Minutes 1965-12-14 CITY COUNCIL D~CEMB~R T4a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA The City Counci~ me~ in regu~a~ ~es~ion wit~h Mayor Wood presic~inga Upon roll callo Councilwoman Thomp~on~ Council.men Levineo McNeil and Burt ~epor~ed pre~~ntm MINUTE APPROVAL The minu~es of ~~he regu~ar mee~ting of November 2~0 19~5 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by -Councilwoman TlZOmp~or~o ~e~oncled by Councilman Levinea that General Warrants No, 482 ~o and including Noo 540 in the to~al amoun~ of $25020 8,33a tl-iat PayroYl Warrants No. 618 ~to and including Noo 666 in ~he ~otal amoun~ of $7a565m35o and Payroll Warran~s No. 667 ~to and inc~uding No. 722 in the total amount o~ $8~389.97~ and Tru~t anc~ Agency Fund Warrants No. 185 to and including No. 199 ancl No. 404 ~o and inc~uding No. 427 in the ~total amoun~ of $223e50a b~ authorizecl ancl ordered paid. P~totion carried. WOMA~I~T`S CLUB OF ARROYO GRAND~ - RE. PROPERTY IN VALLEY VIEW TRACT The reque~~ of the Woman~s C1ub of Arroyo G~°ande for a meeting with Council representa~tion for purpo~e of discussing and working out details on the Agreement between °~lze Club and ~~he City regarding an extension of time on ~he existing agxeement cvncerning the pr°operty in question was discussed by ~lze Counc~l and Mrs. Elaine Garey and Mrs. Eileen Taylor of ~he Woman"s C1ubB af~er which ~he Mayor appointed Councilman Burt and °the City Administra- tor as a commit~ee to meet with the Wom~an"s C~.ub for the purpose hereinbefore mentionedp and thereafter to report their findings and recommenda~tions to the Council. PISMO BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - REQUEST THAT CITY ADOPT RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING THE DEVELOPM~NT OF HIGHWAY ONE AS A SCENIC HIGHWAY IN SOUTH COUNTY AREA Mr~ Charles Andres spoke on behalf of the Chamber°s requests and after Council discussion, the City Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution supporting the development of Highway One as a Scenic Highway in the South County areaB and present same to the Council for their review and ac~ion at the next regular Council meeting. TREASURER°S REPORT The Treasurer's Report for the month of November, 1965, to- gether with the budge~ and revenue sta~ements, was received by the Council and ordered filed. DEPAR.TMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental Monthly Report for the month of November, 1965, was received by the Council and ordered filed. In this same connection~ Chief John Richardson gave the Council a resume of the recent, current and future-p~anned activities of the Police Departmenta some of which were that Sgto Bill Al~ison had just returned from a~wo weeks° supervi- sory study cour~e at the Riverside County Sh~riff°s Academr~ro and that Chief Richardson had been v,rorking with repre~entatives of other cities in San Luis Obispo County for coordination of activity and equipment and supplies in the event of an extreme disaster such as a train wreckB plane crashB flood and,/or etc. TY~e Chief also explained the workings of the ~eletype to the Council and out~ined some of the outstanding advantages to the Department for having such equipment readily available in their own Department. -1- 1~~ t ~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 14a ~965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Tlze Mayor voiced hi~ apprecia~%on ~o Chief Ric~hard~on for h~.