Minutes 1964-01-31 Arr~oyo Gr~.nde, California January ~1, 1964 ~ ~ , 5:30 P.M. The City Couneil met in ad journed session with Mayor~ Bur~t pr~e- siding. Upon r~oll call, Councilmen McMillen and Wood reported pr~esen~. Councilmen McNeil and Jacobs wer~e absent. Mayor~ Bur~t d.eclared the meeting for~ discussion r~egar~ding the str~eet gr~ades for~ the installation of cur~b and gutters in the 700 Block of Bennett Avenue now open for~discussion. Councilman Jacobs join~d',the Council at 5:35 P.M. The Council and pr~oper~ty owne~s pr~esent ackn.owledge they had eact~ r~e,~eived. a copy of the City Engineer~'s wa~i.tten x~epor~t r~egar~d.ing the grades on Bennett Avenue. Mr~. Fr~ank 0. Wilson, 707 Bennett Ave. , read a letter~ of pr~otes~ of the installation of curb and gutter~ ad jacent to his proper~ty. Mr~. Hugh Pope, 723 Bennett Ave., pr~otested the installation of cur~b and gutter~s ad. jacent to his pr~oper~ty ~.nd r~equested entr~y in~o the minutes as follows : Ttlf any water~ backs onto my pr~opeY^ty be- cause of the gr~ades as set, I will be cer~tain to sue the City.tt Mr~. Ken~eth Berryhill, 708 Bennett Ave., was advised that euen though the law pr~ovides that a City could. for~ee a pr~oper~ty owner~ to install cur~b and gutter~, to date the City of Arroyo Gr~ande has never~ p~r~sued this means of having cur~bs and. gutters installed, It has always been in the past that if the major~ity of the pr~oper~ty owner~s desir~ed cur~bs and. gutter~s, the major~ity rv.led, ~ , . ~ Mr~. Gar~ing, City Engineer, outlined the proposed over~all dr~in- - age of Wester°n. Addition, stating tha.t the ultimate plan was to dx~~~n the water~to Halcyon Road, down Halcyon Road to a conduit whieh will take t,h~ wat~r~ to the ..cr- eek. The . gr~ades estahlished on _Be~r~.ett . Aven.ue ar~e similar~ to those appr~oved and. accepted by the City Counci~. as pr~sented. by Yor~k Peterson, then City Engineer~, in 1950, with var~iances to meet existing conditions and they cannot be ~lter~ed any mor~e or~ ~the w~.~er~ cai11 not dr~ain ~s ~~:anned -to Halcyon Road.. Nir~. Don Beck, 71I_ Bennett Ave., ~r~oteste.d,..~he.e•levation of :•th~ apro~. for~ his d.r~iveway appr~oach as it wil3. cr~eate a f'hump". M~. Ander~son, Dir~ector~ of Public Wor~ks, ad.vis~d ttiat an engineer~ing "'p~ta:nt had been established and that the City~cannot deviate fr~am this point on dr~iveway ap~ons as it might cause str~eet water~..to :rv.n_ into.pr~iY~ vate pr~oper~ty. ~ i~r~s. Elmer~ •Ander~son, 715 Bennet`t Aive.; .,taa.s ~.~su~ez3~-that~-thE Ezt~ c~ould r~eplace the d.r~iveway se~t ion. which, was . br~oken . by. t.he _ City_ c~ew while they wer~e wor~king ad jacent to her~ pr~operty. The City Engineer~ advised Mr~. Pope that after~ the street w~.s - fully impr~oved, ther~e would be less water~ collected on his pr~oper~ty than: befor~e t~.e i~.stal~a~ion of•:,cur~b and .gutter.-, , The Council d.iscussed.the.possibilit~ of.:a.pxocedure that pr~oper•ty owner~s wishing to impr~oye their~ proper~ty would go thr~ough so th~t the pr:oper~~~ owners _ c~rould .be full~z ~war~e of the effect the street grade might have on impr~ovements_ alr~eady on their pr~oper~ty, , The Depar~tment of Public Wor~ks was r~equested to pr-oceed: with the street impr~ovements.~ust as quick~y as possible. On motion by Councilman McMillen, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, the meeting ad.journed at 7:23 P.M. Motiancarr~ied. _ , ' . MEiY _ ATTEST: i y er