Minutes 1964-04-28 Arroyo G~ande, California April 28, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. - The City Council met in regular session with Mayor_Jacobs presiding. Upon ro11 call, Councilwoman Thompson, C ouncilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the adjourned meetings of April 1, 1 , an April 21, 1964, w~re approved as prepared. . , APPROVAL OF WA.RRANTS A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Counci man MeNei that GeneraZ Warrants No. 1026 through 1064 in the am ount of $12,795.62 and Payroll Warrants l~o, 453 through 489 in the amount of $7,018,88 be approved and ordered paid, Motion carried. • CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS Mayor Jacobs expressed his confidence in the Counci an optlmism in the future of the Council as a working team and made the f ollowing Council appointments; Councilman McNeil as Council repr-esentative on the Loca1 Formation Committee; Councilwoman Thompson as Council representative on the Economic Development C ommittee; Councilmen Wood and Burt and Councilwoman Thompson tr~ compose the Water Study Committee with Councilman Wood as Chair- man; Councilman McNeil as Council representative on the Parks & Recreation Committee and as C ouncil representative on the Parks & Recreation Commission at such time as this Commiss~on is established; Councilman 'Burt as Council representative to the Planning C ommission; Mayor Jacobs as Council repre- sentative to the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, with ~ Councilman Burt to continue as Council representative until after the bond election on May 19, 1964. Appointment of a representative to the Caunty Water Resources Advisory Committee was withheld until a later.date. An open discussion was held with reference to appointment af inembers of the Council as Commissioners. After discussion, Councilman McNeil requested that for the record he would like to state that he declined serving as a Commissioner, but would serve as Councilman-at-large. Mayor ~'acobs appointed Counil woman Thompson as Finance Commissioner; Councilman trJood. as Water, Police and Fire Commissioner and Councilman Burt as Street Commissioner. - NOTICE OF LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BIENNIAL INS ITU E FOR MAYORS AND COUNCILMEN Mayor Jacobs informed the Counci o t e Biennla Mayors~~ a~Council- ments Insta.tute which would be held in Santa Monica on May 17-19, 19b4 and urged their attendance. Councilwoman Thompson indicated a desire to attend and was instructed to file her registration, REQUEST OF AR.ROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR ~UNDS FROM CITY The City Administrator presente a request rom t e Arroyo Grande C~am~er of Commerce for funds from the City to promote welfare and advertising of the City during the coming year. After discussion, a motion was made by Council- man Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that the Chamber of Commeree be given assurance of support in the Amount of $400.00 for their use to promote welfare and advertisng of the City during the coming year. Motion carried. DONATION OF ST. BARNABAS CHURCH PARISH HALL FOR CITY ELECTIONS The City Adminlstrator in orme t e Counci t at a etter a een re- ceived from the St. Barnabas Church vestry offering the use of their parish hall tothe City of Arroyo Gz~ande for City elections when voting machines were not being used. Mayor Jacobs inst~u.cted the City Administrator to write a letter of acknowledgement and thanks to ~''t. Barnabas Church to be signed by the Mayor. REQUEST TO HOLD