Minutes 1965-06-15 1~~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 15a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA 6030 PmM. The City Council met in adjourned session with Mayor Pro Tem Wood presiding, Upon ro11 call, Councilwoman Thompson and Councilman Burt repo~ted p~esentm Councilman McNei1 and Mayor Jacobs were ab~enta BUDGET SESSION The City Administrator reviewed the estimated revenue and expenditure section o~ the proposed 1965-66 budgetm The Capital Outlay section and tYie Parks sec~ion of the Budget were dis- cussed regarding the proposed parlc ancl recreation center on Orchard Avenuea AA70URNMENT' On motion of CouncilvJOman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Burt and unanimously carried, ~he meeting ad~ourned at 8:31 P.M. until 7 v 00 P e M. ,~une 21. 0 1965 m ATTEST ° rt-~-~ Ci C~erk Mayor Pro Tem ~ ~ ~ * ~ * CITY COUNCII, JUNE 210 1965 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7s00 PmMm The C~ty Council met in acljourned session with Mayor Jacobs presidingm Upon roTl call CouncilvJOman Thompsona Councilmen Wood and M~Neil reported presento Councilrnan Burt was absento BUDGE'I° STUDY SESS~ON The merit five step ~a~Lary plan for City employees was taken under discussiono The City Ac7.m~nis~rator was directed to prepare in final form tYie Me~°i°t Five Step Salary Plan for City Employees, including the revisions as outlined T~y °tl~e Council and lzave ready for adoption at the next regular Council mee°tingo The Depar~tmental Expenditure and Capital Outlay por°tion of the P~eliminary Budget was revie~,~red ~Yirouglz tYie F°ire Departrr~ent~ On motion of Councilman M~Neilo seconded by Counci~woman Thompson and unanimously carriedo the me~°ting adjourned at 9m40 PoMa ATTESTo ity Clerk Mayor