Minutes 1964-09-22 ~ Arroyo Grande, California September 22, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. The Cit~ Council met in zegular session with Mayor Jaaok~s pr~- sidin~. Upan ro11 call, Courici~.woman Thamgson, Councilmen-Wood, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of September 8, 1964, tnFere ag~roved as prepared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion wa~ made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconde~l by Coun~il- man Wood that general warrants No. 198 through 231 in the a~nount of $21,367.35 and payroll warrants No. 290 through 355 ~n the amount of $6,986.84 be approved and ordered paid. Motion carxi_ed. HARVEST FE~TIVAL COMMITTEE REQUEST TO USE BRANCH STREET TN PAR.ADE ROUTE Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to contac~ the Divisian of Highways to obtain permission to block oft Braneh Street between Mason and Bridge streets an, October l7, 1964, from 9:00 A. M, until 12;00 noon tor the annual Harve~t ~'~stival Parade, as requested by the Harvest Festival Conmiittee. HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMITTEE REQUEST TO ALLOW HELICOPTER RIDES The City Administrator reviewed the reguest of the Ha~vest Festi~ va1 Committee to allow the operation of helicopter rides by u,~e of the Cit~r hall_parking lot on the 1Gth, 17th and 18th o~ October. Th~ Couneil had no objection provided that the Kern Aircraft of Bal~ersfield, helicopter service compan~, 1) provide the Ca.ty ~dequate insurance coverage holding the City harmless by allow~ ing them use of the City parking lot, said coverage to be apgr~d by the City attorney; 2) that the company provide a~lequate safety precautions and that the company may ope~ate the helicapte~ ric~e~ by obtaining a business license at the rate of $12.54 per day for helicopter rides from 5:00 P.M. October 16th and all day October 17th and 18th, 1964, only; 3) that a represen~ative of the Harvest Festival Committee act as ticket agent for the helicopter rides. : ARRO~.'O GRANDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT Mayor .Tacobs stated the Arroyo Gra nde Elementary School Distr~ct Citizens Committee Report had been received by the Counc~.l and speaking on behalf of the Council, felt that the Committee should be commended on their outstanding effort and se~vi~e ta the community. RESOLUTION NO. 634 - COMMENDING FLOOD CQNTROL CITIZEN'S ADVTSORY COMMITTEE : A resolution commending San Luis Obispo County Zone 3 Flood Control Citizen's Advisory Committee was read by the City Cl,erk. RESOLUTION NO. 634 RES:OLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARR4YO GRANDE CONlD"IEND- ING SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ZONE 3 FLOOD CONTROL CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wocad, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt ` and Mayor Jacobs ~ NOES: None ABSENT. None the foregoing Resolution was` adopted' this ~2nd t~ay of September, 196~. Ar°royo Grandeo Cal~fo~nia - September 22a 1964 - Page 2 ~ ARROYO GRANDE CREEI~ CLEARING REPOR'I° The Cit~r Admin~.s~rator gave an oral report of the joint me~ting ~ahich lzad been helcl ors September 21, ~954, b~t the ~one 3, Zane 1 and Soi1 Conservation Distric~s re ~~he Arroyo Grand~ Creek clearingm Mra Rol~ert Borna County Hydraulic Engineer, spoke in ~ favor of the pro~osed :~~°og~°am of informing _~ro~ertg awners along the creek of the danc~e~°~ of possible f~ooding as a re- sult of congested condit~.onsa and statecl that he would draft and send a letter to the Cit~ ~ta~ting his endorsement of the _program. After discus~iona it was the decision of the Council that the Cit~r staff mail the amended letter which har3 been ~ submitted prev~ously by Mr. Art Garey to the property owners ~ alonc~ the creek. RESIGNATION OF POLICE OFFICERS The City Administrator advised ~t~he Council that letters of resignation had been received f~om police officer Charles Cobun and Police Officer Joe Warnekeo A motion