Minutes 1963-12-30 458 Arroqo Grande, Calif. ~ ~ecember 30, 19b3 - 7;3Q P.M. The Gitq Cnun~i~ m~t _in regu.lar session ~ith 2~ayor Burt pre- siding. Upc~n roll ca11 Cc+uncilmen McMillen, Wood, McNeil and Jacobs reported present, 1~INUTE APPRfJVAL , T e minutes of the regular meeting of December lath, 1963, the adjourned meeting af ~ec~e~ber llth, 1963 and the regular meeting af Deeember 24th, ].963 were ~pproved as prep~red. AUTHQRIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS A Mot~r~n ~as m€~ e y Councilman Jacabs, secc~nded by Councilman McNeil that Warrants 1Vo. 689 through 715, tat~ling $58,750:4t~<and PayraLl Fund Warrant~ No..72 thrc~ugh 119, totaling $6,107.62 and Nos. 119A through 157 totaling $8,4~4.33 be authorized ~nd ordered paid.;° 1~Satiot~ e~rried. ECONOMIC ~E~TELOP`M~NT COMNiiTTEE PR(?PS3S,AL e C tq A in strator out ne a lette.r~a ~.~h had been received fram Lqle Ga;rpenter re~ardin~ an- Econamic DevelQ~~n~ C+~mm,itte-~, re-i' questing a memb~r. of the Gity CounciL be appait~ted te~ ~erve on this ~otmaaittee as repr~sent~tiave for ~he City.- ~4fter discta.s~ion, I~yor Burt agpoint~d Cout~cilman McMilen to serve on this cc~mmittee ~s a Gouncil represent~tive for the City of Arroya Gr~nde. TREASURER' S~." REPt?~T ~'he Trea~urer'~ repart for the ffiflnth of Navember 1963, w~~ r~°~~ ceived by the Gouncil ~nd c~rdered filed. TIME DEPt?~ITS QF SURPLUS FUNDS . T~ C~.ty A eaznistr~tor rought to the attention of the Cou~:eil that $15,fl~~.p~ in the Sewer Ren,tal F~nd is aver and above the antou~.~ nece.~sary to op~rate the Sewer Maintenat~ee Depart~e~t at this ti~ae and a1.so the City h~,~s rec~rded in the Specisl G~:s Tax ImprQVement Fut~.d monies recei~ed .f~o~ t~.e Stste for th~ imprave~ent ~f Haic~on Rc~ad, on which con~truction probably will not be s~arted for 9fl days ~ar l:an~er, and therefore, $15,~D~.OO fmm that fund should be d~el.ared surplus for that peric~d ~f tin~e and the t4tal c~f $30,OQO.OQ sbould be put into a~savittgs account fund tca earn interest u~til such time as it is ne~decl. After discus~ion, a~aotion was made by Cauncilm~n Jacob~s, seconded by Cc~uneilm~.n Wood, that the City Clerl~ be instrueted to draw up a warrant to ~he Bank of Acnerica N,T, & S.A. Arroyo Grande Branch, in the amount of Fif~een Thcausand Dollars ($15,000,0t?) from the Sewer Rental . Fund tca trar~~f~r s~.id amount fro~? the City t s active account ' inta $ non-active ~ccoun~ ~or a six manth peric~d to bear interest ~t 'the current interest rate for such inactive accou~t, and to draw up ' a like warrant ~.n the am~ount of Fifteen Thausand I?ollar~ ($15,f100.f~4) from the Special Gas T~x Street Improvem~nt Fund to tr~ansfer said am~ount fro~n the City*s ~etiwe account into ~ non-a+ctiv~ account for ~ 90 daq period