Minutes 1963-10-29 4~~ Arroqo G~and~~, G~t~.if. . . Ad3ou~nad Meeting ~ T :30 P .M. fiue~day OGtobar 2~,~ 1963 . Tha (3ity ~out~cil m~t in r~g~t~,,ar ad~c~rttad aarsia~ wit~ . Mayor B~rt presidit~g. Upon r~~.l cal.l C.a~.c~,lm~n M~Nsii# • MoMil1a~~ s~.d .7acob~ reportsd. pras+~n~~, tlcuti~i'L~aaA W+~od rraa absen~. .MINUTE APPROV„~,L,,,_ ~ . . 3~ .nutea of the° .r~~t.7»ar ~asti,x~gs of O~tQb~~ 8 a~tt Oetc.ber 16 1963 wex~e approve8 as gr~pa~ed. PAYMENT 0F B~LLS . ~ ~tot' on wae mac~ bq Ca~tncilman Jacob~ ~ aacvndad by . Qousi~cilman Mr.i~Te?il, tizat bili~ ags~n~t ~Ghe Gsn~erai F~4nd ~gox ~ $7~242~,79 tha Se~r F~tnd far~ $1~.12,~ ar~8 tha Wi~~sr l~cnd f or $ 52 , 5~ be ePPro~~?d and o~wciarec~ p~id. Moticnz ~~~ad• ` ~TT~s o~ ~~cs a~s an a eartifi~ata af appraciat:ion fram t~r • Harva~t Fs~tival Committaa ~?ara.raa8. Maycr Burt mg• ~sat+ed t~at thaae be a~CI~CLiONI.tdgltd ind pltoad on fi]as~ ~ PISMO B'~AICH CLAM I~FSTTVAL e ter was rea rom ~ha P~smo H~a~h Cha~4bsr o~ Q~ar~a requea~ing the C~.ty+ Cc?nncil paxrticipata in ~~ut~r _ An1u~t1 C~.aa? Fastival Parada ~n Nm~r~ber 9, .L963. ~ It agreed that a3.1 ~em~bers of th~ Qovsn.cil ~rould atta~:d. Q S STREET D~CORATIONS ~ r: . a n erg, raprase~nfiing the Arroro t3r~d~? M~arehants' Gom~nitte~ gave a repar~ rsgardit~g ~ha cost of s~efurbi~hing the ~ity ~ s presa~.~ Chria~aa~a~ li~ht d,at+c~r?•? ativ~na glus ad~it~.ar~,ai .lig~fir • ta~e1 ccst th~.s a?+a+t~ t~ b~ ~,1l750.00, The City hae b~dge~tad $750,44 for ~his pttrpcs~~, and the Merchant~' Comw~.~~~+e wfll, colyac~ d~a- tiana fram mer+~hanta to zn+a1~ up t'h~ balance ~x~eede8. Mr. Kirkpatrick, a1sQ r~p~~enting ths Mar~hasits' Qcx~.t~ae~ outlin~d the prc~p~?s~d ].an tc axtand and . rc im~pro~s t~ie prasent Christtaaa ~i~i~istg ct~eoratitms fip ~ inclw,d~ B~ras~ch Stres~ Traffi+~ Wa~r, and Grand Av~lt to 18th 3traet, aver a f~va•q~a~r apar~. This yaar thap , plan ' . to ad8 six na~w s~rande aiong ai.tl~ the~ r~f~rbi~hi.ng Qf _ ths pr~saat decctiratian~. Tha Councii agra~ad tha pLan as ou~linad ~ra~ ~tati~~ fa~t@ry and au~hori~aad th~ Gity's 'donation of $ZSG,00# as a 196~3-.64 laudgatad itam, ba appx~c>vad for pa~tnt. ~ T~i~i,3URER'3, REPQRT e a~rur~r s Ra crt for 3apt;a~abar* 1963 ~t~ p ~A appro~ed an8 ord~rad fi3~ad. , VIRt3Z.. ~DRI~ ~.~?E^:.... ~T~...r ~..r Q,.. rM~ RESOLUTION N0, 596 , R~.S4LUTION OF '1'~iE CITY QOUNC~IL OF ARR,dYO aRANDE QHAN(3ING THE NA~1E CF THE S'1'R~a"~' KN~WN AS VZRaINIA t~QURT TK? ~~taTN~A DRIi~B On mo~ion of Cou~ciUoaa~ '~cNail~ and seoondad b~ ~ Ctos~ncil~ ~a~obs, and cn ths ~~i1s~rS.ng r4L1 ca~.l vt~ta~ to•wr~.t : AY~B a Co~eil~n McMillan~ MeNaili Jacobs~ an8 I~yor Burt . I+~1~8 ; None A83~x Gou~ai3.tAan Woc?d 44~ City Cpuncil - October 29, 1963 - Page 2 the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 29th d:ay of October, 1963. RESIGNATION OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR The City Clerk read. a letter of resignation received from Mr. Lou Wright, Civil Defense Director. A motion was mad.e by Councilman McNeil, second,ed. by Councilman McMillen, that the resignation as Civil Defense D~.rector submitted. by L. W. Wright be accepted.. Motion earried.. The Council requested that a letter of thanks be d.irected to Mr. Wright for his outstand.ing efforts as Civil Defense Director and. also as the Presid.ent of the 1963 Harvest Festival Committee. It was agreed,>~he appointment of a replacement for a Director of Civil Defense be held over until a later meeting. CORBETT CANYON N0. l, PRINTZ ROAD N0. 1 It was agreed that Resolutions of Intention to Set Public Hearings for Corbett Canyon No. l.and. Printz Road. No. 1 should. be held, over until the next Counci~l meeting. COMMUNITY ANTENNA T-V SYSTEM M~r~r~r` Burt reported. that the bid. received from Central Cali~ornia ~Qmmta:ni~cations Corporation to operate a community antenna T-V system in the City of Arroyo Grand.e had been reviewed. and. was nofi found, to be in compliance with the terms of the City Ordinance. City Attorney David suggested. that the City Council meet with the representative of th~ Central California Communica- tions Corporation to see if something might be worked. out which would. be in accord. with the tenns of the Ord.inance, and recommend.ed that the C~fiy reject the bid. as submitted.. Mr. Art Hapgood, of Central California Communications Corporation, reported. that there is in this case a problem existing due to South County d.ensity. He agreed. that a meeting to negotiate would. be well, rather than to reject the bid., It was agreed, that since the Central California Com- munications Corporation bid. was the only one received., a meeting to negotiate should. be arranged.. Mayor Burt appointed.Councilmen Jacobs and.McNeil, City Attorney David,, and. Cit~r Administrator Butch as a Committee to meet with repre§entatives of the Central