Minutes 1964-02-11 ~4~2 Arroyo ,YGrande, ~~iifor~ni~; 7:30 P.M. February 11, 1964 , ,t . . . . ` . ' t _ . ~r ° . ;}2~, The City Council met in regu.l~r~ session with M~~ror~ Bur~t -p~^esic~ing. Upon r~oll c~ll, Councilmen McMillen and Wood. r~epoz^ted present . Councilmen NfcNei~ ~n~d. J~cobs were ~bsent . ~ ~ ~ - , . , . _ . . . , . MINUTE APPROVAZ , . . : . , . ' , he minutes of the r~egul~.r meeting of J~.nuary 28th ~.nd the ad.- journed meeting of Jan~x~.ry 31, ~964, were ~.p~proved. ~g -p~repared. : ~ ~ . , ~ _ ~ ~ , . . . . , . ~ . AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF~ ~ILLS' . : . , . . , , . . . ' A motion w~s m~.d.e by Councilman Waod, second.ed. by Councilm~n McMillen that °Generat W~.rrant•s No. ~~24~~~h2rough~ No. -856 in the ~mount of $12,345.14 and.Payroll W~,rrants No. 241 through 286 in the ~.mount - ' of $5, 872.76 be ~.pproved~ ~.'tLd, •arder~~l~ pa.id - 'NFot~on- e~rri~d~. . , DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT ~ ' ~ ~ The dep~.rtment~l monthly report for the mox~.th of Janu~.ry 1964, w~s received by the ~CouMCi1 ~~rtd. ord`ered: •filed.. • ~ • • • ' TRE~,SURER'S MONTHI,Y REPORT e~ r~as~trer x s repart' ~or °the mo-~~th• ~•of Januar~ 19b4, was re- eeived by the Cou~xci~l arid, c~rde~~ed f iled , . , ; . . . 4. - . . _ ~ ~ . TIME DEPOSIT OF ~i3'RPLUS ~NDS - . e ity A ministrator rought to the attention of the Council tl~t the City ~had. received _a. l~rge t~x check frot~r tYre Cotxnty and that upon checking ex~stir~g balan~es irt • tfi.e G~ie~~.l -Fund:,~ :i~ was dete~rtn~i~ed. that $'2'0,000.0'0 of -Chis ~mou~~ could` ~be dec~.~red surp~lus for -90 d~ys ~.nd tr~.nsfered to ~~.n int•exe~t be~r~ing -a~c'ov:nt~. ~ - ° ~ ' After discussion; a-motion ~w~.s m~.de by Cour~.cilm~n Wo~ad, seconded. by Councilm~.n McMillen, that the City Clerk be instructed to dr~.w ~'u.p a warr~.nt ~to the' -~~.nk of Amerr~~ N.T. ~&::S,~A. A.~oyo G~~nde :Br~,nch, in the ~.mot~.nt ~of 'I~wen:ty ~'housand Doll~rs ($20,0OO.OU) from -the Ge~r~.l Fund to transfer ~said ~.mount ~~rom ~he City's ~ctive •~~cottnt in~o a- non-active ~ccount for-~l ~90 day peridd ~o ~be~.r interes~ ~at the current , interest r~te for such irr.~ctive ~ccounfi. ' Ma~ion c~rried. GASOLINE BID~ : ~ . , > , . . . . . . . . . , _ , The City Administrator~~d.vised~that g~sol~ne bids h~d been r~-~ ceived ~.nd. opened at 2:00 P,M. on February 6, 1964. Councilman Mc- Millen stated that ~.e h.ad. remo~e interest ~.s s~l~ried employee p. ~.nd. wished to take no action~~and no- p~.rt in of Richfzeld 0il Cor 'the discussion on the 'mat~er. Dt~e to the number of eounci~.men present, M~yor Burt st~.ted. ~th~t the'~w~.rding of - bids ~wzll -be ~~.e3:d tove~~~unt~l t~ie next eouncil mee~ing; ' , ; , , , r : , , . . , GHAIN LINK FENCE CONSTRUCTED `BY STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT e City A:dministrator in ormed t e Cov.n~i t t~~ 6F~ . ch~in link fence ta~s ~ being pl2~ced. by the ~ S~~.te~ Highway' Departm~nt ~~1ong •~the ~reeway between Gran•d..kvenue overcrossing~and~Brisc'o Ro~d undercrossing. This ~.ction was prompted by the number of child.ren observed a.ttempt- ing to cross the freeway on the way to ~.nd from the parochial school. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE N0. --190 ACCEPTING REQ~3IRF~IENTS OF T'RAIN~INC-~F LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFTICER~ An Ordi~tance accepting ~he ~~~quiremen~s of~Sectic~rt 13522• of the Pen~.l Code rel~.ting to tr~ining ~of ~~~.w en~'orcemextt ~of~icers w~s xesd. through -the title, thereupon motion w~s ma.d.e by Coun~ilman Mc- A4illen, seconded by Councilm~n 'Waod ; to dispense wit~h re~ding the ~ b~.l~:nce of the Ord.in~nce. Motion Un~nimously c~rried. ' . . O.RDINANC E N0 . ~ 9~ . ~ , : AN ORDINANCE OF TI~E CITY O~ .ARROYO ,GR~NDE ACCEPTING THE REQIJII~tEMI~NTS , OF SEC'ItION . 