tb bear interest at the current interest rate for s~uch inactive ae~QUnt. Moti,an carri~d. A~TARUING OF FRA,NCHI~E FQR G4NfMtTNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM Gaunci man Jaeo s~~ve an ora repart or t~ie eQt~i~ttee appoin,ted by the Mayor ta negoti~te with the r~pr~:s~n~,a~ives af the`Centr~l Califernia Communiestions Cc~rporation regar~ing the issuanee of a Goc~unity Antenna Tel~vi~isan SqBtem for the City c~f Arrayc~ Grande, stating that the rev~.sions in the Qrigix~sZ bid as'~ubmi~ted provides the best fr~nchise ~vith the game mr~t~thly rat~ far the wh41e city and affQrds all cove~age neces~ary, A map was ~ubtanitted outlinging tht prffciaaary area in ~hieh i~t~.stallation charge~ wiZl be the aame. Mr. Art H~pgood, represet~t~tave for Central Ca.liforni~ Caa~nuni.eation~, ex- pl~ined subacribers within and. outside the pri~a~rp plant area more than lSfl feet and up ta 5, e~t rc~a c~ e~o eonnection will be served, if desired, at a~i~ed installa~iQn c~~t of $140.40. Beyc~nd SQt? f~et, ins~~.lla.tiar~ cost would be eost of a~aa.terial pZu~ ~ LabQr. After di~~us~imn, Mr. Haggaod for~erly wi~hdrew the ori,~in~l bid ~,i+~~ was submitt.ed .by the Ge~.~ra~. California Gommunicatians Ccarpo~ation, Sfter wh.ich a mo~ion wa~ m~ade by ~ouncilrnan Jaeqb~, seconded bg Gouttcilt~an McNeil that the formal request ta withdr~w the bid as originally submitted by the Gentral G~lifarnia Ca unications Cor- gor8tion be BCCEj~~Lf~ ~Ti b~t~,~.1f of the City af Arr~yc~ Gr~nde. Aibtion ea~rried. ~ ~~9 City Cc~v.ncil - Dece~m#er 30, 1953 - P~ge 2 A~otican ;was ~_~?ade by Gt~uneilmat~, McNeil; ~ecQnded by: Caunei]:t~an McMi:lle~,; .that the propos~l ~ for a f~a~a~h~ee ~a~ nege~ia~ed between the City af ArrQya Gr~nde and the Centr~l California Gemmunications~ Corporation be accepted as su.brnitted ~.nd the Mayor and ~ity Clerk be authorized to ~ign the contr~et for.the ~ity of Arroyo Grand~. Mati.arx carxied, , . An Qrdinance ~nending tl~rdin~~ce 274, at~ ,Ordinanee pra~iding -for the gra'nting ca~ franehises for commu'aity~.~~.t~nna teievision syst~~~s in the .cit~ Arrc~yQ Grande ws~ ~~~~1~ fc~r the first reading. ~~D~.FICATIQN OF CITY ORDINANGES The City Administrator s v~se t e Gouneil t t, eeve~al firms that d~o ordinanct codifieation had b~en ec~ntaeted and ail eantracts which hac~ been submitted had been r~vi~wed thorou~hly. The fir~ which offered the lowerst and be~t serviee ta m~et our need.~s~, as we inte~d to ~a.tilize our printi,ng equipment, is the ~lifor.nia Gode Servi~~ of 1~o~estc~, California,. . ~ _ ,~~ter' d3.s~u~:s3.ott~ s mot~'.ot~ waa m$d~ by Councilmat~ Wocrd, ~~c,c~nded. by Councilman Jaec~bs tha.t the contraet price of .$2,00~:.40 as: ~sub- t~itted by ~he C~lifornis Cade Service be ~.cc~pted bq fihe Cit~* fcar ~a~d firmr tq cod.