Minutes 1964-07-28 Arroyo Grande, California July 28, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor pro tem Wood pre~ siding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson and Councilman McNeil reported present. Councilman Burt and Mayor Jacobs were absent. MINUTE APPROVAL y ~ ~ p roved as The minutes of the regular meeting of Jul 14 1964 were a p prepared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS AND1APQR~~nAT~O~F~S4~SSe~ondedxbySCouncilman A motion was made by Cou McNeil , tha°~ General Warrants Nos. ~+7 th~o~g~ 75 a~n the amou~.69~~0~Zbelapproved and Pa~roll GTarrants Nos. 60 througY~. 107 in the amaunt of $8, arLd ordered paid. Mati.an earriedo 5~~onded by Councilman A motion was made by Councilwaman Thompson, roved. Motion McNeil that transfer vouchers Nosa 41 throu~,k~ 46 be app c:arried . TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT The Treasurer's monthly report for the month of June was received by the Counci.l and ordered filed, Mayor pro tem Wood noted ~awhich bepresented hand at the end of the 1963-64 fiscal year was $310,369.24, an increase in the balance on hand over the amount at the end of the 1962-63 fiscal year of $42,000.00, which indicated a healthy financial status for the Ci~y of Arro yo Grande. I,IGENSE REQUEST TO OPERATE A USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUE SHOP licatio~ The City Administrator informed the Council that a license app had been received from Charles and Florence Lindquist to operate a used fu rniture and antique shop at 110 Eo Branch Street, and that all provisions required in Section 14, paragraph 88 of Ordinance No. 102 of the City of Arroyo Grande had been meto After discussion, a motion was~ication-fornall- man McNeil, seconded by Counci}:woman Thompson, that ta~ 1P0 E. Branch Street license to operate a used furniture and antique shop by Charles and Florence Lindquist be approved, Motion carried. LICENSE REQUEST TO CONDUCT A WEEKLY DANCE lication '~he City Administrator informed the Council that a license app had been received from Mr. Z. S. McFadden to conduct a weekly dance at the I,D,E.S. Hal1, and that the Building, Fire and Police Departments iLdation. vestiga~ted the request and recommended approval of the licenseseconded fiy After discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, Councilman McNeil that the application for a license to conduct a weekly dance. at the I,D.EmS. Hall by Mr. S. McFadden be approvedo Motion carried. REQUEST TO PLACE PAY PHONE IN FRONT OF CITY HALL The City Administrator informed the Council that as a result of the investigation eonducted by the Pacific Telephone Company and the City re pay phones in ~he City, it was the recommendation of the Telephone Company that a pay phone be ~.nstalled in front of the City Hall. After Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman. Thompson, that the request of the Pacific Telephone Company to insfi.all a pay telephone shelter booth in front of the City Hall be approved. Motion carried. PROGRESS REPORT ON PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION The City Admini,strator gave a progress report on the action of the Faxks & Reereation Commission and outlined f or the Council the Recreation Program for the balance of the summera Councilman McNeil stated that the Parks & Recreation Commission should be commended on their orgar~ization and action in the field of recreation, ~ Arroyo Grande, California - July 28, 1964 - Page 2 AUTHORIZE CITY ADMINIS TRATOR TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS APPLICABLE TO FEDERAL CONTRIBUTION MATCHING FUND PROGRAM The City Administrator informed the Council that a new policy had been established by the State and Federal Government which required the designation of a specific person to execute documents applicable to the Federal contribution matching fund program. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the City Administrator be authorized to execute documents applicable speci- fically to the Federal contribution matching fund program. Motion carried. REPORT ON PROPOSED GRADING AI~ID EXCAVATION ORDINANCE Mayor pro tem f~ood reported on behalf of the committee which had been appointed by Mayor Jacobs to review the proposed Grading and Excava- tion Ordinance that certain changes had been proposed by them and were now in the process of being consolidated, and that their recommendations would be presented at th~ next regular council meeting along with the comments by the Engineering Department regarding th e proposed changes. RESOLUTION N0. 630 ESTABLISHING PARALLEL PARKING FOR CERTAIN PORTIONS OF GRAND AVENUE RESOLUTION N0. 630 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PARALLEL PARKING ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF GRAND AVENUE On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen McNeil and Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Burt and Mayor Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of July 1964.~ PROPOSAL OF P, G. C E, TO CONVERT PRESENT STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM TO MERCURY VAPOR LIGHTS The City Administrator presented to the Council the proposal of the P.G,&E. Company to convert present street lighting in the City of Arroyo Grande to all mercury vapor lighting. Mr. Bud Hoffman, P. G. & E, represen- tative, gave the Council a full report on the proposal, outlining the costs to the City, efficiency, and proposed basic plan for future City street lighting. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to execute a service agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and P. G. & E. for the conversion of present street lighting system to mercury vapor lights. Motion carried. Councilwoman Thompson stated that P. G. & E, should be commended for their part in advancing the development of the community. HEARING ON THE REQUEST OF RESIDENTS OF WO OD PLACE TO HAVE CURBS AND GUTTERS INSTAI~LED BY USE OF SHORT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Mayor pro tem Wood declared the hearing on the request of residents of Wood Place to have curbs and gutters installed by use of Short Assess- ment District was duly posted and he aring now was opened ~.d all persons for or against the installation of curbs and gutters by use of the Short Assessment District would now be heard. Mr. Dave Bowen, 201 Wood Place, spoke for the installation of curbs and gutters. As there were no other persons who spoke for or against the installation, Mayor pro tem Wood de- clared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the request of the residents of Wood Place to have curbs and gutters installed by use of the Short Assessment District be approved. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF GRADES ON 25TH STREET AND WOOD PLACE City Engineer Garing gave a report on the curb grades on 25th Street and Wood Place and recommended installation of two spandrels on each project. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Council- wo man Thompson, that the plans establishing curb grades for Wood Place en- titled "Improvement Plan-Wood Place" and the plans establishing curb grades for 25th Street, entitled "Curb grade Plan and Profile - 25th Street (Tierra)" be approved. Motion carried. Arroyo Grande, California - July 28, 1964 - Page 3 REQUEST OF DEVELOPER OF TRACT N0. 139 FOR &EFUND FOR INSTALLATION OF 6" WATER LINE The City Administrator read a letter from Mr. Nick Lancaster, developer of Tract No. 139, requesting refund for installation of 6" water line. The City Attorney restated the position of the City as far as refund was concerned and reviewed previous minutes re Council action. It was the decision of the City Attorney that the City could not reimburse the developer at this time due to the original terms of the acceptance of Tract No. 139. PROGRESS REPORT ON NEGT WELL The City Administrator reported th~t the motor on the new well had been installed this date and that it would be in full operation within the next few days. MINUTES OF ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City Administrator informed the Council th~t the minutes of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee were on file in his office for their reference and comment. FINAL ACCEPTANGE PROJECTS NOS. 60-64-1 AND 60-64-2 The City Administrator informed the Council that the installation of the 10" water line on Coach Road, Project 60-64-1 and of the 6" water line on Hillcrest Drive, Project 60-64-2 was now completed, After discussion, a motion wad made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that the 10" water line on Coach Road, Project 60-64-1 and the 6" water line on Hillcrest Drive, Project 60-64-2, be accepted by the City, Motion carried. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRIC T The City Administrator inf ormed the Council that the regular meeting of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District was not held due to lack of quorum and aprogress report would be presented at the next regular Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P,M. f ~ ~ . ATTEST:~, ~ ~.~~'''tiCuJ ~I ~ MAYOR PRO TEM DEPUTY CITY CLERK