135~2 .O~' THE I'ENAL CUDE RELATING TO TRAINING OF IAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. Qn motion of Council.t~~n Wood, seconded by Councilman McMillen, ~ ~nd on~~-t~he ~ follpc~ing .ro11 ~all vote, to-wit : ~ ~73 City Council - February 11, 1964 - Page 2. - AYES: Gouncilmen Wood, McMillen and.M~,yor Burt NOES: None . , ABSENT: Councilmen McNeil ~nd J~cobs the foregoing Ord.in~nce was adopted this llth day of Febru:~.ry 1.~9b~. ABANDONMENT OF PORTION OF MCKINLEY STREET . The City Adm'inistrator outlined request from the Arroyo Grand:e Union High School to abandon a portion of McKinley Street. After disGUSSion, the City Attorney was instructed.to dxaw up a resolution of intentiori to aband.on said portion of McKinley Street. REQUEST OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND STAFF TO ATTEND - .~NN~JA.L PLANNING COUNCIL C~NFERENCE The ~ity Administrator presente .a request of thePlanning Commission and,Staff to attend.the Annua.l Planning Council Conference on Februa.ry 29th at_Asilomar, Califorr~.ia. lsfter d.iscussion a motion was m~.d.e by Councilman McMillen, second.ed. by Councilman Wood: that approv~l for the St~.ff, Planning Commissioners and.City Cauncilmen desiring to attend.the annual P~.snning Council Conference ~.t Asilomar, California, ~on February 29th, with cost not to exceed a total of $150..00_ to be granted... Motion carried, ' REPORT ON ENGINEERING COST AND R~OMMENDATION FOR FUTURE PIAN~ he report rom t e Direc-tor o Pu ic Works reg~rding financi~l costs to est~,blish a full time engineer ~nd. survey crew for the city was--discussed.. The City Administrator recommended no ~ction be t~ken ~.t this time and,the matter be~placed.for consider~tion in the 1963- 1965 budget. RESOLUTION N0,` 609 - ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE PRIOR TO INSTALI~ATION _QF .CURB :GU AND SSDEI~T~,L'KS AD ~CENT T0 IMPROVED PROPERTY A reso ut~on estab ishing proced.ure p~ior. to the - ine ~~.,1~~.t~~M • of curb, gutter and~sidewalks adjacent to improved~property w~.s._read. through the title, thereugon a..~motion:w~,s <[da.de by Councilm~,n Wood., seconded by Counci~.m~.n I~I~Millen .~h~.t the _r.~ading of the bal~nce of th~ Resolutio~. b~-d,ispens~d with.~ Motion_un~.nimaus~y~.carried. ~ , _ . . - ~ . . . , ~ . - ~ . . ~ _ , . . ~ _ _ ~ . , . , . . RESOLUTION ~T0 60 9 - ~ ~ , ~ { ~ A RESQI~'~'~IO~T ~OF~~~:_'I'~i~ ~CITY~ GDUN~~L~•0~' THE~ =CITY , .°~~-i . ~ OF ~,.RROYO GRANDE, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE PRIOR T0 THE INSTALLAT~ON OF CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALKS ADJ.~.CENT TO I~'IPROVED PROPERTY: On mo~ion of .Cc~uncilman.Wood,= seconded.by.Cot~n~il:man MeMillen, and on the ~ followrr~g : rall ca~~l ..vote rtorwit : AYES : _ .Cmuxrcilmert. ,Wcsod., ~:McMil.len~..~nd. Niayox ? Bur~ ~ ~ NOES : < ~Nt~ne: ~ ~ ~ _ ~ . _ , _ ~ _ , ~ ~ _ ; ~ ~ t ABSENT: : Counc~]~men _1~~Nei.l . ~m.d ~_.Jacobs the foregoing Resolution w~.s adopted.this llth day of Febru~ry 1964. SHORT ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE FOR COI~TSTRITCTION OF SID~GJALKS _.AND CURBS he~ C~Zt~ 1~dminrstr~tor - and the ° City Engz,n~er, Mr. G~:ring, out- : lined for the Council the ~~provisiorts of :the``i91L~Act as ~ method. af requiring ij;property °owners °to ~irrst~.ll' ~urb,~ gu~Cte~ ~ndsidew~.lks in aress where more th~n 50% of the fror~t footage in the block.,had. previously b~en improved. After discussion a motiott-was m~d.~ by Gouncilt~n Wood,~seconded by Councilman McMillen, th~t the proced.ures ~as outlined in the Sfireets and Highw~ys Cod_e,.Chapter 27, Seotion~ 5870 ~t.~ .s - , . . - - , . eq.;__knou~an. ~:s%.~tiYa~ tt~hQ.~t._As~essta~~~~ ~~acec3~.~~ ~€o~-±~e~:~~'~uc~ tion of Sid.ewalks ~nd. Curbstf be applied.: in the G~.