Minutes 1964-05-12 ~ Arr~oyo Grande, Ca1if~~°nia M~y l2, 1~64 ~ 7e3~ Pa~a The Cit~ ~~axncil met ~n ~°eg+ul~.r sessi~n ~aith M~yor J~cobs presiding. Up~'n r~ll call, ~~t~ncilma~n. ~Jo~~ g Council~r~man Tht~~~~u son, Councilme~n. ~~I~eil ~nd Btxrt rep~rted pr°~sent, MINUTE APP~.O~~A~ The min~u.~es a~~ t~e regul~.~° meetin~ ~of A}~~°il 28 , 196~+, were ~pproved as p~eparedm AUTHORIZE~ ~'~~~~~I~' OF ~~~L~ A moti~n wa~ mad~ by ~~un~ilr€ian Wood, seconded by Couneil- woman Thomps~~. ge~eral caa~~°an-~s IVo a 1065 through 1121 in the amount ~~~3p:~20e~7 and payr~ll ~aarrants No. 490 through 536 in the a~~~.n~ +~f ,1.4~~ o~l be authorized and ordered paid . Motion carriede YOUT~ IN GO~~~El~7`~° I:~.~ S°~'UDEN~ ~A.R.`I`~.CIP~TTS I~~~~or Jac~~s~ ~~mme~.ted ~n the activities ~.nd success of the Y~ou~th ~.n ~~ve~nrne~~~ Dag~a Councilman Wood commented on ~he value of candu~~~.n~ Ya~r~~~l~ ~n Gb~r~rt~men°~ Day for the young people of the ~~m~u~r~~re The Cit~ Adm~.nistrator w~.s instructed to deliver t~.~ si~r~ed cer~ifica~es ~c~ ~l~.e students who par- ticipated i~ ~~e activit~~~ th~ daym PETITION B~ l~~S~~~~T'~5 J~' ~.7~YO1V 120~.D PROTESTING CITYtS PROPOSAL 0 WIDEN Ht~~~(~N ~C~~D The City ~dmin~.s~~a~~~° read a pe°~i~ian signed by 22 property owners ~n '~~.~~~~n R~sad ~~jecting tv ~th.e proposed widen- ing of ~ialey~n ~~~.c~, ~:~~.n~il.mar~ I~cl~eil repo~°~~~ that of the 39 property owne~°~ ~.n~r~lved in the 44 par~els a~1.~r~.g Halcyon Road, 26 pr~operty ~ran.e~s ~ac~ taeen ~~ntac~ed by t~~ City and he recommended ~7n.a~ the baYan~e of the peopl~ contacted before the Cvuncil reached a decisiron ~n the pet~_-~-ion, therefore fin:~l action was l~eld ~ver t~ a later date. COMMITTEE ~.EPC~~'F' O~T PI~~POS~D ABAIVDONMENT OF PORTION OF MCKINLFY S TRE ET Councilman I~~c~teil reparted ~n behal~ of the committee whiqh had been app~inted by ~~ay~~ Jac~obs t~ re~iew the circumstanees and facts surr~~,~.di~ng t~'he aband~nment in ~iew of the ~.dditional informati~n wk~.i~~ had b~en braught out a~ th.e hearing on April 28, 1964~, a~d s~at;ed that af~er c~nsulting both the Polic~, Department and Ptxbli~ W~rks ~epartmen~ ~nd reviewing the circum- stances, it was ~:'k~~ ~pir~~ran ~f the c~r~mittee th~t the said portion of McK~~r~ley s~~ee~ sh~uld ~e abandoned. After Cou~.cil discussi~n, a. ~aa~~ ~on was ma.de by Ca~.ncilman McNeil, sec;on.ded by Councilman Woaad 4 that ~tl~.e he~.~°ing ~n tl~.e abandonment of a portion ~f McKi.