Minutes 1964-03-10 4T8 _ ArrOy~ Grande, Ca:liforni~. M~.rch 10, 1964 - 7;30 P,M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt pre- siding. Upon roll call, C~uncilm~n McMillen, W~od, McNeil~attd Jac~obs reported present, MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regul~.r meeting o~' ~~bruary 25, 1964, were a.pprov~d ~.s prepAr~d. ~ , AUTHORIZED P.~,YMENT OF BILLS ~ A motlon was ma.d~ by C~uncilm~.n Ja~cobs, seconded by Councilmstn W~ood tha.t General Wa~rra.nts No. 872 through 929 in the ~.mount of $26,470.52 ~.nd payr~ill wa.rrants No. 322 through 367 in the:zmount of $6,094.27 be ~.Pproved., ~nd ordered _paid, ,M~t~.on carried,. . , . _ TREA~URERTS MONTHLY REPORT- The Tre~,surer's report for the month of February 1964 was re- ceived by the Council and ordered filed. • DEPARTMENT~4L MONTHLY REPORT - The Dep~rtmenta Monthly Report for the month of February 1964, was rec~ived by th~ Council a.nd, ordered f,ile~l. . REQUE~T OF ~ITY ~iTTORNEY~ TO A'I'TEND ~4TTORNEY'S DI~ISION OF LEAGUE OF CI,,LIFORNIA CITIES CONFER~NCE • Th~ City Adminzstr~.tor presented a requ~st of the City ~,ttorney to attend the Attorneyts divisivn ~of th~ Lea.gu~ ~f C~lifornia Cities conference in Mont~rey on Apr,il 2nd and ,3rd,...19G4. ;~i~ter d.i.scussion, motion was ma.d~ by C~uncilm~.ri McN~il, seeonded by C`auncil.man Mc- Millen that ~.ppr~val for the City Att~orney to a.~tend the Attc~rney t s ~ Divisi~n of Le~:gu~ of California Cities Confer~nc~ in Mvnter~y - ~n April 2nd and 3~d, 1964, be granted. Motion~earried. - , - < < RESOLU'i'i~3N "~1~TD . 613 T~NTEN~'I ON TO VACATE ,~,:BAl#TDON ANI~ CLOSE A PORTION OF LE POINT 2ERRACE AND REN~ STREET t A resolu:tlon of intention to vacate, ~bandon ~nd cl~se porti~n of I,ePoint Terrace and a portion of Renz Street in the ~ityt s~f Arroyo Gr~nde was read through the title, thereupon ~ motion was made by Councilman McMill~n, seconded by Councilman Wood, th~t ~he r~~.ding o~ the b~:la.nce of the Resoluti~n be disp~nsed with, Motion' unanimously c~.rri~d. - RESOLUTION NQ. ,613 _ . . A RESOI~UTION OF INT'ENTION TO V~,.GXTE ,~BANDON . AND CIASE PORTION OF LE POINT TERRACE t~1ND A PORTION OF RENA STREET IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE,_ COUNTY QF S~N LUIS. OBISPO, STA.TE OF . C~i.LI FaRNI~', _ ~n motion of Councilms~n Jacobs, secondedby Councilma.n i~IcNeil, and on the following roll cs~ll vote, to-wit: ' AYES : Councilmen McMill~n, Gt~ood, Mc~Ieil, Js~o~bs ~nd M~yor Burt NOES : l~one ~ - ~ , ABSENT: None . _ ~ the foregoing r~s~luti~n was adopted this lOth da.y of M~rch 1964. REQUEST OF CITY EMPLOYEE FOR LEAVE OF A,BSENCE DUE TO ILLNESS The City Administr~.tor presented r~quest ~on beh~lf of a, city ~nnploye~, Angelo A.nnechinni, for ~ six•weeks leave of ~bsence, ~t~rting M~.rch 20, 1964, due to illness. After discussion, a motion w~.s made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilma.n Jacobs, that the requested six we~ks leave of absenc~, starting March 20, 1964,." be gr~.nted to An~eLo Ann~chinni_., Motion c~.rried. REQUEST TO PI.