Minutes 1964-06-18 ~8 Arroyo Grande, California June 18, 1964 - 5_30 P.M. The City Council met in adjourned session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. - Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood and McNeil reported present. Councilman Burt was absent. ADOPTION 1964-65 ~UDGET " Mayor Jacobs reported that during the Council's review of the proposed 1964-65 Budget there were only a few areas which required revisions, and that the 1964-65 Budget was ready for Council adoption. Mayor Jacobs stated on behalf of the full Council that they felt the City Administrator had done an exce~lent job of preparing the budget and that the presentation of the budget was the best the Council had ever received. A Motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, that the1964-65 Budget, in the total amount of $633,573, for the City of Arroyo Grande be adopted. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF '113REE MEMBERS TO T'HE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Jacobs recommended for Council approval appointment of the following persons to the City Planning Commission to serve four year terms: Reappointment of Newell Strother, first ~pointments of Harry McMillen and Francis Rondeau, A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the recommendation of Mayor Jacobs be approved by the Council tha t the followin g persons be appointed toiiie City of Arroyo Grande Planning Commission for a four year term effective July 1, 1964: N~~aell Strother, 270 Larchmont Dr., Francis R. Rnndeau, 1475 Sierra Drive, and Harry W. McMillen, 440 Walnut Street. Motion carried. Mayor Jacobs expressed appreciation for the service the three retiring members have contributed to the City; Leo Brisco, who has contributed perhaps the most through his untiring efforts of over 19 years of service; W. M. Smith, who served for two years; and Norman Richardson, who also served for two years, and instructed the City Achninistrator to prepare, for the Mayor's signature, letters of thanks. PERMISSION FOR MAYOR JACOBS TO LEAVE THE STATE A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil that the request of Mayor Jacobs to be absent from the state from June 20th through 28th, 1964, be approved and granted. Motion carried. PERMISSION FOR COUNCILMAN WOOD TO LEAVE 'IiiE STATE A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the request of Councilman Wood to be absent from the ~tate August lst through 8th, 1964, be approved and granted. Motion carried. BRISCO HILL AREA ADJACENT TO CITY LIMITS "WATER SERVICE AREA" Councilman Wood presented the recommendations from the Water Study Committee regarding water service to properties adjacent to the City Limits in the Brisco Hill area. Upon review and analysis, it was determin ed the Brisco Hill area is now being served water by the City of Arroyo Gran.de and this service should continue so as to enable future development of that area. The Council does not wish to stop development of areas which are now being served by the Glater Department of the City. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson that the recommendation of the Water Study Committee be adopted th at the Brisco Hill area adjacent to the Northwesterly City Limits be designated as a"Water Service Area" of the Water Dep artment of the City of Arroyo Grande with the charges for initial service installation and rates for water usage at the prevailing outside rates. Motion carried. 12" WATER LINE EASEMENT ACCEPTANCE - FROM MR. LEO BRISCO The City Administrator presented the water line easement and agreement from Mr. Leo Brisco for the insta~:lation o~ the 12" water line across his property. Both the City Attorney and Mr. Brisco's attorney had agreed to the agreement form. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson that the water line easement and agreement for the 12" water line across Mr. Leo Brisco's property be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign for the City. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman McNeil., seconded by G~i~cilman Wood and unanimously carried, the me~ing adjourned at 6:15 P,M. .~..e . r.- i > , AT'I'EST: p pg I TY CLE RK ~d