Minutes 1963-09-24 ~~d Arroyo Grande, Calif. September 24th, 1963 7:30 P.M. The City Council mct in regular s~ssion with Ma.yor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Jacobs r~ported present. The vacancy left by the resignation of Mr. Le~ has not yet been filled.. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of September lOth, 1963 were approved as prepared. PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that bills against the General Ftiind for $9,470.02, the Water Fund for $26.25 and the Rena Street Assessment District Fund for $69.80 3ia approved and ordered paid. Motion unanimously carried. COUNCILMAN REPLACEMENT The Council discussed the appointment of a replacement for the vacancy or~ the Council and it was agreed to adjourn this ~neeting to Monday, September 30, 1963 to appoint a r~plac~ment. REQUEST FOR P?NNEX.-NORTH H/W 101 The City Administrator reported that a petition had been filed with the City.Cl~rk and had been check~d for sufficiency of required : signatures for the proposed "North Highway 101" inhabited annexation, and thcxt the Certificate of Sufficiency of the signatur~s is on file. A motion was made by Cou~ncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that as the Council had thoroughly reviewed th~ Resolution of intentian to call a special anncxation ~lection that reading of same be ~ispens~d with. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 593 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~,RROYO GRANDE DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ~TNEXATION ELECTION, AND FIXING P, TIME AND PLACE FOR PROTESTS BY PROPERTY OWNERS. On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and by th~ following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of September, 1963. HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE A motion wag made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil that the r~quest of the Harvest Festival Committee to close a portion of Halcyon Road from the Frontage Road to Grand Ave. :_and a portion of Grand Ave. to Barnett Street for the annual Harvest Festival parade be grant~d with the requirement that adequate intersection control be provided. And as an alternate route that Bridge 5t. to N~lson St, and Nelson St: to Mason St. and Mason St. from Nelson St. ta Branch St. be approved for closing for the parad~ if this route is to bc used. Motion unanimously carried. TREASURERS' REPORT FOR MONTH OF AUGUST The City Administrator presented the Treasurers' Report for the month of August and statea~ a like report will be prcpared each month ~ and a copy of ~ach report will remain on file in the City Clerks Office. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, s~conded by Councilman Wood, that $50,000.00 be declared surplus funds mrver and above the amount need~d to run the City at this t~.me and that said funds b~: placed into an int~rest bearing account with the Arroyo Grande Bank of America N.T. & S.A, to draw interest at the current rate of interest for such c~eposit. Motion unanimously carried. 4~~ City Council - September 24th, 1963 - Page 2 PERSONNEL ORDINANCE DISCUSSION The City Administrator reviewed with the Council the proposed ~er- sonnel Ordinance. After discussion it was agreed no action be taken at this time to avail the Council additional time to study the Ordinance. D.P•.W. TO ATTEND CONVENTION Thc City Administrator advised the Council that the annual American Water Works Association convention is to be held September 26 and 27, 1963, and r~quested that the Director of Public Works and the Foreman of the Public Works Dept. be granted permission to attend. After discussion per- mission was granted as a 1963-64 budgeted item. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD The City Administrator read a report from Ghief Richardson regarding the school~crossing guard. Tn checking it was determined that the install- ation of a stop lig~t for the intersection of Grand and Elm St. was not recomm~nded at this time as the necessity for an adult crossing guard would still be required. Chief Richardson had learned that the School system would pay one-half of the cost for a crossing guard at the end of each school year. After discussion the City Administrator was insttucted to ~ contact the Elementary~School District and advise them under th~ condition of the school paying one-half of the school crossing guard costs that the City would be willing to pay the remaining one-half of said charge. RENAMING VIRGINIA COURT The Council directed the Gity Attorney to draw up a Resolution re-~ naming Virginia Gourt to Vir~imia Drive as recomzfler~ded -bp ~t}i~ -Pid.nt#~dttg` Commission. ORDINANCE - RE20NING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY. The Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 157 was read through the 'Ei't1e, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Jacobs that the reading of the balance of the Ordinance be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE N0. ~82 AN~ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Jacobs and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayar Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 24th day of September, 1963. STATE GAS TAX PROJECT-HALCYON ROAD The City Engineer outlined the proposed Halcyon Road project which has be~n planned for improvement for 1963-64 fiscal year. Aft~r discussion the Council adopted•the following Resolution so that the Halcyon Road pro- ject may be presented to the State making available gas tax monies for this project. RESOLUTION NO. 594 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-iE CITY OF ARROYO GR.ANDE ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM'."THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES. On motion of Councilman McNei,~, seconded by Councilman Jacobs and by thc following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: None the forego~rig Resolution was adopted this 24th day of September, 1963. ' City Council - September 24th, 1963 - Yage 3 REP+I'3RT ON SOUTH S.L.O. COUNTY SANT. DIST. T'he City Administrator gave an oral report on the progress of:th~ South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. Minutes of the m~eting are on file in the City Hall. ADDiTIONAL DISCUSSION BID ON WATII2 PUMP A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman.Jacobs, that the accepted bid of Water Well Supply, for the instaTlation of a pump at the Elm St. property, be rejected due to that company not meeting City requirements that firms doing bid projects for the City must have a Sta~Ee Contractors License. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Vllood, seconded by Councilman McN~il, that the contract be awarded to Floyd Wells Supply, for the installation of a 100 H.P, pump to be installed on the existing well on the E1m St. property at the Bid price of $6,289.00. Motion unanimously carricd. REPORT ON 12" WATER LINE The City Administrator reported to the Council that progress on the 12" water line to connect the two reservoirs was good and that the plans and specifications were now completed and ready to go to bid. .The Council approved that the call for bids be advertised and that Octob~r 24th, 1963 at 2:00 P.M, the bids will be publicly opened and then be presented at the ne:xt Council meeting,for awarding. RESOLUTION OF_`INTENTION - UNINHABITED ANN~XATIONS The City A~.ministrator discussed with th~_Council the two proposed uninhak~ited annexationsy ~}aich have been prepccred, after. whi.ch th~ following Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 59~` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO INITIATE ON ITS OWN MOTION PRO- CEEDINGS TO ANNEX CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY.- On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil and by th~ following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adc?pted this 24th day of September, 1963. FIRE DEPT. EMPLOYE~ INJURY A report was given to the City Administrator from the Fire Chief that one of the Volunteer Firemen, also a regular employee of the City, Ar~gelo`' Annecchini, had been injured whil~~on dri].1 practice with the Fire DCpt. due to a hose being released and the pressure from the water hittir~g him, causing serious enough injury to warrant his being admitted to the local hospital for treatment and observation. . E. BRANCH TRAFFIC SPEED Councilman Wood brought to the Councils attention that he had•been contacted by several persons living on E. Branch St. regarding cars speeding and endangering the school children at the n~w high school. The Council directed the City Administrator to look into the matter and have the Police Dept, check the area. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, the meeting adjourned at 8:4~ P.M, to 5:30 P.M. Monday, Segtember 30, 1963. Motion unanimously carried. ATTEST : ` C.rG TY CLER C . 44Q Arroyo Grande, Calif. ' September 30th, 1963 i 5:30 P.M. I Adjourned Session The City Council met in a regular adjourned session with Mayor Burt ' presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Jacobs reported present. APPOINTMENT OF COUNCILMAN Mayor Burt announced that this meeting was held for the sole purpose of appointing a Council member to replace the vacancy left by Mr. Harold Lee. The Council called for a Personnel S~ssion and left the chambers. At 6:20 P.M. the Council returned to the Council Chambers. Roll Call was taken. All members were present. Motion by Jacobs and second by McNeil that Harry W. McMillen, 440 Walnut Street be appointed to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman, Harold Lee. Motion carri~d. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M. 1~ ~,~._.~i~ ~ ATTEST : 1~ ~1'~ ~ ti ~ , ~'~1~.~,~f _~A%~~ CITY ADMINISTRATOR MAYOR .Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia Council: Minutes October 8~h, 1963 30 P.i•1. The City Couneil met in regular session with Mayor ~urt r~residing. Upon roll call ~ouncilm~n ~dood, ~IcNeil and Jacobs reported present. ~~1INU1'E APFROVAI,: he minutes of the r egular meeting of September 2l~th, 1963 and the ad~ourned meeting of September 30th, 1963 were approved as prepared. WARFtA11ITT~ AFF~~Og~,-: A motion was made ~by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil~+ that the bills against the General Fund for ~65,537.17, Water ~'und for ~2,435.82 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~89.00 be approved and ordered paid. Motion carried. JOL~NAL VOUCHER. APF'ROVAL: ~ A motion was ~de by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that Jounnal vouchers Nos. 17 through 2!~ be approved and. ordered transferred, i~otion carried. , O.piTH OF OFFICE N~W C~Ui~iCILI~~AN: The City lerk adrninistered the Oath of Office to Councilman Harry W. NicMlllen after which i~iayor Burt appointed Couneilman Y~ci~Iillen to serve as Police and Fire Commissioner. W.EIGH1:' LTI~I~T R~~U~S~-P:>~I7I~N FZ~M ~'ROPER.TY OWIVERS BRTSCO HILL: The City Administrator advised the ~ouncil a petition had been,filed requesting tiillcrest Drive and ~ierra Ih~ive be closed to heavy traffic. At the present time the City of Grover ~ity is having installed a new reservoir on Bri~co H~.11 with the onl.y access to their property being from Hillcrest Ih~, therefore making it a necessity for thP contractors to use Arroyo :~rande i:ity Streets, The City .~dministrator quoted section 3570l~ of th:- Vehicle Code which states "No Ordinance adopted bdT the i_it;~ to decrease weight limits shall apply to any vehicle owned by the public utility or a licensed contractor while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public uti_lity." r~r. Butch further stated ~hat the City had received a letter from Aiayor Bag~ell stating any damage done to the Streets by the contractor or Grover City w~ll be corrected or repaired. The letter was or~ered placed on file. i~Ir. Rex `l~ruman, 1lt~0 Sierra Dr., stated ~ he felt more control should be placed on City Streets to insure heavy traffic ~rill use the shortest wa3t possible to their destinatzon. Gity Attorney David ad.vised