Minutes 1965-11-23 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 23, 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNI,A The City Council met in regular ~e~~ion vaith Mayor Wooc~ presidinga Upon ~°oll ca~l, Councilwoman Thomp~or~o Councilm~n Levine and Burt reported presentm Councilman McNeil was ab~ent~ MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of November 90 ~965 ~rer~ ap~rovecl a s prepar~ed . APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion ~aas made by Council~roman Thomp~one ~eeonclec~ by Couneilman Burta t1~at General Warrants Nom 43F ~o ancl inclucling Nom 481 in °the tot~l amount of $26~410a519 and Payrol~ Warran-~s No. 555 to and inc~.uding No. C17 in the total amount of $80~140920 be authorized and o~°dered paid. Motionrcarrieda REQUEST FRC1M ARROYI~ ~`,RANDE DOWN'I°OWN MERCHAN'I°S ° 1~SiOCIATTON REm CHRISTMAS DECORP,TION DAY After review of the letter request of t~he Merchants" Associa- tion, and Gouncil ~i~cussiono Mayor Wood proclaimed Sundaya December 5~ 1965, a~ Arroyo Grandeas Ghrist~mas Decora~tion Dayo ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REm SUPPORZ" ~N ANNUAL CHRISTI~S STR~E'I" LoTGH'~'ING PROGRAM After presentation of fac~s and figures by Marvin Har~wigo R. E~ Blankenburg ~nd Norman Brittain conce~ning t~he s~ree°t lighting programa and a~ter';Council di$cussiona a mo~ion wa~ made by Councilman Burto s~conded by Councilwoman Tlzompsono tha~ the sum of $750.00 be gran~ed to t~he Arroyo Grande Chamber of Cominerce for Christmas stre~t ligh~ing purposes for the year 1965-66~ and that said sum be au~thorized ancl ordered paicl to the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerc~. Motion carrieds DEPARTMENT OF HEAL~'H -~NOTICE OF REDECLARATION OF SAN LUTS OBISPO COUNTY AS RABIES AREA The City Administrator explained to the Council thait the pur- pose of such declara~ion was to verify that the Rabies Ordinance for the City of Ar~oyo Grande was in ordero in effect and enforced. REQUEST OF ALLEN G'3ME~o CODIFIER~ REm CERTAIN RESOLUTIONS FOR CITY EFFEC'~ING SEWER HOOKUP FEES The City Admiz~~strator exp~ained that certain Re~olutionso primarily numbers ~88 and 240o contained confli~~tin.g data concerning sewer hookup fees applicable to the City and tha~ c~arification was necessary, After Council cliscussiona the Ci~yVs Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution to delete an~ and all se~rer hookup charges for connection to any type sewer wit`hin the City of Arroyo Grande and to present same to the Council ~or their action. PROPOSED RESOLUTION REm SUPPORT TO ARMED FORCES IN VIET NAM ° Mayor Wood directed that actual cop~es of this proposed resolution be pr°esented to.the Council for t~heir review and study prior to the next regular Council meetingo and ~hat same would be acted upon a"t such future meeting. REQUES'I' OF ,ARRDYO GRANDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DI STRI CT RE m ES'I°ABLI SHMENT OF ''NO PARKING°' ZONE ON PORTION OF WEST CHERRY 1~VENUE After presen~ation by the City Administrator of ~tudy and analysis of the Police Department and the Public Works Department concerning the matter in question~ and after Council cliscussione a Resolution to establish a"No Parking" zone wa~ read in its entirety by the City Clerk. ~ 1~1 CITY COUNCIL I~7oV~MBER 23a 1965 ARROYO GRZ~NDE a CALIE`ORNIA PAG~ 2 . RESOLUT~ON NO~ 671 RESOLUTTON OF' 'I'H~ CITY COUNC~L OF 'I'H~ CTTY OF' ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORTZING D~SIGNATION O~" "NO PARKING" 1~R~A ~N CHERRY A~T~NUE IN CIT'Y OF ARROYO GRZ-~NDE' On motion by Councilznan Bu~°to seconcl~cl by C~uncilman Lev~nea and on t~he following ro~l c~ll vo~eo to vaita AYES: Coun~ilwoman '~lzomp~ona Co~xrac~lmen Levine, Bur~ ancl Mayo~ 4~Tooc1~ NOES: Nonea ABSENT: Councilman McNe~~o the foregoing Resolu~ion was adaptecT tlz~~ 2~rc1 day of Novembero 1965m Further in this connecticano tlze Ci~y Acl~r?ini~~~at;or ~ras direc°ted to correspond with the School Di~t~°iet ~uggesting ancl recommenc~ing that tlze Di~~t~°ict develop more pax°]c~ng area~ for their own purposes a~ the Orcha~d Avenue Sclzool. to tlzus alle- viate the par]cing problem on public Gi~ty stree~~ in ~~ha~t pa~ticular area. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE TO REZONE A PORTION O~° LOTS ~4 ancl 15 OF Z°HE FOLSOM TRACT ~ COMMONLY KNOWN A,S THE NOR'I°HEAST CORNER OF SUNSET DRIVE AND SOUTH ~LM STREE~a BY NORMAN Fm CANBY F°ROM R-1 to C-1 and R3-Do AND ID~NTIFIED AS REZONING REQUEST IVO~ 28 An Ordinance amend~.ng Ordinance No. ~57 of thi~ Citya so as to rezone cer~ain property in ~7~.is Ci~y9 was read through the ti~les thereupon a motion was macle by Councilwoman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Burta to disp~n~e ~,~rit7i reading the balance of the Orclinance9 mo~ion unanimous~y carried. ORDINANCE:NO. 208 AN ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO~ 157 OF" THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion by Ca~ncii°wom~n T~hompson, seconded by Councilman Levineo and on the fol~owing roll call voteo °to wi°tv AYES: Counci~woman Thompsona Councilmen LevineB Bur°~ and Mayor Wooda NOES; Noneo ABSENT; Councilman McNeilo the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 23rd day of Novembere 1965~ SECOND READING - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE NOm 157 AND CREATING A NEVd ZONING DISTRICT AND AMENDING 'I'H~ DIS'I°RICT MAP RE. CERTAIN AREA ON SOUTH HALCYON ROAD PROF°ESSIONAI,-COMMERCIAL DISTRIC`I' It v~ras announe~cl ~l~at °~hi~ ma~~er v,roulcl be hel,d in abeyance until ~11e next regular me~ting. LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD fJ~ SUPERVISOR:S REQUES'I'ING COUNCIL SUPPORT ON THE DECENCY AMENDMENT PETITION After presentation by the City Administra~o~° and upon hearing recommendations of the ~i~y Attorneya tlze Council electecl to hold this sub~ect request in abeyance pencling recommenc~ation~ of the League of California Citie~. -2- , CITY ~OUNCIL NOVEMBER 23~ 1965 ARROYO GRANDEB CALTFORNTA PAGE 3 MOLOTOV CbCKTAIL - CRIME PUNISHMENT ~ EELONY INS'~'~AD O~ MISDEMEANOR A€ter Council discu~sion~ tlze ma~~ejc° w~~ c~~~ec~~cl to be ~held in abeyance unti~ the T966 Leg~.sla~ive Se~~~on commence~ in Sacramento. LEASE BETWEEN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AND CT'~Y OF ARROY'O GRANDE RE m JUSTICE COURT QUARTERS LOCAT~D 4~1~'I'~iI1~T CI'I"Y HALL After presentation of tlze data concerning ~Izi~ lea~e due to expire December 50 1965~ and afte~ Council d~scussiono ~t7~e City Administrator wa~ c~irected to advise the Coun°~y in wri°~ing that the City of Arroyo Grande was in neec~ o~ the City Hall space now occupied by the Jus~ice Courta and in °~~he even~ the Jus~ice Court found it