YOUTH IN GOVER.NMENT DAY ON MAY 4, 1964 The City Administrator rea~. a request rom t~Fie San Luis Obispo Lodge 322 of the Benevol~nt and Protective Order of Elks that the City of Arroyo Grande participate in the Youth inGovernment Day on May 4, 1964. After discussion, Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to cooperate in this matter and to invite the youths to the next regular City Council~= mee~ing on May 12, 1964. a Arroyo Grande, California - April 28, 1964 - Page 2 REQUEST OF COMMITTEE FOR INCORPORATION OF GREATER MORRO BAY Mayor Jaco'~s presentec~. a reque~t o t 1'f-'~e C^ammit~ tee ~or Incorporation of Greater Mooro Bay that the City C ouncil of Arroyo Grande write a letter to them stating the advantages of incorporation. After discussion, the ~ity Administrator was instructed to write a letter, to be signed by the Mayor, indicating the advantages af incorporation. HEARING - ABANDONMENT OF PORTION OF LE POINT TF~E2RACE Mayor Jaco s ec are t e notice o zntention to vacate, abandon and close a portion of LePoint Terrace had been duly published and property oc,mers notified and that the hearing was now opened and all persons for or against the abandonment wou.ld be heard. Mr. A1 Stewart and Mrs. Barbara Cain, S72 LePoint spoke for the abendonment . As there were no other persons who spoke .for or ag~.inst the abandonment, Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, a motion was made by C ouncilman Wood, seconded by Councilwaman Thompson that the abandonment of that portion of LePoint Terrace as designated on the map on file be approved. Motion carried. HEARING - ABANDONNIENT OF PORTION OF MCKINLEY STREET Mayor Jaco s eclare t e notlce o intention to vacate, abandon and close a portion of McKinley Street had been duly published and property owners notified and that the hearing was now opened and all persons for or against the abandonment would be heard. Mr. Ea~l Denton, Corralitos Canyon, spoke for the abandonment. Mr. Allan Carpenter, 563 Crown Street, Mr. R. M. Bennett, 565 Crown Street and Mr. Chris Christiansen, Golden Rul~ Realty, spoke ag~inst the abandonment. After hearing argutnents for and against the abandonment, Mayor Jaeobs declared,the hearing closed. After Council discussion, Mayor Jacobs appointed Councilman McNeil and Councilman Burt to review the circumstances and facts surrounding this abandonment in view of the additional in~ormation brought out at the hear- ing and to present a recommendation at the next regular Council meeting as to Couztil action on this matter. _ HEARING - ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF RENA STREET Mayor Jaco s ec are t e notice o intention to vacate, abandon, and close a portion of Rena Street had been duly published and property owners notified and that the hearing was now open and al1 persons for or against the abandonment would be heard. There being no persons appear- ing for or against the abandonment, the hearing was declared closed. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, that abandonment of tha.t portion of Rena Street as designated on the map on file be approved. Motian carried. RESOLUTION N0, 620 ABANDONING AND CLOSING A P~.2TION ~F LEPOINT TERRACE AND A PORTIO OF EN S EE _ A Resolutlnn o the City C ouncil abandoning and closing a portion of LePoint Terrace and a portion of Rena Street in the City of Arroyo Grande was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Council- man McNei1, seconded by CounciZman Wood, to dispense with reading of the balance of the Resoluti.on. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION N0. 