Minutes 1963-03-12 City C;ouricil ~._journed ~ession - I~larch 7, 1;b3 - page 2 No further business appearing on mot~_on of Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilm.~.21 Lee the meeting adjou.rned, at 8:?~0 p.m. ~11 members present voted "A,ye," ~ ~ t i~" " R A`1 T~ST : CI`.t'~ CLr'~K ~rroyo Grande, C~lifornia i~Tarch 12th, 1963 The Gity ~our?cil met ~n re~ular session with ~°~ay~or ~urt pr~siding. 'r'resent were ~our~cilr~en Lee, I~~~ood, P~1c~leil and J~cons. `ihe m~5_r~utes of the renul.ar meeting; of Februar~ 26th, 1963 and the adjourned meetin~s of i°larch ~th and 7th, 1963 were approved as prebared. S•~r. Garing, ~it~r ~~n.gineer, presented preliminar~r ~3ana and gave a pro~ress renort to date for the overall drainage p~an. .The followin~ bids ~~Tere rc:ceived for installation of 25 Fire Hydrants, in the rair Oaks A-_-•ea~ Project T~o. 60-62-~; ~mee's v~8,921.08, Ganns - ~~,998.6~t, Lyles - ~~,~&~,00 and ~ionovan - ~9,236.20. A motion ~as made b~ Counc3_Irnan y~ood, seccnded by C.ouncilman Lee -~hat the Iow bia of Lyles `'onstruction Co. for ~8,~~3?~,00 be accepted, and be awar~.ed the contract for Project 'r1o, ~p_C2_5~ and the i~~a~or be a~~~thorized to si.,n the contract for the ~ity, All members present voted "xye." ~~~ayor Durt d.eclared the hearing opened for the annexation to the ~ity of Arroyo Grande af the itTabb R~ncY~~' and that all persons for or against the request ~roL~Id be heard. i~to discussion for or a~ainst the annexation was offered and T~ia~or ~urt ~.eclared the hsaring closed.. A motion wa~ made by ~ouncil-'- man Jacobs, seconded by Cot:nciiman Lee, that the annexation designated as "The iabb ~anch~~ be ap~roved, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AY~S: Councilm.en ~ee, i~~ci'Jeil, J~co~s, and ~"ia;or Burt. NO~S: ivone ~ A:3~i~',~TT: ivone A:3Sr1A_TPJ~D: Councilman ~`~ood the foregoing motion wa7 approved this Z2th day of i`1arch, 19h3 An Ordinance a~provin~ the xnnexation of Certain ~ninhabited lerritory~ desi~nated "The labb ~anch'~ to the G1t;r of Arroyo Grande was read for the first re~:~din;. . ihe Gity attorney read an appeal to the Cit~T Council form Rev. i~7. Kenneth Criswell for a ~onditional Use Fermit ~:r~anted by the Arroyo urande ~'Ianning ~ommission to Kenneth Levine, to erect an ~n-_mal Hospital on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, q and 10, ~lock 10, ~Jestern ~ddition. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded b-T ~our~cilrnan L~'ood, that the appeal of itiev. ~1, Kenneth Criswell for the above stated ~onditional ~?se ~'ermit, be set for hearing at 8:OG: ~.~i:., i°~arch 26th, 1963, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AY1~S: t~ouncilmen Lee, b~Iood, Jacobs, an~ ~~~yor ~urt. NO~~S : Ivone ~ ~~35~IV1: i3one Aw:~`i`,~INIsD, Councilman Mci~eil the foregoing motion was apnroved this 12th day of T~tarch, 1963. i•ir. ~tobert uaring~ ~i_ty ~ng~neer pr~~:sented a map ou~lining drainage f~cilities for pronosed `~'ract No. 282 and ac~jacent properties. i~'Ir. Hobbs, of Facific ~~ngineers Surveyors, Inc. pressnted an Engineer's `'ost ~sti.mate for the proposed storm drainage structures~ with an estimated cost of City participation of ~;~3,0~0.00, and rec~uestea the Hity pa~r an equal percentage of the actual cost, when final amounts have been obtained. lhe ~ity ~'vuncil ordered the ~'~ngineer's Cost ~stim,ate filed in the office of the Cit~r Clerk. . ~ C~A ~ G... . A miotion was made by Councilma~ Wood, seconded by Councilman Mci~eil that the final map of Traet No. 282 be accepted, subject to a document to b~ prepared by the ~ity Attorney containin.