~.1ey St~°ee~ be rec~pened, Motion e~.rried. Mayor Jacobs declared t~hat a11 pex°s~t7.s for a~r against the abandon- ment would be he~.rc3, ~r, Earl Den~ton, representing the Arroyo Grande High Sch~oa~1 District, spoke f~r the aband4ncnent. T'he City Adminis~`~a~~~ rcad a l,e~ter from Mrs, Lillian Callender, 563 Crown S°treet, ~pp~sing the ab~.nd~onment. Mr. All~.n Callender, 563 Crown ~~:ree~- and M[r, Chris Ghr~stiansen, Golden Rule Re~lty Company, spoke agains~ the abandonmento After hearing t~.e ~~~guments for a~d agains~ ~he ~,bandonment, Mayor Jac~bs de- cl~red the hea.r~r~g ~Z~osed9 Afte~ C~uncil dis~us~ion, May4r Ja~~bs decl~~e~ ~ha~ ~.n vi~~ ~a~ the apparent s~ill uncertain f~.cts su.rrc~undin~ thz~ ab~ndonmen-~ , that the ~~av.n.cil will pur~ue the ma-tt~r ~urther ancl ~ake sure facts were brought out anc~ th~-~ ~th~ d~eis~:on raiil b~~ `~.~ld ~~er to _next regul~r Counc~~ ~e~tin~., The C~ouneil ~~~~:~~u~~°~ raere ir~.st~~.~~~~d to investigate this mat~ter ~har~u.ghly for t~.~~.~ ~wrL satisf~acti~n. ~ Arroyo Grand~ Ci~~ ~~~.~n.~i.l ~ 11~~II~,y 12, - Page ~ REQUEST OF RE~~DE~T"~S ~S'T~i. S~'REET F01~, CLJRBS AND GUTTER$ BY USE OF SHOR'I' ~.SS~ ~SIKE~TT' D~STRI~T The City Adtni~.istra~~or inf~rmed the C~uncil that a. petiti~on had b~~r~ x°ecei~ed fx°~~? gr~~.p ~roperty oum.ers on 2Sth Street req~xes~ir~.g ~he ~r~~t;~.llat~.~an ~f ~.urbs ~nd ~utters by the S17.ox°~ A.ss~~~me~t ~i~~tr~~t me~h~d 9~~~ present~~d a written repvrt from ~t~ae D~~°ec~~s~° ~f P~:bli~ Warl~s s~~.ting ~:~at the peti- tion represen~~d ~f ~he px°c~p~rty owners d r~solution instructing ~the ~~~eric~~endert~ ~af streets ~~der the con~- struction o£ cta:~'b~ ~nd ~u~~ers . ~~~rough ~he title, there- upon a moti4n w~.s mad~ by Cotzn~il.man I+~~l~eil, seconded by C~tanci~l.- man Wood to d~.~pen~e w~-~h re~.d~ng -t~.e b~l~,nce of the Resol~tion. Moti4n unanim~usly ~a~°riee~ A RE;~OL~TIUI~ NO a 621 . ~~~0~~7'I`I0~1 I1~7S'I'RUCTING THE SIJPERINTENDENT C~~° S~T,~2EF'I'~ °~C~ f~RDER THE CONSTRUCTIQN OF CCJR~~ Al~~ G~T`~ERS o On m~otivx~ ~f C;~aunci~Lman W~o~d, s~c~nded by Cota.ncilwom~n Thompson, and r~n ~tl~e f~L~,~~ing ~°~11 call vote, to-wit : AYES a ~b~r~~ilma~ C~T~ad, C~un.ciLraoman ThompSOn, C~~?t~~~ilt~~t~. I~IcNei1, ~3urt and Mayor J~.cobs. NOES m ~T~n~ ABSEN'I' o N~~~ the foregoing Re~~1s~.~t~~~ ~r~s ad~p~~d ~~zs 12th day of May 1964. A m~tion ~ras r~ad~ by~ Cat,.ncil~,an. Bt~.rt, seconded by Cauncil- man Wood, ~tY~.~.