R 2195 - -...-.--..-.. "-.--......-.. --..".-..-.- ------~ -- - - 231 RESOLUTION NO. 2195 A RESOLUTION UF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE AMENOING RESOLUTION NO. 2157, WHICH ADOPTED FEES AND FINES FOR VARIOUS SERVICES, PERMITS, LICENSES AND INFRACTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande performs_certain services and issues permits and licenses, which benefitspec1fic individuals and businesses; and WHEREAS, such services, permits and licenses are to be paid by those individuals and businesses who receive such services, permits and licenses; and WHEREAS, certain City Departments are experiencing "public curiosity. and procedural difficulties with the use of .to the penny. odd amount fees and fines adopted in Resolution No. 2157; and WHEREAS, the City Police, Finance, Water and City Clerk Departments desire to change the various fees and fines to rounded off amounts. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby amends Resolution No. 2157,as shown on the attached Exhibit "A.. On motion of Council Member -Porter, seconded by Council Member JOhnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Porter, Johnson, Moots, Millis and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of February, 1988. ~ ~. _~ --: ~. ~QI....N>' ~ ~ ATTEST. ~1 a. ~....;..... CIT C ERK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City-Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of purjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2195 is a ~rue, full an~ correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of said Council on the 9th day of February, 1988. , WITNESS my hand and the Seal Qf the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of February, 1988. ~C2.~ CITY LERK . - ._ ___ ._____ __.u._____ 232 - EXHIBlr A. RESOLUTION NO. 2195 . " " . , , FEE ~ULB :Amee ~d. F~in~ $ 2.50 pel" set Report Duplica~ $ '3.00 per report Vehicle Registration Verification $ .2.00 at police station Vehicle Registration Verification $ 4.00 at other location Coocealed WeeporB Permits, Original $ 75.00 amuaUy Concealed We8pOllJ Pemits, Renewal $ 25.00 annuany Bicycle License $ 2.00 amuaUy, crIgInal 6: renewal Dance Pemit $ 8.80 per event Entertairrnent Permit $100.00 pel" event M8918ge FBtab1istment Pemit $ 75.00 per estabIistment Masseur Individual Permit $ 75.00 per Individual ..J Taxi Cab Permit, Original $ 10.00 pel" vehicle Taxi Cab Vehicle 1nspec&n Permit $ 5.00 per vehicJe inspection ~~- E.I.Rs. Actual Ccst p1w 15~ PinfIDce Dcp..bi.e.4 Non-Sufficient FuncB C1eck C18rge $ 8.00 per check Photocopies $ .30 per page Qlrputer Print Outs $ .55 per pege Business License' ACCCUlt Initial Set Up Pee $ 8.50 per account Sewer Sanitation Dist., New ConnectiOrB $ 1.50 per connection Sanitatioon Dist.,' Collections $ .24 per bi1J.irf; Water 'l\Jrn On/Off 018rge $ 12.00 per turn oft and turn on Initial' ACCOlI1t Set Up Pee $ 13.50 per account at)' Oerk , Planning Camdsslon AppeaJs to Oty Qxmci1 $ 60.00 per appeal Develoi;xnent 6: Zo~ Ord. Publication Resulting fran Application to Oty Actual Publication 0Irts/$300 r~ fee Election Candidate Printing Pee $ 25.00 per t~ for elective mayor, ccuncI1 menmr and city clerk office mection Candidate ActrUUstrative Pee $ 50.00 per elective mayor, councU menDer and city clerk office 1 I ',J - -