Minutes 1963-08-27 Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . August 27, 1963 7:30 P.M. The City Coun.cil met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding, Upon roll call: Cauncilmen Wood., and Jacobs reported. present. Absent: Councilmen Lee and McNeil. MINUTE APPROVAL . The minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 1963 were approved. as prepared. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS A ttFtttation was made by Councilman Jaaobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that the warrants against the general F'ux~.d for $12,832.73 and Water Fund.for $718.50 be approved and ordered paid. All members present voted. 'rAyett . REQUEST OF MERCHANTS ASSN. TO PLANT TREE ~ The Council,approved. the request of the Downtocm Merchants Association to plant an evergreen tree in the center of the island, between Bridge St, and. Traffic Way as outlined by the Gity Administrator. Councilman Lee joined. the Council at 7:45 P.M. REQUEST FQR 81CYCLE RACK ON BRANCH S'T. The request to allow a bicycle raek on Branch St, was discussed and it was d.ecided. more study be given to d.etermine what location would, best suit the situation before any decision was made. The City Administrator and.Chief of Police are to check into the different suggested locations and report back to the Council. ORDINANCE - PURCHASING PROGEDURE The head,ing of the Ordinance prescribing a purchasing proced.ure was read for the second read.ing by title only; a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second,ed by Councilman Lee that read.ing the balance of the Ord.inance be dispensed with. All members present voted. "Aye". ORDINA.NCE N0. 181 AN ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE PRESCRIBING A PURCHASING PROCEDURE On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by CounciLman Wood and by the following ro11'call vote, to--wit: AYES: Councilmen Lee, Wood,, Jaeobs and.Mayor Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman McNeil the foregoing ~rdinance was adopted. this 27th d.ay of August, 1963. BI -WEEKLY PAYR.OLL Upon recommend.ation of the City Aclministrator and. after d.iscussion the City Attorney was instrueted to prepare a Resolution establishing a bi-weekly payroll period for pay- ment of salaries for all regular emgloyees of the City. 4~~ City Council - August 27, 1963 - Page 2 PURCHASE APPROVAL FOR MULTILITH MACHINE A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Couneil-, man Lee, that approval be g~anted for the purchase of one Mult- ilith offset printing machine mod.el 1000 as a 1963~64 bud.geted item. All tnembers present voted. 'tAye". AGREEMENT WITH STATE PERSONNEL BOARD`- TESTS A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Jacobs that the City of Arrayo Grattd.e enter into an agreement caith the State Personnel Board. to allow the Gity the opportunity to utilize the testing procedure available through the State Personnel Board., and. authorize the Mayor to sign for the City. A11 members present voted 'tAyett. GABLE TV BID OPENIIaTG TIME The time for the opening of bids sulxnitted, for the franchise for operating a Community Antenna Television System within the City of Arroyo Grand.e was d.eelared by Mayor Burt. No bid.s were submitted. and after disc.ussion upon the advise of the City ~ciniin- istrator a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Lee that the City Glerk be authorized and directed to have re-ad.vertised the "Notice to Applieants" calling for bid.s for Franchises for a~Community Antenna Television System for the City of Arroyo Grande. Bids to be submitted. by 2:00 P.M. October 3, 1963,.at which time they shall be opened by the City Administrator and a report prepared for the next regular meeting of the City Council. All members present voted ''Aye". RE-ZONING - S. SARUWATARI A motion w~.s made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Couneilman Jacobs that a hearing be set for 8;00 P.M. September 10, 1963 for the proposed re-zoning of a ptn, of Lot 104 of the Ranchos Corral de Pied.ra from :~A-B3 to HS as recommend.ed. by the Planning Commission. All members pres~nt voted. T'Ayett. Councilman Wood left the Cauncil at 8:~2 P.M. RE-ZONING ~ A. WOOD A rootion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Lee that a hearing be set for 8:00 P.M. September 10, 1963 for the proposed, re-zoning of a ptn, of Lot 1 af Newsom Subdivision from RA-B3 to R-1 as recommend.ed. by the Planning Gommission. All members present votecl 'tAyett. • Councilm~n Wood. re~joine~d the Council at 8:11 P.M. REQUEST INTERIM ZONING BY CO. PL~.N. COMM. Councilman Wood stated.County P lanning Commissioner Carpenter informed him that the County Pl~nning Commission has:established in their 1963-64 Bud.get plans for zoning of the South San Luis Obispa County area, which includ:es the land lying adjacent to the City Limits. After d.iscussion the C~'cx~tj.cil agreed. that no further action be taken by them at this time, but that the City Adminis- trator be instructed to meet and d.iscuss the matter with the Gounty P3~anning Directo.r. . ~ , , , : . ACCEPTANCE TRACT N0. 