~~y..a~ll ~ity :p:f .~r~r.~yo Gr~nd:~ Ord~nanees to co~npletic~t~ of the ~in~t~. d.~aft w~.ich wi.ll ~ie fo~aard.c~d. to th~ C~.tg af Arrayc~ ~ Grand~ f~r ty~,ai~.g: and. dupli~ati4n of co.pies~, ,and tt~at t}~ M~~or b~ authori.zed, ta :sigtz the contract ~.~ree~~~t for the Git~. Motit~n carried. . . : CORBETT CARTYC3N NQ . 1 AND P.~,tINTZ x.IJ ..~tTQ. 1 AIaPtEXATION H~,RIPT~ l~ayor Burt ec red th.e earing to ecrn~ er t e annexg~ion of uninh~bi~ed territorq known as: ''Gorbet~ . Ca~~on Ncr. lTr hsd be~~i duly published ~.~.d prap~e~ty owners nat if~.~d az~d~ll p~rson~ for or ~~ain~t the annexatic~n would n+~w ~ be ~.ea~rd . ~~.e ~itp ~lez~k° ~dvi~ed ~h.~ Couneil one protest had been filed bq.N~il C. Willh€~it and Beverly B. Wi11- hoit, but wa~ les~s than 54% of the tQtal valu~ Qf the territar~ of the propo~e~ s~.ex~tion, Mrs.'Beverly B. Wi.llho3.t sp~ke again~~ the ~nnexation, ~~teting it wouZd b~ to no ad.vantag~: to them a~ ~hia~ ti.me " to ha~e>:. th~i~ ~~pp~~ty annexed.. to ,~~ie ~ity~. of ,~rrc~yfl G~sta.cle. there was na other person_who ~poke fc~r or a~ainst the anne~tion, Mapor Burt cieclared ~he 'hearingacla~~d.. After CQUncil diacu~~fan it wsaa agre~d ~c~ 1~Qld a~.y.;fi~.al setign:~.n~il. t~ie next~.~eetin~. . . . . , ~ . Mayor Bu~t declared the h~arir~g tn ec~nsider the annex~tic~n~ ~f uninhabited ~territc,ry known as ''Printz itd. No. 1't had been cluly p~blfshed a~d pr~perty awners nc~tifi~d and all peraons for ar a~~inst the annexatic~ ~vould now be he.~rd. Th~r~ ~ere no prote~t~ f~ar t~r ,~~afn+~ the :~nn,~x~ti~~, ~c~a.d Mayor , Bu.rt d~e,clsred the hearin~ cla~~d . . _ . . . , , . , . _ ~ . . ' ~ RE.S4LUT~ON KCi;, b03 . . _ . . . , RE~'fDLUTI4N OF TH~ CITY G4T.TP~T~IL OF THE GITY tl~` .ARR~~~ GRA2~tAE. FII~DII~TG ANI~ -AEGLA~tIIaTG;, ~HAT,:A~ ~,J4~2.I~'Y PRQ~ST .HAS DTGlT~_ BEEI~T MADE IN , "C4RBETT , ~ANYE3N ~T~ . . lt' ~~XAT~~N : _ A MA.JQRITY•- PROTE~T . HAS . N~T. BEEDT, MAI~E IN ttP~tlldT~ ,~D ~A10 « 1't . A1~1TtEXATIEJI~i...: . ~ . _ . . , Qn~motion Qf Councikman A4cNi~1, secflnd:ed, by~ Gouncilman I?~rMi~.lem. and by the follawing ro1l call vote, ~o-wit: AYES: Couneil~aisn MeMi:~len, =W~cad., M~I~ei1;~~'~~~~~ ~~.d Ma~r+~~ ~urt. . A1QES ; I~~tse : t_ ~ _ ~f,BSENT : Nc~ne . . , . . the foregoing resolut3.on. was.. adqpted . t.~ii~ 30th , d~.y. of ,December, .1963~. , . ~ ~ . . . . ~ . . . . r . . ; ~~o~zN~ a~~~r r~o . ~s~ . ' MByQr ~urt deelared the hearing to c~nsa. er t e r~quest'ta re- zone frc~m_ R,~.-B3 t4 R-l, Tract. Nc,.:.2~3, :wa~ duZy publ~s~ed and .praperty ownex~~ not~.f~.~d, ~.nd ,theY:h~?~ri~.g. wa~ :~o?r~c~p~~ae-d -a~d..s1i..~ers~8~ fQr or against the request w+~ttld • be •hesrd . The~e was ru> diacu~~~,cttt ~car c~r ~gainst, th~ reque.st and M~ya~ _ B~a.rt , d~~~.ar~d, . th¢• he$ri~a~ ,~~.aBed, Aft~r Council dise:usffiion, it was ~~re~d thst ~t~e prc?