Minutes 1964-10-27 ~rroya Grandea Califo~nia OCtob~r 27a 1964 - 7v30 PmI~ta Th~ City Council met ~n r°egular session wi1~,~k~ I~Ia~ror ~Tacob~ pr~- siding. Upon ~°ol~ call, Gouncilwoman Thomp~on, Councilmen McNeil and Burt reported present. Councilman Vaood was absen~~ MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the ~°egula~° meeting o~ Septer~be~ 22, 1964, ~h~ adjourn~d me~ting o~ Sep~embex° 2~~ 1964a and ~h~ ~~gula~ zr~~~~- inq of Oc~ob~~° 13, 1964, were app~oved as pr°eparedm AUTHORIZED PAYMEN'I° OF BILLS A motion was made by Council.woman T'homp~or~,, ~eeonded by Cour~c~Y- man Burte that general wa~ran~ts No~ 232 ~th~ough 330 i.r~ ~lze ~mQun~ • of $38,668~52 and pay~oll warran~s Noo ~36 th~ough 385 fo~ ~aay- roll of Oc°tober 2nd in the am,oun°t o~ $ 7 9 563 417 ~ and payr~o~ ~ warrants Noo 385 °thr~oug~h 428 for pay~°o1~ o~ Oc~obe~ 16°t1-~ in th~ amount of $6a 521 ~ 26, be app~°oved a~.d ordered paid. 1~Ilo~ior~ carr~ed. C~A•'~IENDATION FOR POLICE OFFICER AL'.LISON ~ Mayor Jacobs_pres~nted a le~:~er of comz~endation to Pplice O~~i- cer Billy J. Allison an.d Police Ch~e~ R.ichardsoz~ on beha~f of th~ Caunci~L for outstanding service performed by Officer AI.lison in ~he hancl].~ng o~ an automobile accid~nt , REQUEST THA"I" ALLEYS IT~T VJALNUT GROVE ADDITION ~3E ABANDONE~ Th~ City ,t~dminist~rator informed~~h~ Council that a ~°e~u~s~ had been received f'rom P~ir°s o F'1o~ence Gu11 ickson Benniq~dox°f that certain alleys in the Walnu°~ G~ove Addition in the Ci°~.~ of Arroyo Grande be abandoned. A.f.ter diseussiona a reso~u~ion of intention to vacat~9 abandon and close po~°tions o~ unnam~d alleys in tlze Walnut Grove Addition in the C~~y of Arx~pyo G~ande was r~ad through °~he ti~le by ~the Ci~y A~torney~ thereupon a motion was mad~ by Councilman McN~ild seconc~ed by Counc~.lman- Burto to dispense w~~h reading ~Y~e ba~ance of °th~ R~solu~io~. Motion unanimously ca~°ried, RESOLUTIQN NOn 636 A RESOLUTION OF° INTEN'~"ION TO VAGA'I°~; ABANDON AND CLOSE POR`I°ION OF UNNAI~I~D ALLEYS IN THE V~TALI~UT ~ROVE ADDITION '~'O THE CI`I'Y COF° ARR.OYO GRANDE, COU~T"I"Y OF SAN LUIS O~ISPO,, STATE OF° CALIFORNIA On motion by Councilman Burtd seconded by Councilznan I~IcNeiT and on the following roll call vo~e, ~o-wi~~ AYESs Councilwoman Thompson~ Councilmen FricNeil, ~ur°t and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ABSENTc Councilman Wood the foregoing Resolu~ion was adop~ed ~his 27~h day of ~c°tobe~° 1964. TREASURER°S REPORT The Treasurer e s Report for °~~e mon~7i of ~ep~ember, 1.96~, znra~ received by ~he Council and oa~de~ed filed. DEPARTl°~IENZ'AL 1~30NTHLY R~PORT The Departmental ~~ton~h~y Repor~ fo~ th~ znont~h of sep~ember~ 1954d was received by the Council and orde.~ec1 ~il~~. Arroyo Grandeo Cal~forn~a - Oc~ober 27, 1954 - Pag~ 2 ~~A~VE OF ~ALIFORNIA CI~I~S R~PO~~ AND ANALYSIS OF BALLO~ PR~?P05ITIONS - ~ " - The City Admin~stra~or p~°es~nt~d ~he Counc~~ w~th a copy o~ ~;h~ League of California Citi~s Repo~°i~ and Ana~ys~.s of ]..964 Bal~o°t Propositions. for their in~o~ma~~on and s~uc3y, ~RDINANG~E NO~ 200 - GFtADING & EXCAVA'I°I-C~N ORDINANCE An OrG~inance of the Cit~ of A~royo G~°anc~e ~s~ablishing grad~ng and. excava~ion procedur~s was r~ad ~hrough the ~i°tl~~ th~r~- upon a motidn was made by Caunc~lman M~Nei~o seconded by Councilman Burt, to c1~ spense wi~h ~~ac~ing ~he