necessary to continue ~lze~~° occupancy o~ the quar~ers in question after December 50 ~9C5~ a per~ocl of two months would be allowed them for renego~iation of t`he curren~ monthly rental ratea during which two mon~~~ ~`he cu~rent lease - rental rate would still apply. REQUEST OF RICHARD F. GRANTHAM = R~ 0 15 " PUBT.,IC U'I"ILITY ~ASEMEIVr , WOODLAND DRTVE - LOT 13o TRACT NO~ 260 After review of the applicab~e ci~cum~~ances of Mrm Grantham's request by ~~he City Adminis~rator, duririg which he announced to the Council that the Planning Commi~sion had recomm~nded the abandonmen~ of 5' of t~he ~5 " U-tility Easemen~to and a~~ter Council discus~ion9 a motion was made by Council~roman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Burt, tha~. the Ci~ty At~orney prepare a resolu~tion f or. the abanclonment of 5° o~ ~he sub j ec~' 15 ~ u~il ~ t~ ea sem~ent on the sauth side c~ Lot. 13, Tract No. 260 Xn ~~he City of Arroyo Grande, and present said resolution to the Counci~ for,° ~heir further action at the next regular Council meeting. Ma~ion car°riedm CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLATION ON SLINSET DRIVE - SHORT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - RECEIVE BIDS The Ci~ty Adminis~rator repor~ed °t~hat on November 22a 1965 at 2 PmM, in the Office of ~the Di~ector o~ Public Workso one bid - was received and opened by ~t1ze City Cle~°k fo~ the proposed installa'- tion of curbs and gutters on S~anse~t Drivea this being the da~e, time and place set by the Council for said ~id openingo The bid received was submi~ted by Robert Newdoll in tlze total ameunt of $1,036.00, and the Ci~y Administrator advised ~~ha~ such bid was in ordero pricewise and o~therwiseN and ~he Department of Public Works had recommended its approval~ After Council discus- sion, a motion was made by Counci~man Le°~ine, ~econded by Council- woman ThompsonB that the bid submitted by Rober~. Newdoll for the installation of certain curbs and gut°~ers on Sun~e~ Drive in the City of Arroyo Grande in the ~total am~unt of $1,036000 be acceptedo and ~.hat the Mayor be authorized ~o ~ign a contract. accordingly. Motion carried. FINAL APPROVAL`__- HALCYON ROAD PRqJECT NO. 90-1-65 SS-36 The City Administrator presented a repor~~ ~rom the Department of Public Works ~to the Council rel~tive ~to the final acceptance and final payment of the Halcyon Road improvemen~tsa The C~.ty Administrator advised t'hat the ~otal due amoun~ presen~ed by, M. J. Hermreck~ Inc., Con~.rac~or on ~he ~iamed improvemen'~sa was in the amount of $17a5~4a92~ but, that the Public Works Department of the City had approved ancl recommended payment in the amount of $12,399m41 in full payment of work performed under the contract in question, The difference amoun~a i.e,a $5o115m51, is being claimed by Hermreck for loss of anticipated pr°ofits for which no compensation is authorized~ -3- 1b~ CITY COUNCIL NOV~MB~R 230 1965 ARRpYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 After Council discussiono a mo~ion wa~ ma~e b~ Counc~lwoman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Bu~~o ~ha~ ~mpro~e~ent~ of Halcyon Roado City Projee~ ~o0 90-~~65 ~e aecep~e~a an~ that f~nal con~ract paymen~ ~or ~ueh ~a~e~ ~mp~ov~men~~ in the amount of $12~399041 be au~ho~ize~ a~~-~~~~red p~id ~o Mo Hermreck~ Incs Mo~~on ca~riedo GRAND AVENUE - RE~ DRAINAGE AND F~QPO~~D