Minutes 1964-08-25 Arroyo Grande, Galifornia August 25, 1964 ~ 7~30 P,M, , The Cfty CounciY met fn r~gular ~~~~ian with Mayor ~Tacob~ pre~iclingo Upon ro11 caYl, Coun~i~woman Thomp~on, ~ounciYmen WoocT, McNe~l and Burt re~ ported pre~~nto MINUTE APPROVAL Th~ minutes of the regular,m~eting of August ll9 19b4~ ~iaere approvetl as pxeparedo AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF° BI~,LS A motion was made by C~uncil~waman Thc~~an, s~conc3eeY by Counctlman Burt9 that GeneraY Warran~~ IVoo Y2Y ~hrough ~43 irs th~ a.mot~nt of $44,070e40 and Payroll Warrants Naa Y74 t~irougi~ ~~6 fn the ~moun~ of $8,Y60o54 be approvecl and orclerec~ pafdo Motion car~°f~d~ LETTERS ~°RONi DOWNTOWN MER~HA~ITS ~~"S~IAT°IQIV_:4ND CHAMSER OF CONII~IERCE RE CLEARING OF CREEK The City Admini~~rator re~.d Yet~ers ~rom r~he Downtown Merchant~ Association and Arroyo Grande Chamber of ~ocr~erce erac~uraging clearing of the creek before tYte winter rain~s The Eity AeYminf~trator informed lthe Council that a meeting is scfieduled ta be fi~~cY en Sep~embe_r 3, 1964, wit~ Mro Ra Born, of the County Flooci Cont.rol offfee ane~ ~iro C1ark Nloore of the Ua So Departm ment of Agriculture ~ail Conserva~fon Office ~o discuss th~ matter of creek clearing in the Arroyo Grand~ ar~ao After discussion, it eaas the clecision of the CounciY that no action }se taken untiY a report of this meeting is availableo LETTER FROM DOWNTOWN MERCHAIVTS A~ aOCIA~ZON .4ND HAR~EST ~EST`IVAL CONINIITTEE RE IMPROVEMENT OF PROPER'TY FOR FAR~ING LOT Mayor Jacobs reported a Tetter had been r~ceived from the Downtown Merch~nts Association and tl~e Harv~st F'est~v~.l Committee re the cleanfng of ~he lot next to th~ Arroyo Granti:e cYe~aners so that it couYd be used for Harvest F~stival booths and additional off-s~raet parking> The Gity Administrator reporte~l that thc pr~sent owners had no objections, but requested that the City obtain an in~urance coverage which would cover any liabili~y untiY such tim~ ~s ~t~e property ~s actuaYly deeded to the Cityo After discussion,<a motion ~ra~ made by Councilman Wooel, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that the amount not to exeeed $150000 be approved to cover the removal of tfie foundation9 ~~mporary Yeveling of the lot and obtaining necessary fnsurance cotrer~g~o Motfon carrfedo TREASURER°S REPORT FOR MONTH OF° JULY The Treasureres Report fox t~e month of July was-recefved by the Council and placed on fiYeo RESOLUTION NOo 632 m FIXING RATE OF TAXES F"OR CI3RRENT FISCAL YEAR RESDLUTION NDo 632 A RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL 0~° THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORiVI~9 ~IXING THE AMOUNT OF" MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION F"OR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINIVING JULY 1, 1964, AND FIXING THE RATE~ OF' TAXES F`OR SUCH FISCAL YEAR On motion of CounciYwom~n T"hompsony sQCOnd~d by Councilman Wood, and on the following roYl call vote, to~wi~o AYESo Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNei19 Burt ancl Mayor Jacobs NOES~ None ABSENTo None the foregoing Resolu~for~ was adopted ~hi~ ~5th day o~ Augu~t, 196~, Arroyo Grande, Ca~ifornia - Augu~~ 2~, ~964 m P~g~ 2 REQUEST THAT EITY P~~TI~YPATE I~.LEA~~E CALIF~RNIA ~I~IE~ '~MY~SION TO MEXIGO10 A requ~:sti receiveci from YF~e Leagu~ o~ Ca~'if~~~~~ Ci~efes tha.