~ert.~~ ~e~ ~e~a~ed . from RA-B3 to R-1 as'~~eomm~nded by the P~~nnin~ C~i~siQn. ,An Qrd3.n~nce "~m~nd~.n~ Q.r,~l3.t~an.c~ 3~Ta. 157, of th~e Cit~r. ~~i~ Arraya Gra~de,. . sca; as to re~c~ne cer~~z~t prpperty. ~.n_.~he (~it.y ,flf FAsrc~~ar. Gr~?nc~:e was reac~ for. ~Elae first re~d~,~.g ~th~^ou~h the_;title, thereu.paa ~t-c~~sticr~n. 460 Gity Gouncil - Deeember 3U, 19b3 - Page 3 was cnade by Caunci3aa~~.n M~N~~~., secc~~ded b~r Gmur~cilmar~ McMillen ~h~.t reading the ba~.~nce of the Ordinance be dispensed caith, l~iotian carrie d . - HFARING - T~ SELL GFILTAIN PRf3PERTY ORi TRAFFI~ WAY . ~yor Burt ~c are t e-earing tc~ con~ er the request ta ~~11 certain property can~igu~aus to the Arroyo Motel prc~perty on Traffic Way was dul.q-pub~ish~d ~nd hearing was now csp~ned and ali persans for or agai.nat tht sai~e af ~sid pr+~pertq would ~ew° be h~ard . There was t~o diseuss~it~n fa~ or a~sfnst ~he reques~t and ~~or Burt declared the hearing elm~ed. ~fter Council diseussitrn a mc~tion ~s~s made by ~ouncilman Woc~d, ,~~cottd~d by Cvut~ci~t~~x3 McMi.ll~n, that bids be sub- mitted bg 2.a0 ~.M. J~nuarg 9th, i9b~+! f4r ~he: r~stricted purch.~se of that untxsed pa~tio~ c~f Traffic Wap ad j~cent to t'~t Arrayo l~iatel property. M~ti~n carri~d. RES(JLUTION TO ENABi~,E CITY T0 PURCHASE CIVIL ~EFEIJ~E S~TRPLUS I'RQPER~`Y' e~ ty m n str~tvr out ne t e ttec~ss~ry atep~s t e ty wauld have to t~ke ta ena~le the Gity to purchase throu~h Givi1 Def~nse $urplus go~ernm~t~t pra~pert~. He then outlined. th~ propased re~olution which would enable ~u.ch purct3ases . : Tl~e r~s~saluti~~ ~offibin~tion of su.rplu~ propertg c,ver and under $2,5(~C?.~0 was reeaci th~eaugh the title, ~the~reupa~ s~:otion wa~- .made Y~y Cauneilman Waad, ~~:eor~ded bq Counri].man McN+~il - that reading the baiance of the° R~~vlutic~n be di.spensed with. Mc~tian unanimtauslq~ earried. ~tES~LUTIQN ~TQ. 6fJ4 - • GOMBINl~i~'i~N 4F SURPLt7S ~'RQP~RTY ~3VER AidD t3`NDER $25(334 ~ On motion of G4~ncilman inlc?ad, secQnded by ~ouncilman McN~:il ar~d bp the followi~g roll call ~tate,•ta-wit: AYES: ~ounei~t~an McM~llen, Wevd, McN~il, ,7acob~ anci Mayor Bt~.rt. NOE~: None _ - : ABSENT: Non~ : , the fcaregoi,ng rc~s~olutic~n v~a~ adc~p~ed thia 3t9th ds~ `c~f ~'!~eeember 196~`. COP~C L1F CA~IF(3RNIA GIVTL DEFEN~E AND I~~SA~TER PIA1~T The C ty ~ m n strat~r ~ v se the Ck~un~ t t the revi~ed eopy c~f- the Califor~r~i~ C~.vil gef~n~e and Diaaster Plan had ~en rec~ived and that it ~ruld be pl~ced an fil~ for anycane wha ~~.shed to review it. . FIRE TRUCK BIDS.REJEG~'ED D sc~sian wa~. e ~egardin~ the bida which had be+~n submit~td ft~r the purchase Qf a 196~+ madel fire truck. It w~s the feeli~,~ of the Cou~.cil