CAPITAL IMPROV~MENTS The Council generaliy di~cuss~~ and pe~~~~en~ ~etails involving the improvement of Grand ~~e~u~ ~~om Halc~o~ ~oad to lSth Stree~~o imemo ove~aTl general cap~ta~ ~mpro~~men~ and temporary improvement~ ~.o ma~~ G~an~ ~venu~ ~ f~~~ ~ane roadway from Halcyon to 18th~ The Couneil ~a~ g~ne~a~~y ag~~~eent to forestall commencement of the preplann~ budgete~ imp~ove~ent of Grand Avenue from Halcyon to Elm~ p~ndi~g ~he prog~es~ of ~roposed sewer line ~nstallations in ~his la~~er ~am~d ~e~tion of Grand within a reasonable future tim~~ ~~sd in connec~~on~ the Council asked that determinations be ma~e ~o ~he cos~ of the temporary improvements neces~ary to ma~e G~an~ Avenue ~rom Elm Street to 18th Street a four lane roadway~ and tha~ such det~rmina- tions be presented at the next Cou~cil meetingo LEDO PLACE --BRIGHTON AVENUE ~XT~NSION ~ 20th 5TREE~ RE. INGRESS AN~ ~GRESS The City Administrator advised th~ ~ouncil that further study was continuing on this matter and ~ha~ t~e legalitie~ involved on the City°s part were being de~~ermined by ~he Ci~y A~~orney and such legal findings would be repor~ed`to ~he Council at thelr next regular meeting. REQUEST OF U, S~ POST OFFICE ~OR F~OP~R ZONING IN FRONT OF MAIL DROP BOX ON TRA~FIC WAY The Post Office`~ request w~~ prima~°~ly to eliminate other- than-momentary parking in fron~t of ~;he tnai~ drop box. This matter was continued ~o ~.he nex~ Council meeting to allow ~uffi- cient time for proper det~rmina~:ians and document preparationsm LOPEZ DAM PROJECT On behalf of ~the Arroyo G~°ande Ci~,y Councilo Mayor Wood clarified the record standing of ~.~e Ci~y of Arroyo Grande on the Lopez Project as follows; He ~~a~er1 br~efly that (1) there was now a better unders~anding be~tvre~r~ t`he local cities involveda (2) that the people approved th~s pro,~ec~ and~want °~o proceed and `do whatever is necessary ~o accomplish completion of this project, ( 3) that ~the Council ~ s feelings are t'hat the fact~ have been pre- sented openly and firmly by ~`he Coun~.y ~o all per~on~ and tha°t any and all questi~ons have been an~,rerec~ by °tY~e CAa~~ty ~I~draul~c Engineer°s Of~ice whether or not the answers were what was wanted to be hearda (4) thaf ~he full cost'of the pro~ec°t was pre~ented to the public and that the ~nti~°e communl~y is aware that cost increases would be forthcoming to pay~'~°espective proportionso and (5) that no pressure by the County,ha~ b~en fo~°ced upon the Council, it being their fee~ing that th~ County has presented the most economical met3~od of helping solve ~he wa~ter p~°oblem in thi s area and at the same ~time presented a rec~°eation program to promote an added economic clevelopment at no co~ ~o ~his particula~ aream The Council engagec~ in a gene~al cli~scus~ior~ of the Lop~z Dam Project, anc~ jo~ning in such discussion wer~ Lyle Carpentero Supervisor of" the Coun~y of 5an Luis Obi~po9 ~ep~°~~en~ting ~he South County areas and Riclzard A~ Drahn of ~`h~ Coun°t~ Hydraulic Engineer's Office. 1 ~ ~ ~ ' ~.6~- CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBFR 23a 1965 - ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNTA PAGE 5 In par~iculara the ma°~~er o~ -~h~ variou~ en~ities electing to postpone the instal7~ion of ~~h~ ~ransmis~ion line~ ~or ~tlze water from the proposed Lopez Dam was c~we~le~ upon~ ~u~ ~Yi~ Council elected °~o give this matter fur°ther ~°~uc~y an~ con~~cl~~°ation before making its ~ina1 deci~ion regarcling ~an1e, F°urt7ier in ~his connectiono M~. R.