Minutes 1965-04-13 CITY COUNCIL APRIL ~~0 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNTA The City Council met in ~°egu7~ar session with 1"~Iayox° ~acob~ presiding. Upon roll ca11~ Counci~woman Thompson~ Councilmen McNeil, Burt and Wood repor~ted presen°~. MINUTE APPROVAL Tlze minutes of ~he regular meeting of Marclz 23a 1965 and the minutes for the special meeting of March 29, 1965 we~e approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was znade by Councilwoman Thompsonq seconded by Councilman Wood, ~that General 4~Tarrants No9 812 to and including No. 875 in the total amount of $67~261,86, and Pay~oll Wa~°rants No. 966 ~o and includ~ng No. 1p016 in t1-ie total amount o~ $7,622.54q be authorized and ordered paid. Mo°tion carrieclo LETTER OF THANKS FROM DOWNTOWN AR.ROYO GRANDE I~lERCHANTS ASSOCIATION IN RE. FIRST ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAS'I' The City Administrator x°ead a letter from the Dov,rntown Me~°chants Associationo dated March 250 1965 and directed to "Mayor Bob Jacobs, Mr. Tom Bu~ch and T~iembers of the City Cauncil"e in which letter the Associa~ion expressed their "'sincerest ~hanks for ~.heir help" in the First Annual Pancake Breakfast. REQUEST OF' BOY SCOU'~' EXPLORER POST 429 OF ARROYO GRANDE TO PAINT NTJMBERS AND STREETS NAMES ON CITY CURBS Tl~e Council was advised by the City Administrator that Boy Scout ~xplore~ Post 429 has asked permission ~o paint house numbers and street names at the curbs, size to be approximately 3" high, and such Post has asked tha°t a fee exempt license be issuedB their purpose is to raise sufficien~ money to enable 19 of their members to participa~te in a planned~canoe trip into Minnesota and Canada. Mr. Norman Jensen, the Adult Leader, advised the Council the individual residents wou~.d be approached and each resident desiring the number painting ~rould pay for his own house numbers, and that the street names would be painted a~ tY~e corner eurbsq without charge to the Cityo as the Post"s service to the Community. A~ter Counc~l discussiong a motion was made by Counc~lman ~ IyicNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, t~hat the request of the Bay Scout Explorer Post No. 429 to paint uniform house numbers an street curbs in the City of Arroyo Grande be granted, and that a~~~ exempt C~.ty business license be issued Explorer Pos~ T~7~rr 429 for such purpose. Motion carried. W~~a.'w`~::~ STREET IMPROVEMENT BET4JEEN FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND FARRELL - LETTER FROP~I A. 1~°I. LARWI G~ v The Council was advised by the City Administrator of the ~w=~~t, ~x~esent and project~dfuture status of ~his particular ~tre~~ rela°tive to curba gutter and paving. The Council directed the City Administrator to contact Mr. Larwick and inform lzim of the Council's stipulations relative to improvement of -the entire ~-~reet, and the progress made by the individual c~tizens toward ~his proposed improvemen°ta ~acPARTMENTAL N30NTHLY REPORT '~~he Departmen~al Monthly Report for the month of Ma~che ~965 z~~~~ received by the Council and ordered filecl. -1- 9~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 TREASURER°S REPORT The Trea~urer°s Monthly Reports for the month of Marcho T965 were received by the Council and ordered filed. ANNUAL YOUTH IN GOVERNMEN'I° DAY- --MI~Y- 30 1965 The City Administrator advised the Council of the plans set out for approximately 16 senio~°s from the Arroyo Grande Union High Sc~hool who would be participating in ~1-iis year°~ Youth in Government Day. The Council au~horized the City Administrator to take the group to luncheona and also to arrange for the entire Counci~°s and the participating young people°s joint attendance at ~he dinne~° to be held at the Elk°s Lodge. L~AGUE OF CALIFORNIA CI TI ES --j -IN- RF~ o~ - LEGI SLATI ON ON STAT~ AND ASSEMBLY ACTION AFFECTING CITIES The Ci~y Administrator ~eviewed for the Council t~he various proposed bills be~ore ~he S~a~,e Assembly and ~he Senate affec°ting citiese After con~iderable discu~sion by the Councilo a resolution ~upporting the enactment of proposed bill AB 1218 by tlze City o~ A~°royo Grande was read through the titlea thereupono a mo~ion was made by Councilman McNeilo ~~conded by Councilwoman Thompson~ ~o dispense with reading of