Minutes 1964-08-11 29 ~rroyo Grande, California ~ugust 11, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. T~~ C~ty Cpuncil m~t in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presid~ng. UpQn roll call, Couneilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt ~epo~t~d present. MINUTE APPRQVAL ~he minutes o~ the regular meeting of July 28, 1964, were approved a~ prepared. AUTHQRIZED PAYMENT QF BILLS A motion w~s made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council~ man McNeil, that General Warrants Nos. 76 through 120 in the amount of $18,280,05 and Payroll Warrants Nos. 108 through 173 in the amount ~ 8,:916..33 be approved and ordered paid. ~ETTER FROM M, WHIpPLE RE DOOR TO DOOR SOLICITATION ORDINANCE The City Administrator furnished the Council with copies of a letter received from Mr. Marvin Whipple, 149 Pearwood Ave., which referr~d t~ the Gity Ordinance prohibiting door to door solicitation. Mr. Wh~ppl~ ~ppeared before th~ Council in his own behalf and stated his objections t~ the ~rdinance. The City Attorney stated his opinion as to the con- ~titutionality of the Ordinance. ~fter discussion, Mayor Jacobs inform~d Mr. Whipple that his letter would be taken under advisement and instruct~d the Gity Attorney to review the Ordinance and Mr. Whipple'> letter further and give a repart at a later dat~. LET'~ER k'ROr1 PRESTDENT OF PG&E RE L~CATION OF GENERATING S1A:I:IC)l~ IN SpU'~`H~RN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Mayor .Taeobs presented the Council with a letter he had receiued from the President of PG&E in response to his letter of wel~ome to the ~ompany re their proposed location af a generatin~ station in South San Luis Qbispo County, and asked that the letter be placed on fixe. '~Rk~AaURER'S REPORT FOR MQNTH QF JULY The Treasurer's report for thP month of July was not submitted at th~s time and wil,l be presented at the next regular Council meeting. D~PARTMENTAL MONTHLX REPORT The Departmental Monthly Report tor the month of July, 1964, was received by the Council and ordered filed. Mayor Jaeobs commented on thr~ value of this report to the Council. RENEWAL OF LEASE ON ELM STREET 1'ROPERTY The City Administrator infarmed the Gouncil that the lease held by Mr, Hiyama c~n the E1m Street City property will expire on September 30, 1964, and presented a report to the Council on the City's need for additional acreage for ponding purposes and possible future need of the area by the City. After discussion, the City Attorney was instructed by Mayr~r Jacabs to proceed with the drawing up of a new lease to include th~ f~l~owing provisions: 1) That 2Z additional acres be retained by the City for expanding the ponding axea, 2) That the rental fee for the land leased be inereased to $85 per acre per year; 3) That Mr. Hiyama be allowed to u~e water without charge for irrigation purposes; 4) That the lease run on a year to year basis in place of the present four year lease; S) That the well revert to the City for use if needed during the time of the lease. PRESENTATION OF COMPLETED 1964-1965 BUDGET The City Administrator presented the Council with copies of the completed 1964-1965 Budget. DISCUSSION AND REPORT ON PROPOSED GRADING AND EXCAVATTON ORDINANCE Councilman Waod reported on behalf of the Committee appointed by Mayor Jacobs to review the proposed grading and excavation ordinance as presented by the Planning Commission and stated that th~ir recomm~nded changes had been reviewed by the Engineering Department of the City 30 Arroyo Grande, California - August 11, 1964 ~ Page 2 and that the committe~'s final recommendations would be ready by the next regular Council meeting. REQUEST OF PLANNING COMMISSION TO HOLD A JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL The City Administrator informed the Councfl that the Planning Commission has requested a joint meeting with the City Council, to b~ held on September 29, 1964, at 7~30 P,M. in the Council chamb~rs. An agenda type discussion will be h.eldo AUTHORIZE TAKING BIDS ON GENERAL STREET PAVING ~ PROJECT NOS. 90-64-3~, 90-64--4A, 90-64-5 AND 90-64-6 ^ A motion was made- by Councilman Wood, second~d by Councilwoman Thompson, that the City Cl~rk be authorized and instructed to advertis~ , the call for bids for General Street Paving Portions of 25th Str~et (Tferra), Project Noa 90-64-3A; Wood Plac~, Projec~ Noe 90-64-4A; Fair Vi~w Drive, Project Noe 60~64-5; Vall€y Road, Project Noo 90-64-6, to be opened on S~ptemb~r 3rd, 1964~ at 11:00 A,M, in the office of the Director of Public Works. Motion carri~d~ AUTHORIZE TAKING BIDS ON CURB .AND GUTTER INSTALLATION ON 25TH STREET, PROJECT 90-64-3 AND WOOD PLACE, PROJECT 90-64~4 A motion was made by Councilman McNeil~; seconded by Councilman Burt, that the City Clerk b~ au~horized and instructed to advertise the ca11 for bids for instaYlation of curb~ and gutters