Minutes 1965-06-08 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 8a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompsono Councilmen Wood and McNeil reported presento Councilman Bur~ was absent, MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of May 250 1965 were approved as prepared, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsong seconded by Councilman Woodo t'ha~t General Warran~ts No. 984 ~o and includ~ng No. 1034 in ~~e to~a1 amount of $13a 540.80, ar~d Payroll -~larrants No. 1111 to and ~ncluding No. 1154 in the total amoun~t of $6,889.98a be approved and ordered paid. Motian ca~r~ed. REQUEST OF SANTA MARTA CHAMBER OF COMMERGE RE~ RESOLUTION RE„~UESTING CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMTSSION TQ BUDGET FUNDS 19Fi6-67 FOFt IMPROVE- MENT OF PORTIONS OF CUYAMA RQAU The Ci~y Adm~.nistra~tor gave a fac~kual resume of the proposed resolution and the~°eaftera Mr. Bo°b Seaversa Secretary-Manager af the Santa Maria Chamk~er of Cornmerc~a spoke in favor of such resoluta,on to the Council. After° Ccaunc~.l discussiona t°he pr°OpOS~ Resolution was read in ~.ts entirety by the City Attorney. RESOT.~UTI~N N~. 657 RESOLUTION REQU~STI~TG CALIFpRNIA HIGHWAY GOMMISSTON TO BUDGET FUNDS IN ].966-67 F"OR IMPROVEMENT OF PORTION QF CUYA,MA R~AD (STATE R~UTE 166) On motion by Caun~ilman McNei1, seconded by ~ouncilwcaman Thompsona and on ~he ~o~.l.awa.ng ~°oll call vot~, to wit: AYESv ~QUnci,lwe~~~n T~Qmpscan, CQUn~~lm~n Wo4d, McN~s~.~ ~nd Mayor ~'~eo~s, NUES. ~To~,~. ABSENTQ ~C?Lil'~C~.a,TCt~I~ ~l,i~"~,. the foregoing Rescalu~a.Q~ w~s ac~Qpt~:d c~~~ of ~`u~r~~, 196~. RE UEST OF THE F°IVE G:~TTES ~'UNTC~Ft GFIAMBE~t Q~' C~M~'I~~,~E ~'C9R ~1 ~'~E EXEMPT LICENSE T(? Ok~~~.~'~ 1~ ~°fiREW~RKS STAND After pr~;~er~~a~ion Q~ ~Y~a.s ~eque~t tca ~h~ C~~~ ~caun~~.~ b~ Ci~ty Adm~n~.~°t~°a~c~r, ar~c~ ~~~~r CQUncil di~a~us$~.c~r~, ~~t~r~t~.~~ w~,ts made by Caunc~.lwom~n ~"l~omp~ona s~cQnd~d ~,y ~ca~n~~.lm~n Wcacac~e th~t the Five Ci~~~~ Junic~~ ~k~~mb~~° of Comrne~cee b~: ~.ssued a f~~ ~~~mp~ license for ~1~e p~ar~aos~ o~ sElling firewo:~k~ fr~m J~r~~ 2~3th ~~r~?ugh July 4~tho 19f5, suk~,~e~~ °~o ~camplianee with al~. ~ir~ r~gula~t~.~an~ of the C~.~y and ~u'b~e~t to ~'ire Chief ~ s approv~~.. ~o~~,~~ ~ar;~i~d. ARROYO GRANDE ~HAMBER C?F CC?MMERCE - PROPQSAL TQ ESTABLI SkI ,A ~Ut71~TT~ W2DE ECONOMIC DEV~LC?PMENT AGENCY _ . The Ci~.y A~zn~,na,s~trator announced tl~at at the rec~~s~t c~~ t',he Arroyo ~rande Chamber o~ Commerce, th~.~ ma~ter was ~o be h~ld iri abeyance before ~th~ Gi~y Council..pending proper pre~~nta~~c~n time and ac~ion by the Ghambe~ witn the 7 communities caf th~ ~cau~h County Area. DEPARTMENTAL M(~I~THHZ,Y REPORT ~ The D~part~men~al Mon°thly ~epor°t for the rnonth af May, 19E~5 was received by ithe Counc~.l ~nd placed on file. j ^1- , CITY COUNCTL ~'UNE 80 1965 ARROYO GI2ANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 TREASURER°S REPORT The Treasurer B s Report for ~he month of Mayo toget°her wi~h the budge~. and revenue sta~ementso was received by the Council and placed on file. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - LEGISLATIVE DIGEST ON ASSEMBLY AND SENATE ACTION AFFECTING CITIES The City Administrator gave ~.he Council an up-t,o-da~e resume of current proposed legislation in Sacramen~.o~ and in par~ticular mentioned the 2~ cigarette tax ba.ll and the changes a.nvolving the Local Formation Agency. A~te~ due discussion by °the Councilo the City Admini~tra~or was directed to corr~spond with ~he proper persons in Sacramento advi~ing thezn of ~he Council°~ opposition to the proposecl change~ in ~he Local Format~ion Agency legisla~ion, PRESENTATION OF 1965-~66 PR,ELIMINARY BUDGE`~' The City Adminis~rator pr~~en~ed ~l~e Gounc~.l wa~th ~he proposed 1965-66 Budget and gave a r~en~~al resums ~f sam~ and gene~ally named the majox° capi~.~l i°t~ms ~~s~t~d th~~°~a.n and ~he.~r eonn~cta.on with ~°he proposed pro~~~~~ fo~° ~tl~~ com~ng y~ar, Af~er Council discussion of tY~e budg~°t and o~ sugges~~d s°~ud~r s~~~~.can c~at~±s, it was conclucled ~ha~ °~k~i~ m~~°~ing wou~.d, b~ ac~~QU~°ned ~Q T~u~°sday, June l00 1955 a°t 6v3Q P~M. fa~ a]auc~get ~°kudy ~ess~,on~ PRESENTATION OF PROPOS~D 1965-~.~~i6 MER~T aALARY ~'LAN F'O~t GI'T'Y' 0~' ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYEES _ The Merit Sala~°y Plan ~o~° Ci~y Emplc~yees wa~ p~es~n~t~d ~ca the Council in conjun~°~ion wa~~~ ~he ~.96~~-~a6 Hudc~~~ }ay th~ ~~.ty Adminis~trator~ af~er wh~.ch i~~ ~u~°pQ~e and fu~c~~ion wa~€~ d~.eeus~ed by the Council. 1965 FIRE PREVENTION GOI)E After d~. scussion and r~~ul~~r~°~ app~°~va1 by t`h~ ~ounci7~ ~~"he City Attorney was dir~e~~d ~.o prepa~~e an C~~°da.r~ane~ ~ca~° ~do~~t~.an of the 1965 Fire P~°ev~n~~car~ Gad~. COUNCZT.~ REVIEW -~ONT,~~TIQNAL iJS~ P~F~M~'Z' ~ON ~p IC~:~'I'H TRUGKTNG The Ci~y Adma,na~st~°~~tca~° rev~ew~d t'~~ recommer~da~.~.on of ~h~ Public Work~ Dep~~~m~~~ and th~ act~~,or~ o~' ~he ~lann~ng ~ca~nnnis~~,on regarding the Conda.~ion~l U~~ ~e~m~.t ~eq,ue~~~ a~' AQr~ K~~.~h Trucking ta allaw a tru~k ~a~°d~ shap ~n~1 a~f~.ee on a po~~ion of Lot 4 of the La ~+~1~~ T~~c~ a.~ R~-~~3 ~c~r~~ 11EaQ 1Q1 ~~,ghway, Arroyo Grande~ The follow~.ng pe~son~ $po~C~ in prca~,e~~ tc~ t~e g~:~z~c~~.ng of ~""hie said permi~to ~'onn ~urs~~ ~ep~°~s~ntata.v~ o~ th~ ~outh ~oun~y Chamber of Comme~c~; ~~~~ur ~a~~y~ an a.nd~.vidu~~ c~~i~~n; anc~ Col. Ben ,Tacobsp ~n ind~.vic~ual ca.tize~, ~~~a~n~y An~1~r~w Uavald, represen~a.ng t~he awne~ ~he proper~y ~.n ~ue~~,a.an ~nd ~he pro~- pective lesseeq ~pa]~e ~r~ ~avsa~° caf ~'he c~ran~~na o~ a~~.d p~~°m~~e Af~er Couneil da.s~ussion, a mota,on wa~ mac~e 'by Counca.~.man Wooda s~conded by Counc~.]~~nan McNeil, that th~ ~or~d.~.~tional use permit reques~ of Don E, Kei.th Truck~nr~ tQ al~ow ~ truek yardp shop and of~ic~ on a portion of -Lat 4 of th~ La ~~:lle Trac~ in an RA-B3 Zone a~ 1160 101 Highway, Arro~ya Grax~de~ be approv~c~e w~~h the restricta.or~~ as r~ccamme+~,~ed by t~°he F,lanna.n~ ~omms.~s~.on, wh~.ch restrictions and reccamtnencla~a,ons aar~ a~ ~c~llow~: App~ova.l o~ ~aic1 permit is made "'fo~ a p+~~,~Qd Q~ one X~~~° su]a~~~~ ~o a~°~va~~w ~ay the Planning ~Qmma~~~a.or~ a.n car~~ ~~ar a~~ nc~ su.~a~~t~ntial ca~aa,tal improvemer.~s ~o b~ macle penc~?~ng ~h~ ~~~ra.~ws Mca~~~n earri~c~. *(Fr~m Minu°~~s Flanning Ccamma.s~~o~ o~ ~'ur~~ 1, 19~~~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCTL JUNE 8, 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIE~ORNIA PAG~ 3 PROPOSED R~COMMEND~D ~T1~E~'I' NAME CHANGES The City Adm~ni~tx°a~tor ~~°e~~n~ed the recoinmendecl st~eet name changes ~nriziclz a~°e a~ fo~lov~rs ancl ~r`h~ch have been ~ecommendecl for° change by the P~ann~ng Comm~~~ion ~or t`he primary purposes of cla~°ifica~iono l~ BrigYi°ton Ave. and L~nda Drive - Linda Drive be con- tinuecT we~~erly °~o N9 Elm Stree°to Brig`hton Ave. termina~e at~ ~~m ~°t. 2 n Cypre~~ S~~eet be ~enarnec~ Eclmands Ave o 3 s Sp~°uce S~~°ee~, ancl Pop~ar S~reet~ ~ha~ sec~ion of Poplar Stree~to or Sp~uce StreetB between Grand Avenue and Poplar Street be renamed Juniper Streeto 4 a Newsorri Springs Road ~e renamecl Branch Mi1~. Road frorri Cher~ry Ave a°~o °~he Ci°ty Limits a 5. CYierry Lane~ ~lze sect~on of pr~~ate road e~te~~di~ng ~,~re~terly f~om Goach Road be narned Cherry Ave. 6. Coach Road be r~namecl Henry Road, 7 m Alley ~ou~lz of T~°af~ic Way be°tt~reen Valley Road ancl ClZer~°y Z~ve, be named Bedloe Lane. 8. Rail~°oad Ave. B be renamecl Paseo S~~°ee~~, . 9a Tha°t section o~ st~~e~ along the old P. C~ ~~.gh~ of way be~t~,r~en C~her~y A~re. and Allen Street be named Railroad Ave. The City A~~o~°ney ~ra~ authori~ecl ~.o prepa~e ~he requisi°te resolution for tl~e purpose of chang~ng such named s°treetso and it was recommenclec~ Y~y ~th~ Mayo~ °tha°t tl-ie press publicize such proposed changes in an ef~ort to bring ~lzi~ ~o °~he a°t~ention of the publico and thus the Council inay receive expression by the people regardin g tlzese st~°ee~ name change~ . PRESENTI~T~ON OF° ~CONOMIC SURVEY AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT- GEN BL PLAN T~he City Admini~~traito~ o~ficial.ly announced the presentation of this f~r~t repor-t on the mas~er plan of °the City to the Council and announced ~h~ join~ study ~ession of the Council and the Planning Commi~s~on ~s to be held Junc 15a 1965, at 8 PaM.~ in the Counci~ Chambers, HALCYON ROAD PROJEGT '~he City Aclministrator announced that Halcyon Road was nearing ~inal completiona and also announced a 1e~ter had been received f'rom the A~royo Grande Community Hospital dated June 7a 1965a commencling ~thhe City for the improvements on Halcyon Road, botlz for beau°ty ancl serviceability. The City Admin~s°tra°tor also advised ~hat the traffic signal wa~ beir~g chec7ced ou~ °thoroughly for the problem of improper light change for the Soutlz Halcyon flow of traffic in the early morning hours. MINUTES OF GOUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY GOMMI'I'TEE OF MAY 4q 1965 The m~nu~es o~ May 49 1965 of the San Luis Obispo Coun°ty Water Resou~ces Commi~~ee ~ere received and placed on ~ilem SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY REPORT ON FEASIBILTTY OF U'~ILIZATION OF WATER FROM NACI MI ENTO RI ~TER This namecl repor~, was~generally cleseribec~ by the Ci°ty Admin- istra~ora ana ~as recei~recl by the Council and placecl on file for their futu~e reference and use. _3_ CITY COUNCZL JUN~ 8a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNTA PAGE 4 SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Mayor ~acobs gave an up-~o-date status repor~ on ~~e Dis~ric~, and the City Administra~or adv~sed tha~ ~ne prope~ ~~ep~ were being taken to form dis~ricts wi~'hin Arrayo G~ande for future utilization of the ~run~ sewer lines and ~he trea~ment plan~ of the Dis~rictm REQUEST OF WP.~TER Ao FILER - EXTENSION OF TIME - TRACT N0. 