the balanc~ of the Resolu~ion~ motion unanimou~ly carried. RESOLUTION NOm 650 A RESOLUTION OF 'I~HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 5UPPORTING THE ENACTMENT OF AB 1218 PERTAINING TO THE PURCHASE OF° REVENUE PRODUCING FACILITIES BY LOCAL AGENCIES On motion of Councilman McNeilo seconded by Counci~man Burta and on the following roll call voteo to wita AYESs Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Bur~~ and Mayor Jacobso _ NOES: Noneo AB SEP1T : None o the foregoing Resolu=t~on was a~opted this 13th day of April, 1~3b5. Mayor Jacobs reported ~o the Council, on behalf of Councilwornan T~hompson and himself, t~eir findings and deter- mina'eior~s relative to other proposed legislation before the State ~~~ate and Assembly. After further discussion of tlzese var~.s~~~~ matters by ~he Councila the City Administrator was d~~~=::~-c~d to telephone Assemblyman Shoemaker and/or Senator ~~°~.}~_v~~on voicing the Council e s views on various proposed rt~slation9 i.e.o payroll deductions ~or state income ~taxeso ~~:~.~u~~~nen ° s 40 ~hour week and ot°hers. PUF~~~~-~SE OF LANI~ FOR CITY OF° ARROYO GRANDE - PENCE PROPER'I°Y The Council was advised by the City Adminis~rator regarding ~h~ current status of this property purchase. CITY COUNCZL APR~L 130 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 BIZUSH POPPER RIDING CLUBo INC~ ~N -}~E~ ZEASING CERTPaIN CITY OWNED PROPER'I'Y ON HIGHVVAY ~ A~ter discussion ~y °the Council and an expression b~ I.)ic]s Stewart on beha~f of tlze Brush Popper Riding Clubo Tnco 0 a resolu~ion author~.zing ~xecu-~ion of a lea~e by t~he City to the Bruslz Popper Riding Clubo Incm was read through the ~itle; thereupono a motion was ma~.e by Councilman McNeilo seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ to clispen~e with read~ng of the balance of the resolutions motion unanimously carrieda FtESOLUTION NOm 651 Z~UTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LE~SE BY CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO BRUSH POPPER RIDING CLUBo INC.o A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION On motion of CounciTznan Wooclo seconded by Counc~lwoman Thompsona and on tlze following ro~~ call voteo to vJit~ AYESm Councilwoman T~hompsono Councilmen Woodo McNeilo Burt,o anc~ Mayor Jacobs, NOES; Nonea ABSENTo None~ the for~egoing Re~olution was aclopted tlzis 13~1z day of Aprila 196~~ REQUEST OF CITY ~MPLOYEES 'I°O CHANGE MEDICAL IN~URANCE CARRIERS The Ci~y Adm~nist~°ator presented to the Counc:il a verbal resume o~ full particulars relative to tYiis proposed change of coverage. Af'ter Council discussiona a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsono seconcled by Cauncilman Burto authorizing the employees o~ the City of Arroyo Grande to be insured by the Blue Cross of Soutlzern California for medical insurance coveragea effective approximately I~IIay 19 1965. I~Iotion carried. SAF'E'I°Y PROGRAM OF CITY OF ARRO;~O GRANDE - STATE COI~IPENSATION INSURANC~ COVERAGE - T~i°~e C~ty Administ~°ator s~a~~stically informed the Council regarding the past and presen~ ra~es ~or compensation insurance coverage and the resultan°t savings to ~,he City on ~his coverage thx°ough ~ts emp~oyees° safe°ty programso 'TRACT NO, 321 - LOOMIS AND WEBB SUBDIVISION - REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Z~~~~r due cons~dera~ion of the extension of time reque~ta a mo~~a;~ was made by Councilman McNe~1a seconded by Council- womaz~ `~'~,c~mpsone ~hat ~he time limit for the filing of the F~~p i~~~p of Trac°t No. 321 be extended for one year, to and ~~:=~~.~ing the date of April 179 1966a as recommended by th~ ".~br~~ng Comznission, Motion carried. FtEGC~N~"~NDATION E'0~2 R~AItIGI~~i~T O~'•• RAILPOAD A=VENUE o BETWEEN ALL~~~~fiVENUE AND CHERRY AVENUE The City Admin~strator presen~ed a perspective map of this ~~oposed realignment, and advised the Council of pert~nent facts zr~ conneetion therewi~h. The Council sugges~ed furthe~° study a~d negotiation on this subject9 and directed ~lze City Admin- z:trator to keep the Counc~l in~ormed accordingly. w 9~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL ~30 1965 ARROYO GRAND~a CALI~ORNIA PAGE 4 HALCYON ROAD PROJECT The Council was present~d a p~epared progress ~eport on the Halcyon Road Projecto and