was mad~ 33y Councilman Burt, second~ed b~ Councilman McNeilo that the,resig- .r na~ion of Charles Cobuna effective Segtember 20, 1964, and ~ the resi~n~tion of Joe WaY°nel~e, effective Octol~er 1, 1964, be acce~ted. Motion carried. AUT QR~ZE TAK.ING BTDS ON SUNSET i~RIVE STORM DRAINa - PR ECT 90-64-g The Cit~r .Ad~n:i~~r°atar advis;ed the Csaunci.T that- due ta ov~r- cc~rs~rac~ ~:ime on tYLe E1m :St. S~torzn D~ain Pro,}ect an:d c~.ose- ness ~f th~ rain~r s~a,son. it was r~~ccszmnen~e.d b~r the City Eng~n~~r that ~~:ds be ca].l.ed f.or the ~.nstall:a~ion csf the stc~r~. drain on Sunset Drive. A--izro~i~n was made by CQUncilman NtcNeil, second~d ~y Councilw~rman _Thom~~rro ~ha~ the Cit~r Cl~rk be authoriz~cl_ an~ ~n~t~u~~~d ~o acl~r~rtise ~he call f6r bic~s- for in~tal~a-~ion af a s~orm c~rain an Sur~set Drive, Project No. 90=64-9, to be tsgen~d on October 21n Y964a a~ 2:~0 P.M-e in _ the n~f~ce o~ ~he D~r~cto~ ca~. Pub~ic toiorks~ Matior~ carr~:ed. : COUNCIL REVTEW - CONDI°I'IONAL -USE ~R1'~TT - NLEDICAL OFFICE BLDG. ' HALCYON RDm (DRm BECI~ER) The City Administrator reviewed the recomm~nclation of the Public Work~ Department and the action of the Planning Commission re ~he conclit~onal use permit request of Dro Robert L. Becker to allow ~he construction of a medical office building at 321 So. Halcyono Anclrew David, attorney representing Dr. Becker, spoke in favor of approval of the conditional use permit. After Council discussiono a motion was made by Councilman Woodo seconded by Councilman McNeil, that the conditional use permit request of Dr. Robert Lo Becker, to allow the construc- tion of a medical office builcling at 321 South Halcyon Rd. be approvecl subject to the Planning Commission°s recommendations as follovas° 1)Adequate provision for parking, 2) Septic tanks subject to the approval of the County Healt7i Dept., 3) Drainage to the ~atisfaction of the City Engineer, 4) Installation of side~ralks by ~he developer. 5) The new owners recogn~.ze the deed ~to ~he City for the land necessary for the widening of HalcyonRdo and 6) in addition to the requirements as set forth b~ the Planning Commission~ the property awners will cooperate by participating in the formation of any type improvement d~strict for the installation of a sewer main on So. Halcyon Rds and at such time as said sewer main is installed, the pMro~er~~r o~,rner will conneet ~aid property to the sewer main. ota.on arr~ed, COUNCIL REVIEW - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - VALLEY RDe (KELLER) The Ci~y Administr°ator reviewed the recommendation of the Public Works Department and'~lze action of the Planning Commission re the conditionaY use permit request of '1'homas J. and.Katherine S. Keller to al.low a~,~rax figure museum, restaurant, bar with storage buildings and caretake~°s residence at the property known as the '~C°B Parlcer House on Valley Roadv After Council Arro~o ~rand~s C~l:i~o~°nia - Sep~~mbe~ ~20 1964 - Paqe 3 ; discus~ion, m,a~°~~on was mac~e by Councilman Woo~a se~onded_ _ . by Coun~ilwomar~ T~ham~~~sn t~ha~ the eonclitiona~ us~ Fermit of Thomas J. ~.nd Kathe~°ine Sv Kel~er °~v allow a wax figure m~seum, res~au~an~.~ b~~ with sta~age building:s and ca~etaker's resiT dence at °~,~z~ p~oge~~,~r ]cna~ as ~1-~e °~C`fle Pa~°]cer House on Valley Rd. be a:p~~•c3~~c1 ~ubje~t ~o °~~~e PYarzning Camm~.ssian°s r°eco~rarc~n~a~--- t~ona a~ ~~~~c~v,r~: 1) ~`T~~ r~~q~i,~~:~en~ ~ar ~h~ ~nstallatipn_ of--- concr~te ~~~°~aa e~u~~e~°9 ar~c? sicl~~ralk b~ vora~ved a~ this time_ sub,~ec~ a~~ ~g~eem~n~ k~~in~ execu°~~d and_~°ec~rcled__~h~t _the in~talla~~~r c~f cc~n~~°e~,~ ~~.rb, gu~~e~° ancl sidev~ralk~ and_ _ d~clicat~,orz c~~ ~dc~~tiona~ I~ ~t. of p~°~~~r~y ac3jacen~ to Va~ey Rd. fUr ~idening pu~~posesa v~r~11 ~e macl~ when ~it~er s~c~e of the p~c~~+~~~::yy ~s de~~lop~:c1; 2) The use ~o be reviewed in one year wi~~. a~.c~.it~.or~aT ~a~°kir~g b~ing ~~~u~r°ed at t~at _time_ i~_ _ cleemed n~e~~~a~~y by tTze~ P~ar~n~.nc~ Cc~mmis~iono T~h~ drain~:ge be_ to the ~at~~~a~t~.or~ of ~7ie ~~~y ~ngi.nee:~a 4~ Tlzat there be' no souncl ~or~ ad°vertisi~g purp~s~:~a ~uch a~ ~utside s~eakers, musica e~c~ ra~°~siele of °~T~i~ bu~lclings. Motion carried. ' GRADING AND E~~AilA`I`ION ORDINA,NC~ - F~FcST R~AD~;NG The City Adm~rais~~°ato~° in~ormed °~h~ CouraciT. tYia.