Minutes 1963-11-26 Arroyo Grande, Calif. November 26, 1963, 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presidin.g. Upon roll call Councilmen Wood, McNeil, and Jacobs reported present. Couneilman McMillen was absent. Mayor Burt asked that everyone remain standing following the flag salute for a moment of silence in honor of the late president of the United States, Jotin F. Kennedy, after which a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that in keeping with the national policy that the flag at the City Hall be flawn at half staff until December 22nd, 1963. Motion carried. MINUTE ~APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of November 21, 1963 were approved as prepared. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF BILI~S A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that Warrants No. 616 through 634 totaling $12,006.79 be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. Councilman McMillen joined the Council at 7:38 P.M. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was received from the Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce thanking the Council for their participation in the annual Clam Festival Parade held in Pismo Beach. A letter was read from Alvin Stewart requesting that the Co~.ncil abandon a portion of LePoint Terrace not now being used for street purposes. After discussion it was agreed that the interested persons file with the City a discription of the spe~ific area they are inter- ested in and that the Council wi11 review the matter again at that time. A letter was read from ~Tells Smith, a resident in the Ledo Hieghts area~ reques'ting the opening of a 35' road easement to extend from Grand Ave. to Brighton Ave., this being a portion of 20th Street which was not abandoned. Further stating by opening this road way it would enable the residents of this area a better access to their property. After discussion the matter was referred to the City Public Works Department to check into and make a recommendation to the Council. TREASURER'S REPORT The treasurer's report for the month of October, 1963 was approved and ordered filed. FUNDS DEPOSITED IN AN INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNT A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood that $15,000.00 be declared surplus funds over and above that amount needed to run the City at this time and that said funds be placed into an interest bearing account with the Arroyo grande Branch of Bank of America N:T. & S.A. to draw interest at the current rate of interest' for such deposit. Motion carried. COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION FRANCHISE BID The committee report regarding the bid for the Community Antenna Tel- evision system franchise for the City of Arroyo Grande was not yet complete but would be ready at the next meeting. ~ ADOPTION PERSONNEL ORDINANCE The Ordinance establishing a Personnel system for the City of Arroyo Grande was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil that the reading of the balance of the Ordinance be dispensed with. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman McN~il and ~'~Z City Council - No~. 26, 1963 - page 2 by the following roll call vote, to-wit: ~~'ES:; Councilman McMillen, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs & Mayor Burt ~ NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 26th day of November, 1963. AUTHOR~ZATION TO PURCHASECALIFORNIA CODE BOOKS The City Administrator requested the Council authorize the purchase of the California Code Books, which will be an asset to the City Hall staff. After discussion a motion was made by Councilma ~acobs, se- conded by Councilman Wood that the City Administrator be authorizecl to purchase a set of California Code Books at:~ cost of $71.1.00 plus the additonal expense for a bookcase. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO SELL PROPERTY ON TRAFFIC WAY RESOLU'PION NO. 599 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AND SE TTING A DATE FOR HEARING THEREON A resolution setting forth the intention of the City Counc~l to sell real property and setting a date for hearing thereon was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McMillen that reading the balance of the Resolution be dispensed with. Motion carri~e~.,l A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMillen, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of November, 1963. RESOLUTION TO CANCEL A GENERAL FUND WARRANT _ RESOLUTION NO. 600 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYCF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CANCELLATION OF GENERAI, WARRANT NO. 599, DATED NOVEMBER 12, 1963. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McMillen andby the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMillen, McNeil, Wood, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of November, 1963. CHANNEL COUNTIES LEAGUE DINNER MEETING The City Administrator advised the Council that the Next Channe~ Cou- nties League dinner meeting would be held Decembe~ 11, 1963 at Oxnard, California. The Council stated they would advise who would be attend- ing before December 9, 1963. CONTINUED HEARING FOR NORTH HIGHWAY 101 ANN3~~ATION Mayor Burt declared the continued hearing for "North Highway 101" Annexation was now open and that all persons for or against the re- quest would now be heard. There was no further discussion for or against the annexation. Mayor Burt declared the hearing closed. As more than 50/ of the property owners had protested the annexation-any further procee~.ings by the Council were cancelled. FINAL MAP TRACT NO. 243 APPROVAL : City Engineer Robert Garing outlined for the Council the proposed drainage plan and street layout which had been approved by the Planning Commission for Tract No. 243. After discussion a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil that the final map of ~ Tract No. 243 be approved by the City subject to: l. All access roads for adjoining property be extended and improved to • City Council - Nov. 26, 1963 - page 3 the boundary as shown on the subdivision map. 2. 