that all bid.s eu~nit~ed ~re bid differen.tly gerhaps the specificatiotas were r~o~ ~et ta re~eiv~ bids for the type of truck desired. A~ao~tiQt~~:wsz~ made by Councilm~n McMillen, ~+eeonded ~ bq Gc~uncilm~r~ M~N~iI, t~iat ~11 ~i~d~ ~i~ce . re jee~eti~: ~~~i.d~.e~ ~pe~3ficatianB be drawn up ~l~ich wc~uld~ me~r+~ par~ icularly out lir~e t~ie truc~ which would best m~et our needs', but ir~ no w~y ~auld pe~int dire~tly to ~nq 4ne manufacturer, such sp~eifications ta be presented to the Cc~u:ne3.l fcar ~vie~r pric~r ta ~dvertising f~r bid.~. Motion c~rried. • ABA,I~IDQAIME~3T 4~ ~~"I i~~' LE P~7II~T TERR~~.CE : , ~.y.~..-~+~+ ~e r.msn - A motir~n w~~ ~~~y~c?un~3.m~n ~aco~s, secand:ed by Caut~.~ilmari Waod that the reca endatian~of the.Planning Ga~mi~sion to apgrove ab~~dor~ment of a~~~ic~r~ o~ IdePoint ~'errace sub~eet te Items i and 2 set far th in the Plannin~ Cocmnission minutes ~f December 17th, 1963, be> ~ccept.ed a~.d:.apgrcaveci. Motion carried. APPRC3VAL 4F A MAP I~?R: ~.3~IPROVEMENT QF ° EX'I`ENSIi~AT ~F W40D PI~ACE mo~ on ~~s. ~aa ~ y c~un.c~ n Wr~o ,~ee4nde y~ Counci~~n ` McMillen, that ~h~ map a~ prr~a~ntcd- fQr ~h~ i~aprqvemen.ta of 114' of Wood'P1sce ext~~~icrn be approved by th~. City. s~ -recc~mmended bq~ ~ity En~ineer, Ms, G~trit~~: FIRST R.~ADING P~ING ~PA,,CE REQUIRE~iENTS ORTJ?I~~E " ~e pt~c~pis~e a~~d~~na~c~ regu ~~t ng . ~tr ~p~?c~ ~equir~me~ts was discus~ed and ttie c~nge~ ~a~re+~d up~ri ~er~ ~a~cie, ther~~ffi~r the vrdi~.ance i,ias r~ad f~~ the firet re~d.ing thrau~h the title. A ~ City Cc~unciZ - I?e,cet~ber 30, I363 - Ps~e 4 , mcrtiQn w~as ~sde bp ~QUneilman Wood, ~eco~ded ~ay Gau~~ilman M~A4iLlen that th~ x~eadi,~.g of the balanee af. t~e_ ~ra.i~ance ~e di:spea8~d w~.~h-: Mot~pn una~n~m0usly earried. . , ~ AC~EPTA,~ATCE. ~F IA~IPR~YII~NT.IN T~AGT NQ. ~8~3 A motic~n was m~de" y Cauneilman A~~Ne 1, s~eon ~d by Goun~ ~ Wood , that th~. ~it~. accept th~ improv ~nt~s Trac~ Na. •~83 = and. thei'r i.inprQ~t~ment bo~d• be r.~l~as~d. .Mca~ic?n.carried. • ~ - . RE~ON~NG OR}JINANCE .ADOPTI4N - ~ SKIDM4RE PRtJP~RTY ~aut~~il~;an McNe11 e t t e Counc~ st : P.,M~. ~tat ng ~ wished tA~ be excuse~d s~ he had. ~ fi~.sa~aci~.i 3.r~,terest ,~.n; th~._,prc~~e~ty whiC~ would._ b~ r~=zc~ned bp t.he• ~aasr~ing ,of the fellQwin~ Ort~~nance. F ~ ~ ~ ' An Qrdi~.~,t~ce af the Gity of~ Arro~ Graa~de aa~eta.ding 4rdi~~~.ce No. 157, the ac~ning ordinance of the City, read through the title, thereupon ~c mc~tion was made by Councilman M~+Iillen, secc~nded by Couneilman We~ad., th~t the reading`of t~e b~.l~nee af th~ vrd.inance be dispensed with.. Motion car~ied. , i ORDIN~TCE N4. 185.. ' ~ , _ . . " A~ QRI3INANGE OF ' THE C~TY Q~ ARR#~YQ GRA,NDE 1~MENDING ORI~INANCL ~T~. 