Minutes 1965-08-02 12~ CITY COUNCIL A.UGUS'I~ 20 1965 ARROYO GRAND~~ GALI~°ORNIA T'h~ City Council met ~n regular adjour~ned ~~~sion with Mayor Pro Tem Wood presiding. Upon roll call~ Councilwoman ~"hompson and Councilman Burt reported presenta Councilman Mcl~'e~l wa~ absent. The v~acancy left by °~ha death of Ro'ber~ V. Jacobs has not yet been ~~.11~d. MINUTE AFPROVA'L The minutea of the regular mee~ting of~ July 13 ~ 1965 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was mad~: by CQUr~cxlwoman Thomp~an, ~ecpr~ded bx Cauncilman Bur'~, ~ha~ G~ne~r~~ W~~~~r~~s~ Na. ~ea ~nd ~nc~uciir~q No. 99 in th~ ~aatal ~mOUri~ caf ~2:~~.p47.~~r sz~d Pa~r'o~l Warzan~e No~, 79 tQ anc~ ira~ludinq Na. 142 ~,n the~ ~:c~~~:a]. ~mouz~t eaf 912.96~ b~ ~pp~c~ve~ aMd asder~c~ g~~.d. ~c,tior~ e~~~ied. R.ESQLUTION -~~~TAaLTSI-~'I:NG S~PARATE;, ~'RLTS~ AND A~ENCX ~'UND F'OR V~tATER nEPOST,TS._AND BID pEPOSZTS~,_„ET~C~, .~_~TYae~pur~ose o~ eet~abl~.~.~hing this accouz~t was reviewed for the Counc~l by t:h~ Ci~y Administr~tor. Therea~t,er, t~he subjeet Resolution was rr;ad in it~ en~~.rety by t~'he City Clerk. RESQLUTZON Nn. ___66~ ~ RESOLU'~IQN QF T~iE CITY COUNCIL QF TI~iE CI'I'Y OF ARR,OYO ~RANDE ESTA,BL'I SHING SEFARATE BANK ACCOUNT FQR SUMS OF MON~Y DEPQSITED W~TF~i THE CITY OF ARROYQ GRANAE, YNCLUDII~G WATER DEPOSITS, HID DEFQS'ITS AND QTHER MQNIES, Wf3ERE REFVND IS CQN- TEMFLATED. an motion lay Counailmen Hurt, secancled by Cauncilwoman ThQmpson, and on the follawing roll call vote, to wits AYES: Cauncilwoman Thompaon, Counc~lman Hurt ~nd M~yor Pro Tem Wood~ NOES: None:, ~ ~ AHSENT: CQUneilman McNei1, ~ the foregoing Resolu~ion was aeloptecl thi~ 2r~d day of Auguat, 1965. TREE COMMITTEE - TR~INSFER ~'ROM P',LANNII~a CQMMISSTON TO PARKS AND R,ECR~AT'~ON CaMMISS~ON .-Y.~._.~~~ A~t~r eneral'~discus~a~,ora~'Y~ g y the Cc~uncil of t~e recommendecl trans~~r° Af' the Tree Comm~t~,e~e f'rom t'he Planninc~ Commie~ion to the Par•ks anc3 Rec~e~~iQr~ Gommi~sioM, with clarificat,ion commente by orv~.].le Schultz, Commieeloner of Planning, e motion waa mede b~r Coun~ilwoman Thampaon, ~e~ond~d ~kay Councilman k3urt, that the Tree Comm~.tte~ for th~ C~.ty of Arroyo Grande be trenefer~red frcm ~'he P:lanning Commia~iean to th~ Park~ and Recr~etiot~ Commiee~ion., rtotion carried. FRESENTATTON OF ~N(3TNEER"S REFQRT HY WALTER F~LER - IN RE~. STORM _~~...~..._.,..._..e_,~..~._ _ ~..~...._._......,a..........,........~..~_.~. DRAIN SN CONJUNCTIQN WITH TRA~C'T NQ~,_2E32 The Council was a~dvi~sed ~hat^Mr.~W~lter Fi1er had ~~quested this matter be held aver unt,il the next Council. meeting which i~ scheduled foe August 10, 1965. -1- - CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 2q 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 P.ARKS AND RECREATION COMMTSS20N - APPOTNTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS CUMMINS AND MILLER ~ In confirmation of the recommended Parks ancl Recreation Commission appointments, a moition wae macle 'by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, ~hat Sam Cumm~ns and Ma~lin Miller be appointed Park~ and Recreation Commi~sioners for a three year term, effective July 1, 1965, Motion carried. FIRE DEP.ARTMENT - EMERGENCY FIRE AND POLICE TELEPHONE NUMBER STICKERS 3'he City