2'he pie shape unuseable portion of land be deleted from the sub- division map. 3. Utilities be installed to the boundary of the subdivision r,~nap. 4. The water lines to be installed to the specifications of the City Department of Public Works. A minimum of 6" pipe, if a larger pipe is required the City will pay the difference in cost. 5. The sewer lines to be installed to the specifications of the City Department of Publie Works, with a minimum of 6" being required and additionai cost for larger lines will be born by the City. 6. Confirmation of agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and the County of San Luis Obispo for the maintenance of the drainage facilities reguire~.. ; 7. Bond or instrument of Cre~.it required for faithful performance 100/ of estimated improvements as determined by the City's engineering department. 8. Bonds in the amount of 100% of the improvements as determined by the City's engineering department to insure payment of labor and materials. The motion carried. Supervisor Kenneth Schenck advised the Council an agreement for drainage was now being drawn up by the County Hy- daulic Engineer's Department. SET HEARING TO RE-ZONE SKIDMORE PROPERTY A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Jacobs that a hearing be set for 8:00 P.M. December 10, 1963 for the pro- posed re-zoning from RA-B3 to ~-1 a portion of Lot l0, of E.W. Steeles resubdivision of the Rancho Carral de Piedra as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. -'~7'~'L~~~rr,- ~zn~-~-~!-~-~~~/~~6/~3 GENERAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY 'I'he City Administrator ottlined the proposed plan of the consulting firm of Hahn, Wise and Associates for a comprehensive general plan for tlie City of Arroyo Grande. The Council was in favor of such a pTan but requested Administrator Butch to review the last such plan the City had had to see if the costs of this proposed plan could be cut down by using the information we already had. The Council auth- orized Administrator Butch to contact the firm of Haha, Wise and Associates to arrange a meeting between the consultants, City Council and City Planning Commission. TREE ORDINANCE FII:ST READING The Ordinance establishing control of trees, shrubs and plants for park and street uses was read for the first reading through the title thereupon a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Council- man McMillen that the reading of the balance of the Ordinance be dis- pensed with. Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING P1~RKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS DISCUSSION The proposed Ordinance regulating parking space require~ents was discussed and it was agreed to hold any action on same until the next Council meeting. ~iHfi9~HrFIQN CHANGING 26th ST. TO ELM ST. : ` RESOLUTION NO. 601 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUATCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHANGING THE NAME OF THE STREET KNOWN AS 2 6 th S TREE T TO E LM S TREE T On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: ~YLS: Councilmen McMillen, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs & Mayor Burt NOES• None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of November, 1963: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS The City Administrator and Engineer outlined for the Council the pro- posed resolution adopting certain City Construction standards. After City Council- Nov, 26, 1963 - page 4 discussion it was agreed any action be held until a leter meeting. SO. S.L.O. CO. SANITATION DISTRICT City Administrator Butch advised that the regular meeting of the _ South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District was postponed to December 2, 1963. , ADJOURNMENT On Motion.by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood the meeting adjourned at 10:37 P.M. Motion earried. ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ City C ~xk~ Mayor Arroyo Grande, Calif. Decemb~r 10, 1963 - 7:30 P.M. The City Council m~t in regular s~ssion with Mayor`Burt presic~ing. Upon roll call Councilmen McMillen, Wood, McNeil and"Jacobs reportcd . present. MINUTE AMENDMENT AND APPROVAL The minutes of regular meeting of November 2h, 1963 were amended as follows: Under heading '°Set Hearing to Re-zone Skidmore Property" the motion be approvcd as Councilmen McMillen, Wood, Jacobs and Mayor Burt voted "Ayeu Councilman McNeil obstained from voting stating he had a financial interest in the rezonir~g. Minutesv,~ere then approved as amended. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS AND TRANSFER VOUCHERS A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McMillen that Warrants No. b35 through N. 688 totaling $30,902.16 and payroll fund warrants No.s 1 through 36, totaling $5,513.36 ~.nd Nos. 37 through 71, totaling $8,220.18 be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. A motion was made:by Councilman Jacobs, seconded b1 Councilman Wood, that Transfer Vouchers Nos. 33 through 40 be authorized and o~d~r~d transferred. Motion carried. CIVIL DEFENSE COORDINATOR CO~RESPONDENCE The City Administrai:or advised that a letter had been received from the Grover City City Council stating they had approved the re- commendation of our former Civil Defense Coordinator Mr. Wrigh't, that Thomas Butch proceed with the completion of the Civil Defense Plan for their City. After discussion the Council agreed they were in favor aE Administrator Butch completing the plan now in progress but after its completion cach enity would th~n appoint their own Civil Defense Director. REQUEST TO .ABANDON A PORTION OF LEPOINT TERRACE The r~quest and map submitted by Al Stewart to abandon a portion of I,ePoint Terrace was:xeferred to the City Planning Commission to be resubmitted to the Council with their recommendation. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBE R '1'he departmental monthly report for the month of Nov~mber, 1963 was received by the Council and order~d filed. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON CATV SYSTEM BIDS The City Administrator advised that the final meeting regarding the CATV System Franchise had not been held yet and requested any action be held until thc next regular meeting of the Council.