Minutes 1965-09-29 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 290 1965 ARROYO GRI~NDEa GALTFORNIA The City Couneil. met in regular session wit~h Mayor V~Tood presiclingm Upon roll ca].la Councilwoman Thompson and Councilmen LevineB McNeil ancl Bur~ reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL Tlze minutes of the regular meeting of Septem~r 14e 19C5 were approved a~ preparecl, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A mo°tion was made by Councilwoman Thompsona seconded by Councilman BurtB ~hat General Warran~s Noa 245 ~o and including No. 296 in the total amount of $17a976.520' ancl Pa~rro~l ~nTarrants No. 351 to ancl including Nov 405 in the to~al amount of $8a167.810 be approvecl and orderecl paid. Motion carriecl, LOPEZ CANYON DAM PROJECT Mayor Wood spo]ce briefly on the passage of ~he bond~ ~or the Lope~ Dam Project by the peopleas vote on September 28, 19650 ancl commended all those persons of ~the Zone 3 Wa~er Resources Committeee Mr. BornBs Officee and a11 others connected wi~t~h ~he long-plannecl program for their par°ticipation in the preparation and promotion of such project. ARROYO GRANDE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS°ASSOCIATION - REQUEST R~o PLACE- MENT AND REMOVAL OF Z~DVERTISING OR POLITICP~L SIGNS General discussion was held by the Council and representa°tives of the Downtown Merc'hants°Assoeiationa i.e~a Peggy Porter ancl Mrso Riclzarcl Kelseya regarding this sign nui~ance problemv Mr~ Bill TroxelYo as representa~ive of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraphq infor°med °those presen~t tha~ his Company does not authorize any signs to be placed on their company po~es~ As a solutiona tlze Council direc~ed the City Adminis°trator to con~act and confirm in writing with both u~tility compan~.es9 namely P~Go&E. and P.T.&T,9 whet`her or not their perm~ssion had been given by such companies to place adve~tising and t~he l~ke type signs on their pole~; and if note the Merchants eould t~hen remove any and/or all such signs and tlze Ci°ty S~aff would offer all possible assistance in such sign removal eampaign. Mayor Wood asked Mrsa Peggy Porter to convey this action to the Downtown Merchants° Association. QUINCY CARNIVAL - RE. PERMISSION TO HOLD CARNIVAL IN ARROYO .GRANDE ON OCTOBER 7, 8a and 9, 1965 This item on the Counciles agenda was to be held in abeyance until the next regular council meeting~ LAND PRESENTATION BY DOWNTOWN MERCHANTSB ASSOCIATION FOR DOWNTOWN PARKING PURPOSES This itern on the Council"s agenda was to be held in abeyance until the next regular council meetinge ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - REv SUPPORT IN ANNUAL CHRISTMAS STREET LIGHTING PROGRAM , This item on the Council°s agenc~a was to be held in abeyance until the next regular council meeting~ -1- ~.4~ CITY COUNCIL S~P°I'.~i~IBER 29 q 1965 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IFORNIA PAGE 2 RENEWAL OF LEASE BE;'i~E~i ~R ~ Y m HIYAMA AND CITY OF ARROYO G1~NDE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AATACENT TO SOU°I°H ELM STREE'I' After Council review and discus~ion of tYie lease in questiond a motion was made by Councilman McNeila secorided by Counci~man Levine~ that t~e lea~e currently in ef~ee°~ be°~~nr~en the City of Arroyo Grande as Lessor and Y. Hiyama~ as Lesseea fo~° prope~ty specificall~r clescribed t`h~reino (and commonly iclentified a~ ~he 5outYi Elm S~reet proper~y) a lae renewed effec~tive September 30a 1965 for one yearB ancl °tha~ ~lze Mayor ancl the C~ty C1erk be author~zed to sign such renewal leas~. Motion ca~riedm RECEIPT OF REPORT ON SUMM~R WORI{ PRbGRAM FOR YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WORKING FOR THE CITY The Council ~°~v~ewed ~ueY~ re~ort and comnnended tlze staff of young boys for their many accomplisY~men°~s on be~haYf of the City, SALES TAX REVENUE - REPORT REs SECOND QuARTERa 1965 The City Adminis~rator reviewed thi~ item of business