~ presentation of the Po~ice Depar°~men~as aetivitie~ to the CounciTe RESOLUTION REPEALING PRIOR RESOLUTTONS NOSm 188 AND 240 REm SEWER HOOKUP FEES AND S~WER SE~VZCE CHARGES The City Attorney 'reac~ a relevan~ resolution in ~ts entir~ty; °the Counci~ tYien di~cussed suc~h matter~ RESOLUTION NOo 672 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC'IL, OF THE CITY OF" ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING RESOLUTION NOm 188 AND RESOLUTION NO~ 240 On motion by Councilman Bur~ta ~econcled by Councilman McNeil, and on the foTlowing roll call vote~ °to witm AYES: Councilwoman Thomp~one Councilmen Levine, McNeil a Bur~ and Mayor Woocla NOES; Nonea ABSENTv Nonea the foregoing Resolution was adopted th~s 14th day of December, 1965. RESOLUTION RE. SUPPORT TO ARMED F'ORCES IN VIET NAM After Council discussion o~ the inten~ an~ purpose of this subject mat~er~ a mo~ion was mac~e by Counc~.Lman Levinea seconded by Councilman McNeila tha~ paragraph ~ix on page one of the pre- pared and pre~ented proposed reso~utiona w~ich reads in part "THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLV~D a as deeply dividedo" be deleted in its entirety fr~om ~~he subjec~ reso~ution; motion carried. After further Council discussion, the resolution was read through the ~title by ~he Ci~ty Clerk~ af~er which a motion was made by Councilman MeNeila seconded by Councilman Burtp to dis- pense with reading the balance of said resolution9 motion unani- mously carried~ RESOLUTION NOe 673 A RESOLUTION OE° THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~XPRESSING SUPPORT AND DEVOTION TO THE MEMB~RS OF" TH~ ARMED FORCES OF THIS COUNTRY E'IGHTING IN VIET NAM On motion by Councilman Levine~ seconded by Councilman McNeila and on the followi.ng ro11 call votea to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Levine, McNeily Bur~ and Mayo~° Woodo NOES: Noney ABSENT: None, the foregoing Re~olution was adopted t~his 14~h day of December, 1965. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NOm 157 AND CREATING A NEW ZONING'DISTRICT AND AMENDING THE DISTRICT MAP HALCYON ROAD - PRO~ESSIONAL-COMMER.CIAL A ter Counci iscussion~ the subject ordinance was read through the title by the Ci~ty Clerk9 ~hereupono a motion was made by Councilman McNei1, seconded by Councilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balance of such orclinance; motion unanimously carried. 1~8 CITY COUNCIL DECEMB~R ~4a 1965 ARROYO GRAND~, CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 3 ORDINAN~~ I~O ~ 209 ORDINANC~ O~` THE C~'IPY O~' AFtROYO GRANDE 1~MEND~NG ZONING ORDINANC~ NO 9~ 5`7 A1VD CREA'I'ING A NEW ZONING DI STRT CT AND AMENDI NG 'I"HE D~ S'I'R T C`I' MAP On mo~tion by Counc~lman McNeil~ ~econc~ed by Councilman Burt9 and on ~he following ~olY cal~ vo~e~ to wi~~ AYES: Caunciltiaoman Z`~horrtp~ona Councilmen Levinea M~N~i~ ~ Bu~°~ anc~ Mayor Wooc1B NOESa None~ ABSENT; Non~a the foregoing ordinance was adopted this 14th day of Decembera 1965. RESOLUTION ABANDONING 5' OF 15o UTILITY EAS~MENT ON LOT 13~ TRACT NO. 260a on WOODLAND DRIVE - RICHARD E~m GRANTHAM Af~te~ Council discus~ionB the Ci~y At~o~n~y read a resolution in its entire~y9 RESOLUTION NOa ~74 RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CI'I°Y OF ARROYO GRANDE VACATING A POR~ION OF UTILITY EASEMENT UNDER PROVISIONS OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 5Q443, On motion by Councilv,roman 'L"hompson~ se~onded by Councilman Levine~ and on the folYowing rol~ call vote9 ~o w~~m AYES~ Counci~.wonla~i Thompson~ Councilmen Levine, McNeilo Burt and Mayor VJooclo NOES: NOri~d ABSENTo Nonea the foregoing Resolution v~ra~ adop~ec~ ~~hi~ 14th day of Decemberq 1965. FURTHER DISCUSSION PROPER ZONING IN F'RONT OF DROP BOX ON TRAFFIC WAY AT Ua SmiPOST~OFFICE The request of ~he U. S. Pos°~ Off~ce °~o elimina~e o~her- than-momentary parking in ~ront of ~the mai~ c~rop box was reviewed by the City Administrator, a~ter° which ~he presen~ed various solutions to alleviate ~he problem a~ hand. After Council discussion, the City Administrator wa~ directed to con~ac~ tlze local post office officials and ~ubmi~ our f'incling~ °~o them for their review and consideration. POPULATION E5TIMA.TE FOR '~"HE_CITY_OF ARROYO GRANDE - 1965 The City Adminis~.rator