Minutes 1965-06-22 ~1~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 22~ ~965 ARROYO GRAND~o CP~LLIF°ORNIA The City Counc~~ met in ~-egular session with Mayor ~acobs presidingm Upon roll callo Council~nroman '~llompsono Councilmen Wooda McNeil and Burt repor~tecl present 0 MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regula~ mee~ing of ~Tune 80 ~965o and the adjourned meetings of ,7une 10~ 1965o June 150 1965o and June 21a 1965 were approved a~ prepa~ed~ APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made l~y Councilwoman Thompsono seconded by Councilman Woodo that General Warrants No. 1035 to and inc~uding No. 1074 in the total amount of $ 190418.3C and Payroll War'rants No. 1155 to and including No. ~210 in the total amount of $7o74C.31o be approved and o~dered paid. Motion carried~ RADIO STATION KCJH - CHI~NGE OF OWNERSHIP The City Administrator advised that the City had been no~ified by letter of a clzange of ownership in the KCJH Radio Station from Leslie Ho Hacker et ala to Loyc1 C~ Larson and George W, Irwina operating under the business name o~ Larson-Irwin Enter- pri~eso effecti~e June ~50 19650 Mrm A1 Blair was in attendance~ rep~esenting the new owners of the KC.7H Radio Stationa Mrm Blair informed ~he Council °tYiat variou~ changes in broadeasting policies were in ~lze process of being clevelopedo i. e. o increased po`aer l~y kilowattsa increase in broadcas°ting l~ours °thus necessitating approximately 5 additional employee~o and program changesa but -~hat there ~rould be no change in tlZe builcling premiseso nor would t~he City Police Radio Tower be effec~ecl in any way, After discussion by the Councilo a motion was made by Council- ~ man Burta seconcled by Councilman McNeil a tl~at the City of Arroyo Grande accept and approve as new lessees under the Agreement of Lease between the City of Arroyo Grande and Radio Station KCJHo the persons of Loyd Cm Larson ancl George W, Irwin dba Larson-Irwin Enterprisesa effective June 150 1965, and subject to all conditions containecl in such lease. Motion carried. PROPOSED RECOMMENDED STREE'I° NAME CHANGES - FURTHER DISCUSSION The City Administrator reviewed for the Council the street name changes requested by the Fire and Police Departments for clarification purposeso and recommended by the Planning Commission. After Council discu~sionB the resolution was read through the title by the City Attorney, after which a motion was made by Councilman McNeila seconded by Councilw~oman Thompsono to dispense with reading the balance of the Resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NOm 65~ RESOLUTION CHANGING 'I°HE NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS I N THE CT'I'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE a COUNTY OF SAN LUI S OBISPOo STATE OF CALTFORNIA On motion by Councilman McNeilo seconded ~by Councilman Burto ancl on t~he f ollowing roll call vote, to wita AYESa Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Wooda McNeile Burt and Mayor Jacobs, NOESa Nonea ABSENT: Nonea -1- 1~~ CI'I'~ GOUNCIL ~UN~ 22 0 ~96~ ARROYO GRANI~~o GALIF°ORNIA PZ~GE 2 the for~going Re~o~ution was adap~ed ~~i~ 22ndi c~ay of ~uneo 1965a LEZ~GUE OF CALIF`ORNTA CI'I'IES - LEGISLATIV~ D'TG~S'I° ON ASSEMBLY Z~ND SENATE ACTTON AFF°ECTING CT'I'IE~ T~he City Aclminis~trator advised tlzat corresponclence had been received from Hahna Wi~e and Associa~teso Inco