for the Council a aclvi sing them that °the amount recei~recle $ 21. a 986 s 00 a was the larges~t sales tax r~v~nu~ e~~r ~ece~ved in the Cityas history. , ~'INANCIAL TRANSACTIONS OF C1~LIFORNIA CITIES - RECEIPT OF ANNUAL STATE C~~TROLL~1ZaS REPORT The Ci°ty Ac~minist~a~to~° re~iewec3 for ti~e Council the purpose and u~e of such ~°eporta ancl the Council °thereafter directed that same be placed on file. PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRI~PH COMPANY - REt 1~TE INCREASE IN CERTAIN TELPAK AND PRIVATE LTNE TELEPHONE SERVICE The City Adminis~rator advised the Council that the general public woulcl not be affectediby this increase since i~ applied directly to telephone u~ers l~having direct lines to their own officesa or °~o a location of 'tlzeir own choosing far remote in distance from one another. LOCAL CIGARETTE TAX LEGISLATION - LETTER FROM GOVERNOR BROWN REm HIS VETO OF SAME The Council reviet,aaecl t~he reasonings of Gover°nor Brown for his veto of said leg~sla~tionA and voiced the~r appreciation for having received ~a~rte. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE CHANGING THE REGULATION OF ATTENDANCE AND MEMBF,RSHTP OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande amencling prior Ordinance Noe 193 to revise organizational and at~endance features of the City Planning Commission was read through the title by the City Clerk; a motion was then made by Counci~man McNeil~ secondecl by Councilwoman Tllompson~ to dispen~e witlz reading the balance of the Ord~nance. T~Iotion unanimously ca~ried. ORDINANCE NO~ 207 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'~"~ l7F P~ROYO GRAND~ AMENDING ORDINANCE NO m 193 QF° ~I~E CI`I'Y OF° AFcR0~0 GRAN]~E BY CHANGING THE MAI~E-UP OF MEMBERSHIP OF° 'I°HE CIT~ PIJANNING COMMI SSION AND REGULA'I'ING ATTENDI-~NCE THEREOF On mo~ion by Councilman Burt~ seconcled by Councilman McNeila -2- CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 29~ 1955 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 and on the following r~~l ca11 votea to witm AYES; Counci~woman Thompson, Councilmen Levinea McNei1, Burt and Mayor Wooda NOES: Nonea ABSENT: None9 the foregoing Ordinance was adopted th~s 29th day of September~ 1965. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTM~NT - SEMIANNUAL JOINT MEETTNG ~ITH COUNCIL The date of Wednesday9 October 27~ 1965~ was set by the Council to meet jointly with`the Parks and Recreation Commi~sion. SUNSET DRIVE - RE~ CURBS AND GUTTERS - HEARING ON PROPOSED I~STALLATION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS :BETWEEN ALDER S~~ AND-ELM ST BY APPLICATION OF THE 1911 SHORT ASSESSMENT ACT This being the timea date and place~ Mayor Wood declared the hearing on the installation of concrete curb, gut~ers and d~iveway aprons on bot~ sides of Sunset Drive between Alder and E1m Street by use of the 1911 Act, Short Formq was duly posted and notification sent to each propert~ own~r, the hearing w~s now open and a11 persons for or against the sa~d installation would now be heards Mro Mar°vin Robertsona owner of tYie property commonly known as 1004: Sunset Drive, Arroyo Grandea spoke on behalf of the curb and gutter~ but at the same time made variou~ inquiries regarcling the coordination o~ his installation and t~he Cityes drain line, which inquiries were clarified by the Council to the sati~faction of Mr. Robertsoi~m There being no o°t`her persons present to speak for or against the curb ~nd gutter instal~ationq Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed.' After Council cliscussiono a mo~ion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the requirements for the residents of Sunset Drivea between Elm and A~dera in the City of Ar~oyo Grande, to have curbs and gutters installed by use of the 1911 Short Assessment District be, and it is herebya approv~d and authorized. Motion carried. r GENERAL MASTER PLAN - RESOLUTIOIW OF PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING THE CENTRAL BUSINES~ DISTRICT ELEMENT OF SUCH PLAN The City Administrator ~dvised tl~e Council regarding the Planning Commission's action`of approval of such plan by adopting Resolution No. 65-1~ ancl advised that such Commission was thereby submitting such Centra]. Business District Element of the P1an to the Council for their consicleration and ac~ion. After Council discussio~, a rnotion was macle by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilm~n Burt, that the date of October 26a 1965 at 8 P.M, in the Counci~ Chambers be se~t as °the time and place for an open public hearing on the Central Business District Element of the General Maste~° Plan of tlze Citya at which time all persons wis~hing to speak for or against suc~h proposecl plana or to voice any comment thereon8 woulcl be heard. The Council ask.ed the cboperation of tlze pre~sB ~.n publiciz~ng to the fullest, (1) the true and correc°t purpose and in°tent of said hearing, ancl (2) the date, time and p7Lace of saicl hea~°irtg. -3- CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 29~ 1965 ARROYO GRANDEB CALTFORNTA PAGE 4 REQUES'I' BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOiZ COUNCIL a S ACTION 'I'O REMOVE TRAFFIC HAZARD TO A~L PEDESTRIANS AT GRAND AVENUE OVERCROSSING This matter was reviewed by ~he City Adminis-tra°~or for the Council, no~ting °t`he near incidents of in~u~°y to vaa~king c`hilclrene and the pas°t ac~ion taken on behalf o~ tlze City fo~° cox°~°ec°tion of t`his haza~°c1, bu°t ~rit]zou°t results t~hrough °the S°~ate. After Council discus~ion, it was con~l_ucled -~hat co~°~°ective mea~ure~ be pursued through the proper State depa~~nents9 vait`h supporting data accompanying our correspondencea and °t~he Ci°ty Aclminis°trator was clirectecl to follotir through on such mat~.er~ REQUEST OF~ CHYEF OF POLICE - IN RE. MU'I'UAL A~I~ AGR~EMENT T`he Ci~y Administrator clarifiec~ for tlle Counci~ t~e true purpo~e and intent o~ the Mutual. Police Aicl Agreement betvreen all cities and the county police agenciesa ancl ~lha~ it wa~ highly recommenclecl by our C7i~ef of Police. The Counci~ ~nsiorse~l such plan providing a11 o°t~her cities joined to support samea and pro- viding all technical legalities could be solvede To confirm this clecision9 a mo°ti~on was made by Counci~man Levinea ~econded by Councilv~roman Thompson, °tha°t t~he Mu~ual Aic1 Agreemen-t is endorsed and will be entered into by ~he City of Arroyo Grande provided Cl~ al~ ci~.ie~ in ~~ie Co~an-~~ and San Luis Obispo County j oin in suclz Mu~ual Aid Agreemen°~~ ancl prov~cled ( 2) any and all legal teehnicalitie~ be resolvecT prior tlze~°e~to. Motion carriedo HIGHWAY ONE MEETING WITH STZ-~TE DIVISION OF° HIGHWAYS The City Aclminis~ra°tor'reviewed for °the Council the highlights of such mee°~ing ancl di~pla~recl to °tlze Council a map showing the three proposed ~reevray routes now uncler consicle~ation by the S°ta°te~ suc'h freev~ray construc°~ion -~o commence ~ome ~en years from °this year. WOMENaS CI~UB OF ARROYO GRANDE - RE PROPERTY IN THE VALLEY VIEW TRACT Mrs. Eileen G. Taylor~ speaking on behalf of the Women's Club, asked the Council for c~arification of date~ in the agreement between °the Club ancl ~he City, ar~c1 also requ~stecl an ex~ension of time on tlze existing agreement concerning the property in question. After Council di~cussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman T~honnpson~ seconded by Councilman Bu~°t~ tha~t the extension agz°eem~t bet~,reen the City and the Women ~ s Club datecl May 9~ 1961, w7iich, through an inadverten°t e~rorq shows a termina~ion cTate of Apri1 28, 1966o be corrected to show a°termination clate of Apri1 28, 1967, Motion carried. Further in this connectiona the Council concludecl to postpone th~ir ac°tion on °the ~x~ension of the ~x~s~t~ng agr~ement until the next Council meetinga °thus permitting ~he Cityes Attorney ~ to review ~he entire matter and make reco~nenda~.ions thereon to t]ze Council. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT T~he City Administrator advised that °the Sanita~ion Board was continuing t7iei~° stucly of the Resolu°~ion effec~ing `hookup to the se~aer ~inesa connection fees~ etc,a and tha~ the various construction projects ~rere progre~sing sa°tis~actorily. PROCLAMATION - "EMPLOY THE:PHYSICAI~ HANDICAPPED WEEK" Mayo~° Wood procla imed °~he week of October , 3 ~to 9 9 1965 a s "Employ the Physical Handicappecl Week" in ~he Ci~y of l~rroyo Grande. -4- CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 29; 1.965 ARROYO GEtANDE a CALI FORNI A PAGE 5 PLANNING COMMISSIONER - RESIGNATION OF DON SHAF"FER The Ci~y Ac7rninistrator advisecl the Council that Mr. Don Shaffer `hacl submitted his Commission~hip re~ignation to the Planning Commission by 1et°ter of recent date. Af°ter Council discussiono a motion was macle by Councilman McNeil, seconcled ` by Councilinan Burt, that the' resignation of Don Shaffera va~hose ter°m of office on the Planning Commission was due to expire June 30a 1966, be accepted as of September'29tlzo 19C5. Motion carriecl. The City Administrator was directed to write a let°ter o~ thanks and appreciation to Mr. Sh~ffer ~or his ~time and efforts extencled to °tlze City as a Planning Commissioner. JEEP PURCHASE - COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION OF SAMF After presentation of facts ancl fi~ures concerning this 1960 Jeep, and after Council discussiona a motion was macle by Councilwoman Thompsona secondecl'by Councilman Levinea that authorization for the purchase of a 1960 Jeep be granteclq anc1 that the cost of sanle in the amount of $185.00 }~e authorized. Motion carriecl. LETTER OF THANKS - ARROYO GRANDE HARVEST FESTTVAL The Council acknowledged receipt of a letter of tharik~ from the Harvest Festival Committee for their us~ of t'h~ Council Chambers during the pas°t months. LEAVE OF ABSENCE BY MANUEL VIEIRA - CITY EMPLOYEE On motion by Councilman'Burty, seconded by Councilman McNeilo the request of Manuel Vieira for a 10 clay ~eave of absenceo with- out pay, from October 25 to I~ov~mber 8, 1965q be approv~dm Motian carriecl. LETTER FROM SUNSET PALISADES IMPR~VEMENT ASSOCIATION - RE. TELEPHONE SER~TICE BETWEEN FIVE CITIES A.REl~ AND SAN LUIS OBISPO The Council acknov~rledgec~ rec~ipt of a letter under the signa- ture of Miss Margo Dodde dated ~e~tember 26, 1965, regarding support by the City in the promo~tion of!telephone dialing bet~reen San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grancle. The Ci~y Administrator was directed to follow through on this matter and"report accordingly to the Council. BRISCO REFUSE PIT After general discussion by t~he Council of ~the overall un- satisfactor°y conditions existing at this pit, the City Administrator was directecl to contact Mr. Lyle Carpentere County Supervisor, ancl repor°t the unacceptable ~ondi~ions of this sanitar°y landfill, and ask his cooperation in abating these condition~. FRONTAGE ROAD AND HALCYON GRAI)ING OF LAND AREA ACROSS FROM SAMBO"S The Council directed the City Administrator to instruct the Public Works Department to clear the area acljacent to the Frontage Road across from Sa~nbo°s to further facilitate parking for the public in that area.' BENNE`I'T AVENUEa WESTERLY FROM HALCYON ROAD Mr. Bill Troxe~l suggested that a"Not A Through Street" sign , be p~acecl at the intersec°tion in question, and a~so ~ha°t a stop t sign for Benne°tt ~raffic be installecl because of a blincl corner created by the grade clzange in Halcyon Road a~ °~~he time of the ~ Halcyon Road improvements. -5- CITY C~UNCIL SEPTEMBER 29, 1965 ' ARROYO GRANDEa C~,LI~~RNIA PAGE 6 AATOURNMENT Motion ~+~ras made by Councilman McNeil~ secon~ed by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, that the regular meeting of October 120 1965 be cancelled and that this meeting be adjourned at 9:50 P<M. ~ ' ~ ATTE ST : !j ~ TY CLERK MAYOR ~ -6-