Minutes 1965-01-26 6~ ARRQYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA January 26, 1965 The City Council met in regular session witlzl~Iayor Jacabs presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompsorr; Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt reported present. _ MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of th~ reguiar meeting of January 12, 1965 w~~~ approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, and seconde~: by Gouncilman Wood, that General Warrants No. 602 to an~l includ~~ 624 in the total amount of $11,307.92, and Payroll Warrants~ No. 720 to and including No. 761 in the total amount of - $6,815.86, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FROT~~I ~`IVE CITIES JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COI~IERCE AND U. S. JUNIOR CHAMBER C?F COMMERCE, DATED JANUARY 21. 1965 The Junior Chamber of Commerce presented to the Cit~~ Certificate of Appreciation which Mayor Jacobs read aloud. Ir~ such document, the Junior Chamber expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the unestimable benefits which have accrued from the Junior Chamber of Commerce°s and the City's cordial - relationship. Mayor Jacobs expressed the City's thanks and appreciation for this presentation. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS ON THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE The City Administrator reviewed briefly the voluntary cooper- ative purchasing program for the purchase of gasoline for the three cities of Arroyo Grandeo Grover City and P~smo Beacho and advised that such communities were all in agreement with this program. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council- man Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to call for ba.ds to supply gasoline for the City from Maarch 1, 1965 thrqugh February 28, 1966, bids to be opened February 19, 1,965 at 2 P.M. - in the office of the City Clerk. Motion carried. REFUSE RATES - REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF COUNCIL COI~.MITTEE The Council was advised by the City Administrator that Councilmen McNeil and Burt, tagether wit~Z the City Administrator, had met with Messrs. Orville Johns, Charles Cattaneo and Hal Peterson, who represent the refuse companies servicing the City, in the office of the City Administrator on January 12, 1965, and at such conference maximum rates or charges for refuse service in the City of Arroyo Grande were estab~.ished. The refuse rate schedules were thereafter forwarded to the operators with the request that if there were any objections, and/or changes, to advise the office of the City Administrator on or before January 25, 1965. The City Administrator informed the Council there had not been any further written or verbal contact from the companies. Thereafter, Mayor Jacobs directed`the City A~torney to prepare the necessary resolution to adopt the estab- ~.a.~hed and agreed upon rates as provided for in Ordinance Nc~. 153. ORDINANCE N0. 203 - TO REZONE A PORTION OF LOT 15 OF THE FOLSOM TRACT (NORTH ELM STREET) FROM R-1 TO R-3 An Ordinance amending Ordinance~No. 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande, so as to rezone certain property in the City of Arroyo Grande, was read through the title; thereupon, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman i~IcNeil, that the reading of the balance of the Ordinance be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. _ City Council ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 26a 1965 - PAGE ~ ORDINANCE NOv 203 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SO AS TO REZONE CERTATN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYfJ GRANDE. On motion by CounciTman Burt, sec~nded by Councilman McNeil, and by the following roll call vote~ to-wit: Ayes; Councilwoman Thompsono Councilmen Burt, McNeilB WoodB and Mayor Jacobs; Noesv None; Absent: Nonee the foregoing Ordinance was ac~.opted this 26th day of Janua~y, 1965. APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBER OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TO REPLACE DONALD SE.P~RCY 1"~tayor Jacobs presented tlze name of Mr. Sam Curnxnins of 163 Aspen Street, Arroyo Grande. California as the persora ~o replace Mr. Searcy and advised the Council l`~1r. Cummins had received the full recommendat~on of the Parks and Recreation Commission to fulfill the unexpired term of Donald Searcy. A~ter Council di~cussion, a motion was made by Councilman NicNeil, se~onded by Councilman Wood, ~hat Mr. Sam Cummins be appoimted a$ a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande to complete the unexpired term of m~mbership created thereon by Mr. Donald Searcyes resigna~ion. Motion carried. LOT SPLIT NO. 54 - GLENN SALO After general discussion of al1 th~ aspects involved in this lot split, motion was made by Counc~.lwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, that Lot Split No. 54 request~d by Glenn Salo be granted subject to the recommendations and conditions of the Plar~ning Commission as follows: l. Parcels A and B, as sY~own on the map contained in the minu~.es of the Planning Commission of Januaa~y 1~, 1965, rennain private property and be maintained l~r property owners, 2. Parcel C~ as shown on the map contained in the minutes of the Plannin.g Cornmission of ~Tanuary 19, 1965, not