balanc~ of. ~he Ordinance. Motion ur~animously ea~°r~.ed. ORDTNANCE NOW 200 Z~N ORD'IIVANCE OF THE CIT'Y OF ARROYO GR,AND~ ESTABLISHING GRADING AND EXCAVATING PROCEDUR~S On motion of Counc~lznan NicNeil, s~conded by Councilwoman Thompson and on th~ following ro11 ca'll ~rote, t,o-w~t° AYESm Counei~.,woman T`homp~on~ Councilmen McN~~:l, Bur~ and Mayor Jacobs NOESv Non~ ABSENT' m Counc~~man V~Tood th~ for~going Ord~nance was adop~ed this 27~h day o~ Oc~,ob~~o 1964. "~EPOR'I° ON REVISED BUS~NESS LIC~NSE ORDINANC~ The City Administra~or pres~n~ed ~h~ Ccuncil wi~h ~h~ revised l~usin~ss license ordinanc~ and gave an o~al r~epo~°t regarding r~commendations. After discussiona Mayo~ ~Tacobs ins~~uct~d the Council to review the recommended o~°dinance and a~l r~c- ommendations are to b~ presen~ecl ~o ~~he Council by th~ next r~gular meeting. STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CENSUS The City Administrator outlin~d ~~ae ~ac~or~ showing ~he necessity of conducting a house-to-house census at ~his ~~me and informed the Council that the State would not give the City another esti- mate of census until a head count had b~~n accomplisheclo due ~;o the numerous annexations to th~ C~ty since the 1960 federal census. After discus~~ono a mo~ion was made by Councilman i'~icNeila s~conded by Counc~lwoman Thompson~ ~hat ~h~ Ci~y 1~dmin- istrator be instructed to proc~ed w~~h th~ S~ate Depa~°tcn~n~ o~ Financ~ hous~-to-house census. Mo~ion carri~do HEARING ON REPOR'~ OF '~HE SUPERINTENDENT OF' STREETS AND LEVYING AS~ESSMENT FOR THE INSTALLA'I"ION OF CURBa GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APRONS ON WOOD PLACE. The City Adminis°trator° ~eviev~red °the ~epor°~ of °the Superint~nc~ent of Streets regarding tl-ie insta~~a~t~on of curba gut~e~ and c3rive- way aprons on Wood Plac~~ ~he cost of sam~o and spreading o~ assessm~nt °to individual prop€~°°~y os,,~ner~~ '~Yie total cos~ o~ the proj~ct was $20308.40. Mayo~ ~acobs decl.a.~~d ~he h~aring on the report o~ ~he Supe~°in~:~nd~n~ o~ S~~~~~s ~nras duly pos~~d and hearing was now open~d and a~l p~~°son~ fo~° or aga~.nst ~he r~~ort would now be `h~ard. MrsW E. M. Boznme~mano 238 Wood P~aceo questioned the co~°x~ected amoun~ of h~~ ass~ssm~nt. As ~h~re w~re no ather persons wlho spok~ fox° o~°against t~e repo~°ta Mayor Jacobs dec~ared the hearing clos~d. Af~e~° cli~cussiono a r~s- olution confirming 1:he ~epor°~ of ~he Sup~rin~t~nd~n~ of Stree~s and levying assessmen°t fo~ th~ ins~al.lat~on o~ eurb9 gu~~ter and clr~veway aprons on Wood Place wa~ r~ad by ~he C~.ty Attorn~~r. 4~ Arroyo Grande~ Ca~ifornia - Oc~obe~ 27a 1964 - Pag~ 3 RESOLUTION NOv:~37 RESOLUTION OF CI'I'Y COUN'CIL OF CITY O~ .~2;ROY0 GR,AND~ CONFIRMING T~i~ R~POEtrI" O~ 'I°HE SUPERIN'I~~NDEN'Z` OF' STREETS AND LEVYING A.SS~SSMEN'~ F`Ol~. THE INS'I°ALI~A'I'ION OF CURBa GUTTEI~ AND DRIVEWAY APRONS On motion of Councilman Bu~~:a second~d ]~y Co~nci~man I~p.cNeil and on the following ro~~ call vo~~9 ~o-wi~o AYESO Councilwoman '~~ompson9 Councilrn~n McNei~,, Bu~~ an~ Mayor Jaeobs NOESo None ABSENTo Councilman wood th~ for~going Resolu~tion was adop~ec~ ~his 2'1~h day of Octobe~ 1964. 