~y ~~o~ :A~~c~y0- ~r~ad.e~~ - , provit~ing fiha~ in each ~~,n,d `every _instance~ wl~e~re `tfi.e -~:bo~e ~procedure m~g~:t be u~ed., i~- sh~.Y1 •~b~ ~ikri~iv~idu~~ly pr~ese~nt~ec~ ta the Ci.ty Coun¢il fqr- ap~pr~v~.l -fiy~ said ~C~o'uncil pri~~r ~~o proc~e~ding umderr this pr`ovision of the•Streets ~nd~H'ighways`Code. Motion carried. . _ . , , _ ~ . , DTSCUSSION OF S~ORM DRAIN ON EIM~STREET Mr: Garing~~~ ~City ~~ngi~n.e-er i. explairi.e . to ~ the ~~Got~.n~ci1: ~r ~ ~.mp~ove- ments the owners contemplated doing on their property~at Gr~.ric~:~Avenue ~n.d. Elm Street and. the fact that they were willing to inst~,ll storm drains around,their property. Discussion was held re the City participating in this by extending the storm drain down Elm Street. Costs were out~ined,for the Council. It was the decision of the ..~?~4 City Council - February 11, 1964 - Page 3 Council that du~ to :the ~.bsence o~ two, members of the Council, ~.n adjop~rned meeting would, be held at 10:00 A.M,, Saturd.ay, February 15, 1964, at which time a d,ecision would be mad.e as to wh~.t action the City desired.to take.. : APPROVAL OF GRA.DES ON ELM STREET POPIAR STREET A?..PINE TREET AND HALCYON ROAD Mr. Garing, City Engineer, presente . or t e Councilts review, the plans establishing grad:es that had been-prep~r.ed by h~s firr~t o~ Elm, Popl~.r ~.nd Alpine Sti~eet and Halcyon Ra~.d.. After discussio~., a motion was m~de by Councilman Wood, second.ed. by Councilman McMillen that the pl~ns establishing gr~des for Poplar,Street entitled t'Pl~n ~nd Profile Poplar Street, City of Ar~-oyo Grand.et' ~,nd plans est~blish- ~ ing grades for Elm Street entitled ttPl~n and. Profile, Eltn Street, City of Arroyo Gr~andeft be ad.opted. sub ject to the approval of the storm d.rain system for Elm and: Poplar. Motio~ c~.~rried.. A motiQn was tn~d~e by Councilman Wood,, second.ed by Councilm~n McMillen th~.t the pl,ans est~.blishing grad.es for H~lcyon Road from F~eh Av~nue to F~.ix O~,ks Avenue entitled 'tPl~.n and. Profile, H~,lcyon Road., City of Arro~ta ~Gr~nd.e't ~tnd ~that the plans est~.blishing gr~des ~or Alpine~ Street from Gr~nd Avenue to ~ornwall entitled. ~!Plan and Profile, ~ Alpine Street, City Qf Arroyo Grandet' be a.d.opted.. Motion carried. PROGRE~S REPO~tT SOtJ'~'H Sl'~N LUIS OBISPO ~OUNZ'Y SANITA.TION DIS~`RIGT The City Administ~ator reported.to the CouncZl ~hat grouxi work for the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District was pro- gressing satisfactorily and.~that negotiations were und.erw~.y betweeta. the Sanitation District and, the City of Grover City re Grover City;s participation, ~ RESOZUTION N0 61Q~ - U~STING BQA,RD OF ~ SUPERVISORS OF , COUNTY _ T~0 PERMIT C~ IZK 0 REN~ER SPEC'IFIED_SERVSCES REIA-TING TO CONDUCT OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION ' A Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Z.uis Obispo to permit the County Clerk of said County to ren- d.er specif~ed services tQ the City of Arroyo Gr~.nd.e, relating to the . conduct of a general Municipal election to be held, in said City on _ April 14, 1964, was read.through the title, thereupon a motion w~.s m~.de by Councilm~.n Wood., second.ed by Councilman MeMillen to dispense with the re~ding of the balance of the Resolution. Motion unanimously c~rried., RESOLUTION NO. 61Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CI TY COUNCI L OF THE CITY 0 F ARROYO GRANDE R~Q~TESTING THE BQARD O~' SITPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ~~N I~UI$ OBISPO TO PERMIT TI~E COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIF~ED SERVICES TO THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, RELA,TING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERA.L MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON APRIL 14, 1964. On motio~. of Gouncilm~.n M~iilen, $ect~nd.ed. `by Coun:cilm~.n Wood: ~.nd on ~the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES : Councilmen McMillen, Wood and. M~.yor Burt NOES : None ABSENT: Councilmen McNeil and Jacobs the foregoing Resolutian'was