Minutes 1964-12-08 55 Arroyo Grande, California pecember 8th, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayox Jacpbs ~residing. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thampson, Counc~lmen Wood, McNe~l and Burt report~d present. MINU'I'E APPROVAL The minu~es of the regular meeting of Novernber 24th, 1964 were ap, proved as prepared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council-~ man Burt, that General Warrants No. 433 through 493 in the amaunt of $11,714.64 be authorized and ordered paid. Motion earried. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental monthly report for the month of November, 1964, was received by the Council and ordered filed. TREASURER'S REPORT , The Treasurer's Report for the month of November, 1964, was xe- ceived by the Council and ordered filed. BUSINESS LICENSE ORD, lst READING The City Administrator presented a represen~ative chart of rates of 96 businesses which was taken under discussion, An Ordinance en- titled AN ORDINANCE LICENSING BUSINESSES, PROF~SSIQNS, OCCUPATIONS AND EN'Z'ERPRISES ENGAGED IN WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROY(J GRANDE, CALT~'ORNIA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDTNG REVENUE"FOR MUNT~IP.ALE PURP03~S AND PR0- VIDIN~ PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION. THEREOF was' read tk~rongfi.: t~ie t~t~:e fo~: the firs.~: reading, .~herenpon 'a' mo~~.on was ~nade' "by Coun~ilmaz~ Bu,~~; secotided by Couneilwoman Thompson, t,h.a~_ reading ~ th~ balarice of tlxe ~ Ordiriance be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. PISMO B~ACH WORLD'S FAIR RESOL. Mayor Jacobs reported on the progress of the World's Fair being held in Pismo Beach and discussion followed. The City Admini,strator read the following resolution: RESOLUTION N0. 640 RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF; '~kiE ,C~TY OF~ ARROYO GRANDE IN SUPPORT QF 'I'EiE Ek'FQRTS OF THE . _ CITY OF PISMO BEACH TO HAVE THE WQRLD'S FAIR _ _ IN THAT CITY. ° On.mo~ion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by CQUncilm~n,Wc~odz,, _ and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNei1, Burt _ and Mayor Jacobs, , , ; , . ' . . NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8~h day of Deeember, 1964, ORD. IMPOSING TAx UPON 'I'RANSIENT OCCUPANCY lst REAnING, After discussion an ,Ordinance entitled AN :Q1~D~~IANCE OF THE .CITX OF ARROYO GRANDE IMPOSING A-TAX IJPON,THE PRIV~LEGE 0~' T~tANSIENT OCCU- F6lNCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF was read througk~ the title for the first reading; thereupon a motion was made by Council-- man MeNeil, seconded by Councilwo~nan Thompson,. tha~. xeading the bs~~,-;- ance of the Ordinance be dispensed with. NZotion,unanimou~ly ca~ried. _ , ; , _ _ City Council - Dec. 8th, 1964 - Page 2 PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 383 ALDER ST. The City Achninistrator advised he had met with James Gates, County Director of Sanitation and with a representative of the Gounty WElfare Department regarding Mr, Fulbright and the buildings at 383 ALder St., and that Mr, Fulbright would have to volunteer to move before the Health Department can relocate him. Mrs. Blinzler, Mr..Fulbright's daughte~, advised he was willing to move to a location in Oceano and that she was. in favor of the relocation. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Gouncilman Wood, that the time limit on the order to clean or raze the premises be extended to January 12th, 1964. Motion unani- mously carried. CITY-WIDE REFUSE RATES DISCUSSION The City Administrator gave a report on meetings held with the ~ garbage companies and d iscussed various recommendations. Mayor Jacobs appointed a committee of Councilmen Burt and McN~il and the Gity Administrator to meet with representatives of garbage companies to determine rates to be charged for collections. RESOL. FOR "701" FUND ASSISTANCE (Master Plan) The City Administrator outlined the procedure to be taken to re- ceive planning assistance under Section 701 of the Housing Aet. Qf 1954 RESOLUTION N0. 