~ the following stipulations: 1, That any developer of Tract Ado. 2$2 pay the total cost o~ the installations of starm drainage structures in accordance with the plans and preliminary break~lown indicated on plans entitled "Storm Drain Stud~ Tr~et No. 282~' dated i~arch, 1963. 2, That the City participate by paying the expense of the inerease of the line from 21~" to 30" and two drop inlets, not to excesd ~l~,~O~.OQ. 3. Any acl~acent areas for the use of the dra-?nage facilities, to pay the - pro-ra~a share of.~he a~tnal cost.of th~_installation as th~ same may be detErmi.ned by the ~ity Public TiJorks ~epartment~ in their sole discretion, to the City~ to b~ r~:funded by the Cit~r to the developer for=a period of 10 years. All members present voted ~1A,ye". Fire Chief i~arsalek introduced ~y~r, Dirmann, represen~a~ive of R.C.A. who reviewed the proposed change in the radio systam of the ~ity, and recommended the changes to be r?ad~, The Gouncil gave ap:rova7. to Chief Marsalek to proceed with ~aining the necessary.informat~on and cost estimates for the radio change and new irs~allations necessary to ~eet the re~Tairements o~ the F. C. C. The heading of and ordinance of the ~ity ~ouncil of t,he City of Arroyo Grande establishing the office of Cit~r Administrator and defining the duties, powers and responsiblities of the ~itiy Administrator was read for the first reading. The Council indicated they had read and studied the proposed Ordinance. A motion was then made by Conncilman MeNeil, seconded by Councilman Lee, to dispense with reading the balance of the ordinanee, A11. members present voted '~Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs seconded by Gouncilman Lee, tha~t a refund be processed to John Azevedo for ~15,00 as recomr,lended by the~Ylanning Commission, as Nfr. Aze Jedo had paid >:~25.00 for a Variance which no act ~ on had been taken on, and ~10,00 of the variance application fee had been ap~lied to a Lot-split requested by him. All members present voted."Ayerr~ The City At~:orney read a petition containing 11 signatures from property owners requesting annexation to the City of Ar'royo Grande, the land laying between the existin~ City Limits and Highway 101 on the North City Limits of Az'royo Grande. The Planning Commission recommended that this area would be a desirable addition to the City, and the Gity Council adopted the following Resolution. RESOLLTION Nt~. 575 - , A R~SC?LUTTOI~T OF THE CITY G~UNGIL OF THE ~ITY OF .ARROYO GR,ANAE COi:•TS~:P~ITII~?G TO THE ~ C4I~~IF~tCET'~tT OF ~'ROC~'EDII~GS FOR THE ANPdEX- ~lION OF CERTAT_N I~~HABITED '1'r'~RTTORY DEST',~N~1; ED A:~ "~10RTH ~:IGFiWAY 1~1" On motion of Cou~icilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, the r•~:ading of the d~scrzption of t. s r~so:~u-ti.en was dispensed with, All members present voted "Aye". On motion of Counc~lman Me~de:;:1, sE;conded by Go~;ncilman Jacobs, and by the foTlowing rol3 call vote, `~o-bait: AYES: Councilman Lee, Wood, i~ScNeil, Jacobs and I~ayor ~urt. NOES : 1Vone ABSEId~ : None the foregoing Resolution was adcpted this 12i,h day of March, 19b3. Comrrrissioner Schultz read recommendations from the Planning ~%ommission approvir~g three r~yzoing requests reeeived by the ~'lanning