~ ~7r~~~ 9~Y~,, 8000 P,IVI, be set a~ the date and time f~or a h.ea.~°~~~~ ~~t rah~~°~a ~~.me pr~perty ~~~p:~s opposing the installation c;~~:~~~ ~,rad ~ix~tex°s faill be he~.:~~ o MotiQn ca.rried , TREASURER Y S REE'~F~`I° The Treasta..~°e~~~ rep~rt far th.e m~nth ~f April, 1964, was received by the ~~~xn~i~ ~nd ~rdered filed~ DEPARTMENTAL MSJII07'T~L~ II~~POR°T The Dep~,r~menta~. ~[~n.thly Rep~rt f~r the month of April, 1964, was receiv~d by ~he ~ouncil and orcl€~red filed, TIME DEPOSI7C ~~JF~P~~7S F~NDS The City Ac3m~ni~~~°a~~~° bro~.g~~ to ~~r.e ~ttention ~of tl~e Counc.il that ~the ~;i-ty had ~eceived a L~rge check for motor vehicle in lieu fund~ ~nd tha~t up~n checking ~xisting b~l~nces in the Gener~l Fund, i°~ ~aas de~e~nninec] ~h~,~t $30,000 of this am~unt could be decl.~.red stxrplt~.~ f~r 90 d~.ys and transferred to an interest be~~in~ acc~un~~, Af~ter discussimn, a motion w~s m~de by Councilm~.n W~~ac~, sec~r~.ded by ~~~a.ncilwoma.n Thompson that the City Clerk be i~s~x~c~ted ~c~ drara ~.p a~aarrant to the Bank of Americ~ Nm'Ss &~a~~ 1~,x°r~~yc~ Grande ~ranch in the ~.mount of Thirty Thous~.nd ~l~l,l,ar~ C$~~ ~ 000, 00) from the Gener~l Fund to tra~nsfe~ s~~d ~u~~~,~~ fr~m ~he ~ityp s active account into a non-activ~ ~~~~uaat f~r ~~0 day peri~d to be~.r interest at the current; it?°~e~°e~~ ~a~e fc~r sra.ch inactive acCota.nt. Motion carrieda ORDINANCE NO~ ~9~ ~ ES~'A.BI,ISHI.NG A~. PAR~CS & RECREATION CQMMISSIQN An Ordin~.n~~ ~f ~he C~.~y of ~rr~y~ Grande establishing a Parks and Re~~e~t~~.~n C~mna~.~si.o~, ar~d d~finirag orga~ization, powers and du~ti.P~ A~a~ re~.d ~h~°otx~h. the title ~ thereupon a motion was made by C~~.x~c~~man McN~~l, seconded ~o~ne~.1[n~n ~a~,~~, to dispense wi~h readin~ -the bala.n~e af Ordinance, I~~~iot~ unanimc~usly ca~°~~~d, , ~ Arroyo G~°~.n~~ ~~~~r ~+~u~,~~~ d Ma~ 1~9 1~~~ ~ Page 3 6~~~TCI~ ~~fl ~91 A~T ~ ~N~T~E OF° '1~3~ ~I`T~ ~~ROYU GRANDE E~'~~,~~~.~~-~~N~ A. ANI~ ~~~REA.TION ~OMMIS~~~~y~ ~U D~:~1~I~~ `~'~E ~ OR~~N~Zt~.'~~°{~N, POWE~~b:~ AND U~~°~~~ . ~n m~~~,r~~. ~f ~+~~~~~lman Mc~~e~l, sec~ncl~~ ~~:~r Co~,n~il.t~~.n Wood ~nd ~1~e f~ll,a~~~~~ ~~11 ~~.11, ~ra~t~ , ~~~~~i~t m A~~ a ~~~.~~~Y,~n~~i W~~cl, ~ ~ ~ a~~~~? Th4mps~n, C~~~,~~~1~~~ M~~eil,, ~txr~t ~r~d M~yor a7acobs NOES: ]N~~e ABSEI~T'~ m I`~~~,~ the f~regoix~~ ~~ds.~~.~~e~ ~aa~ ~cY~p~ed ~his 12~~ el~y ~of Msy, 1.964, M~y~r ~~q~x~~~~d ~t~.~ ~c~~x~:~~l subm~..~ the~.r recbmmendg- ti~o~t~ f~r 1~~.