Minutes 1965-10-26 ~.5~ CITY COUNCIL OC'~'OBER 26~ 196,5 ARROYO GRANDEa CALTFORNIA The City Council met in regula~ ~ession ~rith Mayor Wood presidingm Upon roll callo Counci~v~oman Thompsono Councilmen Levine and McNeil reportecl pre~ento Counci~man Burt was absentm MINUTE APPROVP~L The minutes of the regular adjourned meeting of September 290 1965 were approved as preparedm APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thomp~ono seeonded by Councilman McNeilo that General Warran~ts No. 297 to and including No.•380 in the total amount of $33,960.34e that Payroll Warrants No. 406 ~o and including No. 451 in the total amount of $70640.74, and Payroll Warrants Noa 452 to and incTucling Noo 51~ in the total amount of $80235,23o and that Trust and Agency F°und Warrants No. 101 to and including Nom 142 in ~the total amount of $261.OOo all be authorized and ordered paicl. Motion carrieclo TROPHY I~WARD TO CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - HAR~TE~'I' ~''ESTIVAL PPaRADE The City Administrator presentecl to the Couneil the trophy awardecl to the City of Arroyo Grande for t~he mo~~ beautiful float entered in °the 1965 Arroyo Grande Harvest Fest~~ra~. Paradeo and also presented pictures of same for ~he Couneil°~ viewingo EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY TO SHIRLEY AND BOB FOLKER`~S Mayor Wood expressed deepest sympa~hy to Shir~ey and Bob Folkerts in the tragic loss of their sono ~rego ancl directed that the City Administrator so express these feelings through corres- pondence to the Folkerts. ANNUAL CLAM FESTIVAL PARADE - PARTIC~PATION BY COUNCIL IN PARADE Announcement was made to the Council that the Pismo Beach ~ Chamber of Commerce had invited ~he Ci~y Council to participate in the Annual Clam Festival Parade on Nov~mber 13a 1965o to which the Council agreed that all~who cou~c~ participate would join in the parade activitieso REQUEST OF GOLF COURSE COMMITTEE -"UNDE~ SIGNATURE OF AL Am BROWNE RE o CITY ATTORNEY ° S ATTENDANCE A'I° F°I~TANCI~L CONFERENCE The letter of request was read in its entirety by the City Administrator which in brief asked that t~e City Council permit Mr. Shipseyo the City°s Attorneyo °to accompany Mro Browne for purpose of a visit ta the Law Offices of 4~ilsono Joneso Morton and Lynch in San Mateo for exploratory cl~scus~ion of ineans of financing a public golf course under the 19~1 Tmprovemen~ Act. Mr, Albert A. Browne spoke to the Council as representa~ive of the Golf Course Committee~ After general discussion by t~he Councilo their resultant decision was ~o decline °the City Attorneyes vis~tation ~o the meeting in question~ TREASURER°S REPORT The Treasurer°s Report for the month of Septembero 1965a to- gether with the budget and revenue sta~tementso was received by the Council and placed on file. DEPARTMENTI~L MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental. Mon~lzly Repo~t for t~he month of Septembero ~965 was x°ece~ved by the Council and pl~ced on filea Councilwoman Thompson commended the ~a.re Chief and the ~°ire Department for their activities durir~g 7~nnual F~ire Prevention We~kg she also suggested that plans be macle for the attendance of the Police Chief ancl the Fire Chief at the Z-~nnual League of California Cities' Convention in ~u~ture years. -1- CITY COUNCIL OC°~'QBER 260 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA . PAG~ 2 CENSUS ~STIMATE FOR C~'~y OF' ARROYO G1~AND~ After resume by ~he C~ty Ac1~in~.s~ra~o~ of ~the ~ntent and possible resultant benefit~ from a cu~°rent census estimateo a motion was macle by Counci~Lwoman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Levineo ~ha°t the Mayor ancl t`he City C~erlc be aut~horizecl to ~ign an agreement wi~h the Sta~e Office of F'inance for purposes of a 1965 Census for the City of 1~rroyo Grar~clee Motion carriedo BRISCO REFUSE PIT The Ci~y Administrato~ informecl ~lze Council tlza~ a letter had been received from Sup~~viso~° Carper~ter o~ the County of San Luis Obispoo acknowledging our ~et~er ~o ~him ~°egarding the unsatisfactory conditions at this sani~a~y ~ancl~illo ancl advising the Council that action was be~ng ta7~en ~to ~~mecly ~`h~se conditions and to maintain ~he pi-~. in an acceptabl~ condi-tiono The City Administrator was instruc~ed to wri~e a~e~ter o~ tl~anks to Super- visor Carpenter for his prompt actionm "MOLOTOV COCKTAIL" - REQUEST F°FtOM M~YOR O~` I~ONG BEACH The Council was advisecl that ~he City of Long Beach was soliciting our support regaraing the rrtat~.e~ a~f ~he use of a "Molotov Cocktail o o~° o~her incendia~y ob~ ecto being a felony crime, such having been prompted by the recent waive of violence in Southern Californiao After gene~°a].. c1i~~ussion by the Councila the City Administrator was directed ~o co~~e~ponc~ w~~th the League of California Ci~ies ~o determine th~ pro~ and con~ of any and all laws pertainir~g to °'Molotov Coe7c~ai1~'° o STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZA'I"ION - RECE~PT OF T5 ~UGG~STIONS CONCERNING PROPERTY TAX PROBLEM~ This report was reviewed by ~~he Councilo generally commented upon~ and thereafter d~rec~ed to b~ p1~~ec~ on file~ PUBLIC HEARING _ pROPOSED CENTR.AL BUSINESS DIS'~RICT ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN F°OR CITY OF ARROXO GRAND~' - This being the date, ~ime and p~acea Mayor VJood declared the hearing on the Proposed Cen~raY Busine~s Dis~trict Element of the General Plan for the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande tiras duly posted and proper notification made tl~ereor~o and he fur~her declared the hearing was now open and al~ persons for or against the said named el~ment of the GeneraY Plan for t~he City would now be heard. Mr. Bob GaTlop of Hahno Wise anc~ Associates gave a brief summary of ~he intent anc~ purpo~~ of ~,he named eTement o~ the plana There being no other p~~°~on~ pres~n~, to speak for or against the proposed elemento Mayor Wood declarec~ ~:he hearing closed. After g~neral discussion by the Councilo the City Clerk was directed to read a resolu~iona in i~s entiretyo relative to the adoption of ~he proposed Cen~ral Busine~s District Element. RESOLUTION NOa 669 A RE SOLUTI ON OF 'I°HE CI TY COUNCI L OF' Z°HE CI TY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING Z°HE C~NTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN On motion by Councilwoman Thomp~ono seconded by Councilman Levine, and on ~he following ro~.T caTY vo~~o to wit; CITY COUNCIL OCTOB~R 260 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 3 AYES: Counci~vaoman T'lzompsono Cauncilmen Levineo McNeil an~ Mayor ~Tood~ NOES~ Noneo ABSENT~ Councilman Btxr~o the forego.~ng resolution was adopted this 26t1z clay of October~ 19650 REZONING REQUEST (NO, 28) - NORTHEI~S~' CCIRN~R OF SUNSET DRIVE AND SOTJTH ~LM STRE~"I' - NORNI~N F m CANBY A motion was made by Councilman McNeilo seconded by Councilman Levineo that the rezoning reques~ of ~To~man F°. C,an~y to rezone from R-1 ~o C-1 and R3-D a portion o~ Lo~s 14 at~d 15 0~ ~~he Folsom Tract be set for hearing on Novembe~° 90 19~5 at 8 PoMo Motion carrie d. PROPOSED AMENDMENZ° TO ZONING ORD'INANC~ NO~ 157 & CREATION OF NEW ZpNING DISTRICT IN REs HALCYON ROAD & AMENDING THE DISTI2ICT MAP P~tQFESSTONAL-COMMERCIAL DISTRI A motion was made by Co~znci~~rcan Lev~n~o ~econdec~ by Councilwoman Thompsona that the proposed amenclment to ~qn~ng O~dinanee Nom 157 and creation of new zoning district a~d am~nc~ing t~he clistrict mapo the area involved being general.ly clescrib~d a~ b~~ng a portion of ~he Fair Oaks Tract, Ap~ey ° s Addition to ~7ie CYia.