Co~..ssion. A. ~noticn was made by Councilman Jacobs~ s:~conded by ~onneilman McNeil that th~ zon~ng request of W. ~'iler that the land contained in the T~aster Plan of proposed `i'ract ~to. 282 be re-zonedfrom R,A-B3 to R-1 and R-3 Zoning; the zoning request fj AZ . ~ ` r of Edwi.n ~~elson that ~he 144 foot parcel of la~id between Larchmont 17rive and West Branch 9treet adjacent to Arroyo Grande Truck ~o. be rezoned fro~n R-], to C-2 Zoning; anc~ the request of Mr. "ockshott and the Planning Commi.ssian that the propert~ with f~rontage on T~~'h.iteley ~treet k~et~reen the Arroyo Grande Creek and ,~llen Street and the lots which face Al1en Street and are adfac~nt to the aforesaid described property and the parcel of land ow~ed by ~ordon Bennett and imporved with a residential home, be rezoned from R-3 to R-2 Zoning, be set for hearing at 8:00 P.~~. April 9th, 1963. .All mPmbers present voted '~~~ef'. Corrm~i..ssioner 5ehultz read a recomrnen~.ation from the P~,anning Comm~.ssion ~hat uninhabited anne~tion proceedings be com;:;.~nced on the North side of Hi~hway lv~ ad~acent to the existing City Limits, as 2~r, xlbert Browne had requested his property be arinexed to the Gity. Mr Browne was present and advised the Council some of the property owners adjacent to his property on the northerly side ha~ indicated to him they desired their property to be annexed to the City also, `ihe Council requested N'~r. Anderson prepare the necessary documents to proceed with Lhe anne~ation. Counc~lman I~cPJei1 read a report re~arding the ins-~allation of new strest li~hting proposed by Facific Gas and ~.ectric Co. within the next three weeks. The heading of an ordinance of thE City Council of the t~ith of .~rro~o ~zrande amending ~rdinance No, 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande, so as to re-zone ceriain property in the City of ..~rrroyo Grande was read for the first re~.cling. A motion ~ras made by Councilman Lee, seconded by Goun~ilman ~Ici~eil, to dispense with re~ding the balance of the ordinance. A11 members present voted ~'Ayet', The Ci~y ~ttorney advised ~the Council the ordinance re;arding Cable T.V. was not prepared at this time~ and read. a letter from the Board of Education of the A,rroyo ~rande Union Elementary School District, inviting the Council to attend a m~eting an ~Iarch 26th, 19b3 when educationa]. television will be discussed.. As this meeting is scheduled at the same time as the regular Council meeting, it was felt they could not attend. The Legal Paper .~or age li~tations for City Empioyees was not prepared at this tir~e. 1'he cost estimates for ~ chain l~.nk fence for the reservs~ir on Brisco ~i11 had not ~~een comple~ed and Mr. Anderson was to have the figures for the next regular meeting. Council~aan Jacobs reported he had met ~it.2~ the afficials of the Bank of America and_would diecuss the ~ity~s hanking facilities with the officials of the M3.d'State i3ank and havc; a recomendation ~o present at the nest regular meeting. Council~n Wood recommended the ~'om:ittee studying the proposed road from Valley xoad to ~alcyon Road, have an a~,praisal of the land to be used, to ex- p~diate obtaining the rt~ad ri~ht of way. After discussion it was agreed the Commi.ttee should have more time for their study ~efore other action is taken. REvOLUTION N~. 