~1k~ Re~~°~~~t~~~ ~~mmis~~~n m~mbers to him prior to ti~~ ~.e~t ~e~~l~~ ~n~~~i~g ~af ~he ~~~.ncil, as he will make ~ppoi~:i~c~ttett-~~ ~1~ ~Y~~ ~imeo AUTHORT~T~t~~T :~AY' t~t~'~S~A.NT~~~C~ ~~.~L WH~PPLE ET AL. The C~°ty Ac~m~~ s~tr~,~~~ ~eqv.es~ed a~t~thoriz~.tion from the Gcstxncil t~ p~.y ~n ~~~~~:~.~din~ bi11 f~o~ const~:lting engineering work dv:e W~t~~pl~ 9 M~z~pY~y, Pe~r~~~, ~ Ass+~cia°te~s and stated th~t the Cit~r ~~~c~r~.~y l~~.d ~dv~.se~ -~ha°~ paymen.t could be made at thi~ t~.m~ as ~11 1,~~~~~~~~~ z~,~r~1.v~.ng °th.is firm h~.d been reT solved. A~°~e~ ~~~,~.~~~L di~~~~,~~~~~ g~. t~~~ibn was m~.de by Cc~uncil- woman TY~~mp~~~.~ ~~~~~d~~ 't~~ Co~~~il~m~.n GT~~~ ~ th~.t the City C1erk be ~.uth~~°i~e~ ~p~.~ ~~.~s~~.nd~,n~ b~l~. ei~~~ ~o Whipple, Murphy, P~~~~~rt. t~ A~~~~~.a~es i~. ~the am~~.n°~ ~s1,i72.50. Motion ~a~°~°~ed ~a~ ~he ~~~,lr~ea~ng ~°al~ cal.l ~r~~~ m A~S : ~~~,x~cilman W~ad, C~vxncilw~om,~~~~ `~~~r~mpson, Courtcil- m,e~ M~N~i19 ~~xrt ~.rs.d May~r ~~~;obs NOES : Nor~e ABSEI~T'I' o N~n,e a EZ-R~'~;, READ~.N~ Z(~~VZN~ C1R~I~TL~NCE N0, 1.57 AM~NDMENT DEFINITION OF HOME OC~UPAT~0~1 The Ci~ty 1~dmir~.~s~r~t~r c~u~l.~r~.ed the b~ckgr~~a.nd on the ~mend- ment to the ~.ome c~~c~p~~ti~n C~rdi~,an~eo ~~t~x° Council discussion, the ordin~,nce en~~.tlec] Al~ ~RDII~TAI~T~~ ~3~' 'I~~;' ~I'TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ~1ZD~NA~T~E leTC~ m 1~7 OF °I"HE CZ~'~' ARROYO GRANDE, AS 'TO DEFINITId1V ~OR ~T~ME nCCCJPA°TI01~T wa~ re~d ~hrough the title fo~ the first reacl~n~, ~hererxpc~n m~~ion ~~s made by Councilman McNeil, se~oneled by ~z~uncilm~n Bu~~~ ~ths~ reading the bs~lance of the Ord~n~n~e be di~p~nseel raitli.o NT~o~tion unanimously carried. PRESENTA'I`I~N 0~° ~ER~~~~C~T~ C~~° AL7~.~k~NCE AWARDED TO POLIGE D~PT. The C:i-~y Adminis~tra~~~° prese~.~ed to °the Council ~ Certi- ficate of Adl~e~ex~ce ~rhi~h had beeti. p~°esented to the Arroyo Grande Pol,ice D~p~.~°~men~ by ~~.e C~mmission on Pe~.ce Officer 3t~ndards ~.nd 'Tra~°~~,~~~ May~~° .~acobs acc~pted on beh~lf of ~h~ Council. BURGLARY PR~~~~~.Ol~ 4J~EIC ~ Mx4Y °I'~i~~7T.JGH MAY 30, 1.964 At ~he reqa~~~~ af ~he C~ief ~f Pe~lice~ Mayor Jacobs pra- cl~.i:med th~ ~r~~~ ~f NI~~ ~4~ ~h~°~su~~. M~.y ~Q, 196~+, ~.s Burglary Preventi~n ~~~,k i~. -~~i~ c~f ~l,~°~°~y~r Grandem AWARDIN~ ~ID w T~~~~~N A.DT~~fiT~l~ S'T12EET PA~T~I~~v ~'ROJECT 90-64-1 The Cz-ty Admi~.~~~~°a~~~° repar~~d th~-~ ~r~, t~~~ 7, 1964, at the ho~.r of 1~:~~ As~o b~..d~ ~re~e re~ei~r~~ °~~.d c~~~ned Western Addit~~~ ~~r~t~~ ~av~t~..