Minutes 1964-01-28 468 ~ Arroyo Grand~, Csilifornia 5: 30 P.Ni . Janua, ry 20 ,;1964 . ADJOURNMfurther bu.siness A e ^ ,pp a.ring, on motion by Councilman Ja.cabs second~d. by Councilma.n McNeil, the meeting a.djourned. ~t 5.35 P.M. Mot ion czrried:. , ~ ~ ~ ~ AT'I'EST: , M~yor .City erk ~ Ar~r~oyo Gr~and'.e Califo~nia January 28,' 1964 7t30 P.M. The City Council met in r~egulat~ session with Mayor~ Burt pr~esid- ing. Upon r~oll call Councilmen`McMillen; Wood, McNeil and Jacobs r~eporfied pr~esent. . PROCtf~iM~TION - RELIGIOUS S{JRVEY WEEK 2/28 - 3/6/64 Mayor~ Bux°t pr~oclaime ,''~I , Geor~ge A. Bur~t , mayor~ of the City of Ar~r~oyo ~r~ande, d.o call upon the citizens of our~ Gity to •cooper~ate with canvasser~s and. other~ wor~ker~s dur~ir~g this week of Relig~.ous Sur~vey, Febr~uary 28th to Mar•ch 6th, 1964," This procl~mation was r~equested by the Chur~ches of the Five Cities ar~ea. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the r~egu~a~~ meeting of January 14 and the ad jour~ned: meeting of January 20th 1964, wer~e appr~oved as pr~epar~ed.. PAYMENT OF~ BI LLS A mo~ion ~aas~ mad,e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Wood. that Gener~al Warr~ants No. 787 thr~augh 809, total3ng $10,084.73 and Payr~oll Warr~ants No. 205 thr~ough 2~0, totaling $7,183.31 be appr~oved and. or~d.er~ed. paid . Motion carx°ied,. LETTER OF THANKS - DOWN TOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION - The City Administr~ator~ r~ead a lette~° fr~om the Ar~rnyo Grand.e Down Town Mer~chants .Association expressing their~ thanks for~ the City*s par~ticipation and city for~ces t assistance in the decor~ating pr~o~r~am for~ the Chr~istmas holidays. Mayor~ Bur~t r~equested Adminis- tr~ator~ Butch acknowledge r~eceipt of the letter~ and that the City d~psr~tments mentio~ed. be for~war~ded the Associationts thanks. PROCIAMATION - 1964 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS YF~.R Mayor~ Bur~t stated T'That the year 1 be pr~oclaimed ~nter~national Communicatians Year~ in the City of Ar~r~oyo Gr~andet' as a-r~equest submitted by the Pacific Telephone and.'Telegr~aph Company depicting the completion of ~he Tr~ans-Pacific International Submar~ine Cable in .~4ugust of this year~ as a historical event. The c~,ble will terminate in San Luis Obispo and will officially be known ~.s the T'San Luis Obispo-Yakohama Cablett, MONTHLY TREASURERS REPORT The Tr~easux•er~ s r~epor~t for the inonth of I7ecember~, 1963, was r~ec~ived. by the Council and or~de~ed. filed. NOTIFICA.TION - OCEA,NO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANNEXATION TO.OCEANO FIRE PR TECTION DISTRICT The City A ministr~ator~ advi~ed. notific.ation had been r~ceived. from the San Luis ObispQ County Loca1 Agency Formation CQmmission that the Oceano Elementar~y School Distr~ict kpr~oposes to ann~ Lot ~ 19, Pismo Beach Gar~d.en (Site of the new Oceano School) to the-Oceano Fir~e Protection District. The Counci7~ agr~eed. ther~e' was no oppasition to this anne~ation on behalf qf the ~ity of .Ar~r~oyo Gr~ande. ENGINEERING COST AND REC~NII~ENDATIONS REPORT e r~epor~ on Engineer~ing cost ~n' . recommendations for~ `~utur~e plans was not campleted at this time, but would be r~eady for the next r~gu7.ar~ Council meeting. : ~69 City Council - January 28, 1964 RESOLUTION - MUTI~I,, ~ID FIRE r~iGREEMENT WITH STATE DIVISION OF ~ . RESOLUTION N0: 608 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF FORESTRY. On motion by Councilman Wood, second.ed. by-Councilman McMillen and.on the following ro11 call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMillen,Wood.,McNeil,Jacobs and Mayor~ Bur~t ~OES - Nane , ABSENT: None the for~egoing Resolution was ad.opted this 28th day of 3a.nuary 1.9'64~. AUTHORI2~4TION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR.A NEW I250 PUMPER FOR FIRE DEPT: The City dministr~ator~ advised t'hat the Bir~e Committee, consist- ing of Councilmen McNeil and McMillen, F~r~e Chief Mar~salek, Assistant Fore Chief Cottle and. Administr~ator~ Butch ha.d. met and r~evised. the speci~ication for~ one 1250 GPM pumper~ truck for~ the Fir~e Depar~tment and that they now felt they wer~e r~ead.y to be r~e-submitted for~ bid.. After~discussion, a motion was made.by Councilman McMillen, second.ed. by Councilman McNei1 that. the City Cler~k be author~ized and instr~ucted. to adver~tise the call for~ bid.s for~ a 1964 Model ~~'ir~e Truck 1250 GPM Pumper to be submitted on or~ befor~~ 2:00 P,~I,, F~brv.ar~y 20th; 1964, at which time ~nd. da.te the bids r~ec~vved will be p~iblicly opened. and, r~ead. Motidn carr~ied.~ . FIRST READING ORDINANCE --ACCEPTING REQUIREM~NTS FOR TRAINING OF I~4W ENFORCEMEDTT OFFICERS The City Administr~atax~ aw.t~lined ~~for~° t Councll the r~equir~ements which the City would have to meet to be eligible to r~eceive aid.f~om the State of Cali.for~ia~ for~ the ~~~sinir~g of ~.1aw enf~mr~cem~nt~~' offieer~s, an~l. the ad,vantages.- it~t~wov~~d pro~wide th~ ~Ci~~y::by+~~aving su~~h r~egula- tions for~ r~ecrv.i~me~t sand tr~aining of peace off~cer~s. After Council discussion, the ord:inance ~ntitled AN ORDIN~,.NCE OF THE CITY 0~' ARROYO GRANDE ACC~,PTING THE,.-I~EQU~REME~TS OF- SECTION ~.35~~2~•-OF- THE P~II~iA~, E' CODE ,~.ELATII~G TO T~SINING q~' LP,W ~ ENFORGEMENT OFFICERS was r~ead. for~ th~ fir~st r~ead.ing, , . ~ . , , APPEAL~ H~ARING~RE(~UEST - STI~NLEY GREIB PROPERTY - WITHDRAWAL The Ci~~drninis~r~a~tor~ ~ advised.~ t~Co~:c~il tha.t the appe~.l ~~i1ed. by Stanley Greib that the Couneil hold. a hear~ing in r~egar~d to the decisior~ -of t1~.e Plannircg-•Commis~ion to a~llow an ~lement~ry s~hool. to be built on h:~s p~oper~cy had. been officially withd.r~awn by th~e applicant. ~ ~ , . ~ . APPROVAL -:TO • IN~TIGA'T'~ .AN ~AGkEEMENT ~Y~R 1~ GENER;t~L'• C4MPRE'HEnTSI~E ~ D~~VELOP- MENT P~1N ~ ~'0~. THE CZTY ; . ~ • . , _ , : r ~ r • . . . , , Councilman Jacabs r~epor~ted for~ the Committee appointed by :~the - Mayor~ to r~eview the Gener~al Compr~ehensive Development Plan for~ the City of Arr~oyo Grande, stating the Cot~mittee~fe.lt'such:a plan:was necessary for~ the City. He fur~ther~ stated. fihe ~ommittee appr~oved. of all phases of the pr~oposal and that ~fter~ such•;a plan ?was ad.opted., it should be used,. After~ discusssion, .~dministrator~ Butch was suthor- ized and dir~ected. to contact the firm of Ha.hr~, Wise ~.nd Associates ~ to obtain an agreet~ent :and upon ~he City •Afifiorriey~~ appr~~val, to pr~esent to the Council for~ r~eview and. acceptance. . , , , _ . ~ . _ . . , ~ PROGRESS REPOR~' , : .SOUTH SA.N. ,.LUIS OBISPO COU1~TiX }SANI;TAT~ON ~pIS~Ti2ICT ~ The City Administr'ator reported tha t the~ ~~ar.d .Fp~ .D~,recto~~ s o~i-"1, the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Distr~ict had autahor~ized the Distr~ict Engineer~, District Attorney and District Administr~ator~ to begin pr~eliminar~y negotiation with Gr~over~ City on their pur^chasing space in the pr~oposed. S~nitation Distr~ict tr~eatment plant for~ 30,000 population, ~o~e~rn +~~~fa-1T ~a.nd r~elated wor~ks. APPEAL HEARING - AiRCHITECTURAL DRA.WING - N1E~RTIN POLIN PROPERTY Councilman Wood excuse imsel r~om the Counci at . P.M. stating he had a possible inter~est in connection with the appa~~~=_ hear~ing s cheduled f or~ 8:00 P.M . 