Minutes 1963-10-08
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
September 30th, 1963
5:30 P.M.
Adjourned Session
The City Council m~t in a regular adjourned session with Mayor Burt
presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Jacobs reported '
Mayor Burt announced that this meeting was held for the solc purpose
of appointing a Council member to replace the vacancy left by Mr. Harold
The Council called for a Personnel Session and left the chambers.
At 6:20 P.M. the Council returned to the Council Chambers. Roll
Call was taken. All members were present.
Motion by Jacobs and second by McNeil that Harry W. Mc~illen, 440
Walnut Street be appointed to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman,
Harold Lee. Motion carried.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M.
~ ~~1`~'~ ~ ~
ATTE ST : ~ ~
.Arroyo ~rande, ~alifornia
Cour.cil Minutes
October 8th, 1963 - 7:30 P.i~1.
The City Coune~:l met in regular session with Mayor ~urt ~residing.
Upon roll call ~ouncilmen 'bJood, Nlcl~eil and Jacobs reported present.
Tne minutes of the r e~ular meeting of September 21tth, 1963 and the adjourned
meeting of September 30th, 1963 were approved as prepared.
A motion was made ~by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil~+
that the bills against the General Fund for ~65,537.17, Water Fund for $2,435.82
and the Water Deposit Fund for ~89.00 be approved and ordered paid. Motion
A motion was made y Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that
Jounnal Jouchers Nos. 17 through 2~ be approved and ordered transferred. Pflotion
carried. .
The City lerk administered the Oath of Office to Gouncilman Harry W.
NicMillen after which i~ayor Burt appointed Councilman T~ici~Iillen to serve as
Police and Fire Comrrri.ssioner.
The City Administrator advi.sed the ~ouncil a petition had been.filed
requesting tiillcrest Drive and ~ierra I?rive be closed to heaw traffic. At the
present time the City of Grover City is having installed a new reservoir on Brigco
H~.11 with the only access to their property bein~ from Hillcrest I3r. therefore ,
making it a necessity for the contractors to use Arroyo :~rande (:ity Street~c.
The City ~dministrator quoted section- 3570~. of th:- Vehicle Code which states "No
Ordinance adopted bd,T the i_ it;~ to decrease weight limits sha11 appl~r to any vehicle
owned by the public utility or a licensed contractor while necessarily in use in
the construction, installation or repair of any public uti.lity." I~ir. Butch further
stated ~hat the City had received a letter from Alayor Ba~ell stating any damage
done to the Streets by the cont~actor or Grover City w-11 be corrected or repaired.
The letter was or~ered placed on file, iir. Rex lruman, ll~~0 Sierra Dr., stated ~
he felt more control should be nlaced on City Streets to insure heavy traffic ~rill
use the shortest wa3r possible to their destination. City Attorne~r David advised
City Council - October 8th, 1963 page 2
I~`~r. T. S. iJ~lsor~:_, 1533 Hillcrest I}r., that an~ damage caused to his property by
the installati~on of the Grover City vvrater Reservoir would have to be handled by
himself and the ~ity of Grover ~ity. As the situ.ation was explai.ned the Council
fslt they could take no action at this time.
Departments monthly report for September was ordered filed.
The City Admznistrator reported that ~ctober 3rd, 19 3 at the hour of 2:00
P.i~i. bids were received and opened in his office for the granting of a franchise
for a Comrrtunity Antenna ~.'elevision System for the City of Arroyo Grande, this
being the date and time set by the Council for said bid opening. ~nly bid received
was from Central C;a~~fbrn;a Communications Corporation of w~iich copies were forward.ed
to the Gouncil `fc~r -~heir re~riew prior to this meeting. ~l'he City ~ttorney advised
the Cou.ncil that in his opinion the bid as submitted did not compl~ to the rec~uirements
as set forth in ~ity Ordinance No. 17~.. I~fr. Carrol Courtnier of T. rJ. ~laster Antenna
~ystems, Iiic., 1235 ~lenoaks 131vd., ~.~lendale~ Ca1if., stated his company was
interested in bidding for the franchise but they would require ~dditional ~ime to be
aY~le to submit a coml~rehensive ~id. A~ter Council discussion a motion was made by
~ounci~man Jaco~~s, seconded by Councilm~n Wood, that the bid submitted by the
Central ~alifornia Uommanication Carp. for a franchise to install and operate a
Community 1~ntenna Televisior System in the ~ity of Arroyo Grande be taken under
advis~ment until the next me..tin~ of the Council. i~totian carried.
I~ir. ~~,.ring, ~%i~ty Engineer, presented to the Council the final map of Tract
iTO. 2~?3 for their approval sizbject to the repart re;arding flocd conditions and
a report _from the lelephone co. re~arding easements for their compariy. After
discussion and o.n the advise of the City Attorne~ it was ai;reed the _final map not
be accepted until an agreement could be reached between the City and the Subdivider
reoardin~ ponding area and ~avestior_ of maintenance and liability.
The City Administrator advised t~~ro bids were received for the pi?rrhase of a
new car for the Folice ~epartment. LL:aury ~rennan ~ ord Irc., 330 `~raffic I~ay
~rroyo ~Trande, in the amount of ~2, 6l~8.63 plus It~' sales tax less ~650.00 trade
allowance on the 1961 ~ord, ~hristianson Chevrolet for ~2,661.89 plus sales tax
less ~~628.37 trade allowanc~ on the 1961 ~ord. After discussion a motion was made
by Councilm.an i~Ici~i.llen, seconded by ~ouncilman J~coas, that the low bid of ;2,101~.58
subm.itted. by illaury Brennan Ford I~,c. be accepted by the ~ity, l~otion carried.
P~OLLE.R-CCF-'IPACT~~~, ~'i~~Il,~i% ~I~.OP~~:~D ~ALL FOR BID:
1he notification to call for bids for a oller-Compacter and 'T'railer was held
over till the next me,tin~ pendin~ completion o£ bid forms,
PAC I~ IC i"~:LEFHO ~v~~ C0 . OP'~~:I~T HGUSE :
motion was mad.e ~?y Counc~iJsna.n i~cNeil, s~conded by Courcilman ti~~ood that the
raecommend.ation of the Folice Dept. that ~ornwall S~. from Halc,~;ron Rd. to ~.ena
Street be closed October 22nd~ 1963 from 12;00 to I~c30 P.i~i., October 23rd ancl 2~.th~
1963 from 12:00 to l~:30 and from 6:00 to 8:0~ P.i~1. to provicle more safety to the
persor.s who ~•ill be attending the open house whieh t~he Pacific ~'elephone Co. ~~lans
to have during the hours listed on October 22nd thraugh 2ltth, 1563. ~Iotion carried.
ADJOiTR,N ~T~T P~F~GUL.~.h l~i,'TING:
A motion was made b~ Councilman McPleil seconded by Gouncilman Jacobs, that as
there will be a lack of a quo~~um to hold the rPgular meeting of ~etober 22nd, 19~3
the meetin~ be adjourned to 7:30 P.M. October 29th, 1963. ~°Zotzon ~arried.
On mot'on of Councilman Jacobs, seconded bv Councilr~an McNeil the meet ing
adjourned at 9;12 P.i~.. ~~lotion carried.