~9 ~h~s be~~b.~; ~he cI~.te ~nd se~ by ~he ~~~.~.~~1. f~~° sa~d t~:~d cape~ing, Bi~~ ~°~re received ~.s ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande ~i°~~r C~~~n~i~ ~ 1~I~.y 12~ ~~F~. - Page 4 , follows: C~ S~~rr.~tr~uu~.:~~~.~n x~5,~~+~,~0; Madonna Construc- tion Co., ~6,5~~.,0(~; I~Io ,~o Hermre~k9 ~5,228,109 A, J. Dian~. Const~uet~~on C~m, ~,6,~~9000; ax~el V~~l~y P~~ing, $6,562.60. A motio~ wa~ m~cYe b~ ~~~.nciY.m~.n B~,r°~, secanded by Council,- m~n Wo~d, ~h~.~t l~ra ~~d ~ubmi~~ed by Ma Ie Herm~~ck for t~.~ Western Addi~i~~c S~r~et Paving, Prc~~~ct 90~~~+-l, in k::~e amount af $5, 228,10 b~ accep~~cl ~.~c] ~l~.e M~.y~r be ~~.~h.oriz~~i to sign the contr~~~to M~s~ti~n c~~x°~ec3, AWARDING BI~S ~ ~~°C~12~ `~T~1, ~~~I & POPLA.R ~'~'~~1~~"~, ~'ROJEC`~' 90 - - 2 _..m_ _w The C~ty Ac~min~.~~~°~~~r rep~~teci ~tha~ on M~,y 1964, ~t the hour of 2 od0 P oMo l~ids ra~re received ~,nd op~n~3 for the storm dr~in ~n ~l.m ~~r~e~~ ~nd P~opl~~r ~t~°eet, tt~is being the date and t~m~ ~~t ~y ~h~ ~~un~il f~or s~id b~.d opening. Bids were r~~eived a~ f~7L~,~w~ o Wm T~Sa Lyles C~oa ,$33, 314.95; M. J. Hermreck, ~29,895a8~9 ~'~u18s ~r~ne Ser~ice, ~~4,784.36; Mira- flc~~~s C~ns~ru~~~~~n ~~~r`p~~.y, $34, 8~90 75; Bot~ Bosny~.k, $42, 5~~, 50o Th~ r~~~:s i~ ~ddi,~~~n ~~.e b~.d woul.d consist of En~a~nee~°in~, ~~,~~+4~a 5~9 ~t~~ing9 ~3~Op00; inspection by engin~~~°s, ~1~0~C1e~~ ~~d ~~r~tin~e~c~es c~f $2,990.00, for a to~tal pro jec~ c~s°~ ~36 ~~8~ o~0 9 b~se~ ~~a ~he accept~.nce of the low bid ~af $ 29 9 895 a~~ ~~si~h 50% to b~ pa~.d by the ~ity and SO% by Williams Brc~~ m ~r o Me~°l.e Wil.li~.ms pre~ented the Gity with a check in the ~.m~~~,~~ ~f ~~e891960~9, ~r~ic~. represented their h~lf of the pr~,~~~~: ~~~tm Tt ca~.s ~roaa.g'h,t to the ~.tten~ion of the Co~ncil by ~h~ A.dminf~t;x°~.~~~° °~hat ~he two drop inlets on Sunset Driv~ ~°~~1d ~e ~dd~d t~a ~~e ~~ntr~ct ~s ~ chan~e order with ar~. e~~~r~a~;e~ cc~~~ ~f ~ 10 e After ~ouncil discussion, ~ m~~i~n raas m~de b~r ~ounci~..m~r~ t~7~~d, seconded by Councilm~xn M~~Ve~.l, ~~h~~ ~he l.ow bid s~.bmi.£e ~~d by Me J. Hermr~ck f~sx ~the ~~t~s~m v~~ir~ ~n E~lm ~treet ~Z ~ ~oplar ~treet, Project 90-64-~, ir~ ~~e ~mo~.nt of $29,895~~~ be ~ccepted and the 1~I~yor be ~.~.~~.car~.