'R~~'ORT ON CLEAI~ING OF ~ROYO GRANDE CRE~K Tlze City Admini~~~°a~or pr~sen~t~d a proposal of ~he _Di:~ec~o~ of Public Wor]cs wl-iie°h ~uqg~s~ed cl~ar~ng ~.h~ crce~k ~0 6 ft~ ~bo~r~ ~the flow lin~ from Garden S~t,~ to Hwy. 101 by hiring on~ man and using ciity employees at an ~~°~ima~~d cos~: of $~50.00 ~ An agr~emen~ to b~ signed by prope~°ty owners along the c~eek hold- ing ~he Ci~~ harm~ess wh~ch had b~~n recommend~d by ~he City A~°~o~°n~y wa~ ~evi~wed. D~°. Jaclc Penc~ spok~ on behal~ of ~he Zone 3 Flood Cont~°ol Adviso~°y Commi~~ee and gave ~he suppori~ of t~his group in cl~ar~ng of ~h~ c~~~k a°~ ~:his ~ime. A~~~r d~scussiono a mo~~on wa~ made by Councilman McNei~a secondec~ by Councilman Bur~e ~hat`par~i.al c~earing of ~~e cre~k ~rom Ga~den. S~reet to Hwy. 10~ be au°~horiz~d a~ an appx~oximat~ expense of $750.OOa subjec~ to obtaining permi°~s or agreements from prop~rty owners to hold City harml~~s~ Mo~ion carried. AWARDING BID - SUNSE"I DRIVE STORM DRAIN - PROJECT NO~ 90-64-9 Tlie City Administrato~° repor~ed that on Oc~ober 219 1964a at th~ hou~° of 2a00 P~Ma bids w~~°e rec~ived and op~ned fo~ cons~~°uction o~ Sunset D~ive S~orm D~°ain, thi~ being th~ date and ~ime set by the Counc~l for said bid opening. Bids were ~°eceived as followso Wm. Lyles Co.B $1Oa319.40; T~d Watkins ~ons~. Coa~ $11B130o00o W~st Coast Con~t, Co. $6a162m24. The City Aclminis- trator reported that it was the recommenda~ion of ~he Director of Public Works °that item No. 5 in ~'h~ amoun~ of $1.0500o cover- a~ng st~~et pavingo be oznitfied from the cont~ac~ anc~ ~ha°~ °~hi~ wc~~k b~ done by th~ Ci~y c~ew. Af~e~ d~scu~sion~ a mo~~on was made by eouncilwoman Thompson, seconcled by Gouncil~an Bur~a °~Yiat ~he low bid subm~tted by W~st Coast Cons°~m Co~ fo~ Sunse~. Drive S°torm Draino Projec°~ No. 90-64-9~ in the amount o~ $4a562o240 which represen~s their bid of $6,162.24 less $18500~ be accep~ted and t°he Mayo.r be au~lzorized ~o sign ~he con°~rac~t~ Mot~on c~rr~ed. REPOR'I' QN CURB AND GUTTER INS`I'A~LAT~ON AND DRArNA~E ON GRAND AVENUE Th~ City Admini stra~or gave ~-~~~n~~ on °~lze cu~°b and gu°~ter survey on Grand Avenue for ~the Counci.l ° s info~ma~ion and s°tudy wit`h regard to future p~ans. TY~e Ci~y Engineer s°ho~rec~ maps o~ r~commenc~~cT hand~ing of traffic va~°iou~ poin~ts on G~°and Av~nue and Brisco Road. REPORT ON HALCYON R.OAD AND SUGGESTED SCHEDUZE OF AC'I°IVITIES The City Adminis°trator r~po~ted ~o ~h~ Co~inc~l ~ha°t on~y ~~nro o~ t,hrce pa~°cel s r~mained on which righ~ o~ way had not b~~n o1~- tained for° the Halcyon Roac1 Improvem~n~ P~ojec~,, arxcl ~equested t~o more wee]cs in which °~o ~u~~h~~ nego~~ate ~ri~~ tlzese p~oper~y ovm~rs before cond~mnat;ion proce~dings are in~~iga't~d~ 5~ Arroyo Gra ndea California - Oc°~ober 2~, 1964 - Page 4 A`tentative schedule o~ aetivi°ta~es °wa~ ,p~~s~nted for tlze Council ° s information and l~dayor Jacobs recommencl~d °~`ha~ °t`he time fac~ox° be emphasized in al1_~lanning. A~t~r discus~ionQ a motion w~s made by Councilman McNeila seconded by ~ouncilwoman '~lzompsonB t~a~ the City En~ineer be authorizecl °~o p~epa~~ speci~ica~tions fo~ t°h~ Halcyon Road Improvement P~o~ec~. 1~"to~ion carri~d. "~EtOGRE~SS REPOR'I" OF° $OUTH SAN I~UIS OBISPO COUI~'1'Y SANTTA"~`ION DISTRI ~T A pro~ress report of th~ South San Luis Ob~s~o Coun~~ Sanitatinn District was giv~n by M~yo~° Jacobs. H~ in~orm~cl tl~i~ Council ~t~at at the meeting of Oc~ober 26-~h, Wal sh o~ ~h~ Wa°~e~° Po7~u+~iqn Control Board had informed ~tne Da~s°t~ic~ ~hat ~here was no~- salt'' water intrusion in th~ Ar~°oyo Val~ey a~t ~his ~ime and ~hat $30, 000 had bc~n al~ocated by ~he S~a~~ for ~he s°~udy of ~l~is probl~m. It was also repor°°~ec1 °~ha~t ~tud~r ~ras b~ing givcn to the _possibili°~y o~ recha~ging ~he wate~° ~abl~ w~°~h ~r~ated ~ffluents that assessmen~ dis~.