California Communications Corporation to determine if a satisfactory agreement could be worked out, and. report at the next meeting, POST OFFICE CURB A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman McNeil, that a 20' section of curb in front of the new Post Office located. on Traffic Way be ~aainted. red. for a vehicle mail d.rop, as requested by the Po~t Office d.epartment . ' HEARING ON PROPOSED NORTH HIGHWAY 101 ANNEXATION Three petitlons of pro test, conta ning 82 signatures, and. three individ.ua.1 protests, containing six signatures of property owners of the North Highway 101 area were • hand.ed. to the City Clerk by Mr. Grundell. City Council - October 29, 1963 - Page 3 City Attorney David. ad.vised the petitions would. be checked for compliance with the laws regarding annexa- tions and further ad.vised the petitions would be on file in the office of the C ity Clerk far review by any inter- ested. persons . Mr. Monte Cly, a non-resident property owner in this area, was ad,vised. no further notices regarding the continued. hearing on North Highway 101 Annexation would. be sent out, and, if he wished any fu.rther information regard,ing same he could, contact the- City Clerk. A motion was then mad.e by Councilman McNeil, second.ed by Councilman Jacobs, tha.t the Annexa~ion Hearing be recessed unt i1 November 12, 1963, at 8:00 P .M . Mot ion carried, , . BIDS QN 12't WATER LINE T e Clty Administrator reported. that Oetober 24, 1963, at the hour of 2:00 P.M., bids were r.ec~ived. and opened. for the installation of a 12t' Reservoir Connection Main, Pr~ject No. 60-63-7; this being the date and ti.me set b~ the Council for sa id bid, opening. Bids were re- ceived, as follaws: Sanchez Bros, in the amount of $52,882.20; W. M. Lyles Co. in the amount of $44,575.00; West Coast Construetion Co. in the a~ount of $#~+,706.50; Frank P. Donovan in the amount of $46,696.1~0; and Jones Bros . Construetion Company in the amount of~. $38, 682. 88:~~'`~°:~ m,, , L~~~ After discussion, a motion wa~G mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman McNeil, that the contract be award,ed to Jones Bros, Construction Co. for the amount of $38,682.88, which was the best and lowest bid, and. the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract for the City. Motion carried.. EXPENDITURES FOR NEW PUMP MOTOR he Clty Administrator requested approval of the expenditure of $540.00 for a new meter and. $740.$3 for valves and pipe fo~ the completion of the installation of the pump on Well No. 4, as necessary expend.itures. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman McNeil, that the ~cxpenditures of $540.00 for a new meter and. $740.83 for valves and pipe be authorized as necessary expenditures to put the pump on Well No. 4 in aperating cond.itian. Motion carried.. SANITATION DISTRICT City Administrator Butch aclvised the C ity Council that the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation D~strict mee~ing was held, on Mond.ay, October 25, 1963, at tt~e Oceano Firehouse. At this meeting, the e~gineering firms of Jenks and Peterson were appointed to hand.le all engineering items of the District, including federal grants. Recommenda tion of the size of the San itation Plant will be given at their next meeting, November 12, 1963, at 5:00 P.M. at the Arroya Grande City Hall. WOMENTS CLUB RE~?UEST REGARDING CIT~ EASEMENT Mrs. V rg nia Strother, on be~.ald of the Women's Club, requested. that the City add a clause in the ease- ment request which the City wishes them to sign to install a water line across their groperty on Vernon ~ Avenue so that they will be asaured any damage d.one in the process of maintaining said line will be repaired. by the C~ty. After d,iscussion, the City Attorney was directed ta prepare such an easemen~. I City Council - October 29, 1963 - Page 4 , AUTHQRIZE TQ TAKE BIDS FOR NEW FIRE TRUCK ' The City Admin strator ad.vised. the Council that the s~ecifications were now ready to eall for bids for the 1964 Mod.el Fire Truck 1000 GPM Punnper, Qr alternate 1964 Model Fire Truck 1250 GPM Pumper. After discussion re- garding the ad.vantage or disadvantage of pert~ps purchas- in~ the snorkel type pumper at this time, it was agreed, for the best interest of the City the bicls should. be let as prepared.. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilman MeNeil, that the City Clerk be auth~~ized and instructed to advertise the call for bids for a 1964 Model Fire Truck 1000 GPM Pumper, or alternate 1964 Mod.e1 Fire Truck 1250 GPM Pumper to be submitted on or before 2:00 P.M., December 5, 1963. Motion earried. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Jacobs, secanded by Council- man McMillen, the meeting-adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Motion carried,. , / G1,n,.~ YOR . ATTEST. CLE