Minutes 1963-03-18 ~ ~ Correspondence was received from the Management D~.rectors ~ompan~ advising that their plans for the devclopment of a seniar citizens housing project ~rould have to be post;~:oned. A~otion was made by ~%ouneilman P~IcNeil, seconded by ~ou.<cilman Lee, that no further action b~ taken on the annexation proceedings for the area desi~;na ::ed as "Va11.ey Road No. 2". Councilaen Lee~ ~ic~eil~ Jaeobs and Mayor ~urt iroted f1Ay'E~~~ Councilman Wood voted ~r~orr~ A motion was made by Councilman Nic~Jeil, second~d by Councilman Zee that the Gouncil meeting be adjourned at 11:a0 P.M, to 5;30 P.~I, T~onday, March 18th, 1963. All members present voted "Aye". ~ ,-r AT 1 F.ST : - ~ > . ' ~r MA UR CITY CLERK ~rroyo Grande ~ity Counei3 Adjo~rned m~eting ~:30 I'.~2. ~~Ivnday, I'~areh 18, 1963 The ~ity Gouncil met in adjourned session with ~~ayor ~urt presiding. Present were Couneilmen Lee, G~ood, and I~cNeil. Cou~:cil~nan Jacobs was absent. The reading of the Ordinanee approving the anr~.exation of certain uninhabi-~ed territor~r, desi~nated "The Tabb Raneh" to the ~it of Arroyo Grande was read for the second r~ading. A mation was made by Councilr~an ~ee, seconded by ~ouncilman ~etveil, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. ~ouncilman Lee, MePdeil anci Nia.yor ~urt voted "Aye?'. ~ouncilman T~Tood abstained from voting. ORDINANC;E N0. 169 t~ ~RDIiaANCE APPFtOVING TH~ ANNE~~ATI~IV OF C;~.T~IN UNINH~iBITED ri'E~ie`~I`l'ORY, I3r~SIuNAl~D nTHE T.~,BB RA,IYCH~' TO THE CITY OF ARR4Y0 GRANDE. On motion of Gouncilman Lee, s~conded b~ Councilman McNeil and on the foll.owing roll eall vote, to-wit: AYESz: Councilmen Lee, P1et~~eil and t~Iayor ~urt N0~ : None ~BSENT: Councilman Jaeobs ~.t3,~T~INED: t;oun.cil~an ~'ood the foregoing Ordinance was a dopted this 18th day of ~'~arch, 1963. On motion of Councilman MeNeil, seconded b~r ~ouncilman Wood that the installation of the Elm Street S~;wer Line~, Pro~ect No. 7~-62-It be approved and acc~pted by the city of A~ro~o ~rand~. All members pr~sent voted t?~~,err~ The Council discussed the proposal they had reciev~d f'rom l~r. York Peterson regarding the engineering study the City is intere~ted in for the Regional Se~rage Disposal Distriet. ~he Gouncil reqaested ~7r. tynderson to arrange a meeting between I~r. York Feterson and the Counci]. sothat his proposal ma~ be gone over in more detail. No f~zrther business appearing upon motion of Councilman McNeil, secc~nded b3r Councilman Wood the meeting adjourned at ~':50 P.M. All members presen-t vvted ~'Aye". . fr ~ ~ YD ATTE5T : ~:I TY CZERK