620 RESOLUTION ABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF ZE POTNT TERRACE AND A PORTTOI~? OF RENA STR,EET IN T~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, and on the f ollowing ro11 ca11 vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeii, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT. None ~he foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of April, 1964. Arroyo Grande, Calif~~nia ~ Apri~ ~89 1~64 6, ~'~,~c~ ~ CI7CY A`I'TORNEYpS R~P~RT ON ]~~Ft~[~lO1~S ~.„D R~CI~N]l~IENDA`~~ONS City Attorney Andrera David repor°~ed csn ~he feasila~lity of an Qrdi- nance limiting th~ sale of. firewcarks ~to I~~~~l nan~pr~fit ~rganizatiot~s and recommended ~.gains~ ~u~h an ord~nane~~a ~1~ya~° J~ac~bs revie~red for the Council the request ~of the 'Five Cit~.e~ T~xni~~ CY~.ambe~ of C~mmerce that the City C~uncil. ~.d~pt a Res~1u°ti~n p~~mitt~n~ f~.rework~ sales only by local non-profit ~rganiz~-tions. A~te~ d~,s~~ssi~r~9 a.°t ~as the decision of the Cotxncil °~i~.a°~ °the reques°~ of ~i~e ~i~i~s Junior Ghamber of Commeree be c]eni~d pres~t~.~~d9 that ~~.e C~uncil would t~ke the mat-~er under fur°the~ advisem~n~ ~s t~ me~~f~ds t~ considered to help and enco~.rage 1~cal n~nap~°~~~t ~rga~,~~a°ti~~.s. MC~°. Larry Nunes of the Five Gities ~7~ni.~x~ C'hamb~r e~~ ~~m~~~ce ~~pressed his thanl~s for ~~.e c~n.siderati~n the ~e~uncil, h~e~ ~~v~n ~.i~ ~rg~.n~.zati~n, EX~'E1~7~3(~I~ ~.~i~ A~S~~V~E ~~2 ~:y~'~Y EMPLOYEE The Gity Adm~nist~~t~~° pre~en~teel ~~qu~~t ~n behalf ~f Caty employ~e Angelo Annecchini °~~.at t~.e l.e~ve ~f ~b~enee gr~nt~d him by the C~txncil be extended from Apx°il 3~th -t~ M~y 15, 1964, d9a.e t~ ~l~ra reco~rery from surgery. After discussion, ~ moti~n rass made by Co~.ncilm~n Me~Teil, sec~onded by Councilwom~n ThotYtps~n t~ extend the le~,ve ~f ~bsence of Angell~~ Annecchini fr~m A.pril 30 ta May 15, 7~96~o Moti~n car~°iedo REP~R~° AND ~t.EC~MMEI~.A`~'I.ON~ O~' PARKS ~Z 12~CR~TION ~~NIl~IITTEE Cou~a~il,ttt~.n l~IcNeil. pre~ented a rep~r~ ~f the Parl~s and Rec~°ea,°~ion Commi°ttee a.nd st~ted ~ha°t it wr~,s the unanim~us decision ~f °tl~e c~mmittee that a Parks & Reerea°~ion Commissi~~ Ta~s neededa A. l,is-~ recommended members of the P~rks & Reereation Cotnmis~ion and a t~nta~ive lav.dget for the summer of 1964 w~re p~°eset~.te~ t~ t~.e l~I~ay~r f~r considerationa After disc~.ssion of the yar'itten repmrt ~nd recomm~ndations ~f °~he~ P~~°ks & Recreation Committee ~n s°tuely ~~d a~~~d ~f a Park,s 8~ Re~~°eati~n Gommiss~.on, an ~rdinance enti°tlec] AeN ORDINANCE C~~' T'HE C~`~~ 0~ ARI~OYO GRANDE° ESTABLISH- I~1G A PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIO~ A.~TD DE~INING ~"HE ORGANTZ~.'I°TON, P041ERS AND DUTIES was r~ad f~r t:he first ~~a~~.ri~e REQ~IE~T 0~° ~°IRE `'''~MENT TO SEND `~'W0 M~N TO EIRE OFFI~ER °~'RAI~T`~~~ `A SCHOOI~ ~N FRESNO The City Adm~.nistra°tor presented a requ~~x~.:~~ £~the ~ire Dep~.rtment to send two men to the F°i~re Off~.cer Trainin~ ~~;Y~.o~l in FF~°°esno from May 11-15, 1964. After discrxssion, a moti~n ~a~.s m~de by G~uneil~an Wood, sec~nded by Cota.ncilwoman Th+~mpson, ~hat °tw~ men fr~m the ~ire Depsrtment be alloraed to ~ttend the Fire Offi~er~ Trs~~.in~ Sch~+~l in ~resno from May 11-15, 1964, and ,th~.t the amount of exp~nses nc~t e~ceed $200.00 be allowed, Motion ca~ried. ACC~PTA~GE 0~° RE~IGI~IA~~OI~T 0~' DISPA°I'CHER, JOHN KUDRON • The: City Administrator read le°tter ~of' ~°~signation submitted by PoliEe Departtttent dispatcfier, John Kudr~na ~fte~ discussion, s motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by ~fa~.ncilm~n Bv.rt, that the r~sig- nation ~f Police Department Dispa°tcher ,J~s~n Kuclrc~n be aceepted a Motion car~ried e COMMIT'I'EE REPORT ON F~RREL`L ROAD I1~1~'1ZOVEMEN'I° RE REQUEST 0~' DEVELOPER FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR OFF~SITE IMPRO~TENIENTS OF TRACT 283 ~ Councilm~n Wood pre~ented the repor~ and recommendations of the caommittee th~t had been app~inted to ~eview the request of developer J~.mes Narman for reimb~xrseme~.t for offmsite impx°ovements of Tr~et 2830 After discv.ssion, ~t was ~~:e clecision of th~ Council to deny the request for reicnbursement. ~ INQUIRY RE CHERRY T~AN~ WIDENIN~ PE'I°IT'ION : Mr. William J~:nsen, 5~,6 Ea Cherx°y Lane, appeared ~efo~e t~.e Counci.l requesting informati~n re ~ petition he had sign~d requesting wicl~ning of Cherry La.ne. Af~ter Council di~c~x~s~.on~ M~y~~ Jacobs info~med Mro J~.nse~ th~t the City had ~.ot re~~ived a pe~:i~~on f~~~ px°ope~~ty ~~ners and ~.dvised him ~to fol.low up ~r~ the af~~~ime~n.~~.~x~.~~l ~~~~tic~n.a 496 Arroyo Grande, Cal~fornia - April 28, 1964 m Page 4 REQUEST OF CEMETERY BOARD TO INSTALL CURB AND GU'I°`I"ER ON WES'I' SIDE OF HALCYON ROAD ~ The City Admini~trator presented ~ reqv.est of the Cemetery Bo~rd to inst~ll appr4ximateLy 800 ft, of curb and g~x~-ter on the Wes~ side of Halcyon Road. A~ter discussi~on, ~ motion was made by C~~.nci`Lman NTcNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood, ths~t the expendit~.re of appr~o~imately $200.00 be approved f4r the engineering s~a.rvey w~rk entsilecl in the installation ~f approximately 800 ft e of ct~.x°b :~nd g~ tter on ~~°t~ West Side of Halcyon Road. M~tion carriede RE~UEST OF ROTARY CLUB TO MAKE CREEK CLEA,RING A C~~TIr 4"ROJE~T WITH HELP OF COUNTY PRISONERS The Gity A rninistrato~° presented a req~e~~ from the 12~tary Cl~~s ,asking that the ~ity make the ~leari.ng of -the creek with the help of Gounty prisoners civic ~ pro jec~t m After dis~u.ssi~xi, it ~a~.s the de- cisian of the Council that the Rotary Club should be advised ~o cont~ct the County Flood Control Division and the individraal property owriers involved. PROGRESS REPORT -~OUTH SAN 7~UIS ~BISPO COUN'I'Y SANITATION DI.STRICT District .~dminist~ator Butch reported to the Catxncil re `the activities of the ~itizens for Sewer Bonds Committee and gave ~n ` ~.gend~, of speal~ing engagements for the for~hcoming weeks, Mayor Jacobs i,nstru.cted ~the City Att4rney to dr~.w txp a Resolution stating the int~~.ti~n Qf the City GQUncil to suppor~t the bond election on May 19, 1964, to be presented f~r Council ac~ion ~t the next regtxlar Council meeting. INViT~TION TO PARTICIPATE IN ANNUAL ELKS PARADE AND RODEO IN SANTA MARIA ON JUNE .AND 7 The Gity Adm-in~°istrator° read ~,n invitation from ~he Elks Gl.ub in Santa Maria f4r the City Caun~il to participate in the ~n.nu~l'Elks Parade and Rddeo a.n Santa MBri~, on June 6 a'tZCI 7o M~y~~ Jacobs in- structed the City Administrator to notify ~he El.ks t~.~~ they would t~ke pa.rt in this event. ~ REQUEST FOR STUDY OF ZONYNG ON SOUTH HALCYON ROAD Gouncilman McNeil requested th~t,the Planning C~mmission be ~.d- vised to instigate a.stt~dy of zoning on South Halcyon R~ad in view of the proposed widening and improvem~nt af Halcyon R~ade After discussion, Mayor Jacobs instru~ted the City Administrator to inform the Pl~,nning Commission of this request so it ~ould be pl~ced on their agenda, AD,70URNMENT On m4tion of Gouncilman McNeil, seconded by 'Cotxn~ilman 4~Iood, tl~.e meeting;was adjourned at 9:27 P.M. Motion carx°~edo / ~ MAYO AT~'EST : DEPLT _ I CLERK ~