recommended that the Ci~y have a population estimate census at thi~ ~time as it ha~ proven possible by the preliminary researc~howhic~h"has already been done, that the population of the Ci~y is much larger ~han we are now receiving credit for in the allocation of S~a~e collected monies~ A motion was made by Councilman Bur~ta seconded by Councilman McNeilp that the City enter in~o an agreemen-~ wi~h ~he State Department of Finance so ~ha~, an es~.imat,ed population census may be established~ and that ~he Mayor and Ci~y Clerk be au~horized to sign for the Ci~y~ ancl also au~~ori~e ~n amoun~ not to exceed $190.00 to pay for ~the popu~a~.ion es°~irr~ate by °the S~.ate, Motion carried. _3_ ~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 14~ 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALI~ORNIA PAGE 4 REPORT BY CITY ADMINISTRA~OR RE,> HOU~~NG AND HOME FINANC~ AGENCY The Ci~y Aclmini~~ra~or a~~~~~~ Cou~ci~ of hi~ a~~endance at the Work~hop Mee~ing in San ~~~~~i~co o~ ~h~~ new agencyB and advised that through such ag~ncy an~ recen~~~ ~dopted new lawa ~he Ci~y would be en~~t~e~ ~o xnany ~uppor~~ and aid~ ~o~ planninge renewa~9 beau~ifica~io~~ 1~brarieso park~ and/or other wor~hwhile communi~y p~ojec~~e The Ci~y A~~i~ist~ator also informed the Council ~ha~ he ~a~ following ~ni~ pro~ect and its applicable phases to thi~ Ci~y ve~y c~o~e~y an~ would keep the Council current on any and al~ development~, CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN OF MAST~R PLAN OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - COUNCIL-APPROVE'D FINAL COPY A copy o~ such de~cribed elenlent of ~h~ Ma~~er Plan was presented to ~he Council ~or thei~ use an~ ~he Council d~rected tha~ a copy of such report be placed Un ~i~e. FURTHER DISCUSSION - AGREEM~NT ~OR SUPPL~MENTAL POLTCE MUTUAL AID Af~er Council ~iseussion and ln~erpre~~tion b~ the City A~torney9 ~he Council aut'ho~ized ~he Mayor ~o execu~e such agree- men~ on behalf af the Ci~y of Arroyo Gran~ea FURTHER DISCUSSION - GRA.ND AVENUE - PROPOSED CAPTTAL IMPROVEMF~TT Pu~suant ~o Counci~as direc~ion a~, ~he ~as~ regular meeting, ~ the City Adminis~ra~or presen~ed an o~eral~ verbal picture of facts and figure~ concerning ~he propoae~ formation o~ a four lane roadway on Grand Avenue from Ha~cyon Road ~8~h S~~eeta and it was brough~ out ~by t~e C~~y Administra~or ~ha~ possibly t'he S~ta~e of California e s "'Highway Stag~ Con~t~°uc'~ion" plan could be utilized. After Council cliscussiono ~~he Ci~y Administrator was direc~ed to further s~udy ~lzis ma°tter and again present his up- to-da°te f~ndings ~o ~~he Coun~~l. ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTE~ - REQUEST FOR R~PRESENTATION ON COMMITTEE BY CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ Pursuant ~to ~he le~~er of request from Mr. Ric~harc~ A, Drahn, (presen~ed at ~he Council Mee~ing of November 2~9 1965)~ and after Council discussion9 Couneilman Kennetl~ R. Levine was appointed as the City°s repr~sen~a~tive on the Zone 3 Advisory Committee to the Board of Supervisors of ~h~ San Luis Obispo County F1ood Control and Water Conservation Distric~a LOPEZ DAM PROJECT_ The Council continued i~s discussion of the various phases of the proposed projecf, v,rit`h verbal presenta~~.on offered by Mr. Robert H. Born~ Coun~y Hydraulic Engineer9 then a motion was made by Mayor Woodd seconded by Councilman MeNeila that ~he Mayor and the City Clerk be au~hori.zed ~to ~ign t;he wa~ter contx~ac=~ for Lopez Dam wa~ter~ sub~ ec~ ~o ~he final de~ermination of -our City Attorney as to forzn and substance, and ~'ha~ ~he contract be in the amoun~t of 2290 acre fee~ per yearm Mo~ion carriec~. A~so9 in this same conn~ction, a mo~ion wa~ made by Councilman McNeil9 s~conded by Councilman Levineq ~hat it be recommended to the Coun~y Board of Super~visors tha~ ~'he t~ranspor~ation facilities