~iCE CIVIL DEFENSE BELL ~TND I,IGHT W~RNING SYSTEM IN POLICE DEPARTMENT The City Admr~nistrztar presented a recomm~nda.tion th~t a Civil T3e:~ense Bell and Light Wa.rning System b~ install~;d in the Police £~epartment. After discussion, ~ motio~n ~as mad.e by Councilma.n Wood, s~conded by Councilman McNeil, tha.t the recommendation of the City _ ~~~9 City ~;ouncil - Arroyo Gr~nde, C~.lifornia - M~rch 10, 1964 - Page 2 Administrator to ha.ve a Civil Defense Bell ~.nd ~ight Warning Syst~m inst~.lled in the P~lice D~partment be ~.cc~pted with the ~pproximate insta.ll~.ti~n cost to the City of $62.50 plus monthly m~.intenance expense. Moti~n ca~rried: SUGGESTED RESOLUTION TO PROHIBIT USE OF TOBACCO BY MINORS The City Administrator presented request of the Mayor of Redondo B~~ch, Californi~., that the City Co~tsncil of Arroy~ Gr~.nde ~.dopt a r~soluti~n pr~ohibiting the use ~of tobacco by minors. No action was taken at this tim~. REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURES FOR TITLE SEARCH~AND GUARANTE~ ON RIGHT OF W~Y FOR Hl~~.~CYON RO~,D IMPROVEMENT The City Administrator outlined fox ~he Councll what`a,ction was necessary to get a title se~.rch ~.nd gt~~rantee on e~ch pa~rcel involved in the ri~ht of w~.y acquisition on tYie 'Halcyon'Ro~.d Improvement prpject, After discussi4n, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilm~.n Wood, th~.t the expenditure of ~pproximately $1,84Q:00 be approv~d for the' Title Insur~.nce Company to conduct title s~~rch a~nd guarantee for the parcels involved in the right of w~.y acquisition. in the H~.lcy~on Ro~d Improv- ment project. Motivn carried. ` FARRELL ROAD IMPROVEMENT - RE UEST OF DEVELOPER JAMES NORMAN FOR REIMBURSEMENT The City Administr~tor pres~nted ~ r~quest of developer Jam~s Norman f~r r~imb~,rsement-:~for wo~k d.4n~ in conn~ction wi~h. of~-sit~ improvements in conjunction with d~vel~pmen~ of Tract 283. Aft~r discussion, it wa.s the decision of the C~uncil th~;t no acti~n would be ~~;ken until a. visu~.l: inspection~ o~ the a.re~.~ had been ~mad.e. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF TRACT 273 Counc~: ma.n Wood requested that he be excused from the Council at 8:15 P,M. due to his having a financial interest'in ~his' property, ~4 xnation~ w~s~~~d~ by C~txnc~lm~n Jacobs; seconded by ~ Council~nan~ McMill~n th~.t' .th~ City ~:cc~pt the improvemcrcts~ in •Tra~ct 273 ~nd th~,t th~ i.mprov~ment b~nd be released, 1~Iotion c~rried, ` Councilman Wood r~joined the Council at 8;T7 P,M. - Th~ Cit Administrator inf ~NAL ACCEPTAN~E ~12tt WATER` LINE Y orm~d th~ Council ~ t the install~,- tion of the 12t' water line, Project 60-63-7, was now comp~ted. After discussion, a. moti~on was m~.de by Couneilmsn Wood, see~nded by Councilm~.n Mcl~i+~il,• that the 12!' water line, ' Pro ject 60-63=7, be ~ccepted by the C:ity. Mot~.~o~ carried., '~he~ Counci~' re~quested that fhe City Administr~tor pr~pare a rep4rt to be presented,at the next Council meeting re the effectiv~nc~ss of the new 12tT watermain. TEN YEAR STUDY OF WATER FUND EXPENSES A,ND REVENUE The City t~dministr~tor presented the C~ouncil with copies of the Ten Ye~r Study of Water Fund Expenses ~nd Revenue which had. been compiled by the City Administra.tive Offic~s at th~ r~quest of the Council. After discussion, M~yor Burt appointed acommitte~ o~n- sisting of Councilmen W4od, Jacobs and McMillen to evaluate this report and make recommend~tions ~s to possible c~urse of a.cti~n the City sh~uld t~.k~: REPORT FROM SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FLOQ~ CONTROL AND WA.TER CONSERV~TIQN DISTRICT The City Adm in~~r~tor in ormed. the