Minutes 1963-12-10 City Council- Nov, 26, 1963 - page 4 discussion it was agreed any action be held until a leter meeting. SO. S.L.O. CO. SANITATION DISTRICT City Administrator Butch advised that the regular meet:ing of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District was postponed to December 2, 1963. , ADJOURNMENT On Motion by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood the meeting adjourned at 10:37 P.M. Motion carried. • ~ ATTEST: ' City C ~rk Mayor Arroyo Grande, Calif. Dec~mber 10, 1963 - 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor`Burt presic~ing. Upon roll call Councilmen McMi11~n, Wood, McNeil and Jacobs reportcd . pr~sent. MINUTE AMENDMENT AND APPROVAL The minutes of regular meeting of November 25, 1963 were amended as follows: Under heading "Set Hearing to Re-zone Skidmore Property" the motion be approved as Councilmen McMillen, Wood, Jacobs and Mayor Burt voted "Ayei' Councilman McNcil obstain~d from voting stating he had a financial interest in the rezoning. Minutesv~rc then 3pproved as amended. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS AND TRP,NSFER VOUCHERS ~ A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seeonded by Councilman McMillen that Warrants No. 635 thr-ough N. 688 totaling $30,902.16' and payroll fund warrants No.s 1 through 36, totaling $5,513.36 and Nos. 37 through 71, totaling $8,220.18 bc authoriz~d and ordered paid. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded b1T Councilman Wood, that Transfer Vouchers Nos. 33 through 40 be authorized and or~.ered transferred. Motion carried. CIVIL DEFENSE COORDINATOR CORRESPONDENCE The City Administrator advised that a letter had been received from the Grover City City Council stating they had approved the, re- commendation of our former Civil Def~nse Coordinator Mr. Wright, that Thomas Butch proceed with the completion of the Civil Defensc Plan for their City. After discussion the Council agreed they were in favor ~ Administrator Butch completing the plan now in progress but after its completion each enity would then appoint their own Civil Defense' Director. REQUEST TO ABANDON A PORTION OF LEPOINT TERRACE The requ~st and map submitted by Al Stewart to abandon a portion of LePoint Tcrrace was xeferred to the City Planning Commission to be resubmitted to the Council with their recommendation. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 'I'he departmental monthly report for the month of November, 1963 was received by the Council and order~d filed. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON CATV SYSTEM BIDS The City Administrator advised that the final meeting regarding the CATV System Franchise had not been held yet and requested any action b~ held until the next regular meeting of the Council. City Council - Dec. 10, 1963 - page 2 APPROVE_ CONTRACT FOR ACTUARIES VALUATION STUDY FOR RETIREMENT SYSTEM A motion was made by Councilm~n McNeil, seconded by Councilm~n Jacobs, that the City enter into a contract agreement with the Stat~ Employees' Retirement System for an Actruary Study at a cost of $364.00 to determin~ what costs thc City will have to pay for such a retirement plan, and authorizin~ the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said contract for the City. Motion carried. FIRE TRUCK BIDS '1'he City Administrator advised that four bids h~d been received and publicly openea and read at 2:00 P.M. Thursday, December 5, 1963 for furnishing to the city a fire truck meeting th~ specifications as reguired. Bidders afe as follows: American LaFrancc - 1000 gal. pumper w/St. Trans. $26,395.00 - 1000 gal. pumper w/synchromes~. $26,587.00 - 1250 g~l. pumper w/St. Trans. $26,550.00 - 1250 gal. pumper w/synchromesh $26,742.00; Central Fire Truck Corp. - 1000 gal. pumper w/synchromesh $25,361.20 - 1000 gal. pumper w/Auto. Trans. $26,226.20 - 1250 gal pumper w/synchromesh $25,611.20 - 1250 gal. pum- per w/Auto. Trans. $26,476.20; Crown Coach Corp. - 1000 gal. pumper w/St. Trans. $32,537.29 - 1000 gal. pumper w/synchromesh $32,622.84- 1000 gal. pumper w/Auto. ~~ans. $34,660.24 - 1250 gal. pumper w/St. Trans. $34,489.24 - 1250 gal. pumper w/synchromesh $34,489.24 - 1250 gal. pumper w/Auto. Trans. $36,612.24; Van Pelt Fire Trucks - 1250 gal. pumpar w/synchromesh, l. $30,091.00 - 2. $29,371.00. After discussion the Council agreed to take the bids under advisement until the next regular Council meeting. HEARING REZONING SKIDMORE PROPERTY Mayor Burt declared the request to rezone from RA-B3 to R-l, a portion of Lot 10, of E.W. Steel~ resubdivision of the Rancho Gorral de ~ Piedra, was duly published and prop~rty own~rs notifi~d and the hearing was now opened and all persons for or against the rcqucst would be heard. Councilman McNeil left the Council at 8:33 P.M. stating he wished to be excused as he had a financial interest in this rezoning. There was no discussion for or against the request and Mayor Burt declared the hear- ing closed. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Council- man M~Millen that the rezoning request to rez~ne from RA-B3 to R-1 a portion of Lot 10, of E.W. Ste~le resubdivision of the Rancho Corral de Piedra be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carricd. An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande amending Ordinance No. 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande, so as to rezone certain property in the City of Arroyo Grande was read for the first r~ading. Councilman McN~il rejoined the Council at 8:39 P.M. TRACT NO. 243 DRAINAGE CHANNEL AGRE~P9ENT Thc City Attorney outlined the agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and the San Luis Obispo County F1t~~od Control and Water Conser- vation District proposed for each enity's responsibility for the main- tenance of the drainage facilities required for the development of Tract No. 243. Mr. Robert Born, County Hydraulic Engineer stated that the agreement as drawn up was worded such to try to protcct the best interest of both enities. After discussion a motion was made by Council- man Wood, seconded by Councilman McN~il that the maintenance ,agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for the drainage facilities required for the development of Tra~t No. 243 be accepted as presented and the Mayor be authorized to sign for the City. Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY The City Administrator adviscd the Council that he had arranged a meeting between the Planning Commission, City Council and represent~- tives of Hahn, Wise and Associates for December 18, 1963 at 7:30 P.M After discussion Mr. Butch was requested to set the meeting for 5:30 P.M. instead of 7:30 P.M. as a greater representation of the Council and Planning Commission could be present at that time. City Coun~il - Dec. 10, 1963. - page 3 TREE ORDINANCE ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO. 184 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO; GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING CONTROL OF AND PRESCRIBING REGULATION5 FOR PARK P,ND STREET TREES, SHRUBS AND OTHER PLANTS: PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS IN CONNECTION HEREWITH AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOI~ATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McMillen and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMillen, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: Non:e the foregoing Ordinance was adoptcd this lOth day of December, .1963. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS The proposed Ordinance regulating parking space requirements was discussed an.d it was agr~ed to hold any action on same until the next Council meeting. MOTION ADOPTING CERTAIN CITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS The Director ~f Publie Works and City Engineer outlined for the. Council the Construction Standards they recommend for certain standa.rds at this time. After discussion Councilman Wood made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, that the following standards by exhibit numbers be adopted by the City allowing the changes as outlined by exhibit numbers: Drawing No. A-1 - Adopt subject to changing from class 2 aggregate base to class 3 aggregate base. Drawing No. A-2 - Adopt as shown Drawing No. A-3 - Adopt as shown Drawing No. A-4 - Adopt as shown subject to change noted in A-l Drawing No. A-5 - Adopt as shown subject to change noted in A-1 Drawing No. A-6 - Omit at this time. Drawing No. B-1 - Omit at this time. Drawing No. B-2 - Adopt subject to changing from 3" Asph. Conc. to 2" Asph. Conc. (min.). Drawing No. B-3 - Adopt as shown aubj~ct to change noted in B-2 Drawing No. B-4 - Adopt subject