•icl°iard A~ Drahn reacl and presentecl his letter of November~ 239 ~95~5° addres~ecl ~o tl-ie Council regarding this en°titya~ represen°~a~~nn on °~he ZONE ~ ADVISORY COMMITTEE to t~he Board of Supervi~or~ o~ ~he San Lui~ O~ispo Coun~y Flood Control and Water Conse~°'~ra~ion D~~°~ri.c~s ~upervi~or Carpenter expressed his recommendation ~that ~he ~ame person pre- viously represen~ing this Ci~ty on ~he nam~cl eommi~t~e be again appointed becau~e of famil~arity o~ pas°~ pYans aric~ goaYs ~ov~arcl the Lopez Dam Projec~. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATTON DISTRIC'I" - PFtOGRESS REPORT The City Administx°a~or advised °that ~~h~ ~cYiec~u~~cl Tour of Facilities of ~his projec~ had been postponecl b~cause o~ unfavorable weather°s howevero all un~ts o£ ~he Dis°tric~~~ p~ojec~~ vre~°e progres- sing satisfac~orilym WILLIAM BROS." SHOPPING CENTER - EA.SEMENT FOR 1Q" WATER LINE After pre~entation ~o ~he Council anc~ ~lzeir re~ul~tan°~ clis- cussiona a motion was made by Counci~man Levinea ~econcled by Councilwoman Thompson, ~ha°~ t~he ea~~Enen~ ~or ~,1ze ~0" wa°ter line located between Grand Avenue and Pop~ar S~reeta ~rom William Bro~.'Marketsp Tnc. to ~he City of A~royo Grande be a.ccep~ed and recorded. Motion carriedo TEMPORARY EMPLOYI~IENT OF ROBERT GALLOP After presentation of t7ie ~ubjec't in que~~tiona and after review and discussion by the Councilo a mo~ion was made by Councilman Bur~o seconded by Caunci~man Levinea that Mr~ Rober~ Ga11op be temporarily employed by ~he City of Arroyo Grandeo under t~e title of Engineering Aidee a~ a salary of $600.00 per month, for a three mon~th perioc~ cammencing November 29a 1965, Motion carried. PROPOSED PRESENTAT'ION OF LAND BY ARROYO GRANDE DOWNTOV~IN MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION - FOR PART{ING LOT The City At~orney ac~vised ~he Council ~ha~ corresponc~ence had been received from Andy Davidq A~torney representing the Downtown Merchants, together wi°th p~operty deeds conveying certain ~ land to ~the City for parking 1ot pu~rposes0 and further~ ~the Cityas Attorney recommended that such proper~ie5 b~ title searched. After Council discussion, a motion was mad~ by Council~aoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman BurtA tha~t tlze Cify A~~orney be au~horized to commence any and al~ necessary title searches involving certain properties being deeded ~o the C~ty for ~.he purpose of a pa~°king lot in downtown Arroyo Grande, Motion carriec~. MASTER PLAN - PROPOSED FUTURE MOVE OF GITY HALL LOCATION The Mayor directed the City Administrator ~o dir~c~ a letter~ to the Arroyo Grande Down~town Merchant.s°A~sociation s~ta~ing that the firm handling ~the Ma~ter Plan for the C~ty of A~°royo Grande had proposed in such Mas~ter Plan that, the Ci.~y Hall~ in ~the~r opinionq be reloca~ted in a differen~ area for befi~ter land use purposesa bu~ that ~here were no p~,ans to change ~1ze lacation of the City Hall at this ~ime. -5- 1~i~ CITY COUNCIL NOV~MBER 230 1965 ARROYO GRZ~NDE a CALIF°ORNII~ PI~G~ C ADJOURNNIENT On motion by Counci~vaoman ~T`homp~~ny ~econc~ec~ by Councilrnan Levine~ and unanimou~ly carrieda °~he rne~ta~ng adjourrned at 10:33 P~ M, , ATTE ST : ,~~L ; ~~i1~~' ~ ~ C Y CLERK YOR ~ -6-