~ the Plannin~ Comrnissiorz n~d ~°~~ommend~d th~ ad~pt~.on o~ th~ Gradinq & Exca- vatiorx Ord~nan~~ a~ p~°~s~~~ed °~o ~.hem by tlze City Council. The ordinan~e ~nt~~l.ec1 AN ORDINANC~ QF TH~ ~~'T°Y OF ARROYO GRAD7~E ESTABL'ISHING GRI~DTNG AN~ EXGAVI-~TING PROCEDURES tira~ read tlzrou~lz~ the tit1.~ fo:~ t,he fi~~~ read%r~g~ the~eupon a zno°~ion was made by Councilman Bu~°°~a secondecl by Go~neilv~oman '~homg~~n, that read- ing of ~,h~ balance of tlze Ordinanc~ ~be di~pens~d with. Motion unanimously ~a~°ried. RESOLUTION NO m 635 m ING MAP A.ND REPOR`I' O~' RO_UTES FOR SELEGT ROZ-~D SYSTEM The Ci~.y Ada21~.n~~°~ratax° ~~vie~ed ~l~e maps and report establishi,ng the r~~utes ~~r~ the ~el.~~~ road ~y~~~mm A.~ter d~ scussion, a resolu~,ien adc~p~~r~g ~°he map and report of routes for select sy~tem ~ra~ ~eadl ~hrougl-~ ~.h~ ~i~~.e~ thereupo~. a motion was made by Counci~man M~Neil, se~oncl~d by Couneilwoman Thompson, that readinq o~ ~he 1aal,anc~ c~f °~~e r~sol.ution be disperised with. Motior~`unar~i~tc~u~ly carriec~m R~SOLLTTION N'O~ 635 FZE~OLUrP'ION ADOP"I`T:NG MAP AND R~PORT OF ROUTES FOR SEL~~Z° SYS"I°EM AND REQU~STI.NG THAT SUCH SYSTEM BE APPRO~TED BY THE CALIFORNIA HI~H[nTAY COMMISSION On mo~~on by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thomp~on~ ancl on °~he follov.ring roll, eall vote, to-wit: AYE~v C~unc~lwoman ~hompson~ Councilmen Wood. McNeil, Bu~°~a and Mayo~ .Tacobs ~ NO~S ~ Nor~e ABS~N'~ ~ NonE: the ~or~go~ng Re~ol.u~~or~ wa~ adop~ed this 22nd day of September, : 1964.\ AUTHQRIZE PC7F~ ~-IASE OF MOTOFt GReA.DER The C~~y A,drrr~i.n~st~°~tor info~med the Council ~hat, for the past thr~e ~~~~s.~ ~.Qtor grad~~ f~°om Wal~ace Mach~mery Co. had been i~ u~~ by ~:~e ~~ty cr~v~r on a°~~°~.al ba~isa which had proven to be ve~y ~at~sfa~°~ary~ Af°~er d~.s~us~iona a motion was made by Coun~~lw~~r~~n Tlzomp~on, ~econcled by Councilman Burt, that the purcha~e ca~ a~c~tor grader from Wall,ae~ Mac°hinery Company f4r a total p~~~~ o~ $5, OOOB :be au°~`Yzo~•~.z~d as a budgeted item. Motion ca~~°~~d. Arroyo Grandeo California - S~~emb~r 22, 1964 - Fage 4 ORDINANCE NOo 199 - W~T~R ORDINANC~ An Ordinance fixing the rates to be cha~ged and co~lected for ~ater and ~rescribinq certain rules and re~ula~ions covering consume~s of water was read through ~he ti~leo thereupon a mot~ion was m~~e by Councilman McNeil, seconcled }~y Councilman Burt; that readir~g of the balance af the Ordinance be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE ~IOm Y99 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FI~ING Tk~IE RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED FOR V~TATER SERVICE SUPPLIED BY THE CS'I°Y AND PRESCRIBING CER'~A~N RULES AND R~GULATIONS COVERING GONSUMERS OF WATER SUPPL.IED BY SAID CITY AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TH~ VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORI~INANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. On motion by Gouncilman Burto ~econded by Councilman McNei,1 and on the following rolY call votea to-wito AYESe Councilwoman Thompsor~D Councilmen McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES: Coun~ilman Wood ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was ac7.opted this 22nd day of September 1964. SET HEARING ON Tn100D PLACE CURB AND GUT'I"ER INSTALLATION A motion was made b~t Councilwoman 'I"'hompson, seconded by Council- man Wood, that October 27tho at 8000 ~oM. be set as the date and time for a public hearing a~ which time property owners would have an opportunity ~to pro~.est ithe ~preading of the assessment for installation of curbs and gu~ters an Wood Place. Motion carried. PROGRESS REPORT SOUTH