576 R~t7LU1I0N AU~';:E3RIZI~IG APtL DIREGTINi~ E:i`iA~3I,I5HM~iT OF TH~ SEPARAT ; PI,~NNE:'dG ~GGf}UNTS On Motion of Councilman Jacobs,.seconded by ~ouncilman ~ee, and by the followi.ng roii call gote, to-w3_t: AY~S: Councilt~an Lee, Wood, MeNeil, Jacobs, and 1y~ayor °urt. IJOES ; ~ None ~ ~k~3SENT : , ~ione the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of 1'~arch, I963,~ Correspondence was r eceived f rom the San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau Inc. inviting one member of the City Council to represent the City,, on a"Air Tour'~ of San Luis 0 b3spo Goun~y on ~.pril 6th, 1963. Co~zncilman Wood wa5 t o attend for the ~ity. A motion was made by Councilman yee, seconded by Councilman Jaeobs, that war~ants against the General ~'und for ~19,215.60, the Water Fund for ~3,0~.$.81, the Water Depos~_t Fund for ~32.00, and the ~peci~l uas jax Street Zmprovement ~'und for vp2,lt26.59. ~.11 members present voted "Aye". ~ ~ ~a Correspondenc~; was received from the Aianagement Directors ~ompany advising that their plans for the devclopment of a senior citizens hausing pro~ect would have to be pos~;:oned. ~ motion was made by ~ouncilman McNeil~ seconded by Cou::.cilman I,ee, that no further action be taken on the annexation proceedings for the axea c~esigna ~;ed as "Valley Road No. 2". Councilaen Lee~ MeNei1! Jacobs and PRayt~r ~urt voted "Aye". Councilman Wood voted "Nor'. A motion was made by Councilman NIc~Jeil, second~d by Go~cilman Lee that the l%ouncil meeting b~ adjourned at 11:00 P.M. to 5s30 P.1~, T~onday, I~arch I8th, 1963. A11 members present voted "~Aye~'. ' ~ ATTES~: ~ , / ~ ~ flR CITY CLII~K Arroyo Grande ~ity Go~.:ncil ~,djo~:rned meeting 5:30 P.l~~, ~'ionday, 1`~arch 18, 1963 The ~ity Council met in adjourned session with ~'~ayor ~urt presiding. Presen-t ~ere Couneilmen Lee, Wood, and McP3eil. ~ou?:cilmar~ Jacobs was absent. The reading of the ~rdinanee approving the annexation of eertain uninhabi~ed territory, desi~nated "Th~ Tabb Ranch~~ to the Cit of Arroyo Grande was read for the second r~ading. A motion ~aas made by Councilrian ~es, seconded by ~%ouncilman Nict~eil, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. Couneilman Lee~ T~cNeil and T~a.yor ~urt voted '~Aye!'. :%ouncilman ~Tood abstained from voting. ORDINANGE N0. 169 A~.~ C~RDI~^~ANCE A~'PROVTNG THE ANNEk.t~TI~1V OF Cr~T.AIN U1~INHt~BITED `1EN.zI`l'ORY, B~SIuN.A1ED "THE T,d~BB R,~TCH~' tfl THE CITY OF' ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of ~ouneilman Lee, secondea by Couneilman Mc~eil and on the fallowing roll ca1.l vote, to-wit: A,Y"`rS.: Councilrr~an Lee, Picivieil and t~ayor ~urt N~~a: l~one A~SENT ; Councilman Jacot~s ~t3,~T.AINED: Gounei~t~an '~ood the foregoin~ ~rdinance was adopted this 18th day of t'~aarch, 1963. On motion of Councilman MeNeil, seconded b~r~'ouncilman ~ood that the installation of the Elm Street Sewer Line,,~ Projeet No. 7t~-b2-1~ l~e approved and accepted by th~ city of .Arroyo Grande. All members present voted 'jAye". The Council discussed the proposal they had recieved f'rom t~r. Y~rk #~eterson regarding the engineering study the Gity is interested in for the Re~ional Sewage Disposal District. 1he Couneil requested ~Zr. t:nderson to arrange a meeting between I~ir. York Peterson and the Council sothat his proposal may be gone over in more detail. No further business appearing upon motion of Councilman McNezl, seconded by Councilman ~Jood the meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M. .All members present voted "Aye". , YO ATTF.ST : C~ TY CZ~t.K