~c the City of Arroyo Grande parti~ipa'~e in ~F~~ir B°Mi~sior~ ~o Mex~ca" ~erip was taken under consideration by the ~oun~il9 ~i~h no ac~fon b~ir~g ~aYe~n at this time, NOTICE FROM P.UeC, RE INC~EASE IN RA'T~~ ~~R GffEYH0UIVD BUS LINES The City Aciminiscratar informed the ~ounciY ~ha.~ a notfce had been received from the PubS.ic U~iliti~~ C~mmi~s~an ~ha~ tfi,~ Gre~hound Bus Line~ were requesting an increase in ra~~s9 primarfYy in ~~pre~~ ratese DISCUSSION 0~° DESIGN F'OR_NEW COLTNCIi, TABLE YN CO~TNCIL CHAI~ERS The City Aclmfnistrator pre~entec~ a clra~ving of th~ re~ommenc~ee~ Council Table for the Council Ch~rrrb~r~o Aft~r ~i~cu~~ion9 the Gf~y Administra° tor was instructecl to p~°es~~t a eompY~te Y~~ou~ of the Council Chamber improvements for rev~ev,r Counci~ ~i~~~:~ approve the complete remodelfng at one timeo COMMITTEE REPORT ON i'ROPOSED GRADING P.~iD' EXCA'VAT~ON ORDYNANCE Couneilman McNeil r~ported on behaYf o~ th~ comm~l~t~e appoint~:cl by Mayor Jaeobs to r~vi~:w the .propos~d _~rac~ing ~nel E~ca~v~.~a~rr Ordinance that the committee°s fina~ recom~encfl~~.fon as to ~hanges and r~vi~ions taould be presentec3 a~ th~ next xegu~~r ~ocxn~il m~etfngo ORDINANCE~NOa 196 ~ INTERIM EMERGENCY AMENDMEN'T TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ~he City Administrator xevf~weci th~ n~eessRty for the passag~' of an fnterim emergency Ordinan~e ~o am~nd ~he ~oning Qrdinancea After cli~4 cussion, an Orclinance amendlfng tl~~ ~or~yng Orci~n~.nce o~ ~Y~e City of Arroyo Grande by adding to said ordirtanc~ n~w s~c~fons s~~~ing._farth provisions for p~rmitted uses was read nr~ fuYY b~ ~Th~ C~~y A~torn~~o ORDINANCE ~IO, 196 AN ORDINANCE AMENUING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~RANDE QORDINANCE NOo Y57) BY ADDING TO SAID' ORD~IVAI~CE NEW SECTIONS SETTING FORTH PROVISIONS ~'Off PERMIT°~ED USES, On motion by Councilman McNeiY9 ~e~ortc$etY by Gounc~Lwoman Thompson, and by the folloraing rolY ca~l vo~e, to~w~.~a AYESo Councflwoman Tt~ompson9 ~ounc~Ymen Woody McNeil, Burt anci Mayor Jacobs NOESe None ABSENTo None the faregoing Ordinance was adop~t~d this 25~eh :eYa}r of Augu~t 1964> REQUEST OF BUILDING II~~ART"M~NT THAT CITY iTPDA°TE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND PLUMBING CODE TO THE ~964 EUITiON ~ An Ordinance creating the offiee of bufYding official an~ adopting the "Unfform Building Gode, 1964 Edition'' inc~uding a~l pre~ent appendixe~ e~cept Chapter 70 was reacl for th~ first reading ~ehrough tfie titYe9 thereupon a motfon was m~t~e by CounciYman