~°icts v.rere b~ing ~ormecl in neig - boring communitiesa and tha~ °the Engin~~~~ w~~°e alz~acl of sck~~~ule with tlzeir plans and specificat,ion~. Compl~~.ion da~e of ~7~e F project is scheduled ~or March 1966. GOMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ~ 1Wlayor Jacobs appo~nted Counci~woman Thomp~an and Councilman 'W~ad to serve on a comma~ttee ~o studya w,itY~ th~ Ci~,y Adminis- tratora the billing system o~ t1z~ Wat~x D~pa~t~m~n~ and seetiqns of the current water ordinance refer.~~ng ~o ab1~.g~,~~ons of propex°ty owners of rentals. 1~Iayo~° ~7acobs s~ated t~hat a commi~~t~~ composecl of ~ouncilwoman Thompson and himself, along wi~h °~hree meznbers ~~°orn °~k~~ communi~y at largea would serv~ on a continuing basis to s~udy ~,7~e problern of tax relief to property owners and ~,o s~udy ~he ~o].Lowing areasr 1) Pay as you go p~°oc~ss anc~ r~r°~at ~f'fect ~nd how i°t should apply to our fu°tur~ ~k~inkings 2) Equ~~ty of c1~s~ribution of taxes b~tween City and Countyg and 3) Fec~eral grants availabl~ to our community. ~SOLUTION NO. 638 - AUTHORIZTNG DESIGNATTON OF_ L~MITED P~2KING AREA The City Administrator advised t°he Council ~,ha~ ~ r~ques~t had been rec~ived from tYie Arroyo Grand~-Un~on ElemeM~ary Schpol District re th~ designat~on o~ a~imitecl parking area on Qrchard Avenue. After discussion, a R~so~u°tion authorizing designation of a limited parking area on O~clzard Ave. znras x°~ad by th~ City Administrator. RESOLU'~'TON NO, 638 RESOLUTION OF '~HE CI'~"Y COUNCTL OE° THE CI'I'Y OF° ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR.IZING DESIGNA'I'ION OF A L~MITED PARK I NG AR.EA ON OR CHARD A.VENUE I N "~~iE C I TY O~' ARROYO GRANDE On motion by Councilwoman T~hompsoraa secondecl by Councilman Bux°ta and on t°h~ following ro11 call vo~e~ to-wit~ AYESs Councilwoman 'I'°hompson~ Counci~men McNe~.13 Burt and Mayo~° Jacobs NOESo None ABSENTa Counc~.lman Wood the foregoing Resolu~ion was ac~opt;~d ~his 27~'h day o~ Oc~obe~ 196~. ~1 '~~~~yo Grandea-Ca~iforn~a - Q-~tobe~ 27e 19b4 - Pa.~e 5 ~NVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN PISMO BEACH CLAM FEST~VAL PARADE The City Administrator advised ~ne Counc~~ ~ha~ a~ ~nvitation ~ad been rec~ived from the Pismd Beach C~ambe~ of Commerce ~o~ th~ Council to_par~icipat~ in t~e C1am F~stival Parade on Novem~~~ ~4B 1~64o Mayo~ Jacobs instruc~~d th~ City Adminis~rator ~o advi~e the Pismo Beach Chamb~r o~ Comm~rce tna~ the Council wou~d par- ticipat~ in the,~arade. _'REQUEST OF CHAMBER OF COMM~RCE FOR CON~RI~U~ION The City Administrator read a requ~s~ o~ ~he Chambe~ of Comm~rce for the donation of $750 £o~ ~he purchas~ o~ Chrislomas ~e~ora- tionsa a budgeted i~em, After discuss~on~ th~ r~que~~ was approved for ~ayment. TOUR OF IMPROVEMENT PROJEC'I"S The City Administrator° in~or~mecl th~ Counci~ tha~t a~ou~ of t°hc City improvement pro~ects would ~e h~ld on Novcmber 7a ~964m AATOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Bu~°~9 second~d by Councilman. McNe~l and unanimously carriedo th~ mee°ting ad~ourn~d a~ 9~28 PoM~ ATTEST~ h ; T TY CL~/~