~ed ~o sigti. tl~.e cont~°~,~t, ~nd that the eonstruction of t~r~ dr~p inlets on Sunset ~rive in the ~m4unt of $3,303.10 be ch~x~ge order in the bid, as recommended by tY~e Pu~blic W~rlc~ Departmen~ m T~o~al pro ject cost to the Ci.ty, $21,493,29o To~~l cos~ tcs Tn~ill.iams Bro~a, $18,190,19. Crand tot~l proje~t ~~s~t, $39,683048o Motion e~rried. REVIEW OF REQUES°~ ~C)R REIMBURSEMENT RE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS - TRAC~' l8 - B~ D~,VEL~PER Councllt~~r~ T~f~~d reported ~hat bec~~~~ of additional findit~g~, he felt th~t on~-h~.lf of the requested reimbursement should be paid by the Ci~ty~ A.£~er Gouncil disc~~sion, Mayor Jacobs i.n- structed the Ci~y A.t~t~rney to review the el~im ~nd presen~C ~ recommend~.tion a~ the ne~~ regul~r Cc~uncil meeting. AWARDING BID ~~C9A.~H R~D lOYp WAT`ER LINE - PROJECT 60-64-1 AND HILLCRES'~ DRIVE 6YY WAT.ER LINE - PROJECT 60-64-2 The City Adm~.nisi~r~.°~~r reported that on M~y 7, 1964, ~.t the hou~° of 11. ~00 A,i~o b~.ds w~re r~eceived ~,nd opened for the Co~ch Ro~d 1.~4? Wa.ter T~ine and Hillcrest Drive 6t* Wa~ter Line, this b~in~ ~he cl~~te and time set by the Council for said bid opening. ~~ds we~°~ re~ei~ed ~s f~ollows: W. M. Lyles Co., $21,460.00; B~b Ba~nya~.~ $2~+,095e00; West Co~st Construction Co., $24,~+55,909 M~~°~f1L~res Cons~ruc~ion Co., $18,414.00. After Counc~l D~.~c~~s~,c~~ a m~~ic~n w~.s m~de by Councilman 8u~t, seconded by C~u~.~~I~~~. W~~d9 ~he low bid s~.bmitted by Mir~flar~~ Co~.~~t~°~.c'~i~n a fcs~° ~c~~.ch R.o~d 10~$ Water Line , Project 60-64aL ~,z~..d ~a.Ll.~r~st Dr~ve 6pt W~.-t~~ :~~.~.e, Project No. 60-64~2, ix~ ~°l~~ ~~~~n~ ~f $18,414a0~ ~~c~~pted and the Mayor be ~ut~.cari~~~ ~:~~r~ ~the ~an.tr~.e~ : ~Ia~ic~~. c~rx~~v~~ ~ ~ Arroyo Gr~nde ~%~y ~~~a~.~iY, m M~.~ 19~4 m P~ge S RESOLUTION S`[J~~'O~~~I~~ SC7i1~°~T ~A~ ~I7~S ~~~~PC~ COUNTY SANI'I"~.~'~ t~~ S~Z~~ The City A.dm~r~.i~~~°~~~r pr~~e~.~~d ~ pr~gress report on ~.ctivities ~f ~he 5~~~~. S~~ ~tx~~ (7'~i~p~ ~~~.n~y ~anitation Di.s- trict o M~.yor Ja~+~~~ ~dd~e~~ed ~~h~ ~~unca~:~. the necessity of the S~.nitati~r~ D~~~~°~~~ ~~~.d i~~~e p~.~~~~eo .4fter discu,s~~~t~.~ the Gity Clerk re~d Res~~ux~~~~ ~~~~in~ Council. ~ su~~tiort` of the for~hc~ra~r~g ele~~~~~a 12ESO~.,~e~~OI~ ~7~ a b~~ 1~~~~~~1~'~.t~~ ~'~a~: ~ °w~~i~C~CT~ C3~' THE ~7F° A121~,OY~D G 17E ~IN SUPPOI~T' OF THE ~C~~'~[ ~~.N I.~~J~S ~(~UN'I'Y SANITA.TION Zl~~"~'~~.~~" ~1E~12 Bd~T~ P~20P~~~'I'It~N dN THE 5~~~ ~~E~~~~~ MA.Y ~9°I°~I9 ~964, Or~ mo°~i,~n ~y ~~~nc~~~,~~.n T~I~Ne~~ ~ se~~nd~~~ by Councilwom~n Tho[~~son ~.nd ~~r ~~ll~c~~x~~ ~~1.~1 c~.