4T0 Arr~oyo , Grande, California 7s30 P.M. January 28, 1964 ~dayor ~[ur~t declared the hearing open to consider the appeal of Mar~tin Polin r~e: Action of the Planning Commission in its denial of approval of the ar~chitectural dr~awings submitted. by him to constrv.ct a dr~ive thr~ough r~estaur~ant on Gr~ande Avenue, that notice had been duly published and pr~oper~ty owner~s notified and all per~sons for or~ against the appeal would now behear~d. Mr~. Mar~tin Polin spoke in favor of the ar~chitectur~al dr~awings stating the color~ of the building could possibly be changed from br~ight or~ange as shown on the dx~awing to white with a smal.l gay tr~im. He fur~her~ stated ~e felt the dr~awings should be ~llowed as it was the differ~ence type styling of the building that would at~r~ct business to this type of establishment. Mr~. MaeAlexander~ of Uan~a~~s 'Floor Cover~ing located at 723 Gr~and Aver~ue, Mr~s. Mary McClur~e, Mr. Clint McClur~e, pr~oposed lesee of the building, and Mar~lyn Haigwood of Gold.en Rule Realty, 1312 Grand.Avenue,.all spoke i.n favor~ o~ allowing the ar~chitectur~al drawings as pr~esented. There were no pr~otests against the d.r~awings.~ Mayor~ Bur~t declar~ed the hear~ing closed. A,fter~ Coutr~cil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman McMillen that the Action of the Planning Commission be r~ever~sed and that the ar~chitectur~al drawings for a ~ restaur~ant ~o be constructed on Mr. Polin''s pr~op~r~ty on Gr~and A.ven.u.e be appr~oved as su.bmitted. On r~o1Z ca11 vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMillen, McNeil and Mayor~Bur~t NOES.~ Councilman Ja.cobs ° ` ABSENT: Councilman Wood ' ~ Councilman Wood r~ejoined the Council at 8:35 P,M; CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLA.TION - BENNETT A.VE. - PROTESTS BY PROPERTY OWNERS - ~ever~al px^oper~ty owner~s in fhe 7b0 block of Bennett Aw~enue wer~e pr~es~nt to inquir~e about the cur~b and gutter gr~ad.es set on the souther~ly sid.e of the str~eet on Bennett Ave., as they felt they wer~e not-set as good as they cauld have been to conform ~rith the impr~ove- ments alr~ea.dy ther~e and. stillallow for~ pr~oper d.r~ainage. Don Beck, ' 7L7 Ber~.n~tt; Fr~ank Wilson, 707 Bennett; Mr~s. Hugh Pope, 727 Bennett' and Mr~s. Thelma Ander~son, 715 Bennett Ave., all spoke in p~otest of the impr~ovements on the str~eet. Mrs. Thelma Anderson also stated that while the city cr~ew was wor~king on the str~eet they l~ad driven a heavy piece of equipment over~ her dr~iveway approach and br~oke it. She inquir~ed if the city would r~epair~ the d,a.mage. A,f-~er~_ Council discussion, the City. Engineer~ was instructed to pr~epar~e a r~eport and r~ecommendation to be pr~esented at the-ad.journed meeting at 5:30 PM Fr~iday, January 31, 1964, at which time all complaints woul.d be d~- cided upon. PROCIAMATION - FEBRITARY 16-23 1964 ~S BROTHERHOOD WEEK Mayor~Bur~t prbclaimed. February l-23, 19 , as Br~otherhood W~ek as sponsor~ed and r~equested by the National Confer~ence of Ghristians and J ews . DISCUSSION - SIC~A.L LIGHTS A.T HALCYON ~iATD::GRAND The C~ity Administr~ator~ advised the Council , that teritative pr~ices had been obtained.for~ signal lights as r~equested. The pr~ice is appr~oximately $4,400.00 'per~' inter~section, Ad.d.ed. electr~onic devices would incr~ease cost, It was agr~eed that th.~ ins~tallation of signal lights be included. ii~. the Halcyon Road impr~ovement pr~o ject . On motion by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman McMillen, the . meeting ad. jour~r,.ed. at 8: 5.9 P.M, until - 5:30 P.M. Fr~ida.y, January 31st, 1964, Motion car~r~ied.. . , ~ ~/Q~1sL-~/~ ATTEST: ~ YO R Gity C e