Administrator informed the Council of the Fire Departmen~°s campaign to diatribu~te t`hese ~tlckers to every home and bu~iness in the City of Arroyo Grande, ancl also emphasized the vitalness of such infor~mation for ~thoae citizena whose homes and businesses are on the bordering 11ne of the City Limits. RESOLTJTION - SUPPORTING SEA WATER INTRUSION PROGRAM OF SANTA MARIA VALLEY SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT After further discussion of this sub~ect Reso7.ution by the Council, the Reaolution was ~ead through the ~itle by the City Clerk; thereupon, a motion wa~ made 'by Councilman ~urt, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading the balance of the Resolution; motion unanimously ca~ried. RESOLUTION N0~ 663 RESOLUTION OF TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IN SUPPORT OF ~UGNlE1~TTED SE~ W~,TER INTRUSION PROGRAM ALONG PORTIONS 0~' CO~,ST LINES OF SAN LUIS O~ISPO AND ~ANTA ~AFt~AR~ COUN'~IES on mo~ion by Councilman ~ur~, seconded Councilwom~n Thompson, and on the following ro11 c~ll vo~e, to wit: AYES: Councilwom~n `~hom~~o~, Cour~cilm~n ~urt anc~ ~ayor~ ~ro ~'em Wooc~, NOES: None, ABSENT: CouriCilman ~lC~eil, the foregoing Resolu~ion was ~do~~ec~ ~~i~ 2nd c~~y of ~u~~at, 1965. PURCHASE OF EQUIPME~TT CT'~ 0~ ~~,~0~0 G~~~~~ The ma~tter of t°he Ci~y pu~°cha~i~~ ~ n~ta or ~~e~ lo~de~, with or wit'hout f ormal bid, w~a helel ove~ ~o~ ~u~~`he~ leg~~ ~tu~y by the City Attorney. LOPEZ CANYON DAM ~ROJEC2' Further general discu~eion w~e hel~ ~`~e Co~r~cil co~cern- ing thie water pro~ect~ a~d the Coun~~~ clire~~e~ ~~e C~t~ ~ Attorney ~o prepare a resolu~fon in ~u~~or~ t~~eo~ ~o~ ~reeen- tation at the next regula~ Council meeti~~, SOUTH SAN LUIS O~ISPO COUNTY SA1~IT~,~'ION ~I3TRIC~' PRO~R~88 REPORT The City Adminie~rator ~n~ormecl the Council th~t t"he Operating Engineers ° etri'ke hsd been se~~t~.ecl~ ~~ua the t~ree~ment ~la~t con- ~truc~ion wss progrees~.ng at fu~.l capacity~ the ~run]c linee cor~- tractor had laid 1500' of 24" ].ine o~ the Southeaet Trunk Line, and tha~ the Opera~ing Engin~e+rs ~ e~~°il~e h~~ prealuclee~ the com- menaem~nt of the oceen outfell line durin~ the lorv tic~e eea~on of the year. 12~~ AUGUST 2a 1965 CITY COUNCIL p,A,GE 3 ARROYO GRAND~a CALIFORNIA COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOMMITTEE - REPRESENTATIVE FROM CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ After Council di scus~~on of t'he ~ubj ec~, mat~erQ a mo~ion was made by Councilwoman T'hompson, ~~conded ~y Councilman Burtp that Mr. Marvin Hartwig be named ~,o ~ep~esent the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande at the meetings of ~he Coun~ywide Economic Development Agency Committee. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEAR2NG ANNEXAT20N REQUEST OF LEE R. LOVETT TO ANNEX CERTAIN PROPERTY TO BE KNOWN AS WTLLOW PARK N0, l, LOCATED ADJACENT TO TRACT 131 ON S~ HALCYON ROAD TO THE CI'I'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE Mayor Pro Tem Wood declared ~he hea~ing now opened to consider the request for~ annexa°~ion of °~'he subject property, which hearing was duly publishec~ and the prope~°ty po~~ed ae required by 1aw, and a11 ~e~son~ fo~ o~ again~t t~he reques~ would benexation andp~husnMayo~°~Pro~~"em Wood