~1 vcat~ -to-~ait: ~.Y~~ : ~~~.n~~ ~,m~~ G~~~~ ~ ~~~r~~~lwe~m~.n Thompson, ~~~t°r~.~i~~.tn~~ M~~ei~, 8~,~°~t ar~d May4r° Jacobs Nt7ES o Ne~~~ ABSEN'I" a N~r~~ _ the £oregoing Ress~`Lt~.~i~~ ~ra~ ael~p~ecl ~hf s 12th day of May, 1964. AWARDTNG ~ID m AS~ STI~~Ep~ S~G~I~ ~~~1Ex PRO~7EC°T 70-64-1 The Ci~ty Adminis~~~.~~sr rep~r~ee3 ~h~-~ ~on May 7, 1964, at the hour of ~0~0 I~oM, bids ~r~~°~ ~~cei~ed ~nd opened for the Ash Stree~ ~e~~~ ~~~.e e~te~~~~n, b~~.ng ~the date a~nd time set by the ~~u~ci1 f~r s~id bid ~pen~n~o Bids wrere received as foll.ora~ o C~~ I~ o Zyles C~o ~Z ,~4~5 m(~0 9 P~~.~, Cr~.ne Service, $1,587a8~, Wes~ ~~~s~ ~~~s~~°~.ct~on ~~A, ~7-ql.~>~`m00; Bob Bosny~k $l, 680 a Oi~ 9~~.r~~f~~r~~ ~:~xast 9,~1. y 44~i A 40 '~"~.e City Adminis- tr~tor repor°~ed t`~~ ~~ve pr~p~rty ota~~~~~°~ ad jacent to t~.~s pro jec-~ had dep~ssi~ed L00`~a of ~he pro jec~ ~ost with the City ~nd th~t the ~o~:~~°a~~ c~rya.lLd n~ra be l,e~t a ~.f~er Council dis- cussion, a r~~-~io~ was made ~~r C~ta.ncil.r,~oman Thompson, seconded by Counc~Lma~. Wo~d 9 tl~.~ ~he l~ra b~d submitted by West Coast Construeti~n ~~mpa~,y f~~° ~c~ns~~°u~~ic~n o£ ~'he Ash Street sewer extension9 Pr~jec~ N~e ~0~64~~ ~n ~;he a~a~unt of $1,167.00, be accepted ~nd ~~e May~r be a,~a~h~a~°ized to sign the contr~et. Motion c~.rried. LETTER OF RES~~~TA.°~Z(71~T ~~Z.OM ~I'TY !~'I`TORI~I~~.u~ The C~~t~ Admi~~~-trat~r ~°ea.d a l,e~ter ~f resignation from City Attor~ey~ D~v~d ~ G~~,lda l~.f~~~ ~~uncil discussion, ~ motio~ w~.s m~.d~ by 'Go~ncilrnr~man T'h~mps~n9 ~~cc~nded by Councilman Womd th~t tl~.e re~~.~na~~o~r. of ~~th.~ C~~y A.~:~~~neys ~ D~.vid & Gould be ~ceepted raith reg~ets o M~~~.~n ~~~°~~.ecl e Mayor J~.cobs appo~.nt~d committee cr~n~~:s~t~t~~ ~f C~txncil~+rr~tnan '.~~ompson and l~.imself to cont~.c-t ~t~o~°ney~ an.d tt~~k~ ~ r°ecammend~tion far ~ new Cit y Attorneym ` PROGRESS RE~~R`~' ~7~ ~t~B~.E '~~1 F°RANCI~~SE The Gi~y A~t~in~s~rat~r presen~ted ~he Council with ~ let~ter from Stati~r~ K~~~' `~V c~rith reference ~o the pr~ogress being made - on the cable ~'V franc`~ise pr~gram, ~ REPORT C~F PXI~~.ZC~ WC7~S ~EPARTMENT ~E 43ELI. NO m 3 ~ The ~i-~y A.dr~in~.,~tx°~~~r pr~~en~~d repar~ from the Public Works Depa~°~m~~.~ w~ll.. I~~oo ~ ~s s~ndin~ The expense ta try ~nd ~al~~~~ ~he ~r~l~ ~~~xlti be ~pp~°~xi~;~5~;ely $l, 500.00 , with cha~.~~~ r~~ ~r~~&~. ~~~.~~~e b~ing unev~;~.~£~z~ ~ It therefore being ~heir re~~t~mer~.da~~€~n ~tY~.