Minutes 1964-09-29 Ar.ro~ro Grande, Ca~iforni~aB - Sep~ember 220 1954 - Page 5 HIGHWAY TOUR BY SEN~TOR STURGEON Mayor Jacobs i.x~formed the Council =that on October l, 1964, Senator Sturgeon and a com~rit:tee ~f lec~islata~s would be re- viewing various hic~hwa~t ~~ablems in the ar~a ancl rec~uested that the Council and staf~ be represen~ed. Councilwoman Thomp- son indica~ed she would represent tYte Council and-in addit~an, the City Administ~°ator anc~ Di~°ec~or of Public Wor`ks were in- structed to attend. PERMI SSION TO LEAVE SZ°A.T~ - COUNCILNTAN WOOD A motion was macle b~ Councilwoman 'I°hom~~on, seconded by Council- man Burt, that the rec~uest of Councilman Woad ~o k~e ~.bsent fr~m the state from October 24~h ~hroug~ October 31sto 1964e be a,~.a~ro~ed_ Motion carr~ed. AATOURNMENT Un motion b~ Councilman McNeila se~onded by Councilman Burt anr~ unanimously carrieda ~he meeting adjaurned at 9~41 PmMo until September 29, 1964, at 7~00 P~Mo , a ~ AT~'E ST : 4--~~- ~J .?Y,.~Li it~ ~ CITY LERK r Arroyo Grande, California Segtember 29R 1964 - 7:30 P.M. ' Tl~e City Council met in adjournec~ session with I++iayor Jacabs preT s~ding. .U,pon roll call, Counci,~wom~n Thompsor~, Councilmen 't~1oo~, McNeil ~nd_~urt regorted present. ` COT~N~I~ R~VIEW - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - WILLIAM BROS. SHUPPTi~fi~ _ CENTER ADDN. The Ci~y Administ~ator reviewed the r~:commendation ot th~ Publie Works ~e~~rtment ~lnd the action c~f th~' Planning Com~nission re- the ` condit~.onal use ,permit request of Williams Bros. Markets, Ine. to all~w a shopping center in a R3-D zone on Lot 11 of Tract No. 1~0. After 'iscussion a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded ~jr Counci~woman Thompson, that the conditional use_permit request Wi11ia s Bros. Markets, Inc. to allow a Shopping Center in a R~-~ Zone o~i Lqt 11 of Tract No. 10 b~ approyed subject to the Pl,anni~g Commis`sior}'s recommendations as follows: 1. The deco~rator fence be req~ired on Po,plar St. and the tree plantinq be continued on this new property. 2. That drainaqe be approved by the City Engineer. 3. That the noise factor from ~khe cooling syste~an be reviewed on an annual basis. 4. TY~at outside storag~: b~ prohibited except for debris in en~losed recepta:+~les. Motio~ carried. No fu thez business app~aring, on motion of Councilwoman Thq~npso~ secon~ed by Councilman McNeil and unar~imously carried, ~he m~eting adjou' ned at 7:45 P.M. to the annual join~,. Eting ~ietween t1~e Arroy Grande Planning Commission and the Arr o Grande 'ty Couricil for g ne 1 disc ssion,as to policy and roc ure. f'` ATTEST - ` ~ ` , CI Y CLE R