282 - STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION The City Adminis~rator announced ~o ~~e Council ~ha~ Mr. Filer had reques~e~ an ex~,en~~on of ~i.me regarding his agreemen~ with the Gity per~aining ~o ~rac~ 282a w~ich ag~e~me~~ ~ue ~o termina~e ~une 1Aa 1965e M~. F~1~°spok~ his awn be~alf~ ad- vising that ~uch date had momen~ar~ly '"~l~pped up on him", but that the new engineering work was being done and wau~a bs ~ubmit~~d to the Council as saon as was comple~e~, provid~ng an ex~ension was granted. A~~e~ conside~a~l~ ~ouncil di~cussio~~ a mo~~on wae made by Councilman McNeil~ ~~conde~ ~y ~oun~~~~an Wood9 ~h~~ an ex~en- sion of ~imeareque~~ed ~y M~, ~~l~r~ ~e gra~~ed ~'or ~h~ purpose of present~ng ~he enginee~~ng ~epo~~ on s~o~~ ~~~~n facility in connec~ion wit~ T~act No. 282q ~o and inc~uding August l00 1965q and ~ha~ ~im~ was of ~~e ~~~~nce ~n ~hi~ ~a~~er, and no fur~her ex~en~io~ of ~ime wou~d be con~ide~~d or g~~n~~d, Motion carrie~. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNT'~Y ACT The C~ty Aclmin~s~~ato~ advised th~ Council ~ha~ co~respondence had been received from Dixson Con~a~~ Coun~y Admi~is~~a~~ve Officer requesting tha~ the Council ap~oin~ a~epre~en~ative of the City to ~erv~ on a cozn~i~~ee of th~ Economic Opportun~ty Ac~~ After Council di~cu~sion~ t~e Mayor appoin~ed ~he Ci~y Ac7~iinis- trator to serve on ~uch commit~ee. CHANNEL COUNTTES REGULAR QUAR~ERL~ MEETING The Council was a~vise~ ~ha~ suc~ m~e~~ng wae ec~edul~d for June 24, 1965 at ~he Gol~en Tee in Mo~ro ~ay, a~d ~ho~~ wi8~ing to attend should adv~~e the Ci~y Cle~k so ~ha~ ~h~ ~equi~ite number of reservations could be m~de~ CHURCH OF LATTER DA`Y SAINTS - F~EQUEST ~'OR FEE E~ENiPT LIG~NSE ~'0 OPERATE A FIREWORI{S $TAND Af~er presen~a~ion o~ ~hi~ r~qu~~~ ~o ~h~ Council by t~'he City Administra~orq and af~e~ Council di~eu~~ion~ a mo~ior~ wa~ made by Councilman Wood, ~~concled `by Gounailmar~ McN~~,l, °tha~ ~the Church of Lat~er Day Sai~~~ of ~1~e ~i°~y o~ ~r~ayo G~ande b~ issued a fee' exemp~ ~icen~e fo~ °~'he pu~~o~e of' sell~ng ~~reworks from ~7une 28th to ~Tu1~ 4°~h~ 1965, su'bj ec°~ ~o coznplianc~ wi~h a11 fire regulation~ of t`he Gi°~y and eub~ ec~ ~o Fi~e ~`hie~ e~ app~oval. Motion carried. EMPLOYMENT OF YOUTH ~QR SUMMER WORK WI'~H C'I'I'X OF ~ROY'0 GR~ANDE The C~ty ~dminist~a~o~ advised that ~the Gi~y wa8 now ready to commence its summer you~~ hiring. A,f~~r Coune~.l discu~sion, a mo~ion was made by Gouncil,woman T'hompson~ ~~condec~ by Council- man Wood, t~hat the Ci°~y Adminis~rator now commence 'hiring A~°royo Grande High School, s~udents for employmen~ wit~h ~h~ Cfty for ~~he summer. Motion ca~r~ie~. -4- CITY COUNCTL JUNE 8~ 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION - SUMMER RECREA'~'ION The Mayor commenclecl the Par]cs and Recreation Commission for their outstanding Summer Recreation Program~ AATOURNMENT On motion of Councilman McNeila sQeonded by Councilwoman Thompson, ancl unanimously carried~ tlle meeting adj ourned at 9a23 P.M. until 5030 PoM.o June 10a 1965; motion carried. ATTEST m `~~~~--2R- . CI CLER MAYOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grancle, Californ~a June lOtlz, 1965 6~ 30 P.M. The City Council met in ad~ourned session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll ca~1 Councilwoman Thompson and Councilman McNeil reported present. Councilmen Wood and Burt were absent. BUDGET REVIEW The proposed 1965-66 buc~get was reviewed °through the overall revenue and expenditure sectione and discussion was held regarding the five year merit pay plan for City employees. AATOURNMENT On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and unanimously carried~ the meeting adjourned at 7055 P.M. until 6:30 P.M. June 15°the 1965. ATTEST~~ ~ C~'I'Y CLERK MAYOR