~atauqua Assembly Groundso Tract lOle tYie Folsom '~"ract~ and por-~ion~ of Lots 1050 106 and 107 of the Rancho Corral de Pi~drao' Pismo ancl Bo1sa de Chemisals for purpos~ of establ~~Y~ing a profes~ional-commercial districto be set for `hearing on Novem]~er 90 1965 at 8 P~M. Motion carrieda CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PUBLIC IJTTLITY BUILDING ~tEQUEST N~o 70-65 CITY OF° ARROYO GRANDE After Council discuss~ono a motian v,~as macle by Councilwoman Thompsono seconded by Councilman 1+~cNei~.o that the request of the City of Arroyo Grande to construct a public utility building on City-owned property Tocated on ~c~u~h Elm Streeto in the City of Arroyo Grandeo as recommended by ~lze P~anning Commi~sion be approved, Motion Carriede PLANNING COMMISSIONER - DON SHAF~°ER - REPLACEMENT BY MANSELL DEXTER _ _ The Commissioner~hip held by M~o ~haffer has been officially vacatecl by this individual°s per~oraa~L resignation and resuTtant Cou~cil action. After presentation o~ a letter from the Planning Commission recommending Mro ~ian~~ll b~xtero and:a~°~er discussion by the Councilo a motion was macle by Councilman Levineo seconded by Councilwoman_ Thompsono that Mr. Mansell Dextero who resides at 836 ValYey Koado Arroyo Grande~ Galiforniav be appointecl this date to the Plar~ning Commission to ~ill the une~pired term of Don Shaffer, such term to expire June 300 19~i6o Motion earriedm LEDO PLACE - TN RE. INGRESS AND ~G~tESS The City Administrator rev~ewed ~n de~ail for the Council the problems of ingress and egress for re~iden~ts in the immecliate and surrounding area of Ledo placea prima~°ily prompted by the placement of a barricade at tlze end of Brighton Stre~t9 some 100 feet east of Ledo Placem T~e following citizen~ spoa!Ce in person regarding the mat:~er in question~ Wells C. Smith ofS4350 Ledo Placeo Mr, Richard Granthana 322 NB20t3~Street~ Dr. Harriso~ Gillo 375 Ledo Placeo Larry Nune~o 366 Leclo Placea Eugene L. F~ra~ero 36C 20th Streeto and Danny MacAlexanderB 382 N. 20t1z Str~eto After general discussion by the named citiz~nsa the CounciT and tlze City Engineero the follo~ring conclus~ons of action vrere made~ ~3_ ~ ~e~ CITY COUNCIL OC`I'OBER 26 a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CI~LIE°ORNIA PAGE 4 (1) A motion was made by Councilman McNeilo seconded by Counc~lman Levinea ~~hat ~he C~~y o~ Arroyo Grand~ a.~~~t~a~~ a title search of the streets in ~h~ c~~°ainage area lo~ated. ~n ~th~ general area of Ledo Placeo Brigh~.on ~venue and 2Qth ~~reetB in the Cityo at a max~mum expenclitur~ of $3QO.OOm Mc~~a.or~ ea~ried~ (2) The Couneil di~°ec~ted ~`ha~ ~h~ FubJ.ic Wor~k~ D~par~- ment prepare "plan linesa' on Brigll~on Avenue~ ~Q~h Str~~~ ~o Farrell Roada and Mapl~ Street ~es~erly th~ Gi°~y L.~mi~s for the Planning Commissionas ~ecommencla~~on~~ (3) T~he C~ty Administra~or was diree~ec~ ~to correspond with the owner of the proper~y on wlzieh the ba~rieacle in question has been placed in an attempt to abat~ °~1-ie lzampering of fire protec~ion and tI-ie thoroughfare probl~m,s ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS - WALNU'I" AT FAIR OAKS, WAI~NU'I' AT FARRELL ROADa & BENNETT AT HALCYON ROAD After Council di~cussiono a re~olution autlzo~°i~ing establish- ment of boulevard stop signs wa~ read in it~ en~irety by the City Clerk, RESOLUTION NOm 670 RESOLUTTON OF THE CITY COUN~TL OF 'I'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEo AUTHORIZING ES'I'ABL`ISHMENZ' OF BOULEVARD S'I°OP ~~GNS On motion by Councilman McNei19 seconded by Gouncilman Levine, and on the fnllowing roll call vo~eo to ~ai~: AYESs Councilwomara Thompson, Councilmen Levineo MeNeil and Mayor Wooda NOESs Nonea ABSENTs Counr_ilman nu~t;o the foregoing Resolution was adop~ed ~his 26th day of October, 1965. REQUEST OF LOREN BEAMER - RELI~F' FROM WATER BILL The City Administrator advised t~he Council that certain City parkway property adjacen~ ~o proper~y owned by Mrm and Mrs. Beamer at 159 Brisco Roado hacl been planted, wa~ered and cared for by the Beamers, thu~ account.