641 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CONTRACx BETWEEN THE STATE OF CAI~IFORNIA AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PURSUANT TO CHAP'I'ER 1641, STATUT~S OF 1959, On motion of Couneilwaman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8th day of December, 1964. RESIGNATION OF WATER CLERK (Dayton) A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the resignation of Water Clerk Dona Daytor~ be accepted as of December lst, 1964. Motion carried. HALCYON ROAD IMPROVEMENT - AUTHORIZE BID DATE The Gity Administrator gave a progress report on the Halcyon Road project and advised the Council the State had approved the plans with minor modifications and these changes had been corrected. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood that~ the City Clerk be authorized and instructed to advertise the ca~l for bids for the improvement of Halcyon Road, to be opened at 2:00 P.M. an January 5th, 1965 in the office of the Director of Public Works. Motion carried. , Mrs. Naomi Lawrence Keesaman told the Council that she.felt she and Mr. and Mrs. Trice had been mi.sinformed regarding deeding land for the improvement of Halcyon Road. Mrs. Keesaman was advised eam- pensation had been made to some property owners in lieu of condem- nation proceedings which would have been more costly. TRACT N0. 256 - (Fina1 Approval) Mayor Jacobs excused Councilman Wood from the meeting at 9:Of> P.M. as he had a financial interest in Traet No. 256. City Administrator Butch advised the Council that the Director of Public Works had in- dicated that all work had been approved on this traet. A motian was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson that the improvements in Tract No. 256 be accepted and the bond be released. Motion carried. 61 City Council - Dec. 8th, 1964 - Page 3 COUNCILMAN WOOD REJOINED THE COUNCIL AT 9:09 P>M. GRAND AVE.,TRAFFIC WAY AND BRANCH ST. IN'I'ERSECTION REALIGNMENT The City Administrator advised the Council the State had sub~.itted a report proposing the improvement of the intersection at Grand Ave., Traffic Way and Branch Street and indicated it would be a 1971 Projeet. Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to request a~ep~e,sen~~ ative from the ~tate be present at the next regular Council meeting of December 22, 1964, to discuss that intersection, a walkway laetwe~n Grand Aveo and Valley Road adjacent to the freeway and possible i.z~stall- ation of sidewalks on the Grand Ave. Overhead. CHERRX AVE. REQUEST FOR IMPROVE. OR ONE WAY ST. Correspondence was received from Mrs. Car1 A. Haase, 323 E. Cherry Ave. requesting Cherry Ave, be made a one-way street until imprpvemen~s of a permanent nature could be made as she felt the rough narrow c,q~- dition of the road created a very hazardous situation. The City Ad, ministrator, was instructed to notify Mrs. Haase that the Planning Commission was studying the improvement of Cherry Ave, at this ~ime. SUNSET DRIVE STORM DRAIN - Project Noe 90-64-9 Correspondence was received from ~ernard S. Crossman, Attorney, representing West Coast Construction Company, requesting a hold- harmless agreement be executed between the City and his clier~t to cover,the period between the completion of the portion of the contra~t awarded to West Coast Conste Co. and the performance by the City of Item No. 5. The City Administrator was instructed to request Mr. Crossman to draw up such an agreement to be submitted to the Counc~l for their approval. LOT SPLIT N0. 54 - Salo and Bell A report was received from the Lot-Split Committee regarding Lot Sp1it Noe 54, requested by Glen Salo, s~tating the Commi~ttee had requested Mr, Salo to give a public easement across the sou~heaste~'ly line of his property of 30 feet and that he also secure a like amoun~ of easement from the adjacent property which is owned by Mrs. Be11 before they would consider accepting the division of the property described as Assessor's Parcel No. 7-721-02. The easements that were -submitted were not accepted at this time, but were referred back ~o the Lot-Split Committee and Planning Commission ~or clari.fi,catior~ of the Street Plan and street width in this area. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompsor~, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:39 P.M. ATTEST: ~ CLERK MAYOR