urt declared the hea,ring opened for the re-zoning of that
land contained inthe ~1a11ey ~.oad i~1o. 2 Annexation~ frorn RA-B3 to R-1 and that all
persans f~r or against the ~iearing wo7Ald be heard. ivo protests were received.
1°iayor ~U_rt declared the hearinb closed. ~i'he Ordinance to allow the re-zoning was
to be prepared for the next regular meeting by the G1ty Attorney.
~i'he r:;quest of J. D, t-loore to purchase property owned b,r the ~ity
adjacent to his property on ~l,raffic ~'~ay w~s taken under discussion. On advice
of the ~ity Attorney~ it was ~reed that ~~Ir. ~~Zoore be advised to have a~'itle
l%ompany prepare a lez;al description~ at his expense, and submit the report to the
Gouncil at a later meeting.
i;r. Fiarry P~Zci~Sillen advised the Council, the _najority of the residents on
~ the ~ roposed 'vdalnut ~~reet :~xtension and. on Palm St. were ~~illing to fully ir:~prove
both streeis at the property owners expense, if permission for the ir:~_provement
could be obtained. After discussion, it was a greed the streets could not be fully
improved at this time because of the drainage condition. A mot=on was made by
Councilman I~1ci~feil, seconded by ~ounr.ilman 1~v'ood, that permission be bran~ed to
improve a 21~ foo~c width portion of Pa1m St. and the proposed ~ialnut Street
extF~nsion, at thi~ time, after the following conditions have been met: 1) P~r.
l~nderson prepare a cost pro-ration for each property o~rner for tre partiial street
impro-Tement, 2) payment to the ~ity the complete cost of the ~artial street
improvement wi.th 100f particip~tion of the propert~r owners, 3) an a;reement with
the City be signed by 100~ o_f the property owners that the cost of fully
improvin~ the streets will be paid by them, and that such char~es will be a
lien against the pro~erty, 1~)~ a 60 foot right-of-way on '~+~.lnut Street and a~~
foot right-of-way on Palm Street must be deeded to the ~~_ty at this t~me, 5)
all conditions be subject to api~roval of the City Lngineer and ~ity Attorney.
All membe-rs present voted "Aye."
A.pproval was given for the improvement nf 1'ract ~~10. 260, with the
' conditions as set forth in the letter of Febraury 25~h, 1563 from the ~:~ounty
Hydraulic :~ngineer~ with the r~-commendation to the ~'lanning ~orimission that a
variance be granted to allow a 1~ foot set-baek ins~Le~.d of a 20 foot set-back
on the ~outh side of Woodland Drz~re,
I~ire Cnief ~°larsaZek iritroduced i~Tr. Harry ~Tugent, representing I~iotorola
Division, who explained to the Co~.~ncil the requzrements of the Federal Communication
System regarding the Lit,~,T~s two-way radio system, and what chan~es would be necessary
for the City to com~~ly to the new laws, to~we effective Octol~er 31st~ 1963, tifter
discussion, i-ir. ;~lugent ad~rised his company ti~ould. prepare a proposal, cost es ~imate
and ap;._lication form for a local go=rernment frequency band for the City.
City Council - F~braury 26th, lqb3 - r~age 2
x ~:,,~oL€~ l~ION Nc,. 569
ri.:~;;~~:L~lI0A1 OF 1'HE CTZ'Y~ ~OUT~dCIL ~F T?~ C.i.1Y
OF r~rt1~.0Y0 GFi.ANDE E~~GA .~?"i~u 1HE Ffftivl OF Jt~t~tKS
A111~ ti.Dt~,F1ISCN `l'0 ~.:,(~ER :,~VTGII~1Er`~.I~~G ~TIC ES
Ii~ GOi1 EG`i'.-ON '`v'+TIi'~~ i'H~ ~f~.O~~G~ED 5~'~Tc~. ~30i~1D
l~`J~u. ~
On motion of Councilman Jacobs, s~conded by Councilman ~ee, and ~:y the following
-roll ca11 rot~ to-wit:
AYE~: '~~ayor ~urt~ Councilmen Lee~ WWood, _:c~3eil~ Jacobs.
~1GES : ~ione
.r~3SENT: i~one
the foregoing R~solution was a~opted this 26th day of F~braury, 1963.
The drainage of proposed ~'ract Ivo. 282 was discussed and Mr. ~G~alter Filer
requested the ~ity par~icipate in the cost of the ps.pe and the installation of the
line to drain flood w~ters across Halcyon Road, thru Tract No. 131, to the Arroyo
urande ~reek. IIr. Uaring advised the ~o::nczl, the pipe should be a larger s i~e
than necessary to serve thw water f rom i'ract i~To. 282 as other property would be
draining thru the same facilities. `1'he Council agreed, there w as no money available
=zt this time for the drainage facility and the City Engineer and Director of Public
inlorks are to prepare a cost estimats for the undevelo;~;ed areas that would use t he
d~ainage facility.
Councilr,ian Jacobs presented a Committe4~ ~.eport regarding the age limit fvr
i:ity Em;~~oyees, and recommended no employee over Age 65 be retained by the City.