157 CfF TI~E.. CITY QF ARR~Y~ GRAN}~E- S4 AS; Tp REZ£~NE CERTAIN PROPERT'Y IPT ~'fiE CITY t1F ARR~YQ G~~?E. 47n motic~n vf G~va~cil.man- Wood, secanded by Couneil.~tan M~MiI•l~r~ and on the fo114wing rall ca1l~yQte, to-wit: AYES : Councilmsn MeMillen, .Woc~d, J~?cQbs and Mayor B~rt~ N~ES ; N~ne . ..,_s. 4...e,.. . . . , ABSENT: Gauncilman MeNeil the faregaing Ordinance wa~ adctpted th.is 34th d~y af Dec~mber, 1963, Councileaan McNeil re jQined ::the CQuncil at .10~Q3 _P,L~I. • GO1~iITTEE APP4~AT~FD ,:T~.R~S~IIEW,GEN~RAL GC?I~9'PR~~SIWE PIAN _The , City A n stratox ~ug~~ste ; ~ ' cota~m. ~tee ~ h~ a~m,e . ~r~ re- view the pro~o~ed Ceneral Cc?mprehen~ive ~°l~r~ for the City ~r~,d determine wtut. area~ , c~f .~eneraZ _ plaaning a~e mo~t ~te~d~d _ a~ ~h.ia~ time. Af~er` - d.i~eu~s~.can;, .A~ayar . Bu~t ~pps~inted ._Cc~uncil.~aaA ~ Ja€~b~ ~:ar~d Wood to aerv~: c~n. the committee as Gou~eil ~epresent~ti.ve~ ~z~d ~ City-Admini~tratar Butch, ~i~~c3tor ~if ,Yublic W~rrks AAde~s-Qn, a~c~ - Gity En~incer G~ri~g also a's~rve on this eammitt~d and t'hat the Chairman :c~f ~the P1$t~ta.fng ~pramission ~pp~rint a~~member .ef the Fls~n~ Coumnission to serve an this c~mittee ~o revie~r:all aspeet~ ~af th~~ ~ General Co~prehensive Plan and repo~t b~ck t~a '~h~ Council a~ ec?s~~.` as possible. RESCJI.UTIC?N ~STABLISHING A CRASS WALK BY THE ATEW ~?fJ~T t31~'IGE a ~.SO~.I,TTION NC3. ,645 . _ < A-RESE~Z~TTION OF THE CTTY G~IJNCIL €~F TI~ CiTY 4F ARROYQ ~RA.NDE; ~A3.I~4RN~i, DESIGNATII~TG ANT) I~TING •A CRQSS WALK bN A RQADWAY IN THE CITY I~F ARROYGI GRANDE ~iND DIRECTING THE APPR4PRTATE MARKING TH~REf3F. t~n mo~i~n 1~y Cc?uncilman McNeil, ~eec~nd.ed by Couneilman ~ta~d and by the fc~llowing rp11 call vote, ta-wit: A3CES : Coun.cilmen MeMill~n, Wood., ~c~Tei.l, .T~cobs and 2~~r Bv.x~t NOES - ~T€~ne : ABSENT: Not~.e t~ie foregoin~ Re~alution w~r~ adapted thi~ 3(~th dap of Dec~aber 1963. DIVISIf?td QF HiGH~+1AYS 2156 ~TREET ~EFICIEI~T~Y S'I'LtHY REppRT The Gity m t~ ~trator out ~.ne f+~r t e Counc t repc,rt which h~td been r~~eiv~d frQm the Divi~ian of Hi.~h~aays ~e~ardin~ th+~ establishing of ~aaja~r city streets w~ich wf.L1 fit ~.~nta ~the ~we~a11 State plan for e~tabli~hin~ ~ec~ndarp s~~~~at~ thraugt~mut t~e ~'t,~te. , R~PQRT 4N INSTALLATIdN C3F CE~TAiAT CITY ~T~E~ LIGHT'S A motian was ~,a ~ y CQ~t.ne an M+~Ne , secc~nd~ bp C+~t~ad.c n Jaeob~, that the inst~llatic?n of certa~.~ s~tree~t lights a~ re+c e~a~ed by the r+~pt~rt ~'resm the Directar mf Pu~Iic Wc~~~ ~~ut~iorized as a 1963-63 budget~d ~t~n.