of ~~ie Lope~ Dam Projec~ be `held off until necessary and/or at least for a four year period of ~i.me, Mo~ion car~riedm 4- . ~.7Q CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 149 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALTFORNIA PAGE 5 RESOLUTION REJ~C'I"ING ALL BIDS ON HILLCREST DRTVE' WATER LINE AND AUTHORIZING [nTORK BY ~ORCE ACCOUN`I"~- CITY ~OFtCES The pertinen~ cle°tail s concer°ning ~Yii~ subj ec~ mat°ter ~rere revie~red by the Ci~ty Adminis~ra~or~ ancl af~er con~iderable Council cliscussion, an app~icab~e Re~o~ution was read in i~~ entire~ty by t~he City A~~orney. RESOLUTION NOa 675 A RESOLU'I°ION OF 'I'HE CITY COUNCIZ OF 'I'HE CITY OF ARROYO GFtAND~ F~NDING PROJ~C'I' CAN BE PERFORMED MORE ECONOMICALLY BY DAY LABOR 'I'HAN BY BIDS AS PRESENTED On mofion by Councilwoman Thomp~ons ~~eondecl by Councilman Burt, and on the follotnring roll caiT vo~ea to wit, AYES: Councilwoman Tlzomp~ond Councilmen Levine, McNei~a Bur~ and Mayor Wooda NOES: NoneB ABSENTv None~ the foregoing Resoluition was adop~ed ~~his 14th day of Decembere 1965. Al~oo the Council directed that an accura~,e cos~ account of materialsa labor and other applicable expens~s be kept on thi~ particular project.for subsequen~ review by ~h~ Councilm ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER LINE 'TNSTALLATION ON GARDEN AND CHERRY STREETS FROM MRSo FLORENCE BENNTNGSDORF After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeila seconded by Councilmari Bur~a that the City of Arroyo Grande accept ~he sewer line installa~ion by 1`Jlrs. Florence Benningsdorf into ~he City Sewer SystemB and that the breakdown for refunds on the sewer line ~o Mrs. Florence Benningsdorfo with a five year time limi~t placed on re~'unds, as shown on the break- down of cost titled "Prora~ion of Cost For Sewer In~tallation On Garden Street and East Cherry Avenue"~ be approved. Motion carried. (See Map) 0 ' r-x c~C. ~"V.e/~ M.H, 0000 - 0 0 0 0 ~<,c. E~r s~, o~nc~~ I ~NMC'~ d'r-INN I 1~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ u5 N ~ ~ ~ E'e a-I lYA ~ `o I PI ~ N 0 O ~ s ~ ~ ?a d- d cv vH~ ~ ~f' - S 6 S- / ~n ~ ~ - - - ~o s • a,.k h d-' PA~ ~C L ~lO, ~.N, v~-a d ~ ~n ~r '7 - - / 7 1eg ~ W , o ~ ~ ~ R, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W~ ~ o I I I I ~ I V . ~ e I ~`~Q.~ ~ I ~ I e mr~.~~ ~o, , C~ ~ G. r~ 6 u ~ ` ~ o ` ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 8 x 6 " ~ ~ ~ .e.~ ~ . ~ ~ _ ` ~.N ~Asz° cilE~/2~/ .CAe11a~° / ~S` 2 3v" , ~ ~-6zi~2~9 ~-~z~~.~~ I 171 CITY COUNCIL DEGEMBER 14a 1965 ARROYO GRAND~a CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DIS'I"RICT A brief progress repo~°t v,ras giv~n by t~he Ci~t~ Adminis°tra°tor informing °the Council tha~ all pha~e~ of con~°~ruetion wer~e progressing satisfactorily. DEVELOPMENT PLAN - TN PA.R°I'ICU~AR FOR INACCESSIBL~ PROPER'1'Y The Ci~y Admini~trator presented ~o tYie Council a propo~ed study plan w~hich could be utilizecl to as~ist deve~ope~°s ancl/or individuals in ~~he clevelopment o~ inaccessible property--~lzis for the Councilas informa~ion ancl s~udy= COMML7NITY TELEVISION SERVICE Mr. Paul Lippso 818 Parkwaya Arroyo Grande9 ve~bally pre- sented to tlze Council. the idea of relaying tlze mec~ia of television originating in the Los Angel.e~ area to A~royo G~°ande by means of proper systems anc~ equipmen~ being insta~l~c1 on"High Moun~ain" which would "boost°' the T. V. reception to ~his aream After Council discussiona °t`he City Attorney and the City Administrator were directecl to determine the p~esent sta~u~ o~ our proposed Cable T, V.9 and °~hen~ accordingly9 fur~ther d~termine the fea- sibility of Mr. Lippsfl presen~tecl plan-id~a. AATOURNMENT On mo~tion by Councilwoman Thompsona secondecl by Councilman McNeil, and unanimous~y carrieda t~he mee~ing adjourned at 9:27 P.M. ATTE ST : ~-i~ d .,~,e ~t~~' TY CLERK ~ MAYOR