That persons now employed by the Gity, that had reached ~ge 65, be r_eleased from
their employment with the City no later than June 30, 1963. The recoirnnendation was
referred to the ~ity Attorney for prex~aration of the necessary papers to make this
requirement a ~.egal action.
rt.'~;SC'iI,UTI~i1T 1~t0• 570
On motion of councilman ~ee, seconded by Councilman T~ci~eil, anc~ by the following
ro11 call vote, to-wit;
A,Yr~S: T`~azror Burt, Counci2men T~icNeil, Lee, Jacobs, Wood.
NOES: None
~BSENT: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th d a,y of Febraur~, 1963
1~~,5C~i.,UTION N0. 571
OTS C`.~.lAii~ PO~TIONS OF uRAN~ AV`~i.
On motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Tici`1eil, and by the following
roll call vote, to-wit:
AYES: T°~a:~or ~urt~ Councilr.-~en i~icNeil~ yee, J~,cobs, v~ood
iv0~;5 : T~done
A.~3aEidT: None
the foregoing Resoluticn was adopted this 26th d ay of February, i963.
~ I~.'.:,~'sli~T~.'I~~ ~~r 7~~ .
TQ 1X~U2'E ~~Ei~II',iP•1ENT 'r0 QLD-AG~, ~v`~~.VIVORS, A~TD
On motion of Counci_'_man ~ryood,::seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and on the
following roll call vote, to-wit:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,
~~?C~ `
City Council - Februar~r 26th, 1963 - page 3
AI.'ES: T~ayor Burt, Councilmen Zee, Mc~Teil, Jacobs, ~ood.
rvOES ; None
ABSEI~T' : None
the foregoing Resolution was a dopted this 26th day of ~'~bx~uary, 1963.
R~aOLUTION N0. 573
FOR FIZING S`i'ATE E~~ii~LOY~:~ ~ S RETIR,~~I'~rr'NT
SY~i`i~~ ~~tEYORTS.
On motion of Cou.ncilman Jacobs, scconded by Councilman Lee, and on ~he
following roll call vote, to-wit:
AYF,~: I~2a;~or ~3urt, Co~:ncilman Lee, ~~el~eil, Jacobs, Wood.
T~OES : - None
AI3S~,I~1T: i~one
the foregoing Resolu.tion was adopted this 26th day of February, 1963.
The ~tate Retirement ~ystem requested a Resolution be passed by the City
defi:~ling a prt time °mployee. The Council requestc~d the De~artment Heads submi.t
their recommendations designation what they considered a part time emp7.oyee.
On mot~on of Councilman Jacobs~ seconded by Councilma.n Trdood, that Robert S. °
~aring, Jr., be retained as ~ity ~gineer of the City of Arroyo Grande, to serve
at the pleasure of the City Council of the City, in accordance with the provisions
and pursuant to the terms and provisions of the le~ter of said ~obert S. Uaring,
Jr. dated February 15th, 1963, a copy of wnich letter s..a on file in the offiee
of the City ~lerl~', The Gompensation for said services shall be as therein set
forth. ~11 members present voted ~~Aye."
`ihe City Cour.cil directed the T}irector of Public ~`Jorks to have a cost
estimate prepared for a chain link fence and accessories, to enclose the ~ity owned
:~.eservoir site on Brisco Hill and an alternate estimate for the eost to extend the
chain link fince around the existing facilities only.
Gouncilman Lee suggested the i~iayor consider ap~ointing a temporary replacement
for ~on Shaffer to serve on the Cormni.ttee studying the Gverall sewer nlan as
i°ir. Shaffer was unabl~= at this time to attend the discussian meetings.
1'he overatl sewer pian was discussed and the Director of Public Ldorks w~::s
instructed to correspond with York Feterson, requesting he gi?:e the City
engineering advice on the overall sewer plan.
Gorrespondence was read from the Mid State ~ank requesting the Gity senc.
them written notice of the Counc=l's decision regarding the banks request of
i~ovember 27th, 1962, that the Gity utilize the facilities.:of the T~qid State '
Bank, as it was now within the xrroyo Grande City Limits. Councilman Jacobs
was to d.iscuss the City's banking procedures with the officials of the iiid
5tate Bank and the Bank of Hmerica and report at a later meeting,
The first reading of the Administrative C~rdinar;ce was postponed unti3 the
ne~t regular meei;ing, so the changes as discussed. could be incorporated into the
Orainance by the City Attorney.
A. motion was made by Counciiman Ja.cobs, seeonded by Cou~~cilman Lee, that
warrants against the G=~neral ~'und for '~6,270.51 and the lTa~er :~eposit Fund for
~62.50 be approved and orc~ered paid. kll members present voted "Aye."
A motion was made by Uo~.z;cilman Lee~ seconded by Col.~nc_lman Jacobs, that the
meeting be adjourned at 12:25 A.:f. to 5:30 P.~~, iuesday, i~Iarch rth, 1963.
All members present ~TOted "A~e.'~
/ F r ~2-
r ..,%d.,~,yZ
. _ °layor
City e k