~ ~he c~I,~ ~ °~~~_I ~band~s°~~~~ and ~ ~ new wel~~ e3~illc~~1 ~r~ ~~e s~tn~ ~~ner~ at an es~~.rcz~~ted cost +~f ~6,OOOs6~o A.f~~r ~~u~n.~i~. d~sctzs~~.~~i, a motion was ;m~de - ~ Arroyo Gr~~de C~i~~ ~~~~~iY, a~i~.~ 1~, ~~C~ m P~ge 6 by Cotzncil~?~t~, ~~T~~i~L, ~ecc~r~d~~ l~y ~~t~x~~~l~~,n W~~od tt~.~t ~he ~ity Clerk be ~u-t~~~~~._~ed a~d ~n~~rt~c~ed ~cl~~r~ise the c~ll fQr bids fa~r s~.nki~~ ~f ~~s~~~ ~rel,l, bids ~S~ ope:~ed ~n June 4, ~ ~ 1964, at 2 m00 ~NIo ~Y~.e ~sff~~e ~f ~~.e ~;.~~°ector ~f P~ublic Wca~x~~ ~ Moti~n c~~°r~~el~ DESIGN~.'I'I(~~T C~~ ~.~~C ~ iJ~TE ~ ~ ~T1~TE 1.2 AS ~'3 ~uAN~tJ~ WEEK Mayor ~~c~bs p~~~~,ax.med ~~Y~e r,aeek, of ~7uri~ 8~~.rough ,Iu~.e 12, 1964, as ~le~~~TS~ Gie~k, `~d~e ~ity A.dmini~t~~:.;~~r w~s instx°t~~~ed to contac~ t~e ~~cal, ~~.~~b~,~e ~:~1~~~;~c~r~ see i~ t~.ey wi:~~ be wi~ling te~ cc~~p€~~~.~e~ i~ ~hi~ ~~~~~.~.r.. ~ ~ DISCUSSIO~ ~~A..L,~Y~11~ ~~A.~7 DE~~7~ Cou~c~lma~~ ~Ic~N~~:,~~,~~°eq~.~es~es~ ~~e Council set up a polioy wi~h r~~~~~~~a~~ -~'Yae ~r~~e~~°~~ de~cis being accept~d b~ the Ci-~y ~n H~F~~~~s~~ F~+~~~ r~s~c~en~r~.~ pro~ect, After Council discu~sion, a ~r~,~ ~nad~ ~y Go~,n~ilm~.n ~IcNeil, .seconded by ~~~.ncil.w~~t~~, `~~~~nps~~., ~~~t~ i~ some x~e~.son the pro ject did gc~ ~1~~°~~,~'~~ ~t°~~ ~~~d ~Y~~ded by ~the property owners woul.d be r~~~arnecl ~o ~~.~~m jec°~ ~.s n~t st~.rted wit~.in one ye~r. Motion e~rx~i~d m PLA.NNTNG ~UI~~,~S~i~.~~T 1~PP~~~"~~~TS Mayor aJac~~~ ~d~~ ~~d ~~.e ~~~tr~~il ~tha°t they shoaa.ld think about poss~lbl.~ app~in~me~~s ~t~ ~he P~anning Commission to fill th~: vac~nc~.e~ ~t~~t ~rill exi~~ ~n ,~txne 30, 1964, rahen ~'~u~r<w. of tY~~ pr~sen~t tn+~m`~e~ 4~-~e~°ms e~~.~~ s ~'h~ City Adminis tr~,tor and the Gi~y A~~o~r~e~r were inst~°~.c~ed px°ep~,re an ~.mendment to the existi~.g ~~°d3~r~.~n~e rahich ~r~uld se~ txp ~ seven member plannitlg c4mmission ins~e~d of an eigh~t member commi~~~can, and a1s4 to in~lude ~-t~ter~.d~~~e req~.iremen~ts ixi the ~men~.,~~~nt, MERIT STEP PA.Y FI~N ~°~R C~°T~ PEI2SONNEL Mayor J~c~bs ~°eqt~esl~ed th~-t ~he Cour-~~:~.1 meet in ~ persoxtn~l~~ ~ session on '~°h~.~°sday, M~y 21, 1.96~+, ~.t 7 e:~~ P,M. , to consider the recommended mer~~ s~ep p~,y pl~n which h~d been submitted for consider~~i~~ ~y the ~~~y t~dmir~istr~~.t~or, ADJOURNMEN'~ On motieaxi o£ ~o~,°~acilma~ McNeil, secc~nded by Councilwomar~ Thompson, ~he me~~in~ ~d ~~~xx°ned a.°~ 9: S5 gM o until 7:30 P.M. , ~ May 21, 1964~~ f~~ pe~sox~°°t~el sessior~.a otion c~.rried. ATTES T ITY CLE OR • ~ .