~ng for their water relief request. Mr. and Mrs. Beamer were in at~.endan~~ a-t ~he meeting and spoke in their own behalf. Af~er Council cliscussion, Mayor Wood advised that the Ci~y would be se~~ing a p~°ecedent if ~°elief was granted, and thus the City could only deny ~:heir requesto howevera the Mayor informed the Beamers tha~ the area in question would be watered in the future by t~he City°s newly acquired water truckm The Mayor also extended the City°s thank~ to Mr. ancl Mrs9 Beamer for their beautification effortsm LOPEZ DAM PROJECT - CITY°S Ua~ OF' CONTRACTED WATER FROM PROJECT The City Administrat,or informed ~he Council that a meeting between the City Attorneys and Pu~lic Works Directors of Pismo Beacho Grover City and Arroyo Grande9 and'hirnself was scheduled for Thu~sdayp October 28, 1965 for pu~pose of discussing t~e contracts by such cities for purchase of wa~er fr°om the Lopez Project, The Council was also informed 'that s°~a~.istical informa- tion was being prepared for t~zs Ci~y ~y Hahn and Wise to cletermine quantities of wa~er neededl fo~° future use e _q_ ~.5¢ CITY COUNCIL OC'I°OB~R 260 1965 ARROYO GRANDEe CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 5 WPaTER DEPARTNIENT The City Administrato~° macle reference ta the recent heat wave in Arroyo Grande ancl announcecl to ~1ze' Coun~il ~tYia1~ ~ince the installa~on of larger water pipe faci.li~i~~~ an~l tl3e ad~tion of the 100 ~ha~se power pumpa °t~e City ° s wate~ servic~ YTad maintained a hig~ level and tIze re~er~ro~~°~ 1~~ no-~ droppec~ below the er~erqency level at ~ny timeo and tYi~ water table lzacl remained con~tant~ . PROGRESS REPORT - f3~° 191~ ~9~3 ~i~S~SSi~N'I" P~CTS The City Administrator advisecl°~`he Council that a meeting had been lzelcl with rep~esen~ative~ of;O°Melveny and Myers and Stone ~~ec~ Younqberga the City A~torn~yo Public Wor]c~ Direc-t~~ and the Ci-ty Adzri~n~~~°a~~ to. £u~.t~.~. rr~~` of the above namecl assessrrten°t acts and ~the~r appl~cation to our City in various assessmentsa with special emplzasis on °t77ie c~eve~opment of sewers throughout our City. T~he C~ty Admin~.~trato~° inforrriecl the Council they would be kept informecl of fut~~°e progr~ss on tYiis matters - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DTS'~"RICT The Council was aclvi~ed by t`he City Administrato~ °that the treatment plant was approximately 55 °~0 6~~ completedo the trunk lines appro~imately 80 to 85/ completeda ancl t7iat ~77~e Dcean t3utfa1l Line has progressed to the eclge of ~he beaclz. The Council was also invited =~o ma7ee a'~ou~-of-E'aeilities c>~ the Sanitation District on Noverr~e~° 17 ~.19_C.5 a~ 3fl ~,Mo 0 with c~epa~~t~~°e from the City Hal.l m CURB5 AND GUT'I°ERS - SUNSET DRIVE ~ CALL F'OR BIDS Af°ter resume by the City Adminis°t~ator ancl resulta.~°~ Council discussiona a motion kras made 3~y ~ounci.lman A~ccl~eila seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ ~ha°t °the City G~erk be authorized and instructed to advertise the ca.ll for bicls for instal]akion of eurbs and gutters on Sunset Drive betzaeen Alder and E1m Street in the City of Arroyo Grandeo and ~tha~t such bicls be op~necl in the office of the City Clerk on Noverriber 220 1.965 at 2 P.Ma Motion carried. ORDINZ~NCE CODiFICr~T~QN The City Admini~tra~or announced ~o °th~ Council that approxi- mately 99 pages of ~`he coclification were a~ the completed stagea and tYiat °the con~pletecl p~o~ec°t vrould be for~hcoming in the near future. "CITY COUNCIL AGENDZ-~ WELCOME" The Council expressed favorable comment regarding t~he use of the agenda welcome lettera which will be used in connection with , the Council Agenda and which will be ~vailable to all intereste~l ~ persons. ADJQURNMENT On motion by Councilman ~cNeil~ seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompsona and unanimously carri~da the meeting adjourned at 10:14 P.M~ J. . ATTE ST a ~ ~~~G~ ~ CITY CLERK OR -~5-