a~k~king for the Council°s oppo~i~.ion to proposed 1~ssembly Bi~1~ 1822o per~aining ~o regulation of lo°t split,s~ The Council was ac~vi~ecl °~lzat Legislation was now closed~ but tlza~ po~~ible action coulcl be taken if such Bill is introclucecl in a Special Ses~~onm PROPOSED 1965-1966 PRELIMINARY BUDGE'I° -~'UR'I°H~I~t DTSCUSSION ON MER~T S ARY PLAN T~he Council lzeld a general discus~~on regarding the "Recommended 1965-66 Merit SaYa~y Plan fo~ C~ty of Arroyo Grande Employ~eso'o which is in conjunction wi~h ~he 1965-66 p~°oposed preliminary budgeta Counc~lman Wood commenc~ec~ °tYae City 1~dminis~rato~ for h.~s presentation of this merit salary plan for City ennployeesa Tlzere- aftero a Resolution pe~~taining to such salary p~an was read tlz~ough the titlea after which a mo-tion was macl~ by Councilv~roman Thompson, seconc~ed by Counci~man McNei7lo ~to cl~.spen~e wi~h r~ac~~ng tlhe l~a~ance of ~11e Resolu~ion~ Mo~ion unanimousYy carried9 1~ESOLU~"~ON NO a 659 A RESO~U~'ION OF° THE C~'I°Y ~OUNCIL OF' 'I'HE CITY OF PaRROYO GRANDEo GA~TF°ORNIAo ESTABLISHING MINIMUM AND MAX~MUM COMPENSAT~ON TN VAFt~OU i D~PARTMEN~'S OF S1~~D CITYo EFF`EC'I`IV~ AS OF° ~7ULY l0 1955 On motion of Councilman Wooclo ~econcled ]~y Councilwoman Thompson, and on ~he following roll call voteo °~o witm AYESm Counc~lwoman Thompsona Councilmen Woodo McNeila Burt and Mayor Jacobsa NOESs " Noneo ABSENT~ Nonea the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of Junea 1965. PUBLIC HEP~RZNG - PROPOSED EXCHANGE OF CI'I°Y PROPERTY IN THE REALIGN- MENT OF° RAILROAD AVENUE The City Adminis°trator reviewed for tlze Council and those present, the reasoning for such exchange of proper~yo an~. presented a map showing ~he property invo~ved and the resultan°t realignmentm There- after°o Mayor Jacobs declared that °tlz~ hearing on the intention to convey and exchange real proper~ty in the Walnut Grove Addition in the City of Arroyo Granc~e was duly pul~lislzed and postedo ancl that the hearing wa~ now open ancl all person~ for° or against woulcl now be heard. No person spoke either ~or or again~t ~he propo~ed ex- chang~ ancl thus Mayor Jacobs clecYa~°ed ~he lz~ar~ng ~loseclo After Council di~cussiona a reso~ution for realignment purposes on Railroad Avenue wa~ read °~hrough t~he ~itle by the Ci~y A°tto~ney, after whiclz a motion was made by Councilman McNeilo seconcled by Councilman Woodo to dispense vJith reacling the ba~ance of t`he Reso- lution. Mot~on unanirr~ously car°ried. CI°I'Y COUNCIL ~UN~ 220 19Ei5 P~RROYO GRZ~NDEo C1~I~~E°OFtNTA PAGE 3 RE~OLUT~ON NOo 660 A RESOI~U'I"ION O~° ~HE CT`~Y OF ARROYO GR1~NI)E AU'I°HOR~ZING ~I~ EXCHI-1NGE OF° C~'~Y PROPER'I°Y FOR PRIVZ~T~LY OWNED PROP~I2TY F°OR S°I'REET ALIGNMENT PURPOSESo On motion of Councilman Burto s~conclecl by CounciTman McNeilo and on the fo1.l.owing roll call vo~tea ~o ~,r~t; AYESa Councilwoman Z°11omp~orl~ Councilmen 4~Toodo McNeil~ Bu~~ and Mayo~ Jacol~~o L~IOE S m N one ~ ABSENT° Nonea the foregoing Reso~u~tion v,ra~ aclopt~d tlzi~ 22nd day o~ Juneo 1965. FIRST REAI~ING - ORDINANC~ TO ADOPT 19~i5 ~IRE PR.EVENT~ON CODE The City Adm~inistra~or reviewecl fo~° ~t.he Council tlze proposed ordinance in que~~ion~ wh~c~h Taas recommended by t~he Fire Chiefo and af~er discus~ion by the Councila the propos~cl ordinance entitledo "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTTNG 'I~HE FTRE PREVENTION CODE PRINT~D AND PUBLT