BurTe, ~~concled by Councilwoman Thompson9 that reading of the b~Yanc~ of th~ Ordinance be clisp~nsed wfthe Motion unanimously carriedo An ordxnance adopting the Y964-~tlition of ~he 98We~tern Plumbing Officfals Uniform Plumbing Code" wa~ xeaci ~or th~ tirs~ r~aclfng ~hrough the title, ther~upon a motion was made by CounciYman McNeiY, seeon~ed by Council° woman Thompson, that reacling c~~ +~fi~ l~aYance of th~ Ordinance be dfspensed wftho Motion unanimous?.y carriecla 3~ Arroyo Grande, Galifornia ~~ug~st 25, ~964 ~ Page 3 RECEIVE BIDS ON 1965 1/2 TaN PI~~mUP TR~CK The City Administrator informe~ th~ ~~unciY tha~ two bi~~ had been received on ~he Y965 Y/2 ~mn pic~~~p tr~ek; Maury Br~nnan ~ord, $1899e46 and Chrfstiansen Chevrolet $~,8~~083o Af~~r di~cu~~fan9 a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconde~ by ~ou~ciYman Wood9 ~ha~ the bid o~ $1,879083 submftted by Chrfs~ians~n ChevroYet be accep~ed a~ the low bid for the purchase of a~965 ~/2 ~on ~ic~mup truc~, a bu~ge~ed item for the Street Departmento Motion caxrf~do REQUEST FOR PROGR~SS P~~MENT ~OR STflRM DRAIN ~(}R~ ON ELM STREET The City Administrator fnforme~ ~he E~uneil ~hat a reque~t had been received from Mo Jo::~~,rmreck, Inco for a~rogress payment on the Elm Street Storm Drain Project 90~64-2a ~fi~ Cit~ Engineer reported tihat this praject was apgroximat~ly 70~o com~lete at ~~is tim~o After discussion ~ motion was mad~ by Cau~cilwom~n Th~mpsony ~:e w n~e~ by Councilman Wood, that a progress payment of $20,83408~ Ye~s YQ% re~~ntion, or a total payp mant of $18,751039 be authoxfzed far pay~€nt ~o M, Jo Hermre~k, Inc, for the Elm Street Storm Drain Pro3ec~ 9+0-64m~o Mot~on carriedo REQUEST OF SUBDIVID~R THAE ~I~AE~ 2&~ S~ GTVEN FINAL APPROVAL The City Adminis~rator advis~d the ~ounciY ~h~t a request had been re~ ceived from the subdzvid~r of T~act 282 for fina~ approval of t~e Tract, and revi~wed for the Council th~ir prior action inr~ference to thzs tracto It was the recommen~a~ion of the Cfty At~orney that the subdivider of Tract 2~2 furnish a$30,~00 ~ond to replace the $Y05,000 bond to ensure installation of the ~~~rm drain and ~hat the trust deed to the 40 acres of land on ~he Ni~om~ Me~a whi~~ had b~en posted as security for the storm drain in~~a~lation re~ex~ to the subdi~idero After discussion, it wa~ ~he ~ecisfon of th~ CounciY to withhold ffnal approval of Tract 282 un~fY the n~~t r~guYar Council meeting at which tfine it was requested that t~e sub~~vider be asked to be present and that certafn unfinfshed work on the tract b.e comp~~t~d prfor to that time. RESOLU~ION N0, 633 - CE~TI~YING THAT REQUiREMENTS OF THE COLLIER-UNRUH LOCAL TRAN~P~RATION DEVELQPMENT AGT HA.VE BE~~ MET RESOLUTION NOa 633 (FISCA~ YEAR 60 DAY REPflRT OF 18bo1 --186,7 I~fA'I~HING MON~Y) On motion by ~ouncilman P~#eNeil9 second~d by Councilman Wood and by the fo~lowing ~oll call vate, t~-~~,~o AYESo Councilwoman Thomgsan, ~ouncfYmen Woocl9 McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOESo None ABSENTo None the foregoing resolution was adopted this 25tfi day of August, 196~+> REQUEST OF DEVELOPER OF TRACT 282 FaR RE~'ETI~D F'OR T~NSTALLATION OF 10" WATER LINE T The City Administrator pre~en~ed a rec~uest of the developer of Tract 282 for refund for installation ~f 10" water Yineo After discussion, a mot~on was made by Council~aoman Thompson, ~econded by Councilman McNeil, that the developer of Tract 2$2 be refunc~ed the amoun~e of $3,550a50 for the ciifference between a 10'' ancY b" water Yine> Motion carriedo CONI~IITTEE REPORT ON TEN YEAR S'TIIDY O~° WATE~ FBND EXPENSES AND REV~NUE Councilman Wood request~d on b~half of the committee that had been ~ appointed to study the Ten Year'Study of Water Fund Bxpenses and Revenue that the Hahn & Wise Master Plan`Study be expanded to include a study of the water systemo Councilman Burt reportect that it was the recommendatipn of the committee that ~h~ min.iznum_rates be changed from $2050 for 1,Q00 cue fto of water to $2040 for 8{30 cuo f~o of watero Councflwoman Thompson 3~ Arxoyo Gran~e9 CaYifarnia m Augus~ 25, 19~4 ~ Pag~ 4 gave a reporti re r~eom~~n~a~i~n~ of t~e ~ommf~~~~ a~ ~o ~~ange in m~t~r installatian charge~o A~~~r ~u~~her ~i~cussion, t~~ Ci~y A~minf~~ra~or was instructed to ~ave ~ re~f~~~ W~ter Or~in~n~~ rea~y ~or Council°~ review at the next r~gul~r ~~unciY ~~~tingo M~~or J~cobs commende~ the committee on their e~~~nsf~e ~~udy ~n~ .r~com~en~a~fonso REQUEST OF AMERICAN LEGION FOS~ 136 ~~~`~~E EXEMPT LICENSE FOR WEE~LY 'TEEN AGE DANGES The City Administrator r~~d a Y~tter ~r~m ~oc~.~ Ameri~ae~ Legion Po~t 136 requestfng a renewal of th~ ~e~ c:~empt Yicer~~e whic~ ~acl been i~suecl to them for the eaeel~ly teeflG~.g~ c~ance~o A~t~~ cYis~u~~~on, a mo~ion was made by Counci Tman Burt 9 secortcl~cT '~y Cotan~ i lwoman Thompson ~~hat the American Legfon Post 13b b~ is~uet~ a fe~ ~x~mpt Yicen~e ~o condluc~c we~kly teen~age danc~~e M~tion c~r~i~dio INTRODUCTION OF' IIEVELO~ER~ QF`' FARKE~tt I~~3~ P~FflP~~~'TY Mre Steve ~rossman pre~~nteci hi~ clf.~nts~ I~Iro & Mr~o T°'~hcamas ICeYler, who in turn gave th~ CounciY a~hart r~~um~ ~~eir proposed develop~ ment of ~he Parker House grogerty into a~a~~ enu~euma AGREEMENT ON ELM STREET ~€4FE~tTY LEA~E'' The City Aciminist-rator informed t~e C~c~ncil th~~ th~ Citq A~torney hael prepared a lease ~greement for le~.sin.g of the Elm S~r~et proper~y by Mr, Hiyamao Aft~r d~.~ct~~~ion, motio~+ wa~ .mat~e by CounciYman Woocl, seconded t~y EouncrY~,roman ThQr~rp~on, ~~i~t ~h~ Ntayor ant~ Gity CYerk be autharized to sign the Yea~e ~gr~~m~nt on ~he Elm Street proper~y bem tween Mro Hiyama and the Citya Mot~on ~arrfedo ADJOURNMEN'T On moreion of Councilman McI~~i]!9 ~~con~I~:cY F~~ Cotxnc~Y~an Bur~ and unanimously carried, the m~eting ~c~j~u:rn~cl ~o a~ ecutiv~ session at 9~30 P,Mo ATTES w ~~~''"~',c.~~ y ~`"C~'-•c.--~~~~ . ' - City CLerk Mayor C..-. . J