declaredttheehearing posed an closed. After Council discu~sion, a Reaolu~ion for the annexation o f c e r~ t a i n p r o p e r t y t o b e known as Wf11ow Par~ ~io• 1 located on Sou~h Halcyon Road was read t~hr~ough ~'he tit~le by t he C i ty C1erk; after~ which, a mot~an wae made by Councilman ~u~°~, aeconded by Councilwoman Thompson, ~to diap~n~e wit"h reading the balance of ~he Reso~ution. Motion unanimously car~ied. ~ RE SOLUTI 0~ ~TO ~ ~ ~ 4 , FtE SOLUTI ON OF THE CI TY COUI~CIL, 0~' '~~E CI ARROYO GRANDE APPROVII~C ~~NE~~'~~~ C~~ OF ARROYO GR~NDE 0~' CERT~I~fi ~~I~~~~~~~ DESCRIBED HEREIN ~ND DESI~'~~TE~ ~S W~~I~O~i ANNEXP,TI ON NO ~ 1. On mo~tion by Councilman ~urt, seco~d~c~ ~ Cau~~~~WOm~r~ Thompson, and on the following roll ca11 vo~e, to wi~s AYES: Counci~wom~~ ~'hom~so~~ Co~~ci~man ~urt and ~a~o~ ~~o Tem Wooc1~ NOES; ~0~~~ ABSENT: Cou~lC~.l~1~~ ~C~fiei~~ ' the foregoing Reeolution wae adop~ec~ t~~e Z~~ ~~~u~~` ~~~5. PUBLIC HEARINd~ RE~U~S'~ 0~' ~~E ~~V~~"~ ~'0 PROPERTY KNOWN AS WILLOW ~~RK ~0~ ~'~0~ ~ '3 ~3'~ Mayoz~ Pro Tem Wood deoln~ed t'he ~e~~°~~~ ~~w g° sider the request~ to z~ezone t'he a~cve e~~~~~h~~~'~~~~'~~~~~~~~ RAB-3 t~o R3-D, which 'hearinq wae du1~ ~ awners notified~ and 811 ~ereona ~or or' ~q~~~e~ ~'~~~e0t wou1d be heard. No ~ereon e~oke e~the~° fo~° o~ aq~~~~t '~~a ~ro- posed rezoning and t'hue l~ttayor P~o '~em ~Vo~~ dec1a~ed t~~e 'heari~q cloeed. Afte~ Council di~cueeion~ an~ordi~nance amendinQ Ordinance No. 157 of the City of Arroyo c3rande~ eo ne to rezo~e certair~ property in the City of Arroyo C3rnndep wae ~ead for the firat reading through the title. Thereupon, a motio~ wae made "by -3- ~ ~G~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 2s 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Bur~to to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. LEGISLATION IN RE. FUNDS FOR TAX RELIEF AND ALCOfiOLIC REHABILITATION The City Administrator announced to the Council that the State had respectfully reques~.ed the U. S. Congress to enact legislation providing for the retention of 5 per cent of the alcoholic beverage tax revenue by the S~tate af California--this information for the Council's a~tention and reviewo ACCEPTANCE OF GRA.NT DEED - IN RE~ PACIFIC TELEPHONE CO.PROPERTY LOCATED AT 203 RENA STREET - FOR:SID~WALK PURPOSES After explanation review by the City Administrator and Gouncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, that t~he Gity of Arroyo Grand~ accept ~he Grant Deed of the Pacific Tel~~'hone Company relative to a partion of the property cammonly known as 243 Rsna Street, City of Arroyo Grande, ancl tl~at ~aid deed be recorded and filed4 Motian carr~.ed. 1965-66 BUIaGET FOR GTTY OF ARR~Y~ GRANIaE The City Admina~s~ra~or pres~n~ed ~opiea of the f~nal approv~d budget for 1965-66 for th~ C~~y of ,Ar~oyo ~rand~ ~ko the Counc%1. COUNCTZMA,N FOR TH~ CITY OF ARROYO ~F.~ANIaE Mayor Pro Tem Wood announced ~ha~ t~h~ Council h~d unt~.1 Augus~ 23, 1965 ~o appo~.n~ a r~ew ~ounca.l memb~r, whca~s term c~f of~ie~ wauld ru~, until Ap,~i~ 16, 196~. AwouRNr~N~ On mo~ion by Gounca,lman aur~, ~~~c~nc~ed by Coun~~,lwoman Thampscan, and u,nanimou~s]~y car~~.~d, th~ ~ee~~.ng ~~1j ourr~~d at 8;22 P.M. w~.A ~ . ~ ~ ~ T ; ATT~ST: : ; ~ ~L~Ft _ . .~?X R ~RQ _