ad.opted.this llth day of February 1964, RESOLUTION NO. 611 ClsZLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF HOLDING A GENERAL ICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY APRIL 14 196 A Resolution ca ling an giving notice of the holding of a general municipal election to be held in said.City on Tuesd~y, April 14th, 1964, for the election of certain officers of s~.id City ~.s re- quired by the provisions of the laws of the State of Califor~n.i~. re-. l.a.ting to gener~l Iaw cities was read through ~he title, thereupon ~ motion w~s ma.de by Councilman Wood, seconded. by Councilman MeMillen _ to d.ispense with re~d.~~n:g ~h~ b~.lance of the Resolutian. Motion unanimously c~rried.. City Council - Febru~.ry 11, 1964 .i- Page 4 . : RESOLUTION NO. 611 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY ~ - . OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'ORN?A,: CALLING AND ' . . GIVING NOT~CE OF 'I~iE HOLDING 0~ A GENERAL ~ MUNICIPAL `ELECTION T0 BE HEL`D IN SAI'D CITY ON ~ ~ TUESD~;Y, 'THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1964, ' FOR Ti~iE~ ` ELECTION OF CERTAIN 0'FFICERS' OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE ~WS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL `~,AW CITIES . On motion of Councilman Wood, second.ed. by Councilm~.n McMillen and. on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES : Councilmen McMillen," Wood: arid, Mayor Burt NOES: None - ABSENT: Councilmen McNeil and Jacobs the foregoing ResoZu.tion was adopted.this llth d.ay of February 1964. ADJbURl~IENT : On motion by Councilman McMillen, seeo~d.ed by Councilm~.n Wood., the meeting was ad.journed. at 9:33 P.~T; to February 15th, 1964, ~t 10:00 A.M. Motion carried. L~ ~ ~ ~ • MA.Y~R _ ATTEST: ~ - ~ City C rk - < < Arroyo Grand.e, California Febru~.ry 15, 1964 10:00 A.M. A The City Council met in adjourned session with Mayar Burt presiding. Upon Roll call, Councilmen McMillen, Wood and McNeil reported present. Councilman Jacobs was absent. . ~ . APPROVAL - CITY COST OF STORM DI~AIN REQUIREMEl~TS ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GRAND AT ELM & FOP`IAR STREET3 City Engineer Garing presented a report on the need for storm drains on the Southwest corner of Grand at Elm & Poplar Streets if Williams Brothers were to develop the full`six acre parcel for shops and parking. The City Administrator presented a report on the co ndition of funds and the possibility of an expenditure by the City at this time of $20,000.00. The report indicated `that an expenditure of this amount was feasible. ' After,discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, secondsd by Councilma.n`McMillen tha.t the City Council approved an expenditure not to exceed $20,000.00 as the City's share of installing a storm drain across Grand.Ave. and approximately 400 feet South of Poplar on Elm Street, providing that Williams Brothers Market will spend appra~imately $20,175.00 for storm drains on Elm Street from Grand Avenue to Poplar Street and from Poplar Street to E~.m Street; that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the proaect and t'hat Williams Brothers Ma.rket deposit their share of the cost ~aith the City at a specified time afte~j-' the bid has been 1et. Motion carried on the following roll ca11 vo~e: AYES: Cou.ncilmen McMillen, Wood., McNeil and Mayar Burt ~ NOES: None ~ ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs _ AWARDIN~ GASO~INE BI`D r- RICHFIELD OZL COMPANY --3~1.~64 to- 2/28~65 Councilman McMillen requested permission to leave the Counci~ at 10:30 A.M, stating he had a remote interest in the gasoline bids as a salaried employee of Richfield Oi1 Company: Mayor Burt granted the request. '~he City Administrator.re~ted-that on February 6, 1964, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. bids were xeceived ar~d.-opened for suppl.ying of ,1,