Minutes 1964-06-23 Arroyo Grande9 Cal~fornia June 23, I964 - 7030 PoM, The C~ty Council me~ i~a regular ses~io~. wit~. Mayor pr~ °~em Wood px°e~ sidinge T3pon roll ~all s Cou~.ci.lwoma~ '1"~tc~mpso~.9 Cou~~~lme~. M~1Veil ~nd Bur°~ reported present. Mayor Jacobs was abse~°ta MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the reg~ula~ n~et~~g of Jurie 9, 1964, and the ad- journed meeti~g c~f June 11th, 15°~h and 18~~., 1964, were approved as prepared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT -0F BILLS A moti.o~ was made by Councilwoma~ '~1~c~mps~~, ~eeonded by Council- man McNeil ~hat General Warrants Noo 1198 ~hrough 1242 i:~ ~he amoua~t of $25,133.6j and Payroll Warrants Noo 606 through 652 isl th e amount of $6,217e22 be approved and ordered pa~d, Motion carried. REQUEST OF AMERICAN LEGION POST 136 TO SELL FIREWORKS The City Administrator presen.ted a request of the Americ.an Legion Post 136 to sell fireworks in the City. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Bur~, tha~ the request of the American Legion Pos~ 136 to sell fireworks in the Gity of Arroyo Grande at the location of 20th & Grand Aven.ue be approved and that they be issued a fee exempt license. Motion carried. REQUEST OF RESIDENTS OF WOOD PLACE FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS BY USE OF SHORT ASSESSMSNT DIS'I'RICT ' The City Administrator ~nf ormed ~he Council -~hat a pe~ition had been received from a group of proper°~y owners on Block 1 and 2 oxi Wood Place requesti~.g ~he installation of ~urbs a~.d gu~ters.by th~ Shor-t Assess- ment Distriet me~hod, and prese~.~ed a wri~ten repo~°t from the D~~ector of Publi~ Works s°tatiaLg tha-t the petit~or~ represented 71.5% of the property o~nn.ers on Block l and 72% of the property owners on Block 2. A resolution i~.s~ruct~ng the 9~aperi~tendelizt af ~treets to order ~he ~onstruction of curbs and gut+ers was read by the City C1erk. RESOLUTION NOo 626 RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE SUPERIN'I'ENDENT OF S'1'12~ETS TO ORDER 7HE CONSTRUCTION 0~ CURBS AND GU7C'I'ERS On motion of Gouncilwoman Thompsoa~, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYESo Councilwoman Thompson9 Councilmen McNe~l, Burt and Wood. NOESo None ABSENT'a Mayor Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted -this 23rd day of June 1964, A motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that July 28-th, a~ 8:00 P.M, be set as ~the date and time for a hearing at which time proper°ty owners opposing the installa+~ion of curbs and gutters will be heard. Motior: carried. REPORT AND FURTHER DISCUSSION ON WIDENING OF HALCYON ROAD The City Admin.istrato~° reported to the Council that the status of the sig!ning of right of w~y deeds on Hal~yo~ Road was ~he same as presen~ed a~t t?~e last regular Council meet~ng. The C~ty Attorney outlimed h~s recommendation that °the Counc~l adopt a resolution directing the filing of condeznnatio~ ac°~~on for stree°t purposes. Afte~ Council d~scussion, the City Clerk read ~he resolution dire~t~ng °~he f iling of condemnation action for street pu~°poses ~hrough the body of °the resulution, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman M~Neil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompsoa~, ~ha~ reading of the prope~°ty des~riptions be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carrieda 2Q . Arroyo Grande, Galifor~ia m Ju~e 23, 1964 ~ Page 2 RESOLU7CIQN NO, 627 RESOLU'~I0~1 (JF '~'HE CI TX OF AR.R~YO G12AN DE , S'~ATE OF CALTF012~TIA, DIRECTING '~HE ~I.LING OF CONDEMNATION ACTI~N FOR STREE'~ PURPOSES On motio~. by Couneilman M~Neil y secor~ded by Cou~ic~lanan B~zrt, and by the f ollowing roll eal l vote , t~~wit : AYES: Counc~.~woznan Thompsony Councilmen McNei1, Burt and Wood, NOESo None ABSENT: Mayor Jacobs the foregoing Resolution. was adopted ~t~.is 23rd day of June, 1964. The City Adminis~ra~or was directed by Mayor pro ~e~cn Wood to arrange for the services of an appra~ser to apprai.se the proper~ies involved in the condemnatioa~ proceedings. • ORDINANCE N0. 195 - TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPE RTY IN THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande, so as to rezone certain property in the City of Arroyo Gran.de, was read th~ough the title, thereupan a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Coun~~lman McNeil, that ~eading of ~the balaa~ce of ~he Ordinance be dispensed wi.th. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NOo 195 AN ORDIN?NCE OF 'I'HE CITY OF AILROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 157 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPER.TY IN THE CITY OF AR.ROYO GRANDE On mot~on by Councilman Burt, se~onded by Cou~c~lwomaM Thompson an~l by the followia~g roll call vote, to-wit: AYESo Councilwoman `~~ompson, Councilmen McNeil, Burt and Wood NQES. Na~e P,BSENT: Mayor Jacobs , the foregoi.ng Ordi.nance was adop~ed this 23rd day of June, 1964. LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM CITY AiTDITOR, VIRGIL WALTON The City Administrator read a letter of. resignation from Gity Audi- tor, Virgil Walton. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Triompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil that ~the resignation of City Auditor Virgil Wal-~on be accep+~ed effec~ive 7/1/64 and that a letter thank~ng him for his seven years serviee be sent, Motion carried. ~ Mayor pro tem Wood instru~ted the City Adminis~trator to prepare a letter of ~thanks to Mr. Walton, r REQUEST TO HIRE A FTRM OF MUNICIPAL AUDITORS The City Administrator outlined the recommendation that the City ' enter a con~rac~ with the firm of Diehl, Evans & Company from Santa Maria, municipal auditors, to fill the City Auditor vacancy, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Gouncilwoman Thompson, ~econded by Councilman Burt, that the firm of D~ehl, Evans & Company of Santa Maria be reta~ned by the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande as municipal. audi~ors for the City and that ~h.e Ca~y Attorney be author~zed to prepare a contract with ~he Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign for -~he Cityo Motion carried. REQUEST OF THE PA~ZFIC TELEPHONE 8z 'I'ELEGRI~PH GOMPANY '~'Q PLACE A PAY 'I'ELEPHONE ON SI DEWALK NEAIZ G12EYHOUND DEP(~7C The City Admi.ni:s~rator info~ned ~h.e Council that a request ~.ad been received from the Pae~f~.c T'el ephone &'~el eg~°aph Company that ~hey be allowed to ins~all a pay telepho~e on the sidewalk on ~th.e ~or~hea°ly si.de of West Branch Stxeet, near the G~eyhoua~d Bus Depo°~ because of compl~a~~.°ts Arroyo Grande, Califor~ia v June ~3, 1964 - Page 3 their company had received re 1a~:lc of phone facilities for late evening bus customers. It was the recomanendation of the Gity Attorney that the Council approve installation of a phone at this particular location, and each and every future request would require separate Council action for each location. He also recommended that the City require a written agree- ment se~ting forth the compensation and the fac~ that th~ Ci~y would be held harmless from any liability that would result, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson ~tha~t the request of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company to install a pay telephone on the side- walk on the northerly side of West Branch Stree~ in front of the Grey- hound Bus Dep ot be granted subject to an agreement being dx°awn up and signed between the City and the Pacific Telephone & 7Celegraph Company, with the Gity Attorney's approval, re liability and renumeration and the 1~Iayor be author ized to sign said agreement. Motion carried. AWARDING BID - CQMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LI ABILITY INSURANCE The City Administrator reported that on June 23, 1964, at the hour of 2cD0 P,M, bids were received and opened f or comprehensive general liability insurance for tk~e City of Arroyo Grande, this being the date and time set by the Council for said bid opening. Bids were received as follows: Low & Low Insurance, agent for Phoenix of Hartford Insurance Company, Item No. 1- Annual premium of $4,276e00 for a three year cantract, premiums 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto audit; Item No. 2- Annual premium of $3,933.00 for a three year contract, premium 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto audit; Item No. 3- Annual premium of $4,030.00 for a three year contract, premium 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto audit. E. C. Loomis & Son Insurance Agency, agen.t for General Insurance Company of America, Item No. 1- Annual premium of $4,354.00 for a three year contract, premium 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto audit; Item No. 2- Annual premium of $3,895.00 for a three year contract, premium 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto audit; Item No. 3-$4,037.00 for a three year contract, premium 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto audit. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Gouncilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the low bid submitted by Low & Low Insura~ce,. agent for Phoenix of Hartford Insurance Company, for $1,000,000 each person, $1,000,000 each oecurrence wi~th the first annual premium of $4,276.00 for a thr~e year contract with 2nd and 3rd year annual premiums based on auto audit, be accepted for the furnishing of compre- hensive general liability insurance coverage to the City of Arroyo Grande effeetive July 1, 1964. Motion carried on the following roll call vote: :AYES: Councilmen McNei1, Burt and Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Jacobs . ABSTAINED: Councilwoman `Thompson ~ d~e to having a business interest in one of the firms involved in t~e bidding. RESOLUTION ADOPTING MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH STATE DEPAR'I~IENT OF HIGHWAYS The City Administrator infonned the Council that due to renumbering of Route 147 to Route 227, a new main tenance agreement had been received from the State Department of Highways. A resolution approving agreement for maintenance of State Highway in the City of Arroyo Grande was read by the City Clerke RESOLUTION N0. 628 RESOLUT`ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AGREII~~ENT FOR MAINTEN- ANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Councilman MeNeil, secor~ded by Counc ilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit; AYES: Councilwoman Thompso~., Councilmen McNeil, Burt and Wood ' NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Jacobs the £oregoing resolution was adopted this 2:ird day of June, 1964. w. F Arroyo Grande, Califor?~ia - June 2~, 1964 - Page 4 CROWN HILL GRADES The City Engineer informed the Coua~cil re ~the problem he was confron~ed wi~h in setti.mg grades for curbs a~.d gtYtters on Crown Hill. Due to the lack of a fu11 Coun~il and because two of the Councilmen presen~ had property interests i,n °~he area involved, the City Engineer was instructed to br~ng this matter up for Council discussion at the next regular Council meeting. DISCUSSION ON BID RECETVED FOR DRILLING OF NEW WELL The City Administrator informed tk~e Council ~ha~ it was the recommendation of the Direc~tor of Public Works that the bid received from F1oyd Wells in the amount of $7,375 be accepted. After Council dis- cussion, a mo~ion was made by'~ouncilm~n Burt, seconded by Counci3man McNeil, that '~he bid ~eceived from F1oyd Wells in the amount of $7,375 for the drilling of a new well be accepted, Motion carried. WELCOME TO NEW CITY ATTORNEY M~yor pro tem Wood welcomed the new Ci~y Attorney, Gerald Shipsey of the f irm of Shipsey & Seitz. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Aistrict Adminis~trator Butch gave a progress report on the ac- tivities of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District and st~ted that ~he Dis~tri.ct Engineers had been authorized to commenee with the engineering wark ~si the project; ~-1~.a~ the District Administrator had` been instructed to look ~nto ~he pos~ibili~y of obtaining a loan from the en`tities af. ~he dis~trict to finance the activi~ties of the District un~til stt~h ~ime as ~tY~e bonds are authorized to be sold, ACCEPT ~'INAL IMPROVEMENTS ~'RACT 244 The C~ty Administrator reported tha~ due ~o an oversight, the improve- ments in Tract No. 2~+4 have not to da~e been accep~ed by the City and that th.e Director of Public Works recommended a~t ~his time that the Tract be accepted as all the improvements are eomplete and meet all the City requirements. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil that the improvements of Tract 244 be accepted by tr4e City. Motion carried. JIJLY 6TH HOZTDAY FOR CI TY ~NIPLOYEES A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson., seconded by Councilman Burt th a~t July 6th be designated as an off icial holid~y for ~he employees of the City of Arroyo Grande, in place of July 4th, which falls on a Saturdaye .Mo+ion carried, PROCLAMATTON - JULY 4, 1964 m"LET ~REEDCIM RING4t OBSERVANCE At the request of the Cal if orni.a Legislature Assembly, Mayor pro tem Wood proclaimed 'pLet Freedom Ring" observanee on J~ly 4th, 1964, at 11:00 A.Mo ADJOURNMENT On mo~iorc by Councilman Bur~, seconded by Councilman McNeil and unanimously earried, the meeting adjourned at 8:31 P.M, , .~~%~G.~-~~ ~ , MAYOR PRO TEM ATTEST: CITY ERK