Minutes 1963-09-30 44~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. September 30th, 1963 5:30 P.M. Adjourned Session The City Council m~t in a regular adjourned session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Jacobs reported ' present. APPOINTMENT OF COUNCILMAN Mayor Burt announced that this meeting was held for the solc purpose of appointing a Council member to replace the vacancy left by Mr. Harold Lee. The Council called for a Personnel Session and left the chambers. At 6:20 P.M. the Council returned to the Council Chambers. Roll Call was taken. All members were present. Motion by Jacobs and second by McNeil that Harry W. Mc~illen, 440 Walnut Street be appointed to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman, Harold Lee. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M. ~ ~~1`~'~ ~ ~ ATTE ST : ~ ~ CITY ADMINISTRATOR ~ MAYOR .Arroyo ~rande, ~alifornia Cour.cil Minutes October 8th, 1963 - 7:30 P.i~1. The City Coune~:l met in regular session with Mayor ~urt ~residing. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen 'bJood, Nlcl~eil and Jacobs reported present. %IINU'i'E APPROVAL: Tne minutes of the r e~ular meeting of September 21tth, 1963 and the adjourned meeting of September 30th, 1963 were approved as prepared. WAR.RANT- AP~I~OVAL.; A motion was made ~by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil~+ that the bills against the General Fund for ~65,537.17, Water Fund for $2,435.82 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~89.00 be approved and ordered paid. Motion carried. JOL~N.AL VOUCHII~ APPROVAL: ~ A motion was made y Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that Jounnal Jouchers Nos. 17 through 2~ be approved and ordered transferred. Pflotion carried. . QATH OF OFFICE - NE`~J COUNCILI~~IV: The City lerk administered the Oath of Office to Gouncilman Harry W. NicMillen after which i~ayor Burt appointed Councilman T~ici~Iillen to serve as Police and Fire Comrrri.ssioner. WEIvhl' LII~TIT R~~U~f~l-P:~'TITI~N FRGM ROI'F~i-~.TY 0'+~1N~tcS BRISCO HILL: The City Administrator advi.sed the ~ouncil a petition had been.filed requesting tiillcrest Drive and ~ierra I?rive be closed to heaw traffic. At the present time the City of Grover City is having installed a new reservoir on Brigco H~.11 with the only access to their property bein~ from Hillcrest I3r. therefore , making it a necessity for the contractors to use Arroyo :~rande (:ity Street~c. The City ~dministrator quoted section- 3570~. of th:- Vehicle Code which states "No Ordinance adopted bd,T the i_ it;~ to decrease weight limits sha11 appl~r to any vehicle owned by the public utility or a licensed contractor while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public uti.lity." I~ir. Butch further stated ~hat the City had received a letter from Alayor Ba~ell stating any damage done to the Streets by the cont~actor or Grover City w-11 be corrected or repaired. The letter was or~ered placed on file, iir. Rex lruman, ll~~0 Sierra Dr., stated ~ he felt more control should be nlaced on City Streets to insure heavy traffic ~rill use the shortest wa3r possible to their destination. City Attorne~r David advised