SHED BY TH~ NATI ONAI, BOARD OF F'I12E UNDERWRT'I°ERS o o v o 0 0 o AND ESTI~BLISHING A BUR~AU OF F~12E PREVENTTONa m o~ m o B' a was read tlZrough the complete tit~e for t~e fir~t reading, T"hereaftero a motion was made by Council~nroman Thompsono secondecl T~y Councilman Woodo ~to dispen~e with xeacling t°he 7~al~nce o~ ~1-ie Ordinancem Mo~ion unani- mous~y ca~riedm Z~1ong ~his ~ame veino Mayor ~T~cobs dir°ected the City Administra- tor to cont~nue hi~ concentra~ed effort ~;oward the Ci1~y of Arroyo Grande acqui~ing a fire ra~ing of °'Glass 5e1 a REZONING REQUEST - NOR'I'HW~~T' CORNER SUNSE'I° DR m& SOU'I'H ELM S~ o CANBY A motion was rriacle by Gouncilman Wooclo seconded by Councilwoman Thomp~ona tlzat the rezoning request of Norman F'v Can~by to rezone a portion of Lots 14 ancl Y5 of ~ol~om Tract from R-1 to C-1 and R3-D, be set for hearing at 8000 PmM.o Ju~y 130 1955. Motion car~°ied. LEASH LAW ENF`OFtCEMENT The Ci°ty Admini~trator ac~vised ~lze Council tha~ a petition for the enforcement o~ the I~nimal Leash Law containing 25 signatures of persons resicling on Sunse~t Drive in the City `had been filed with the City Clerlc on June 21a 19C5m Certain of such persons were presen°t at tlze meeting ancl spoke in support of the leash law en- forcement~ M~°, ancl M~°°s, Russe~l ~Tohnson of 163 Elm Streeto Ar~°oyo Grande~ also spoJce in favor of suclz enfor°cementa After Council di~cu~siona the Mayor direc°ted ~he City Adminis- tra~or to coorclina~e the services of the Police Department and the Woods Z~nimal S`helter ~o effectively correct ithe ex~sting conditions of unleaslzecl anima~s in the Sunse~ Drive area of the City, SOUTH SAN LUIS OB~SPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT It was repor°ted by ~lze City P,dministrator ~hat the necessary easement across the beach was a~most final~zed~ ancl that ~,he work on the t~eatment plant hacl momentarily slowed because ~lze operating eng~neers (heavy equipment operators) were on st~ilceo CITY COUNC~L 67UN~ 220 ~965 AR1~OY0 G1~ND~, CALIF`ORNIA PA.G~ 4 ECONOMI C DEV~LOPMENT COMMI T'I'~~ F°OR COUN'I'Y O~ ~AN ~U~ ~ OB~ SPO It was announcecl to ~~he Counci~ ~lza~ a m~eting o~ this namecl cornmittee wa~ scheclulecl for Jun~ 300 1965 a~ ~1ze San ~ui~ Ob~~po Clzamber of Gomrinerce at 7 m 30 P.,Ma ~ Counci~Lwoman '~hompson tiri~l be attending a~ ~he Council ° s r~p~e~en°~a~i~re. CITY BUSIN~SS LIGENS~ - E~OR BUILDING COI~7'I°l~~'~Ol~~ AND SOB-~ONTRAC'~OR~ Mr°o Jim Bearrto Secre~ary-Manager of ~1ze Sar~ Lu~s Ob~spo Coun°ty Buildir~g Con°trac~or~ ° A~socia~~ono Inco „ vaas in ~the audier~ce ancl spolce in ~ega~cl ~o the Ci~y°~ procec~ure ~o~ proce~sing business licenses for con~ractorsa 1-~f°~er Council cli~cus~iono ~lz~ Ci~ty Adrnini~t~°a~or wa~ c~ireet~d to make any nece~~a~y clzange~ ~n proceclure ~o ~hat cooperation betweer~ the City and the ~uil.cling trade con°~~a~~~~~ t,aou~d con~inu~ to be amicable~ PERMI SSI ON TO I~EZ~V~ STA`IB~ - MAYOR ~7ACOBS On mo~ion by Counci~man [nToodo second~d by Councilv,roman Thompson~ the reque~~ of Mayor ~acobs to be ab~~n~ fr~om t°he S~ate from July 4a ~965 to ancl incluc~ing Augu~~ 9~ 1965o vaas app~o~reclo Mo~ion carried~ ADJOURNMEN'I° On mo°~ion o~ Counci~mar~ McNeil o~ecor~c~ec~ by Cour~ci~.woman Thompson~ ancl unar~imou~~Ly ca~°~i ed~a ~the rriee~ing aclj c~urr~~d at 9m20 P.M~ un°~~l ~7une 28~ 19~i5 a~ `7a30 PaMm ~z°TES~° ~ ~~e I`~'Y CI, ERK i MAY OR