SAN LUTS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT' Mayor Jacobs presented a progre~~ report on the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Distri.ct, s~ating that a rights of t~uay engineer had been interviewed ~nd a final deci~ion as to nego- tiations with the engineer and property owner~ would be made at the next meeting of the Sani~ation District on September 28th. REQUEST FOR FEE EXEMPT LICENSE FROM ARROYO GRANDE FAMILY SERVICE CENTER The City Administrator read a letter from the Arroyo Grande Family Service Center, requesting a fee-exempt license to con- duct a family service center at the Sta Barnabas Episcopal Church in conjunct~on with several of the local churches. After discussion, it was the decision of the Council to issue a fee exempt license to ~he Arroyo Grande Family Service Center, FURNITURE FOR COUNCIL CHAMB~RS The Council discussed the proposed refurnishing of the Council Chambers and authorized the City Administrator to purchase tY~e Council table, staff table and repor~er°s table and instructed him to obtain sam:ples of uphol~tery material for the chairs for Council's decision on colo~°. PROCLAMATION - WH2TE CANE DAYS Mayor Jacobs proclaimed Saturday, October 17th and Sunday, October 18th, 1964, as White Cane Days i.n the City of Arroyo Grande at the request of the Lions Clubo Dr. Gerald Moss spoke on behalf of the Lions Club. Arro~ZO Gr_ande, Californiaa - September 220 1964 - Page 5 HIGHWAY TOUR BY SEN~TOR STURGEON Mayor Jacobs ~nformed the Council 'that on October l, 1964, Senator Sturgeon and a co~ni~.tee of lec~islators wauld be re- viewing various :h~c~hwa~ ~roblems in the ar~a anr3 rec~uested : that the Council and staff be re~resented. Councilwoman Thomp- son indicated she would represent the CounciT and-in addit~on, the City Administ~°ator ancl Di~°ec~or of Public Works were in- structed to attsnd. PERMISSION TO LEAVE STA.TE - COUNCILMAN WOOD A motion was made b~r Councilwornan Thom~~on; seeonded by Council- man Burt, that the rec~ues~ of Councilman Woad to be absent fr~om ' the state from October° 24~h ~hroug`~ October 31sto 1964, be a~~rovsd. Motion ca~-ra.ed. AATOURNMENT On motion by Councilman McNeilo se~onded by Councilman Burt and unanimously carrieda the meeting acljourned at 9c41 PoMo until September 29, 1964o at 7:00 PUMo AT~EST• O ~ ~ CI TY LERK _ . r , ~ . _ , t Arroyo Grande, California Segtember 29~ 1964 - 7:30 P.M. ' Tl~.e City Council met in adlourned sessi.on with I+~ay~r Jacobs prer si~ding. rU,pon roll call, Counci}wom~n Thompso~, Councilmen Wood; M~N~ii ~na_~~rt regorted gresent. ` _CO~N~I~, R,~VIEW - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - WILLIAM BROS, SH~PPZ'~G CENTER ADDN. The Ci~y Administ~ator reviewed the r~ecommendation ot the Fublic Works I~epartment ~nd the action s~f the' Planning Com~nission r~ the condit~onal use.permit reguest of Williams Bros. Markets, Ine. to all~w a shopping center in a R3-D zone on Lot 11 of Tract No. 1~. After 'iscussion a motion was made by Councilman Wood, second~d ~y Counci~woman Thompson, that the conditional use_permit request ~p~ Willia' s Bros. Markets, Inc. to allow a Shop_,ping Center in a°R3~=~ Zone o~i Lqt 11 of Tract No. 10 b~ approyed subject to t'he P],annir~g Commis'.sior}'s _recommendations as ~ollows: 1. ' The deco~cator ~~~ce be rec~uired on Poplar ~t. and ~ the tree ~lanting be continued on this new property. 2. That drainaqe be approved by the City Engineer. 3. That the noise factor from ~he cooling system be reviewed on an annual basis. 4. Tl~at outsi~de storage b~ prohibited except for debXis in errElosed receptai~les. Motio~ carried. No fu thez business app~aring, on motion of Councilwoman Thqmpso~ secon~ed by Councilman 1~'IcNeil and unar~imously carri.ed, the m~eting adjou~-ned at 7:45 P.M. to the annual join~. eting ~etween the Array Grande Planni.ng Commission and the Arr o Grande C'ty Council for g~ne 1 disc ssion,as to policy a,nd roc ure. ATTEST: ~ ~ l~ CI Y CLE R