Minutes 1965-06-21 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 15a Y965 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA 6A30 PBM. The City Council met in adjourned session wi~h Mayor Pro Tem Wood presidingo Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thomp~on and Councilman Burt repo~~ed p~esentm Councilman McNeil and Mayor Jacobs were ab~ent, BUDGET SESSION The City Adminis°tra~or reviewec~ the estimated revenue and expenditure section of the proposed 1965-66 ~budgetm The Capital Outlay section and the Pa~ks sec~tion of the Budget were dis- cussed regarcling ~the propo~ed park ancl recreation center on Orchard Avenue, AATOURNMEN'I° On motion of Councils,~roman Thompsona seconded by Coun~ilman Burt and unanimously ca~°ried~ ~he meeting ad~ourned at 8;31 PaMo until 7:00 PsM. ~une 21e 19C5m ATTE ST ° c~--~ Ci Clerk Mayor Pro Tem ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ CITY COUNCTL ~'UNE 210 1965 ARROYO GRANDE, CAT~IFORNIA 7s00 PoMm The City Cduncil met in acljourned session witlz Mayor Jacobs presidingm Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Wood and M~Neil reported presento Councilman Burt was absento Bt7DGE'I° STUDY SESS~ON Tlze merit five s°tep sa~ary plan for City employees was taken uncler discussiono The City Aclm~nis~ra°tor was directed to prepare in final for°m the Merit F~.ve Step Salary ~lan for City Employees, including the revisions a~ outlinecl by t`he Council and have ready for adoption at the ne~t regular Council meetingo The Departmental Expenditure and Capital 0utlay por°tion of the Pr~eliminary Buclget was reviewed t`hrouglz the F°ire Department~ On motion of Counc~lman M~Neilo secondecT by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carriedg tlze me~ting adjourned at 9m40 PoMa ATTESTo ity C~erk Mayor