260 ` ,_A motion was mad.e by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Jacobs that the City aceept the improvements in Tract No. 26~ and their improvement bond be released.. All members present vote~d ttAye't. City Council - August 27, 1963 - Page 3 RESOLUTION APPROVING 1~ GAS TAX INCREASE 'The heading o~ a Reso~ution- acceptir~.g th~ impositiort- of ad.ditional h~;ghway users tax and f~es was read by~ title only, . thereupon~a md~ion was<uqade by Councilma~ Jacabs, seconded. by Councilman Wood that reading the balance of the Resolution be dispensed with as all Councilmen were thoroughly familiar with the contents. All members present voted. "Aye't. R~SOLUTION NO . 5 91y"'L~ AGCEPTING 'TH~ IMPOSITION QF ADDIT~ONAL HIGHWAY IJSERS TAXES AND FEES PURSUANT _ , • -T0 CHAPTER :1852 , ~TATU'I'ES OF• 1963. , On motion of Gouncilman Wood., seconded by Councilman Jaeobs and. by the following roll call vote;-to-wit: AYES: Council~e~ Lee, Wood,'Jacob~ ~nd.Mayor Burt:- NDES: None ABSENT. Councilman McNeil the foregoing Resolution was ad,opted this 27th day of August, 1963, : , . . . , , LANDSCAPED FREEWAY FOR A.G: Go~cilman Jacobs ~eeoc~end.ed t'h.at the City contact ~he Division of Highways and. request that the divid.er strip of the freeway through the City be fenced, and. shrubs be planted ta enhance the beauty of the freeway through Arroyo Grande. After discussion the City Administrator w~s directed tc~ contact the ~ Division of Highways and report back to the Council. REPORT ON FORMATI~N OF S0. SLO SANIT'. DISTR. The Gity Administrator advised the Council that the for- mation of the So~.th San Luis Obispo Sanitation District jaas ag~in he1d. over to September 3, 1963, by the County Baard of Supervisors pending their receipt of a cdrrec~ed, boundary description frc~m the Gounty Publ.ic Works Dept. Supervisor Schenck stated'~he was advised that the d.escription wsuld. =be ready and tha.t barring any unforeseeable probl~ms the District would. be fornted ~eptember 3, 1963. The City Administrator ad.vised. the Council that the Mayor and one alternate be appointed to the South San L~.-is Obispo County Sanitation District. Mayor Burt was apgointed to the Sanitation District Board. with Councilman Wood, as the alternate. The City Administrator also recommend,ed that the Ad,ministrator be available to the Sanitation Board to help in the organization ~ and coordination of the District, T`he CQUncil was in fu11 agreeztaen~ to this request. The Ci~y Administrator was instructed. to report back to the Gouncil of ~he final act~~n of the Board' of Supervisars. REFUND TD DEVEL . 0 F TRA.GT NO . 161 A motion was mad.e by Councilman Waod., second.ed. by Couneil- man Zee that on the advise of the City Attorney a refund be. processed to the Grand. View Development Co. in the amoun:t of $718.50 as per agreement with the City Council October 27, 1963 meeting, covering the following: ~a~~ City Council - August 27, 1963 - Page 4 2 meters installed on single services @$37.50 =$75.00, 26 meters installed on double services @$24.75 =$643.5~, total refund.able, $718.50 these're£unds°cr~vering Lots 3, 4,'S, 6, 8 and. 9, Block 1; Lots` Z, 3-, 4, 5, 6, 7; 8, 9, '10, 12, 13,' Block 2; Lots 4, B, 6; 7, 9, 10", 11, 12," 13; Blo~fr: 3; for double services and. Lot 7, Block l and Lot 11, Block 2~or single services, All members present voted 'tAye~t. ~ EMERGENCY MOTOR & PU1~II? FOR WATER DEPT . Two inforrnal bicls were received.for the emergency install- ation of a motor and pump for tfie water we11 located on the Elm St. property. Bids were received from Floyd V. Wells, Santa Maria for $6,774.00 and; Water Weil Supply, Arroyo Gran~.e for $6,840.00. After d.iscussio~t~. a motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Wood., that upon the report of the Public Works Department the contract be granted to Water Well Supply Co, in the amount of $6,840.0~ as the best and. low- est bid. and. the Mayor be au~hori~ed. to`sign'the Contract. Al1 mernbers present voted ttAyer'. RESIGNATION - COUNCZLMAN LEE The City Clerk read. the resignation submitt~:d by Councilman Ha.ro~.d E. Lee. Councilman Jacobs and. Mayor Burt stated, the more than ~~rears which they ha'c~, ~ had. the opportunity of serving an the Council<with Mr. Lee had been very enjQyable and fruitful to the community and. they were relu~tant to s~e him go, but wished. him well on his tour of the Orie~t and points West. ; Councilman Jacob~ reluctantly macle a tnotion, seconded by Councilman Wood that the resignation submitted by Couricilman Harold E. Lee to become effective September l, 1963 be accepted. All members present voted. t~AyeTt . REQUEST ORCHARD ST. MAINTENANCE Mrs. Ernest Smith was advised. by Ma.yor Burt that all lot splits were ha.nd,led. by the Planning Commission Lot Split Committee and that the Council coul~. not give her a decision. Commissioner Schultz stated. that.Mr. Kinney, Lot-split Committee Chairman had. not had time to review her request prior to the Planning Commission Meeting. The City Administrator ad,vised. Mrs. Smith that he would. • review her request regarding maintenance on Orchard St, adjacent to her property. : { ~ , : . , COUNCILMAN JACOBS - PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE , , . ~ A motion w~s made by Councilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Wood, that permission be granted, for Councilman Jac.obs to be out of the State from August 31, 1963 through September 2, I963. All members `present voted t~Aye". ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Jacobs,seconded by Councilman Lee ~he meeting ad, jou.rned. at 9: 28 P.M, All members <present voted ttAyett . _ . ATTEST- F ~ TY C YOR . _