` Moti4n c~rri~d. . City Council - December 34, l'963 - Page 5 - . , _ . _ _ : . , 12't WATER~ LINE~' _ : . . _ . _ . . , _ . ` ~ ~ _ A mot on ~aa~s ' mad~ 'by Counc~ilman McNeil, s~~canded ~ by ` Cautticil- ~n M~Iillen that the ea~em~nt frs~m Evelene V. Lvvasz far th~ ~ i~- ~tallation of a 12't water uaain across her graperty be aecepted~nd tMe A~ayor be aut~Qri.zed. ta ~i,gn- for th~ ~~.ty. MOtion carri~d. ~ The City Admiiristrator repo-rted kie hacl cc~n~~cted M'r.': A. B~ia~o as instructed bq~ th~ Cdune3.l and~ t~`~'Mr: ~~is~'~a~ clid' n~t '~ii~3h t~{. have th~ +easement rewritten at this ~ime, but h~ gave his verb~l co~sent thst the wat~r line`ctluld go'thr~u~h"'h~s property withaut a written ea~emen~t ~d at s~~h t3m~`' ~s~` he w:f~~.ed: w~ter ~~~r?~r~~'~: to_ the propertY, he' wc~~tld. ~l~e arrarigements ,~t t~t"' tim~. fihe~ Li'~q ~dt~i.~:is- ~rator ~hen reac~.' a~ le~tter frc~m our ~i~y Attorn~y ~?ttieh state~ Mr. Bri~co's verbal. a~a^eement was ~:cc~pt~.ble, th~,~ the water: line re- mained the prvg~rty of t"he City' and tha~t the' City had a fi~ve .~ear. period to fai~mal~y`' fittali~e a. written ~~~ement. . _ WATER ~ ER~ GL~ , ~LEQUF..S'i' ; . _ : . : : : _ . 'The C ty Ac~in~st~tQr resd~ correspo~den~e received ` frcrm'Mr. Gordon Jongeward. requesting water service tQ and anne~tion c~f hits property lyin.g c~utsid~ the ~~corr~iorat~: l'i~it~ crf the Cityof Arre~p~ Grande . After d~scu~~ic~n., ,it ~aas generally agreed th~t to 811aw water ser~ice to 'gro~i~rty 4uts~de ~~:e city ~Thi~h liad ,~us~ re jeet~~ an offer bf ~ritte5ts~i€~n; `~otflc~ `not~ ~ be g~an~~~.= ~t ~hi~ time as th~y felt it would be ~e~~ng a~~inst the prior pa~~.ici~e af fihe City. ~'he Gitg Administrator wa~ instructed to contact Mr. Jongeward and ~dvis~ him ~ of t~tc `C~u~ci~.! ~ decisir~n. , ; . . ~ . . ~ , . ' ~ _ _ . ~ PR4P03ED' ~ GHANGF„S Il~ WATER~ 'fJ~tDTI~TANEE ' . > T e C tg A t~ r~. stratgr e~utl ned for the Gouncil the prapoased chang;es to Qrdi~aance NQ. 97 {Water), establishing a bi-month~y~bi11- ing and ~incr~as~d m+~ter'r~tes`. Af~~~~'di~~iissid?rt; i~ _w~~ agr~~d t~ hQld anq fin~.l ~.ct~.an t~ntii the next meeting: . CQRRESPt~NT~E~TCE FRC~I ~)I? ANIMA~ SHELTE~ e~ t~r-:A x3. stratc~r rea _ a~t'Ce~ frv~a~ t'he Wc~~d~ 1~n~.1 Shelter reque~t~~ttg ,a d.e~.egat~ ~ be ~ap~sciitt'Ced ~d~`~e~res~~~` tt~e "Git~ of Arroya Gr~nde at a meeting tcs diseuss fin~.nci~l c4nditic~n of ~tie ~inimsl Sh~lter, ~f~er 'd.i~sctis~i:Q~i; I~ay~or 'Bu~~ aFYac~~r~ted ~~.ty `Adt~i~tiis- tratc~r Butch'~~r~.d. ~Chfef s~f PQlice 'Ri~h~d~o~.~ tc~ #~terid this' meetiiz.g.~ can Ja~usry 9, 196~, ~n th~ Gity*s beh~[lf. , GI3'Y EAT~I~TEER.' S REPt~RT ~ ~ . , h~ C tq ~n~ n~r gave a verb~l ~eport c~f tt~e work. hi:ss offic~ is daing fdr ~he G~:ty ~.t thi~ t~me - setting curb gr~des in Western Additic~n, Jtisalcyt~n Raad ~,ii~nment snd overall drainage. A~JUURNM~IT = . _ ~ ; r . . , . Qn mo~lon ~f Couti~i3.~an Jacobs, seconded. by ~ouncilman McL~eil, the me~ting ad~c~urned ~,t ~1:17 P.M:'... ~+t~'t~c~ ~arried. . , . - , ATT~ST. ~ : : , : ; _ , , v~ itq e l~~i'or . . . . . . . . i . .