was advised ~hat ~he sou~hern portion of Halcyon Road would ~e paved upon completion of the storm drain. RENA STREET AND FAE~,AVENUE - IN REa PAVING After presentation by ~he City Admin~s~rator of the current ~tatus regarding pavingo wa~ conc~uded by the Council that Rena Street would be "based" in ~he near fu~ureo and fur~her contact would be made with the hom~ owne~s on Faeh for their coope~ation in pa~ticipating in ~~e cost of the base material as their share of fu~l ~treet pavement. LETTER FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS REG~RDING HIGHWAY I After discussion by ~`he Council regarding ~he reques~ contained in this lettero tlze City Administrator was di~°ected to correspond with the Division mak~:ng certain ~nquiries relative to this proposed Highway One F`re~way. MINUTES OF ZONE 3 ADVTSORY COMMITT~~ AND COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVTSORY COMMITTEE The minu~es of March 100 1965 0~ ~he Zone 3 Advisozyy ~ommit°~eea and the minutes of March 2~ 1965 of the Water Resources Committee we~°e received by the Council and ordered f~Ied, In this connec~,iona Councilman Wood gave a cur~ent report an the activi~y of the Lopez Dam Projec~. Mayor° Jacobs instructed ~the City Administrator ~o con~act Dr. J. O. Pence and request that he ma]c.e a presentation at the next regular Council meeting. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRIC'I° Mayor Jacobs gave a v~rba~ status report on the District to ~he effect that the sale of bonds had been made and the construction contracts had been awarded. ELKS° ROI~EO SANTA MARIA . The City Adminis~rator announced ~o the Council that the Elksa Rodeo would be held June 5a 1965 in San~a Mar~a and the Council was invited ~o pa~ticipate in the eventB the Council advised t°hey would plan to be in a°ttendance. IN REs ANNEXATION TO CITY OF° LOT ON F~LCYON ROAD Th~ request of Lee Lovett & Associates to annex a lo~ on Halcyc~~ Road to this City was referred by the Council to the Lo~~~.. ~~'~rmation Agency of San Luis Obispo County a~. the March 23a ~~e~ing of the Councila and in connect~on herewith, the Administrator announced to the Council that ~uch matter .<<:a;to be discussed before the Boundary Commission on ~.1 ~ 2~ 19 6 5 0 ELT~T ~aTREET "PLAN-LINE" - GRANT DE~D- - WILLIAM BROS m° NIARKETS B INC. In conformance with the adopted °'Plan-Line" for Sou~t~h Elm ~treeta ~he City Administrator presen~ed a Grant Deed from Williatn Bros~e Markets9 Inc. ~or Council acceptance. After discussion by ~.he Council, a motion was made by Councilwoman "~IzQmp~ona seconded by Councilman Woodo t.~hat ~he Gran~. Deed ~~°om William Bros. e Mar]cetso Inc. to the City of Arroyo Grancleo CITY COUNCTL APRTL 130 1965 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 dated April 8, 1965 for° a certain portion o~ land on Sou~t`h Elm Streeta as particularly de~cribecl in such Gran~ Deedo be accepted by t,he City and recorcl~d, Motion carriec~. COUNCIL CFiAMB~RS - IN RE m FURNISHINGS After discussion by the Council of the Clzamber imp~ovements~ the Council directed tha-~ two additional chairs be purcl~ased to match as closely as possible -those now in useo and that in- quiries be mad~ regarding a projecto~ (i. e.a typea cost~ availabilityo etc.) for use in the Council Chamberse FRANCHISE TAX Mr, Stewart McBethB a represen~at~ve of the P. Go and E. Co.a San Lu~s Obi~po Officeo pre~ented such company°s 1964 Franchise Tax payment ~o ~he City of Arroyo Grande ~n the amount of $19723.55. POSSIBLE CREEK CLEARANCE OF ARROYO GRANDE CREEK ~ After review discussion by ~he Council ira connection with this proposed projecto Mayor Jacobs appointed Councilman Wood to meet with tlze City Council of Pismo Beaclz at t°heir sc~heduled meet~ng in May, 1965a to reviev.r tl-iis matter with them and to ~larify the beneficial purposes to be derivecl from °this propos~ projec~, ECONQM~C DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS Councilwoman Thorrtpson gave the Council a brie~ resume c~f the Economic Development meetings which she at~ended in San Luis Ob~~po. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, ancl unanimously carrieda the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.Mm ~ ATTEST v f_',G~c-~! ~ . ~ i~~ ~ ~ ~ , TY CLERK ~_-._.__.__.p.-~ , Y ~ t.~.-"¢`~