to change noted in B-2 Drawing No. B-5 - Adopt subject to change noted in B-2 Drawing No. C-1 - Adopt as shown Drawing No. C-2 - Adopt as shown Drawing No. C-3 - Adopt as shown Drawing titled Intensity -Duration Curves - Adopt as shown the foregoing motion was adopt~d on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Counci~.men McMillen, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs, and Mayor Burt: NOES: None ABSENT: None SET HEARING TO R~ZONE TRACT NO. 283 A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilrnan McMillen that a hearing be set for l3:00 P.M. December 30, 1963 for the proposed rezoning from RA-B3 to R-1 Tract No. 283 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. 20TH STREET IMPROVEMENT Discussion regarding City improvement of a portion of 20th Street was held over to a later meeting pending negotiations for priyate development. AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR STREET ROLLER The City Administrator advised the Council that the specifications _ were now ready to call for bids for a Street Roller-compactor and Trailer. After discussion a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded b~ Councilman McMillen that the City Clerk be autharized and instructed to advertise the call for bids for a Roller-compactor and Trailer to be submitted on or before 2:00 P.M. Janurary 9, 1964. Motion carried. City CounCil - b~c. 10, 19~3 - page 4 ~~"f RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING SPAC~ IN FRONT OF'POST OFFZCE RESOLUTION NO. 602 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~ ' - ARROYQ -G~RANDE, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING AND L0- ' ~ ~ ' ~C~TING A 1~J0 PARKING SPACE~ OR: ZQNE ON A 1~OP;DWAY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND DIRECTING'THE~ ' APPROPRIA'I'E MARKING T~REOF. ~ ~ _ _ _ . -On motion of Council~man Jacobs, .second~d by Counci]~man. 'Tntood ~and by the following -r~i11 •call vote, to-witi ` A~ES: . - Coun~ci~:men McMillerr, Wood, MCN~_i"1, Jacobs and" Mayor Burt NOE~S: _ None . _ _ ~ABSENT: _ - None . . , , , th~ foregoing Resoluti,~~~ as adopte~l ti~is lOth4 da~.. of, I?e~eml~er, 1963: , j~~~,{ , . EASEMENT 12 WATER LINE _ Af:ter review of the~reasement agreemen~ for t~.e' instaliation of a 12" water line across Mr. L.,A. Brisco's property which was submitted through Mr. Grun~lel, Attorney for Mr. Brisco, it was agreed the Council felt they could not sign the agreement as written as it'would be going against the prior regulations of the City, but if the agr~~~e nt could be re-writt~n to state that the grantor would comply ~a~.,~~ -'rules and regulatio~s of the City the Council would, then be i~~,~,d„yox~Jof sign- ing said agreement, and it was decided to adjourn this~meeting to 5:30 P.M. December 11, 1963 to allow Administrator Butch time to cc3ntact and negotiate and resolve this with Mr. Brisco t~.e ch~ng~s in the agreement. SO. SLO CO. SANi°I'ATION DISTRICT REPORT Ac'lministrator,Butch reported ~he Bbard of Directorsfor the Sani~a- tion t~istrict approved the plan for a tr~atm+er~t plant to. serve a pop- ulatio~_of 30,000 and that the next meeting of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation ~rstrict would be January l3; 1364. ' . " ~ " CORRESPONDENCE REQUESTING_ ~a7ATER . SF.aRVICE -The City Administrator Yead a;letter._from Gordon Songewa~d re- _ . questing annexation to the City and permission to connect to the City Water System. ~,ftei diseussion it was agr~ed to hold any action until a Tater meeting. . . . . r ` : , . _ , . - A~JdUR~TMENT _ _ On motion of-Councilman MCMillen,_se~onded by Councilman ~J'acobs, the meeting adjourned at 1i:21 P.M. to'5:30 P.M~ D~cember 11, 1963. Mo~ion carried. ~ ` ~ ' . . , . , . _ , . . , . ~ . r . . ATTEST: ` ~ City erk Mayor Arroyo G'rande, Calif. ; • - December 11, 1963 - 5:30 P.M. , The adjourned regular meeting s~t for 5:30 P.M. December 11, 1963 was not h~1d due to lack of a quorum. ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A'1'T~S T : y~~C..~".,C- ~ ~ • . City lex~ , - Ma r. Arroyo Grande ; CaI if . _ ~ December -24~th, 1963 7'":30 P.M. _ _ _ _ _ a ` Th~. regular me~ting of December 24th:, i963 was not he'ld due to lack of a quorum. ~The`City C~.erk adjourned the meeting,'to December ~Oth, 19f3 at 7:30 P,M. . _ / - : , ATTES T : ~ ~ - - - . ~ C,'T City C erk _Ma r