be split again until a fu11 street is developed, 3. A minimum of a 30 foot set back be maintained on Parcel C adjacent to Parcel B, as shown on the map contained in the minutes of the Planning Commissior~ of January 19, 1965, and 4. That the City have legal right of access over and across Parcel A, as shown on the map contained in the minutes of the Planning Commission of Janua~'y 19, 1965a a~~d that the easements for road pur~oses from Evia 0. Bell, a widow, and Glenn W. Sa1o and Marian E. Salo be accegted by the City and be recorded. Motion carried. FIRE ENGINE NO. 1- REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR REPATRS The City Administrator advised the Council that Fire Ghie~ Marsalek had received an estimate of cost to repair Fire ~ngine No. 1, and that such estimate exceeded the amount budgeted due to additional repairs which should be done. After eounci,~ dis,- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by ~ouncilman McNeila that the necessary repairs, as presented;, be 71 City C~ouncil ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 26, 1965 PAGE 3 made to Fire Engine No. 1 not to exceed the amount of $1,564.80. Motion carried. HALCYON ROAD PROJECT The City Administrator reported to the Council that a11 the necessary rights of way had been finalized and that the s~c~~rrs drain negotiations were completed. Also, it was reported ~lzat since the low bid as present~~ was one per cent over the engineeres estimatea a reappraisa~ a~ac~ reanalysis was required by the State of California since`certa~.r~ of the financing of this project is provided through the State gasoline tax funds. However~ the City was advised they~would receive definite word as to ~he StateBs commitment by January 2~3, 1965; and the City Administrator requested the Council to adjo~,r~n this meeting until February l0 1965 for awarding of the contzact. The City Administrator presented additional right~ of ~aay deeds for the Council"s acceptance. A motion was made by Council- man Wood, seconded by Councilman Burt, to accept the deeds:for rights of way for the Halcyon Road project as follows: Marti,~ Polin, a married man; and ~me~ia M. Silva, a widow; and tk~~t tka~ temporary easement for construction purposes only from E. Sevier and Florence Sevier be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CHERRY AVENUE AS ONE WAY STREET BETWEEN TRAFFIC WAY AND CROSS STREET The City Attorney read the resolution to effect CY~,erry ~venue as a one way street. RESOLUTION NO. 644 RESOLUTION OF THE CI'I'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING CHERRY AVENUE BETWEEN T~2AFFIC WAY AND CROSS STREET A ON~ WAY STREET (CALIFORNIA VEH~CLE CODE SECTION 21101) On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, and by the following roll ca11 vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilwoman Thompson, Council.men Burt, 1~cNeii, Wood, and r~tayor Jacobs~ Noes; None; Absent: None; the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of January, 1965. Also in this connec~ion, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilwoman Tlzompson, that funds neede~. for the improvement of the full length of Cherry Avenue, namely, repaving and proper street direction signs, in the amount of $500.00 be approved. Motion carried. 25th STREET - HEARING TO BE SET FOR PURPOSE OF SPREADINC3 ASSESSMENTS The City Administrator informed the Council that 25th Street was completed and that a public hearing was required to h~~r the spreading of assessments as these improvements were done b~r using the 1911 Short Assessment Act. Motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that a public - ` h~aring be set for t1-ie purpose of spreading of assessments for comgleted improvements on 25th Street at 8:00 P.M. on February 23, 1965. Motion carried. , T~PPROVAL OF TRACT 282 - Uni°t Orae Verbal presentation of ~nformation pertinent to this tract was given by the City Administrator~ representative of the Planning Commission and by the owner of said tract, Walter Filer; ~nd a~,so in this connection the City Engineer, Robert Garing, City C~uncil ARROYO GR.ANDE, CALIFORNIA - JANUA~tY 26, 1965 PAGE 4 stated that gun~ting of the drainage d~tch for Lots numberEd 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59 0~ T~°ac~ 232, a~ required in the original plans, is not necessary as ~the natural. sand will serve a bet~,er purpose for handling storm wa~ers. After general di~cussion by the Council, a motian was madc by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, that Tra~t No. 282 of the City of Arroyo Grande be approved subject to t1~e owner's fulfillment of tlze conditions set forth by the Public Works Department: l. Cleaning of sand from gutters, and 2. Installation of required reflectors on barricades: and tha~ the bond be released upon comple~ion of the above item~. Motion carried. Mr. Walter Fi.ler ~poke in rega~°d to the revised engineering glan for the storm dr°ain struc°tures in conjunction with Tract No. 2828 and stated he ~rould present the enginee~'s report for the next council trteeting. FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER COI~SERVATION DISTRICT The Council received ~he m~.nutes of the January 12, 1965 meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee and directed that the minutes be placed on record. ARROYO GRANDE CREEK CLEAR.ANCE PROGRAM The Council was adv~sed tha~ Councilman Wood has called ~'or a committee meeting to be held on February 3a 1965 at 1:~0 P.M. in the office of the City Administrator. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ELM STRE~T STORM DRAIN The final approval of °~he Elm S~reet storm drain was k~e1d over ~until the next meeting as recommended by the Director of Public Works. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF SUNSET STORM DRAIN The City Administ.rato~° read ~he report from the Directoz of Public Works regarding t1-ie improvements on Sunset Dri,v~ Storm Drain, Project No. 90-64-9, and recommended that the p~o- ject be accepted. Thereaftexv a motion was made by Councilwoman Thornpson, seconded by Councilman Wood, :t'hat the improvements .can . thE Sunset Drive S~orm Drain, Project No. 90-64-9, be aCCeptec~.` Motion carried. 50UTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITAT'ION DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs gave his progress report and advised that the two major pro~ects had been 1et for bids. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - POPLAR STREET , `r Mr. Karl Hogan of 1255 Poplar Street. Arroyo Grande, Cala.f- ornia, inquired as to the City~s plans for paving on Pqpl~ar StrEet, f~om the existing pavement to the curb line just to the top Q~ th~ hill; and he stated that the rest of the groperty.owners; were interested in putting in curb and gutter the entire length of Poplar Street; but that they had been advised that pavement could not be extended to the end of Poplar Street at tliis t~me, and they desired to know the reason why this could not be done, Niayor Jacobs advised Mr. Hogan tha~ due to the c~rainage probl,em on Poplar Street, the en~ire street could not be paved from Curb to curb at this time. • . , UNNAMED ALLEY ABANDONMENT - DEEDS , ' The City Administrator presented for the Council's approval d~eds from Florence L. Bennigsdorfa formerly Florence L. Gu~].ickson, a widow, and Arthur C. Davis and Helen M. Davi.s, w'kiich the City Attorney had requested prior to the recording of-the approval of the abandonmen~ of the unnamed alley~in Walnut Grciye Aaait~on to the City of Arroyo Grande. After general dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by ~ ~ 7~ City C~uncil ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 26~ 1965 P~GE 5 Councilman McNeil, that ~he quitclaim deeds presented to the City from Florence L. Bennigsdorfd formerly Florence L. Gulliekson, a widow, and Arthur C. Davis and Helen M. Daviso to extend the unnamed alley in the Walnut Grove Addi~tion to the City of Arroyp Grande, through the formerly abandon~cl Cross Street, be ac~~;ptec~, Motion carried. KIWANIS GOLDEN ANNIVERSP;RY May~r Jacobs proclaimed ~Tanuary 21a 1965 as the commencem~r~~ date of the Golden Anniversary year of the Kiwanis Club. MASTER PLAN The City Administrator informed the Council that a ze~are- sentative of Hahn and Wise and Associates would be in a~tendan~e at the regular council meeting of February 9, 1965, which vi,~i~a- tion on their part would be exclusive of the planned meetir~g,tim,es. JOINT MEETING BETWEEN CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION The City Admini strator wa s directed to set up a j oint rrte~~.~r~g with the Planning Gommission and the City Council after Mr~ La,~r°~r Wise of Hahn and Wise and Associates has met with the P~ar~~,a.ng Gommission. PROCLAMATION - BROTHERHOOD WEEK Mayor Jacobs proclaimed February 21 through Feb~uary 28, 1965 as "Brotherhood Week". CORRESPONDENCE - SENATOR MURPHY Mayor Jacobs read a le~~er from Senator George Murphy in which'he conveyed his °'~hanks" for our support in his n~w position. STATE APPROPRIATED FUNDS TO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Mayor Jacobs poin~ed ou~ ~hat $3~600,000 was appropriated by the State of Cali~'ornia to San Luis Obispo County, 1^iowever, none of this sum was dis~~ibuted to the South County area. Thus, tY1e Mayor appointed Councilman Wood and Councilman Burt to a State Projects Commi~ktee to work with all the South County ~ommun- ities and check into the State plans for South San Luis Ob~,spo ~ounty, and directed them fio report to the Council at t~eir regular meeting of February 23, 1965. STREETS - OTLING AND PAVING The City Administra~.or advised the Gouncil that due to the rainy season, that cer~ain streets, i. e., Whiteley, PooJ,e, Wood Place and 25~h S~.ree~, would be o~led on Saturday so they could be paved on Monday and/or Tuesday, because the paving contractor was scheduled to leave this area and would not be returning for some time. PROPOSED LOPEZ DAM PROJECT Councilman Wood advis~d the Council that he was in att~n~lan~e at the Zone 3 Advisory Meeting in Grover City on January 25, 196~, and he gave a progress report of the plans for the proposed Lope~ Dam Pro j ect . i~~iVOR SUBDIVISION PLANNING The Council direc~ed that tlze Planning Commission use the suggest~d M~.nor Subdivision Ordinance as prepared by Hahn and Wise anc~ As~ociates, as a guide in their planning actions for the Ci t~t . ADJOURNMENT Motian was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by ~ouncilma~ Burt, and unanimously carried, that m~eting be adjourned at 9:Q0 P.M._.,~ntil 5:30 P, M. Monday, ebr ary l, lg6 , i....-, , ~ ATTEST:~~c~~ u s~; l~~r{;~ .~~',!t~ , ~-L~"L-~~ f,~ r