on 25th Street (Tierra Street), Project Noo 90-64-3, ~o be opened on Septern- ber 3, 1964, at 10000 A,M, in the office of the Director of Public Works and for installation of ~urbs and gutters on Wood Place, Project 90-64-4, to be opened on Sept~mber 3, 1964, at 10030 A.M, in the office of the Director of Public Works~ Motion carrf~da COMMITTEE REPORT ON TEN YEAR STUDY OF WATER FUND EXPENSES AND REVENUE Councilman Wood reported on b~rialf of the committee appoint~d by Mayor Jacobs to r~view the Ten Y~ar Study of Water Fund Expenses and Revenue that the committee°s final recommendations would be made at the next regular council meetingo 10" WATER LINE ON GARDEN STREET PROJECT NO 60-64-5 A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Wood, that the City Clerk be authorized and instructed to adverti,se the call for bids for the 10" water line on Garden Street, Project 60-64-5, to be op~:ned on Septemb~r 3, 1964, at 11:30 A.M. in the office of the Director of Public Workso Motion carriede DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES LAND AND WATER USE SURVEY The City Administrator presented th~ Council with a copy of the Department of Wat~r Resources° Land and Water Use Survey for their information and reviewa ~ RESOLUTION N0. 631 ESTABLISHING PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AND NO PARKING ZONE ON THE PIKE The City Administrator informed the Council that a r~quest had been received from Mr, Miller9 Superintendent of the Oceano Elementary School, that a study be made of the hazard to school children on the Pike and that the Public Works Depax°~ment and Police Department had recommended ~raffic controls on this streete A Resolution author- izing establishm~nt of pedestrian crossing and no parking zone on The Pik@ between the w~sterly city limits and Lancast~r Drfve was read by the City Administratoro RESOLUTION N0. 631 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLTSHMENT OF PEDESTRIAN CROSS- ING AND NO PARKING ZONE ON THE PIKE BETWEEN THE WESTERLY CITY LIMITS AND LANCASTER DRIVE IN THE CITY OF ARROYO ~RANDEo Arroyo Grande, Calffornia ~ August 11, 1964 - Page 3 On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwqman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to~wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this llth day of August, 1964. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANI'TATION DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs presented a progress report on the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, informing the Council that a ta,r~ get dat~ of March 1, 1965, had been established for completion o~ sale of the bonds and completion of speci~ications and all engineerirlg by January l, 1965. It was also reported that the proposed $50,000 loan which the District had contemplated applying for, and whi,ch the City had been asked tosuppor't, would not be legally possible, The Sanitation Distriet is entering into an agreement with members in- volved as to what proposal they had to carry program until the sale of the bondse At the next meeting of the Sanitation District, an August 31, 1964, at 7:30 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, repre- sentatives of various County departments will be present and a dis- cussion will be held re pumping treated effluent back and recharging ground water levels, REQUEST FROM RESIDENTS OF WHITELY STREET TO INSTALL CURBS AND GLITTERS The City Administrator informed the Council that a request had beEn received, signed by owners of over 60% of the property on Whiteley Street, that curb and gutters be installed at their own expense, which would require the setting of grades by the City Engineer, with staking to be done by City employees. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, that engine~ring coSts in the amount of $300.00 be authorized to set grades on Whitele~~Stree~. Motion carried. ZONE 3 ADVISORY CONINIITTEE MINUTES The City Administrator advised the Council that minutes of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee were on file in his office for thei.r re~erence, LETTER FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR RE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' ACTION ~N RESOLUTION TO LEVY FOUR PER CENT BED TAX The City Administrator informed the Council that a letter had been received from the County Administrative Officer on b~half of the County Board of Supervisors zndicating that when Resolutions of Intention to Levy Bed Tax of Four Per Cent had been received from all cities in the County, further action would be taken by them on this matter. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:2p P.M, to an executive session at 7:30 P,M, on Wednesday, August 12, 1964, in the office of the City Administrator. ~ ~ f . 9 ~ u~ ' r, , , \ ~~G`~t.- , - ATTEST:~J ~~l'~LC!~:~ U1~ • ~ MAYOI~= DEPUTY CITY CLERK