Gounci th~.t a report entitled, T'An~.lysis ~of Avail~.ble Financing M~thods - Lop~z Reservoir Project*t ha~d b~~n received from ~he San Luis Obispo Flood Cantral and Water C~onsex~.ti~n District ~.nd was ~n file in his office for the Councilts reference ~:nd information. ECONOMIC-INDUSTRIA.L RESEARCH Mayor Burt requested that Councilman McMillen, who had b~~n appointed as Council r~pr~:sent~.tive t4 the Economic D~velopm~nt C~mmi- tt~e, report to the Council ~.s soon as possible what ~.ction w~s bcing taken to encour~.ge new business in the South County are~.. City Council-Arroyo Gr~,nd~, Californi~. - M~rch 10, 1964 - Page 3 ' EASEMENT - ARROYO GRANDE WOMA.N' S'~LUB The City Admin~strator in ormed the Council th~.t the easement ` ~iad b~en received from th~ Woman's Club of Arroyo Grande f~or the installation of 12" water main across their property. A mot~.on` ~ was made by Councilma~n Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood, that th~ easement from the Wom~.nts Club of Arroyo Grande'for the in- st~.llation of 12tt water main across their property be ~ccepted ~.nd the Mayor be authorized to sign for the City. Motion carried. C',URB ~,ND GUTTER INSTALI.~AiTION REQUESTS The City Administrator reported two requests for aa.rb and gutter grad~s in conjunctic~n ~zith buiiding permits had ~een ~eceiveil, One ~.t 611,~6.23 and.63S Cr~~wn Str~et, the engine~ring required to set grades w~uld cost $150.00. The other, ~t 1118 Fair 0~ks A~r~nue, would require engine~ring s~rvices estimated ~t $2,000.00 to'=es- ~~blish grades, ~s t~.ere are no gr~des in this arcz a.nd ~pproxi- ~~.tely four bl~cks w~'w.ld hav~ tv be included in the prim~.ry survey: - After discussion, -a tnoti~n w~.s made by Councilma.n McN~il, seconded - by Councilman J~cobs, th~t expen.diture ~f $150.00 be a~utharized f~r ` ~ngineering services in e~nn~ction with the request for curb ~nd gutter grades at 611, 623 ~.nd 635 Crown Street. Motion c~.rri~d. A motion w~.s ma:de by Councilman 1~cNeil, second.ed by Councilman ,~~:c~obs, that the request for curb ~.nd gutter grzdes ~.t 1118 F~.ir Oaks Avenue be deni~d at this tinae due t~o the u'nbudgeted expense n~cess~ry to establish said grades. However, t~ comply with th~ City r~quirements f~r curb and gufiter inst~:llation in ~n.junc~ion with ~ny new building, the build.ers or owners of the prop~rt~y ~~t 1118 Fair Oaks Avenue will be r~quired to place on d.~posYt ~rith the City ~h~ estimated c~ost f~r curb ~.nd gutter as determin~d. by the Director ~f Public Works until: such time as curb and gutter g'rades are establish~d in tha.t area. Motion carried. REQUEST OF CHURGH OF I~TTER DAY SAINTS TO BE ISSUED FEE~EXEMPT ~.,ICENSE FOR SALE OF FIREWORKS , The City .~dministr~tor present~d ~ request of the Church of Latter Day Saints to be issued:a fee-exempt license for s~le of fireworks from June 27, 1964, through July 4, 1964, a-~ the tent~tive ` loc~.tion of Giant Food Store, 18th ~.nd Grand liv~nue. After dis- cussion, the general fe~ling w~s th~.t if ~11 the regular procedures ~f business est~blishments were met, there would be no ~bj~ctions by ~he Council. ~30URNM~NT . On motion of Councilm~.n J~eobs, seconded by Eouncilman McNeil, ~he meeting adjourned ~.t 9;03 P.M. Motion c~.rri~d. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MA R ~ ATTEST : ~ ITY CLERK `